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13930473 No.13930473 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read if I want information on objectivity and subjectivity in music/art?

>> No.13930511
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Either/Or and the Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Hint: you don't want objectivity.

>> No.13930520

>Hint: you don't want objectivity.

>> No.13930573

Do you want to be an object or a subject? You can't be affected by art, faith, etc., without becoming involved with them essentially, or by relating to them in an essential relation; but this relationship is necessarily a relationship between the specific individual qua subject and its object, and can in no way exist for all people in general objectively. To relate to something only objectively is no relation at all.

>> No.13930588

What the fuck are you talking about I just want to learn to btfo fantano and tell him his opinions are wrong

>> No.13930590

>Do you want to be an object or a subject?
Don't really care which one I am desu

>> No.13930597

That's not what objectivity means.

>> No.13930615

We all know what beauty is. Stop consuming junk food and you'll know what good taste really is.

no need to hear opinions.

>> No.13930620

Anthony doesn’t read so you’re already at a great start

>> No.13930634

Checked. Then you ought to consider the category of the esthetic, but you asked about objectivity and subjectivity.
The objective is that which is independent of the subject. Of course I speak glibly in asking whether anon wants to be an object or a subject.

>> No.13930638

why are you trying to divine a golden ratio of objective to subjective? understand the fucking art first.

>> No.13930658

I'll take some reccs on that too if you have any

>> No.13930665
File: 41 KB, 445x658, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an actual rec. Sorry you have to deal with so many anons misunderstanding the objective/subjective divide. I'm assuming you want to learn how to know whether a piece fits the objective criteria for merit vs your own initial subjective reaction to it

>> No.13930734

Got a link? Doesn't seem to be on libgen

>> No.13930762

read the russians for an objective take on art

>> No.13930770


>> No.13930773

You'll know good music when you see it, unless you have bad taste

>> No.13930775


HAHAHAHAHAH, the power of the cogwheel in your head couldn’t bring you to the word hear?

>> No.13930884

Tolstoy's dismissal of beauty over sincerity is an interesting take on aesthetics, check out his book "what is art?" he lays out an idea of art that is as radical as his spirituality.

>> No.13931505


>> No.13931642

>objectivity in music
there is no such thing

>> No.13931666

Scruton's book on music is good

>> No.13931788


>> No.13932694

last bumpo

>> No.13932877

just listen to more music