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File: 69 KB, 426x576, Indian Boyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13929346 No.13929346 [Reply] [Original]

Necessary skills to survive for a hypothetically infinite period of time in the wilderness? Related literate and links? I've read Into the Wild and Walden, the first guy failed pretty fucking bad, but Thoreau made a good go of it, although he wasn't entirely alone and ventured into town often. How did they do it? Like how did the Indians do it? They literally had nothing? What would I need to know, and how would I go about knowing, how to provide food, clothing, shelter, and (relative) comfort, in the absolute wild? How would one begin?

>> No.13929370

Get >>>/out/

>> No.13929375

already went there the brainlets dont read they just sit in the wilderness and get high

>> No.13929380

You need: Food, Water, Fire and Shelter.

Learn how to make fire with nothing but what you find in the world, learn how to make a shelter, how to find and purify water and how to hunt and forage for food. Start with the basics, test your knowledge in nature, then build on it.

>> No.13929389

books? Can't get more vague than "make fire," "find food," "construct shelter," and "purify water," like christ there must be dozens of different ways to do each of those things.

>> No.13929433


But you won't actually do it, you're clearly too lazy to actually educate yourself. Read all the books you want, it won't make you not a lazy little coward.

>> No.13929503
File: 12 KB, 350x296, AlfieHoldingANews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you think you know how to educate yourself? You told me to go to fucking youtube. You goddamn brainlet

>> No.13929518

How do you think hunter gatherers taught their children? By showing them and getting them to try it themselves.

Youtube is superior to books in this regard, it's just better. You sound like a moron by the way, I can tell from how you write. I can also tell you'll never spend even 5 minutes on any survival skills, you just want to larp.

>> No.13929779
File: 7 KB, 114x125, GetALOAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youtube is superior to books in any regard
t. Brainlet

>> No.13929807

Ok retard, go read a book on how to make a fire while I sit here with a 3 minute video and make one before you even finish Chapter 1.

>> No.13929897
File: 149 KB, 803x995, 1560425166340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically talking to yourself

Long periods of isolation dwindle your vocabulary and that in turn reduces your range of thought. If you would hypothetically spend your whole life in the wilderness, day in and day out focusing on preparations for the following day without allotting time to focus on mental development and speech (for reasons above) you're pretty much fucked as a civilized man. And even then, no matter how hard you try to preserve your knowledge, your intellect, the time will take its toll.

Your personality, your ego are not immutable. The thing that you can truly preserve are, perhaps, only your core beliefs. The rest can be taken away from you by force of man or nature. And that is fucking scary. So you'd better be off thinking how you can avoid getting stranded at the first place, the rest will come by itself.

>> No.13930489


I don't get your point, they sound based as fuck to me.