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/lit/ - Literature

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13930241 No.13930241 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best non-fiction book you've read?

>> No.13930248

The Bible

>> No.13930251

The Quran

>> No.13930256

Witness by Whittaker Chambers

>> No.13930257


>> No.13930259

The Urantia papers

>> No.13930260

>reading autobiography

>> No.13930265
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this I guess
I haven't read much non fiction

>> No.13930271

what, non-fiction aren't books?

>> No.13930295

I’ve literally never finished a non-fiction book. I lose interest before i make it halfway

>> No.13930298

>person who has no idea whats going on in the world and only knows obscure passages about meaningless shit

>> No.13930347

no non-fiction book should be more than a 100 pages. Too much rambling for too less lessons/messages

>> No.13930349

I don't read non-fiction.

>> No.13930430

Non-fiction can be read for pleasure too, not just an info dump.
Like Plutarch -- 1400 pages (lives) and not a single one superfluous

>> No.13930453

The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog

>> No.13930465

which translation? thanks.

>> No.13930470

The Dryden translation is a classic in its own right

>> No.13930474

Depends on the category.


>> No.13930483

The two volume modern library edition. All the others I've seen (Oxford, penguin) have the Greek and Roman lives separated, which takes away from Plutarch's intention. I don't even know where they would put the comparison parts.

>> No.13930547

fine book

>> No.13930606

There's something off about this photo.

If you look in her eyes, you can see the reflection of a very bright and sunny day as well as the camera man. But the light reflecting off of her is refracted off of something dull.

seems like a photo op, rather than a candid photo.

>> No.13930626

Of course it was staged
Everything that ends up widely distributed by the media is staged

>> No.13930639

>Never taken a perfect photo

>> No.13931472

>empliing i reed

>> No.13931497
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Gladwell stands out at me when I think non-fiction. Dude can write the shit out of a persuasive essay. Outliers was better than Blink so that I guess

>> No.13931597

He’s creepy

>> No.13931618

Our Oriental Heritage by Will Durant

>> No.13932661


>> No.13932711

Butterfly, you are a disgusting tranny. Please off yourself.

>> No.13932724

Churchill's Biography of Marlborough

>> No.13932758

H is for Hawk, Poor People, Blood Horses, anything Solnit writes

>> No.13932778


It's the famous 'Afghan Girl' (Sharbat Hula), taken by Steve McCurry in the 80's. Look it up.

>> No.13932794

first volume of Capital

>> No.13932834

America's Best-Paid Fairy-Tale Writer seems like an accurate label. His topics are attractive but since he skimps out on the reasoning his work don't seem all that persuasive.

>> No.13932884

The Holy Bible

>> No.13932896

I really liked Stefan Zweig's Fouche.

But he is often regarded as a fiction biographer and historians seem to hate him.

>> No.13932950

Simulacra & Simulation
Also, anything by Mark Fisher

>I haven't read much non fiction
That is obvious, yes

>> No.13933121
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>> No.13933127

Butterfly, I like you but you should know not to respond to bait

>> No.13933131
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Not a massive history buff but damn this is fascinating

>> No.13933225

what is it men and war books?

>> No.13933268
File: 101 KB, 856x1172, Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French Revolution: A History by Thomas Carlyle

>> No.13933301

Same as women and fashion.

It's our social conditioning.

>> No.13933446


>> No.13933466

Probably gonna catch some shit for this but Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain.

>> No.13933479
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>> No.13933484

I like football
And porn
And books about war

>> No.13933549

A History of the Ancient World by Susan Wise Bauer

>> No.13933635

men just secretly want to die in a war because it beats dying of boredom

>> No.13933722

she is so hoe when it comes to this topic KEK

>> No.13933828

Thanks for the tips. I'll go research more and report back.

>> No.13933841

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men by James Agee & Walker Evans.

>> No.13933921

Why is that picture so disturbing?

>> No.13934926 [DELETED] 

I've written about 10 novels and 700 textbooks/history books philosophy books in my life.
So that's like asking what's my favorite book.

>> No.13934935

Because she looks like an animal and also you know she's living is shit conditions.

Like a lot of those women in "sandy areas", she looked like 55 with 30. Don't google her looks a few years later.

>>13930241 (OP)
I've read about 10 novels and 700 textbooks/history books philosophy books in my life.
So that's like asking what's my favorite book.

>> No.13935068

what's your favorite book?

>> No.13935071

won't say, as /lit/ won't like or understand it :^)

>> No.13935231

Say it you coward. Imagine caring about opinions on some chinese cartoon imageboard

>> No.13935248

The Making of Modern Japan by Marius B. Jansen. Would read about japanese roads again.

>> No.13935447

your sister's diary

>> No.13935515

idk about all time but TR Fehrenbach's <This Kind of War> is the best non-fiction I've read in several years. Fehrenbach understood exactly why American empire and democracy together lead to military tragedies. The history of the Korean War is transmuted into insights into the nature of all human undertakings.

>crickets chirping

based, I'm gonna check this out

>> No.13935890

got exposed for being a pseud when he was on bill simmon's podacst.

>> No.13935908

do everybody a favor and do an hero

>> No.13936045
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>> No.13936053
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Motivation and Personality by Abraham Maslow

>> No.13936121
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based. Check this out, its not as intentionally obscuring as a lot of the french post-modernists it draws its influences from but has a great real world reference to power and tech

>> No.13936128

Also Sprach Zoraster

>> No.13936154

>There's something off about this photo.
She's like 13 in this image, go look up her as an adult, turns into some kind of hag-monster straight out of Shakespeare's Tempest.

>> No.13936278

>turns into some kind of hag-monster

years of living in Afghanistan with an abusive husband will do that to you. There's no need for mockery

>> No.13936322

Yes there is, a large part of this image was published is because she looks beautiful despite clear wildness and desperation. It's the most basic of manipulation, I'd bet it never would have seen the light of day if her eyes were brown.

>> No.13936324

what is your favorite by Solnit?

>> No.13936334

large part of why*

And who the fuck feels the need to defend some middle eastern witch's honor, if Afghanistan sucks so much she should leave. Of course there's a reason it sucks and that will follow her and her likely brood of at least a dozen.

>> No.13936391
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thats easier said than done anon. Its not like the photo threw her into fame, she hadn't even seen the original until she was like 37 or something

>> No.13936602
File: 258 KB, 1696x2560, 21-Lessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /lit/ shits on pop non-fiction but I just started reading last year and would like to get some entry level recommendations. What would you suggest?

>> No.13936729

la regne de la quantite et les signes des tepms

>> No.13936738
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wow i didn't butterfly was an enlightened atheist! it's great to see more online role models introduce atheism to our youth.

>> No.13936740
File: 59 KB, 800x420, 56B8D2A2-6574-4E5D-A5D9-3B49DC5B9A2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s that (You) you ordered, sir or madam.

>> No.13936784
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>> No.13936869

"What Is Life?" by Schroedinger. It's a really quick read too.

>> No.13936897
File: 34 KB, 292x450, 2725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you call yourself /lit/ at all you're doing yourself a disservice by not reading this collection of essays. By all means skip the political essays if you're that uncomfortable in reading a worldview that may not jive with your own, but the literary essays in here approach the absolute pinnacle of that form of writing. Nothing before compares, often too topical or opaque, and certainly nothing afterwards as they always read much too academic and ideological. All the qualities of 19th century writing imbued with a completely unique early 20th century strain of thought