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13933184 No.13933184[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is going to be the Whiteheadian candidate to defeat Trump before he completes the system of German Idealism and commits the fallacy of misplaced concreteness?

>> No.13933209

Bernie Sanders. But he won't get nominated because the midwit population of America thinks he is too "extreme" when he is a very tame socdem in any other country and we will get Trump again because the democratic party will nominate another boomer pro-establishment centrist which will get another low voting turn out. I hate this stupid brain dead tasteless country I need to get out of here.

>> No.13933215

Trump will win.

>> No.13933232

2016 was fun but let's be honest. Voting isn't going to make any difference to anything at all. It's the plebeian release valve to keep the workers docile.

>> No.13933240

Pocahontas is gonna get the nom nom nomination.

>> No.13933260
File: 376 KB, 1686x1144, voting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everyone thought like that Trump would never have been elected. All of that magnificent Butthurt would never have been!

>> No.13933271

I supported him too but what did we get out of it? If Hillary was elected, we'd at least have the accelerationism meme. He didn't reverse anything in a meaningful way, only maintained the status quo for a bit longer.

>> No.13933291

This is the third time you Discord trannies have made this garbage thread.

>> No.13933357

the virgin vote vs the chad revolution

>> No.13933362

He is worth it for the butthurt and IRL trolling alone, but he HAS made a major difference IMO, esp considering what the Dim agenda is for us... Just ask Beta O'R.! But seriously, the Dems are so anti-White, and this last election really got them to show this, that I and many others will never, ever vote for any Dem again. Gotta vote for your demographic since everyone else is, otherwise you get screwed.

>> No.13933381

Maintaining the status quo is better than nothing, I will take it! If nothing else it means there is still hope...

>> No.13933385
File: 120 KB, 914x1024, vote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13933396

Yes, 2019 is just fine. Retard.

>> No.13933546

This image.
Did not claim it was. That was never the point. I detect garlic, postmodernism and an attempt to get people to vote Dimocrank, or to at least stop voting...

>> No.13933552

Trump winning was the best thing possible that could have happened for the advancement of neoliberal world hegemony. They were aimless, and Trump was the exact kind of villain they needed, to rally against and to revitalize themselves.

>> No.13933555
File: 887 KB, 740x642, virgin vs chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13933564

Voting doesn't do shit. Democracy just means slowly conceding ground to the left and never gaining any in return. It's literally pointless.

>> No.13933578

I’m sorry, when did I click on POL, last time I checked this board was supposed to be about literature

>> No.13933594

No, Trump was a symptom of their decline, and a focus that revealed their true colours to the normies. Trump has pushed them to the point where their hatred of America in general and White People in particular has been made clear even to those who do not want to believe it. Many of these latter are in denial about it but the facts are clear and form a hintegedunken which cause anxiety and for many will eventually metamorpise into a red pill...

>> No.13933609

Leave the /pol/ bubble for a few hours and talk to people outside.
Nobody has been "redpilled" and you aren't winning.

>> No.13933637

Before 2016, none of my "leftist" friends gave a single fuck about politics. Now they hate the right and everything it stands for. And everyone in the office has Trump Derangement Syndrome.

>> No.13933657

It's true that the hysteria caused by his mere presence has further polemicized the public, which is good. On the other hand, Trump hasn't built the wall or drained the swamp, he's spent most of his time fellating Israel.

So while we can say that voting has some significance, it is obvious that this significance it is far less than what is purported.

Anways, don't fall in to the either/or trap. You can cast what you think is the strategic vote and still participate in anti-establishment activities.

>> No.13933689

The widespread rise of populism in the west (even if still incipient) would seem to contradict you. It is undeniable that the hysterical response to Trump (haha white supremacist -- if only) has polarized many previously apolitical people.

>> No.13933695

The widespread but impotent rise of populism.

>> No.13933702

Accelerationism is retarded in most cases. It can be a good strategy in very specific circumstances which are not at all fulfilled in the current USA.

>> No.13933715

>But he won't get nominated because the midwit population of America thinks he is too "extreme" when he is a very tame socdem in any other country
Hard agree, except that this is a good thing Because there's Nothing worse than a moderate socdem.

>> No.13933744

>it is obvious that this significance it is far less than what is purported.
Most people comically overestimate the actual powers of the president. By far his strongest powers is nominating other people like the federal supreme court judges. Even the memes about presidents starting war is dumb as fuck. Yes, wars aren't voted in congress anymore, but they are decided by the bureaucracy of the state and army departments. Trump is actually more involved than usual in how publicly skeptical he was about regime changing random shitholes.
Voting does make a difference but you have to look at voting in all kind of smaller elections too.
Even then voting has limits. The current apparatus in the west is such that the essential part of the state is made of public worker bureaucrats that don't change with elections (except perhaps a figurehead like the director of the CIA).

>> No.13933753

If you think Trump is doing something so philosophically profound you are sorely mistaken. He's not completing any "system" and he's incapable of comprehending abstractions. He contains no hidden depth. A life in the public eye has made his surface his only substance, how he appears is how he is. There may be honesty in that but no profundity.

>> No.13933765

And truly that is what his base likes about him. He is an honest liar. Unlike Clinton, unlike Biden. He lies of course, all politicians lie. But he does it with a wink and a nudge. He does so with such boldness and transparency that it is almost as if to render the tool of political lies useless and defunct.