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13932257 No.13932257 [Reply] [Original]

which is superior?

>> No.13932270
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asoiaf isn't finish and it's culminations is supposed to be in winds so who knows.

>> No.13932415

I haven't read a wheel of time. Is it any good? I'm asking since I see it often being compared to asoiaf.

>> No.13932467

wondering this aswell

>> No.13932550

It's simply too long for its own good and that joke about Jordan being paid by the page exists for a reason. You could excise about 60% of the series and miss nothing.

>> No.13932573


>extremely good first 5 books
>Slightly less long

>> No.13932584

Wheel of Time, among with Hitchhiker guide is literally Eddit: The book.

>> No.13932633

>making people read through gardens of the moon
good luck

>> No.13932827

B-but I liked hitchhikers guide, its not an amazing work of literature but at least worth reading once

>> No.13932831

Absolute truth desu

>> No.13932848

What’s wrong with Gardens? I loved it and it got me hooked on the series

>> No.13932886

its an acquired taste, and pretty weak compared to deadhouse gates (probably one of the best high fantasy novels ever) through chains.

Also it seems to be built for an accompanying card game that never came out.

>> No.13932935

Huh, I guess I’m a pleb because I found much of Deadhouse Gates way more boring.

>> No.13932953

its xenophon meets the martyrdom of hussein at karbala with great set piece battles and interesting mythological takes, i thought it was pretty fantastic

>> No.13933100

The Malazan book of the fallen m8.

>> No.13933867

First 5 books of Malazan > ASOIAF >>> Last 5 Books of Malazan >>>>> Wheel of Time

>> No.13933947

Likely the three shittiest fantasy "epics" in existence that still sees praise.

>> No.13934552

A Song of Ice and Fire because I actually read the books and I'll never make it through Wheel of Time.

>> No.13934572
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Hmmmm. One will never be completed, and the other was way too long and then had to be finished by Brandon Fuckin' Sanderson.

>> No.13934654

Just depends on what you're looking for.
If you want classy fantasy where the plot takes a back seat and is very slowly progressed indirectly over plenty of books through political squabbling, read Wheel of Time.
If you want low-brow-tier fantasy where everything you want and don't want slaps you across the face like you're twelve, but things happen very quickly, read ASoIaF.

Wheel of Time is nicely written but it can be difficult to stay focused and care when you're jumping between long chapters of characters you've only met a handful of times.
ASoIaF is written bluntly with zero attempt at eloquent prose, almost Brent Weeks quality, but the story and characters are intriguing enough to maintain interest.

>> No.13935257
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>What’s wrong with Gardens?

It's too much at once. Most readers want to be slowly eased into things. Also, GotM is made for re-reads once you're couple of books in and have a grasp on things.

>> No.13935792

Terrible writer. I still don't understand how anyone could like his trash.

>> No.13935801

The first 4 books are good, many people including myself start to lose interest after those.

>> No.13935802
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You really need to read TWOT just to realize how bad it actually is.

Believe meI did

>> No.13935810

This is also what happened to me. And believe me when I say that we're not alone. He keeps writing the same shit over and over again. I felt like I was leveling through vanilla World of Warcraft. Nothing happens until the end of each book. Everything feels cheesy and predictable. The characters are bland and insufferable.

>> No.13935824

It’s better as a radio play
It’s not as great as many people think but at least it has the decency not to overstay it’s welcome like wheel of time

>> No.13936331

This is the correct answer. Anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong

>> No.13936348

A Song of Ice and Fire. It's fun pulp that has cool instances of being inspired by Shakespeare/Dickens/History. Only read two books of Wheel of Time but it felt like Tolkien mixed with an irritating /tg/ game.

>> No.13936408

Weeks is better than WoT.

>> No.13936453

He writes shit and good chapters in a completely erratic fashion

>> No.13936792

Cherrypick me an eloquent sounding passage of prose from a Brent Weeks book

>> No.13936943

Only brainlets feel lost reading Gardens of the Moon, they are probably the same retards that say that Dune is confusing

>> No.13937522

It's weird because these same people profess to loving ASoI&F despite it also dumping you in the sea of names, titles and events. As if including more fantastical elements somehow changes the formula for them.

>> No.13938757
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I couldn't even get past the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire, if you want something better read The Drenai Saga by David Gemmell and The Black Company by Glen Cook.

>> No.13938791

The First Law and the other books set in the same universe
at the very least, it is a complete trilogy with 3 novels and a short story collection with another trilogy on the way(first book is already out, and the two others are around 80% already, according to the author)

>> No.13939803

Well I just read Eye of time. What can I say it is LOTR rip off but fun to read and with lots of potential for the next books in series.

>> No.13939843

Same here, I read the first book and the first half of the second and holy shit I couldn’t continue, it was so fucking boring.

>> No.13939973

I wouldn't wish the First Law on my worst enemy. I'd rather be forced to read everything Brandon Sanderson has ever written, and shall write, continuously and repeatedly for the rest of my life, than read one chapter of Abercrombie.

>> No.13940080

I'm currently in the middle of the 11th book and I can say I love it with one caveat. It's a fantastic story, unbeaten by any other fantasy as far as I can tell, but you HAVE to listen to the audiobook. The deliver by Late Reading and Michael Kramer is legendary and it's the only reasonable way to consume 14 books that are each the size of the LotR trilogy

>> No.13940097

there's nothing wrong with it, though
and Abercrombie is a cool dude

>> No.13940148

Erickson's prose is way more difficult than GRRM, and he is always playing games with time and history.

>> No.13940155

The Heroes is great tho

>> No.13940165

Where do I begin with Malazan?

>> No.13940829

With the first book
Publication order

>> No.13941354

It doesn't go anywhere. It's the most meandering series with glacial plot advancement. The best character sucks his gums every other page, and the second best is an Incredible Hulk insert. That's ALL that ever happens.

>> No.13941409

I read Wheel of Time a long time ago when I had a much higher tolerance for bullshit fantasy and I still found myself skimming over large portions of it

Earlier this year I started reading a fantasy novel called SCOURGE OF THE BETRAYER from the BLOODSOUNDER'S ARC trilogy and the first character name that pops up is CAPTAIN KILLCOIN and I just laughed and didn't even finish the paragraph before I removed from my Kindle

>> No.13941423


Dude, that makes "bullshit fantasy" look like the epitome of literature