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File: 683 KB, 645x1114, A1EA7992-980C-4936-A2E5-3F5AED04D574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13931268 No.13931268 [Reply] [Original]

There was a huge debate about dog obsession among soimen and normies in general, and this guy was making many of the anons on /tv/ seethe hard. Was he right?

>> No.13931277

I don't read shit that's 50% buzzwords

>> No.13931289
File: 138 KB, 828x852, toxic masculinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. If you try to train a dog in the old way you will constantly be attacked by all the people expecting that they and you just treat the dog like a baby.
Those dogs are unhappy though. A dog needs to at least do something like work to be fulfilled.
t. dog trainer with a 12 year old dog who still runs an hour or two every day

>> No.13931301

This is a right person with a low IQ, based retard

>> No.13931306

What buzzwords?

The thread was more about soimen valuing the lives of dogs over humans


>> No.13931310

I can’t take someone who uses “lmao”, seriously

>> No.13931311

I see that shit in Japan everyday, people walking around with expensive dogs in strollers. They make me sick.

>> No.13931321

Well, that's where you see it most don't you? The vast difference between a working dog and a cuck who treats their dog like their child/master suggests something deep has been lost in our relation to animals and ourselves.
When you're reduced to being a performer for your pet can existence get any worse?

>> No.13931328


>> No.13931331
File: 173 KB, 665x718, 0F81A6DA-5A29-4261-B58B-4ADD2395D6F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People aren’t rewarded for having kids so they stop having kids. Oh wow, I’m shook.

>> No.13931333

Couldn't agree more, besides calling the west, "white".

I'm not from pol, I just don't see a reason to group people by phenotypes when it only makes sense to group people by behavior.

>> No.13931345

I assume this is you and you're really proud of your histrionic rant, fuck off back to /tv/ and shitpost about feet and little girls

>> No.13931353

It’s not my rant and I thought it would be an interesting philosophical discussion about the role of pets in a persons life. There’s no other board to do that but /lit/. I actually find that the /tv/ anons are some of the smartest on the whole site but I’m not allowed to discuss this topic there, otherwise I would go back.

>> No.13931358

that pic is supremely redpilled and based

dogs are fucked disgusting and even though I dont believe in the retard concept of rights its animal abuse to keep a dog in your house if you dont own a farm where the dog can run and roam freely.

>> No.13931360

because phenotype is an expression of their genetic makeup and genetics to a great degree determines behavior

>> No.13931367

Solid observation. On the bright side, having man's best friend substitute human companionship will probably make the owner more responsible and empathetic and therefore more capable of eventually attaining a human companion - especially compared to man's other best friend, alcohol.

>> No.13931379

yes. Thier has been a sort of disassociation and recontextualization of dogs place in society

>> No.13931383
File: 199 KB, 1080x1652, Screenshot_20190630-175855-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids are the reward tho

>> No.13931397

Ah, so you haven't thought about these subjects for long. Oh well.

>> No.13931401

>REE You shouldn't enjoy fiction
>REE You shouldn't smoke weed
>REE You shouldn't drink
>REE You shouldn't have pets
>REE Listen to ME
Fuck off, loser.

>> No.13931412
File: 126 KB, 396x467, not an argument cool edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13931464
File: 236 KB, 1242x1042, D9F09C17-E780-45D7-A8B5-335139D9BC06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’ve had an experience which reinforces the notion of having kids is a reward, you will want to have kids. As it stands, most people despise family life enough that they have no care to partake in it. There is no good reason why you should be concerned with the survival of your culture, and if your culture has not convinced you that there is, so much the worse for you culture.

>> No.13931529

>he doesn't know that humans are pathetically non diverse because of a bottleneck 100,000 years ago

>> No.13931555

He's right about society being soul-less. People just don't love each other. Adults marry someone they don't love, give birth to a child, divorce the spouse they never loved, then they shove an ipad into the crying baby's hands just to get the child to shut up. Even from adult-to-adult exchanges it's awful. You can't be honest to anyone. Show any amount of sincerity and you'll be relentlessly mocked and shamed. Even on 4chan, show any sincere emotion and you'll be shit on. The only sincere emotions that are accepted are anger and hatred. Physical contact and eye contact are even becoming taboo these days. I don't see how people can see all this happening and just accept it.
Anyway, saged. This post is off-topic and we need more room for on-topic posts.

>> No.13931574

I'm going to add that what the screencap described is exactly why I like animals more than humans. From my experience, humans are totally soul-less. Humans are sad, disgusting and pathetic. Humans aren't enjoyable to interact with. Humans always have all this shit wrong with their heads and all these dissatisfactions and all these pointless criticisms pointed at me. A dog or a cat will just look at me and be grateful for being pet. Animals are thousands of times more enjoyable friends than people are.

>> No.13931633

Dogs are good and a reasonable argument can be made along several different lines that "white people" have an especially close affinity with them.

Using them as child surrogates -- which is extremely common and becoming more common -- is however extremely bad and if you accept the argument about white people and dogs is degenerate in the literal sense of the word.

Fortunately I can read old books and understand that it's quite possible to live in a world where one values dogs and finds satisfaction in their company while also forming a family, raising children, etc.

>> No.13931644

>read old books

>> No.13931650

Entirely based opinion
I don't see how people can even keep dogs in the house; it's filthy

>> No.13931663

>The birthrate of any group that travels to the West literally plummets

Funny, it's almost like there's a housing crisis and medical crisis and nobody can afford to have a family while Robber Barons 2.0 is happening.

>> No.13931668

> A dog or a cat will just look at me and be grateful for being pet
they’re grateful you give them undying attention and food

>> No.13931693

Strays animals are sometimes grateful simply with being pet and nothing else. You can give the world to someone and most people still wouldn't be grateful.

>> No.13931700

I can give a human many things, either material or immaterial, and they will still find something to be dissatisfied about. Animals are not like this.

>> No.13931758

It shouldn't astonish me that a 4chan user would have an autistic outburst over pets, and yet it does.

>> No.13931787

It's true but it's an uninteresting, obvious kind of true.

>> No.13931797

In a sense yes, people who treat their dogs as children are retarded. But he does not appear to be any less retarded than the people he critiques.

>> No.13931816

More like they set out in life expecting to have a number of casual relationships before "falling in love" and getting married because of those ephemeral tingles.

>> No.13931822

What country are you even talking about retard?

>> No.13931829

This is not true

>> No.13931856

Yes, but It doesn't apply only to white

>> No.13931876

>l'mayooooo bruh cuh yall
he's not wrong but i don't care
and there's more to it than that

>> No.13931903

From my experience it is. I've tried hard, and tried with many different types of people and nobody appreciates what I do for them. I do everything they ask and more and they still find things to complain about. I've been a pushover in the past and that hasn't work. I stopped being a pushover, and it hasn't changed anything. Animals are pleased with just basic companionship while humans always want more and are never satisfied.
If your experience differs from mine, then what do you do that people appreciate you for? How do they show their appreciation? I acknowledge that we are born into different families and different cultures, so our experiences aren't comparable 1 to 1, I'm just wondering how your experience differs from mine.

>> No.13931962

He is absolutely right.

Yes, you soi-drenched piece of shit: