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/lit/ - Literature

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13934040 No.13934040 [Reply] [Original]

What have you achieved in your twenties?

>> No.13934115

Got a bachelor's
And drivers license
A girl kissed me once too

>> No.13934122

Kissed lots of girls at school though

>> No.13934127

Got a bachelor's
Got a good job to start acquiring capital for my startup
Touched a vagina for the first time

>> No.13934134


>> No.13934139

I'm not twenty yet two. I'm 19.

>> No.13934167

So you achieved nothing. Fucking loser

>> No.13934191
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I'm still nineteen, and I've already lost my virginity!

>> No.13934246 [DELETED] 

2 full length plays
1 one act play
3 ten minute plays

Only one produced was a ten minute
Nothing published

>> No.13934273

voice of a generation tour deforce scathing ironic satirically charged pathos infused paradigm shifting socially poignant gestating slowburn enigmatic utterly hilarious deeply highly poo poo pipi jeezz creezy now youve fuckin dunnit lad we livn a society innit guv page turner intimate cacophonous summer read of the summer.

>> No.13934276

>got a degree
>been with a girl for the past 4 years who I could spend my life with
>had my first tour over the summer
>finally started making money from music
>moved out of my parent's home into my own flat
>found rewarding part-time work that pays well for when the gigs dry up
If it wasn't for the fact that I suffer from RA (which may totally fuck my career in the future but is mostly fine atm) I don't think I'd have much to complain about my life

>> No.13934281

Nothing of worth

>> No.13934324

I have some pretty decent running times, so that's pretty nice, I think.

>> No.13934422
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>got bachelor
>got a job/stable income
>became a freemason
>took up mountain climbing
>went to a lot of courses/classes to improve on subjects
>read a lot of shit I never thought I would get to
>played a shitton of nice videogames I never thought possible
>experienced a lot of places in europe and around
>visited a lot of museums and holy places to study and witness
>had a 2 year and another 4 year relationship, some odds between
>wrote a lot of poetry, publishing soon
>worked on some plays, nothing produced
>established study groups with people, one still active
>avoided social media like the plague

Not all of this was that glamorous in practice though; I also did a lot of stupid shit but at least I'm thankful for experiences that carried me over and (somewhat) changed me for the better. The challange now is to move beyond this and to give back. Otherwise I'm gonna keep rotting away

The fact that I kept journals and notes is the only thing which makes all of this still available to me. I discovered that while writing retains only parts of the truth of our lives, leaving a lot of shit unaccounted for and unreported makes them subject to our own internal process of becoming/being; forcing and thus altering them to take part into justifying what for the most of us is the excuse we have for a "self". It's odd how memories/culture is the only thing which makes humankind human

good night, sorry for blog

>> No.13934430

Kickflip and heelflip

>> No.13934535

peepee in bum

>> No.13934632


You forgot rip-roaring

>> No.13934634


I've managed not to write a book as bad this, so I take that as an achievement

>> No.13934639

i avoided joining a local book group because they were reading this and i thought that it looked like shit

>> No.13934663
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What are you trying to do with this thread, OP?
Are you just trying to make people feel bad about themselves? Why? What purpose does it serve to ask people to compare themselves to someone who is successful early on?

>> No.13934675

Fucking kill me. I honestly don't think I'm gonna last another decade

>> No.13934676

nooooooooon, rien de riennn
noooooon, je n'ai accompli rieennn

>> No.13935272

I am never going to achieve anything because I am too far behind. Wagecucking 12-14 hour days for minimum is the peak of what I am capable achieving. There is no point in thinking about it anymore.

>> No.13935282

Got a PhD

>> No.13935313

Shot up my former high school, no one knew it was me.

>> No.13935727

>did this
>would rather end up homeless than adjunctslave

>> No.13935746

The ideal situation is people feel bad about themselves and seek to remedy their shortcomings

>> No.13935775
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>flunked outta HS
>got GED
>went to uni for 3 years
>flunk outta uni
>big debt
>mooch off parents
>kicked outta parents house
>get min. wage slave labor job slinging burgers for 2 years
>live in shared housing with degenerates and low life bums
>wages garnished
>fired for indolence and plaintive attitude
>homeless for few weeks
>parents take me back outta pity
>live alone in tiny attic
>no job, no friends, no nothing
>hikki for the foreseeable future
At least I completely and thoroughly failed at life in my 20s so I wont go into my 30s with false hope.

