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13930399 No.13930399 [Reply] [Original]

“Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities. The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes. The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”

I think I speak for a lot of people here who frankly never really cared about money. Of course we care to live decently, but to live in the luxury’s of life? It never really crossed my mind, like why not work to be wealthy? I’ve been making a lot of money recently and I can’t describe to you how good it feels to have ALOT of your own money to pay the bills, wear new clothes, drive a foreign car, live in the top community. There is no feeling like having the respect of your family, going on vacations, buy gifts, parking valet, hair cut and massage, handing out big tips, giving to charity, etc. of course chasing money for money’s sake, or chasing money for the status, yes that’s ridiculous. There is a large voice today marching us to the sound of cash registers and epileptic music but there is also a sophisticated voice stopping us today with the polemics of yesteryears solutions to the problems of the world. The solutions today are much different and I don’t see why the most educated (/lit/ obviously) shouldn’t have a lot of their own money. Literate people should be paid by the government to stay smart but until that happens I say get rich. Drive in your new car to the office of a renowned publisher ready to pay the first installments of your new leather bound book that will be distributed to all the major books stores across the country. Pay for the flights to take you to the readings, the interviews. Write what you want in your new apartment with hardwoods floors and LG appliances. Watch The Last Emperor on a 80inch with Dolby surround sound as you grub through Benihana left overs in some wool padded loafers. Or chill in your insulated wooden cabin on 50 acres, whatever.

“Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities. The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes. The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”

>> No.13930414

how did you make a lot of money?

>> No.13930429

Worked harder and smarter

>> No.13930433

This entire post was an LG ad all along

>> No.13930443
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>> No.13930593

Be born into a family with preexisting wealth and connections. If you are a nobody with a shitty credit score, you're basically screwed. Best thing you can do is study medicine. Conventional high paying careers like finance won't like you if you aren't fairly well off from the start.

>> No.13930741

You can come from wealth and still be lazy about your own money

>> No.13930832
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honestly, after reading it i WAS thinking to myself "hmmm i guess LG is apparently the high end appliance option. what do i have? i can't fucking remember but i know its not LG. damn"
do i really care though? not really. i mean, maybe it would be nice to hage LG appliances, maybe it would be nice to do laundry and not have everything end up wrinkled to hell, maybe it would be nice to cook on a flame instead of a fucking heated up coil of metal (how the fuck is this in any way human?), maybe it would be nice to not have to hand rinse my dishes after they go through the dishwasher because they still end up with food and soap scum on them, i don't know. thats the thing is that i just don't know, and i just don't care enough to find out if i really would appreciate LG appliances or not. maybe i would get them and still end up lying awake at night thinking about what it would be like to have a friend or what it would be like to want to wake up tomorrow morning, i don't know. maybe LG appliances would fix all that.

>> No.13930932

Been thinking about how much more experienced I'd be if i had money.
I'd be able to do and try whatever I want whenever I wanted.
I might even actually find something I'm passionate about.
But alas, I'm a poor loser. No car to go anywhere, no house of my own, no money to indulge in hobbies aside of which I can do for free.

Been reading up on keeping chickens the past couple of days. I'd want 6 chickens so I can have about 5 eggs a day. Been reading up on black soldier flies too. Very amazing creatures, the larva are extremely efficient and eat virtually anything. You keep them in a bin, put a ramp and they larva will crawl out of the bin and into a bucket when they're full and ready to undergo their metamorphosis into flies. So assuming you set up the bin correctly, they xwill automatically breed and refill and automatically even harvest themselves. All you have to do is thow some organic scraps in there every day. Theres so much more I could say about them too, they are really amazing. Anyway they are extremely efficent they are 42% protien and you can feed them to chickens. I was curious as to if you could potentially feed chickens virtually for free using them. But every study with chickens eating them that I saw didn't have the chicken mainly eat them. It was all stuff like 8% larva and 92% feed diets. That's not useful.

All this doesnt matter much anyway, I dont have a yard to keep chickens or a giant trough of fly maggots. I dont money to buy or build a coop anyway. I don't even have my own home.

I also would like to get a motorcycle. Looks fun. There is a lot to would like to try but it will have to wait until I am rich, which will probably never come. I want to fly a plane too. 9k just to get a pilots license though? Hahaha. Honestly is there any point to life if you're not rich? My grandma has been saying lately if God offered her to come back she wouldn't take it if it she didn't come back born into money. Well with how expensive the cancer treatments were thats understandable to say for sure. But I feel like it applies overall, even if you're not being pressed for cash at the moment. Being poor sucks all the time. I just want to be free.

>> No.13930949

>talks about LG appliances
>posts picture of samsung washing machine
can't you tell one korean megacorp from another

>> No.13930970

maggots are cool,
but wouldn't you rather have some LG appliances?

>> No.13931022

Both would be nice.
I went to a career fair a month and a half ago. I ended up not being able to get a ride back home for a while, because no.one would pick up. Just another trial caused by not having a car. Anyway while I was waiting I hung around a furniture store for a while. Had some nice washing machines there. I dont think I saw any LG machines but lots of whirlpool.

Anyway we had a washing machine. It was old fashioned no fancy computer stuff just a push pull mechanical machine. Lasted like 25 years. Got a new one. Fancy low water washer thing. Nowhere near as fancy as OP but it was new. Anyway, a year or two in the thing stops working. It just restarts from the beginning instead of stopping. So it always wastes water when you set it. My uncle aint having that so he just goes to the laundromat and washes. If I were rich I could have just bought a new machine. I could just keep buying more. If I were rich.

>> No.13931035

>Anyway we had a washing machine. It was old fashioned no fancy computer stuff just a push pull mechanical machine. Lasted like 25 years. Got a new one. Fancy low water washer thing. Nowhere near as fancy as OP but it was new. Anyway, a year or two in the thing stops working. It just restarts from the beginning instead of stopping. So it always wastes water when you set it. My uncle aint having that so he just goes to the laundromat and washes. If I were rich I could have just bought a new machine. I could just keep buying more. If I were rich.
this is like a lost excerpt from john steinbeck. like cannery row or grapes of wrath maybe

>> No.13931048

whirlpools are shit, son. get yourself an LG.

>> No.13931056

all korean appliances have obsolescence built in

>> No.13931059

Reading is for fags and everyone who reads should be killed

>> No.13931115
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>> No.13931162


Are you trying your hardest to be rich?

If not, are you trying your hardest to find an affordable pursuit?

If not, are you trying your hardest to enjoy the pursuits you do have?

I enjoy philosophy, it doesn't cost much. I also like other things, and they always cost more than I have currently, but I'm on an upward trajectory.

>> No.13931222

>Are you trying your hardest to be rich?
Probably not

>If not, are you trying your hardest to find an affordable pursuit?
No, I've already tried everything I think I would have liked. All that's left is money stuff

>If not, are you trying your hardest to enjoy the pursuits you do have?

>> No.13931236

Should I write a book

>> No.13931300

I feel more enriched with knowledge and skills than money. But I know having more money than you ever had feels good, I felt that going from welfare into a decent job. Right now I can afford everything that I truly want except for my own property. And yeah, I have to be a bit more careful with how I spend it than a rich person. I would like to make more money but I'm not willing to do it through grinding harder at my job. I've seen how other people get rich so I won't settle for anything other than my own business or something actually worth working hard for as per my own values.