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13932286 No.13932286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13932316


>> No.13932338


>> No.13932346


Depends what you mean by racist. If you mean, less realistic, then just go drink cummies. If you mean, less immediately contemptuous of foreign cultures in their proper settings, and the value of foreign cultures, I would recommend a collection of essays from Nikolai Trubetzkoy called 'The Legacy of Genghis Khan'. He makes a good case for the diversity of humanity being its lifeblood, that the existence of entirely varied and opposed peoples is a good thing.

>> No.13932362

It doesn't work like that. All humans have racial in-group preference worked into their biology. That's like you asking us how you can stop defecating because you find it icky, so you hold your shit in until you die of a hemorrhoid.

Just be open to people in general and when you meet a darkie who is pretty chill, and shares your interests, be chill with them. You will always have those biases about groups and average individuals (cause those biases are right and based in fact), but on a person-to-person basis, you won't love your black friend any less.

Then again, if I ever catch you not-voting for the party in your country that wants to defend white people, nigga imma start screaming. Imma start screaming. Your ass is grass, homie. They're gonna call me Rourke's Ridge II, when I come to drop you. *flexes a cep* You watch yourself homedog, these are Basque genetics right here. You ever seen a Basque lift a bale of hay? You ever seen a Basque hulk lift a tractor? I swear dog, I'm coming for that ass. I'll deadlift you into the next life.

>> No.13932363

Racism is irrational because it takes an arbitrary characteristic such as skin colour and uses it to make judgements about a persons character. Yes, blacks are dumber on average than whites, and whites are dumber on average than yellows, but that tells you nothing about an individual black person, who could be a genius, or white person, who could be a dumb chav, or yellow person, who could just be average. This is why /pol/acks on this board are so dumb when they cite the average IQ of blacks when making a judgement on an individual black author: the average IQ of blacks has NOTHING to do with the merit of the individual black author.

>> No.13932381

I'm a /pol/ack, and I mostly criticize black media for either being degenerate, or entirely based off some Marxist-Hegelian victim-complex hatred of the white man.

Both of those strains have nothing of value to offer me about the human spirit.

I do however like one black author who writes poetry about the Dagon mythos. Love that lovecraftian pseudo-sci-fi ish.

Now stop importing millions of sub-saharan africans into white countries, you commie, or I'll start citing the average IQs per african country.

>> No.13932383

Making categories is irrational because it takes an arbitrary characteristics such as feathers or scales and uses them to make judgements about animals. Yes fishes generally can swim and birds can fly, but that tells you nothing about hens which cannot fly or flying fishes that can actually both swim and fly. This is why you should only think in terms of individuals and never make any categories that way you will never be able to think about anything since everything is always different in some way. Being a birdhas NOTHING to do about to ability to fly and fishes can actually fly too.

>> No.13932388

You're one of those I'm-so-smart-that-I'm-retarded kinda people, aren't you?

>> No.13932404

That’s not the argument I’m making. You’re taking something that is integral to birds and fish with very little variance and trying to draw an analogy based on that. This would work if I was saying something like “you can’t say blacks have dark skin because of albinos”, but I’m not. What I’m saying is that the average IQ of a racial group tells you nothing about individuals belonging to that group because there is so much variance in the groups. Even the Bell Curve makes it clear multiple times that there is more variance within races than there is between races.

>> No.13932462

You are trying to argue that there is not enough connection bet, even the different characteristics.
This is very disingenuous considering people use categories and associations that are incomparably looser than that and no one bats an eye. For instance, treating differently people of age 25 and of age 40, it based on their professions.
Besides, your comment only relates to some specific sort of the bizarro polnigger iq kind. Most 'racisms' are not of this type.