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/lit/ - Literature

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13934380 No.13934380 [Reply] [Original]

How's that novel coming along?

>> No.13934683

So, so slowly. Only have about 14000 words out of an outlined 45000.

>> No.13935247

Hell yeah brother

>> No.13935259

Making progress, though. How about you?

>> No.13935735

I don't write anymore. I've realized I'm not a human being. I don't really consume any media anymore. I live through you anons.

>> No.13935744

Do you know any literary agents?

>> No.13935745

What's it about?
Can you give us a snippet?

>> No.13936036


congrats on finding yourself

>> No.13936073

oh you know, the old read/watch something and get a flash of inspiration that gets about 6 pages of exploratory writing out of me before I sit on it for a week and lose all confidence in myself to turn it into an actual novel and abandon it all together.

>> No.13936074

You're a human you're just not a person.

>> No.13936135


"How are you feeling?"
'Like a cross town country singer filling empty parking lots with her dresses.'
'What the fuck does that mean'.
The errant signal in her piece of shit coal ice cold eyes made me want to scream. The world was a lost cause of impotence. Why come here? Why? Why bother? listening to the advises of adversaries older than sin itself prodding me to decay faster than bullets split dime. Well to hell with her. I wasn't wasting anymore time here. I sodded off from that place of ilk temperamentals, architecture that collapsed at the touch. her stone cold coal eyes should be ripped out. A stupid deer looked at me. And I was not into bestiality. It happens again and again. I look and look and wait and nothing ever comes out of he dismal ocean that stares until my teeth rot out of my skull. They must be fleeing the hovel they reside in for greener pastures. They're the most worthwhile tenants in the area. Well fine then. Fine and good riddance. I don't care about your skin or your hair or the fucking dresses. I can manage. Get with some other bald animal staring at your skirt. Good day goodbye and farewell.

>> No.13936145

Finished the one I've been working on for most of the year.
Getting ready to start on a thriller, still working on the outline.

>> No.13936164

>A stupid deer looked at me. And I was not into bestiality. It happens again and again

>piece of shit coal ice cold eyes
Doesn't flow too well

But thanks for having the balls to post your book anon. Good luck

>> No.13936188

Actually its for a highschool essay

>> No.13936203

>piece of shit
>I don't care about your skin
Yeah I don't think it's a high school essay

>> No.13936206

well, I am 20 years old

>> No.13936219

Well at least your essay sounds like it was written by a highschooler

>> No.13936223

thanks. maybe ill actually pass this year

>> No.13936290

Fucking cringe

>> No.13936303

how can i improve

>> No.13936367

>how can i improve
Pass 8th grade

Or keep writing. But there's not a lot of money in literature

>> No.13936379

i need to know what i did wrong man. please.

>> No.13936406

I'm not trying to be a dick, but you said it was for a high school essay which I doubt.
What are you really trying to write?
Are you OP? Is it a book or something else?
What is your story about?
Give me more material and I'll give you a legitimate critique, good or bad.

>> No.13936417

its a highschool essay. the prompt is 'A date that doesn't go well.'

>> No.13936500

OK thanks.
Cut out the curse words and bestiality part. It will only get you in trouble
I assume this is fiction, but the writing sounds like some stereotypical "incel" behavior, which will get you in trouble along with the curse words.
For example: her stone cold coal eyes should be ripped out. The world was a lost cause of impotence
There are a lot of grammar and spelling issues which can get fixed easily through "grammarly" (you can find it online, and it's free)
"A stupid deer looked at me. And I was not into bestiality" Cut this out for sure
The conversation starts out normal and immediately delves into something dark, seemingly out of nowhere

I like the spoken-thought aspect. How you write what the brain is thinking at the time
I like how you delve into the anger
The metaphors are interesting

>> No.13936516


i wanted to make the character a kind of pretentious incel . ive turned in papers with curses before and i get mixed results. sometimes the teacher thinks its bad and marks off sometimes shes happy i turned something in at all

my friends described me as a cross between holden caulfield and james joyce. but they're also like 4 years my younger so i duno what that holds up to

>> No.13936543

Personally, I hated The Catcher in The Rye
But to each his own
Good luck with your paper anon