>> No.13935783

Literally nothing. Been NEET and mentally ill for too long, slowly starting to get some minor progress though.

>> No.13935803
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I'm more proud of my assorted 4chan posts desu

>> No.13935818

what's your field?

>> No.13935834

Squatted on abandoned golf courses for a couple summers, smoking weed and drinking beer with the punx.
I did a few drugs, took a few road trips, saw and did things far out of the ordinary experience.
Rescued animals, bottle fed dozens of kittens. Had a 4 year relationship. Did a year in college, worked a lot.
Now I'm writing jokes and outlining a novel in the closing years of this era of me.
Goddamn it, I'm glad I didn't waste them.

>> No.13935858

Part of me wants to go back to my days of optimism. Where everything I did was cast in a rosy hue and I stood tall with confidence. I'd masturbate every day contently while churning out story ideas that would never cease to excite me.

I'm haunted now. I don't jerk off. I feel like I'm just living to live. I have no desire to improve, save for the faint flicker of what optimism is left. At this point I'm waiting to fizzle out.

>> No.13935865

rewrite that greentext as a 240 pg novel, get it published and reap dem sweet sweet autofiction monies

>> No.13935898

English lit / new media.

>> No.13935910

That would be your problem.

>> No.13935985

Being fucking jaded of retards like you, it is my most proud achievement.

>> No.13935998

It's good

>> No.13936006

>tfw no job openings at the poetry factory

>> No.13936030

>mfw trochaic couplets are down 300% on the nasdaq

>> No.13936049

>"For heaven's sake, publish nothing before you are thirty." - Virginia Woolf

>> No.13936196

>Was almost "married" (lived with a my ex-gf for almost three years)
>And... I'm in college now?
I guess that's it. I'm 23 btw.

>> No.13936210

1. Vanity
2. Avarice
3. Lust
Bonus: prideful of this to the point of boasting on a Japnese literature board.
Enjoy hell.

>> No.13936370

Matthew 7:1-5, schizo

>> No.13936505
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not much it seems like

>> No.13937310

Today is my birthday

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.13937799

I'm 18 and I've never driven a car, rode a bike, done any sex act, kissed a girl, had a job or paid a bill.

>> No.13937818

basically nothing.

>> No.13937923

I'm 20 now so I'm just getting started
For now i have:
1. Acquired a driving license
2. Done some menial jobs from when i was 18 till now so i have some good money saved up
3. Started going to uni a week ago and since I'm not an ameriblob I don't have to worry about debt
I still don't have a gf though

>> No.13937976

Nothing. If anything I’ve somehow moved backwards.

>> No.13937986
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>dropped out long before uni qualified
>worked tech jobs without qualifications
>worked Research jobs, prototyping
>suicidal idealization
>party hard
>2 full blown psychotic episodes that crossed a few borders

I am really curious if i will survive my twenties. I am 24 but i live life in a way that should never be replicated.

When i am manic i do things that radically change my life. I cant stop it from happening so when i was around 20 i simply decided to see where the mania would take me. Wish i stayed the course, got some mood stabilizers and a bachelor\master, but i am certain the damage of my psychosis would've been greater if i went to school. At-least i managed to quarantine my madness to some degree.

>> No.13938091

Spent 4 years in uni drinking then dropping out just before finishing. Traveled quite a bit, worked odd short term jobs or internships, some flings with women. Then been neeting for two years. I've achieved jack shit, but I mostly don't give a shit. Life's a joke, do whatever.

>> No.13938486



>Thomas Morris, a writer in Dublin, told me that his friendship with Rooney began at a university literary-society event, over a platter of Bakewell tarts. Morris said to Rooney that he’d rate the tarts an eight on a scale from one to ten. She was sure that they deserved a six. Then they started sparring over whether they were ranking the Bakewell tarts as Bakewell tarts or as food in general. “I naïvely, arrogantly thought because I was older that I would win the argument,” Morris said, at one of Rooney’s recent book events. “But you can guess how it went: Sally was right, and I was wrong. And I knew immediately that I wanted to be friends with this person who could so easily upend, and transform, my view of the world—and my ranking system for cakes.”

>> No.13938991

These people live in a fictional reality. Must be nice to be wealthy enough to be able to spend your time arguing over fucking Bakewell tarts.

>> No.13939840

I came to terms with my reality and made peace with the world. I also read some books. I also kissed a girl.