>> No.13936554

i haven’t written a creative story in a while, got stuck in the essay grind that was college. it killed my writing drive, even if I was good at it, and i hadn’t returned since. been a couple of years but i decided i wanted to try again very recently, due to a story idea inspired by my cousin. it’s a heist novel focused on exploring the human aspects of what drives each of the crew to the point of crime. of course it then leads to the heist itself which leads to a from dusk til dawn zstyle twist. i haven’t started but i have fleshed out a basic storyline, the 4 main characters, their ideals and motivations, so i guess that’s a start. i just don’t have much confidence in my own writing, could use tips in finding some if anons have any.

>> No.13936557

me too man. me too.

>> No.13936575

What is high-school about it?

>> No.13936616

Anon said he was 20, but was writing a high school paper. The joke was that anon wasn't too bright

>> No.13936634

Seems mean spirited.

>> No.13936643

Anon said he was 20. Only certain minorities are still in highschool at 20. Anon was lying. I was being a dick.

>> No.13936647

im not lying

>> No.13936666

Are you a latin american baseball player?

>> No.13936685

no but i am hispanic

>> No.13936712

Barely on life support. I set it aside years ago because I had important business to attend to. And now that that business is mostly settled, it's gone cold. I can't even bear to stare at the cadaver, to check to see if there is still the slightest pulse.

All the themes and purpose of the novel has remained as fresh in my mind as day one, but I've moved on to other projects that I find easier to write or worse, avoid writing at all costs.

I need to rent a room somewhere and lock myself in there to shatter the ice and get started again. Honestly it sounds like it would be a blast.

>> No.13937789

I keep getting side tracked into writing novellas. I'm producing at least, but I'm also an incredibly shitty writer. So I've fallen into the cycle of slightly improving and realizing that what I wrote for the novel is worse than what I am currently capable of and going back to writing novellas.

I'm not aiming high. I'm trying to be a shitty genre fiction writer who self publishes on Amazon.

>> No.13937796
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Are you me?

>> No.13937956

Wrote out the first draft in a month, then looked back and figured out how much it sucked before writing through it again. Doing a chapter or two a week, and that's a comfortable enough pace for me. Also having a quality writing buddy is incredible.

>> No.13937978

tell me more about it

>> No.13938253

I calculated it out and at 2,500 words a scene (which is what I'm shooting for because it's a fapfic and I want to give my readers 8-12 minutes of fappable content at a time) it's looking to be 42,500 words.

I'm doing my scene plotting, beat sheets, and sensory notes at the moment before I dive in and start writing.

I've got another work, also a fapfic, which is far more ambitious, probably more like 70-120 scenes all told. It's basically plotted but the plot is just a skeleton and the characters need work. I really want to work on it but I'm prioritising the smaller project because I feel like it's better to cut my teeth on.

This is the first time in 24 years of fucking around that I've ever felt like I actually have a clear understanding of how to go from "idea" to "finished product" and I'm motoring along at a speed I'm happy with.

I'm not super worried about timeframes because I plan to illustrate them (the fapfic is a medium which is best when expressed both textually and visually) and my art skills need years of work to really get up to par. I think in 12 to 18 months I'll be able to do simple lineart illustrations worthy of my literary skill, at which point I'll probably publish over on FurAffinity (to, no doubt, absolutely deafening and heartrending silence).

My back up plan is that I intend to become something of an artfag/writefag-in-residence over on /trash/ once my skills and work ethic pick up enough, so if I can get my short project out first as a taster and then try and build a community as I work on the long project I should be able to accrue somewhat of an audience for the long project.

The long project is something I'm fairly passionate about doing right (it's a fantasy epic in its own right, leaving aside it being an illustrated fapfic), but really the short project is more meaningful to me. I've distilled the core conflict central to my experience of life down into the characters and the story is essentially that playing out. My characters achieve a resolution that I, of course, have not yet achieved - aided somewhat by the fact that they are all one thing or the other and not the two in one head. The work itself has somewhat of a tortured theme as a result - two mutually exclusive viewpoints that both end up right by the end? Ah, but if I were capable of choosing between them I wouldn't be tortured myself.

>> No.13939203

Anyone else here not a human so you don't write

>> No.13939285

No snippet, but I'll give you an overview: It's a satirical novel about three unrelated, independent characters trying to combat the increasingly insane left-wing political movement in their country. It takes place on Pride Weekend in San Francisco and it has nine chapters, alternating between the three protagonists as they try to preach to, infiltrate, and escape (respectively) the modern LGBTQ+ community. I know how ridiculous it sounds, but it's not going to be some heavy-handed diatribe. It's going to be a satire that portrays the futility of each character's attempts to combat the progressive movement as a whole.

>> No.13939309

this is one of the worst things I have ever seen posted here lmao

>> No.13939852

Have finished about 65 pages. I'm a slow writer and a perfectionist so it'll probably never be complete. It makes me sad to think about it, but I also get enjoyment out of creating my own world in my story, so it's alright.

>> No.13939927

Nah your post beat it

>> No.13940362

paring down a 115,000+ word manuscript into something a bit more focused. Mostly revising and such.

>> No.13940441

>The errant signal in her piece of shit coal ice cold eyes made me want to scream

>> No.13940515

This thread inspired me to actually start on an idea I was tossing around in my head for awhile
I was thinking of starting it with this shitty poem I made
>Deep within the grove where no man has tread
>Grows a kingdom of the deepest red
>A kingdom known only to war and blood
>A kingdom from which none could run
>A kingdom of soldiers and slaves
>A kingdom of little fame
>For this kingdom had no name
Please rip this apart, I want to get better at writing and the only way is to confront my flaws

>> No.13941133

>my poem was so shit it killed the thread

>> No.13941167
File: 262 KB, 900x847, 5A6728AD-8BA9-4602-B7B0-6B5EF979F5F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was less shit at poetry I’d have good feedback. Feels like it lacks a point to drive at. Best I can glean is some comment on humanity’s tendency towards violence?
Just started a new one. Better concept I think. Aggressively Southern European fantasy with healthy late roman/carolingian overtones.

One point I was hoping for feedback on was this:
I want four characters in this story to be echoes of Dante’s 3 beasts from the beginning of Inferno (She Wolf, Lion, Leopard, and the Greyhound who drives out the wolf). I’ve got all but the leopard figured out. Any ideas for an interesting (ideally villainous) figure based on fraud and/or lust that hasn’t been done to death?

>> No.13941352

Your not very far from your interpertation, the idea was that the kingdom represents man's primal spirit; dominneering, inescapable, and ultimately pointless.
The main character would be a slave soldier who is sent on a suicide mission and slowly grows and builds his own ego over the course of his mission until he ultimately decides to betray the kingdom and accept death, thus rising above his base nature and gaining true freedom.
I felt like the poem was too tepid to act like a proper prologue as it doesn't really tell the reader all that much about the world. Also felt like I was a bit too heavy handed in the repetition and could have worded the whole thing in a much more intelligent manner
>Any ideas for an interesting (ideally villainous) figure based on fraud and/or lust that hasn’t been done to death?
Honestly no idea, perhaps you could try to take lust from the angle of want in general instead of sexlol?

>> No.13941455

As a prologue to a novel I agree it’s poorly formed.
I, however, would read the fuck out of that story.

>> No.13941542

You want to work on the metre my friend. Sound your lines out loud to get a feel for the rhythm.

>> No.13941593

Around 145k/??? words. Passed the one-year anniversary of when I started writing in early September. Been on a writing hiatus for over a month cause actual dayjob is slaying me.

>> No.13941634

Trying to do a techno thriller but my adult mind has lost its childhood imagination so all the action sucks. The broody prose is decent

>> No.13941659

Like shit. I get ideas, I can see scenes in my head. But I can't get them out. I can't even make a complete story out of them. Fuck, I hate this. I wish I didn't get these ideas.

>> No.13941864

Does something along these lines read better?
>Deep within the grove
>A red kingdom grows
>A kingdom of blood
>from which none could run
>a kingdom of slaves
>with so little fame
>for this kingdom had no fame

>> No.13941871


>> No.13942064


>> No.13942873

>not human
>Not on /r9k/
okay robot