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File: 164 KB, 2000x1333, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13924915 No.13924915 [Reply] [Original]

was he right?

>> No.13924933


>> No.13924940

please elaborate

>> No.13924945

What a fucking idiotic question, right? Right about what specifically?, because you’ve read his entire work I’m assuming

>> No.13924954
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being a pedophilic jew like his father and his grandson, of course

>> No.13924960

Right regarding his most commonly known theories, such as the oedipal complex, view on dream interpretation, the ego/id/superego tripartite structure of the mind and the division of mind into conscious and subconscious.

>> No.13924984
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>> No.13924987

He was proactively debunked by Deleuze and Guattari

>> No.13925000

Jung did it better

>> No.13925005

Dream analysis method. Crowd psychology. Death drive isn't exactly correct but it points to something very real. Civilization and it's discontents is a cocaine hangover in book form but it's surprisingly persuasive. Don't fall for that meme

>> No.13925007

Peterson did it better

>> No.13925012

Freud was a pioneering neurologist before he became a psychologist. He attempted, but abandoned, a project to mathematically map brain functions.

In terms of the value of psychoanalysis, scientifically speaking its a mixed bag. He borrowed from a certain pessimistic German philosophical tradition and applied a scientific gloss to it, but some of it is far fetched to say the least. Oedipus complex? Give me a break. Nobody wants to fuck their mother. If they do that puts them at the extreme end of probability.

>> No.13925020

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.13925024

Made me laugh, thanks anon.

>> No.13925033

Lacan did it better but unironically

>> No.13925038
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>Nobody wants to fuck their mother
Imagine being this guy

>> No.13925045

>Nobody wants to fuck their mother
haha yeah that'd be pretty gross haha

>> No.13925111

Pretty good. He also was able to correctly identify an unconscious mechanism or processes in the brain that we’re outside of our forefront conscious awareness. This was shown through dream analysis where patients would dream of something they’d thought they’d never seen, and then see that same dream “thing” in real life one day. An example is a guy who dreamt of a sign, didn’t realize it was real, and saw it one day driving to work.

Although, I do entirely disagree with the premise that their is a multi-leveled brain process occurring. Strictly speaking, the brain works as one continuous unit. Conscious/subconscious/unconscious is a myth and placeholder for what we previously did not understand about brain processes.

>> No.13925227

Freud and psychoanalysis as such have been deceived by scientists as a bump on a bump. Science being the first bigger host bump of the small and insignificant smaller bump. If you take psychoanalysis to be true, you are obliged to think the very opposite. That’s the meaning of its significance. That’s what it is doing.

>> No.13926391

Freud's conclusions are pretty retarded, but the foundations he laid out and the general framework of psychoanalysis is based. You should read Jung.

>> No.13926821

I'm planning to. What works to I start with?

>> No.13926829

He was right about everything.
The tranny status quo just didn't like him because some of the stuff he said was politically incorrect.
t.guy who watches incest porn

>> No.13926896

>Nobody wants to fuck their mother.

What does it mean when you like motherly women but you don't want to fuck your own mother?

>> No.13927892

don't know desu desu, just starting my self I'm reading the essential jung or something, collected works and essays compiled into a book

>> No.13927954

You're a beta and mentally immature

>> No.13927976

>What does it mean when you like motherly women but you don't want to fuck your own mother?
Assuming that your own mother helps inform what 'motherly' means to you, it means Freud was right

>> No.13927984

Wasn't Freud dead by 2007

>> No.13928340
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>Nobody wants to fuck their mother
oh anon, if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.13928805

Grandson, presumably

Was my plan. I wanted into Liber Novus but I figure starting with schizo ramblings isn't the best.

>> No.13930286

Jung was right

>> No.13930318

again, proved that jungians are retarded

>> No.13930336

I have brought up Freud in a joking manner at parties since everyone is so dismissive, but I actually kinda like his ideas.

I only have a surface level understanding, but when there is dead air I ask: so what Freudian complex do you guys? Usually gets a laugh, and you can choose autisically dig into it if you want
I have a serious castration complex btw

>> No.13931417

Not scientific method.

>> No.13931454

Just fyi Freud was not the first person to theorize about the subconscious.

>> No.13932333
File: 402 KB, 557x557, 011825C9-F543-49E7-AEDE-A130884E21D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he brings up Freud at parties
Either you're an autist or you got parties I wanna go to.


>> No.13932456

What do you mean by the destrudo pointing to something real?

>> No.13933222

>such as the oedipal complex
probably mostly wrong
>view on dream interpretation
probably mostly wrong
>the ego/id/superego tripartite structure of the mind
> the division of mind into conscious and subconscious

there you go

>> No.13933338

I'm borderline autistic, but if you bring it up in a light hearted manner like my post described people find it funny/playful. I'm 25 and hang with some interesting people but nothing unusual

>> No.13933344

Ur fine, it’s a funny joke. don’t worry about that projecting anon

>> No.13933351

how do i fulfill my suppressed my oedipal complex? i really want to cuck my dad

>> No.13933353

Thanks fren

>> No.13933355 [DELETED] 

But I unironically what to fuck my own mother

>> No.13933410

the fuck is a motherly woman? A woman who takes care of you?

>> No.13933417

The unconscious mind was a new idea.

>> No.13933418

Think being spooned by a woman

>> No.13933442


>> No.13933898


>> No.13934479

His theories aren't *that* solid but denying that the dude had a point is having no grip on reality
People who rant about freud being wrong on everything's only argument is "wtf dude i don't want to fuck my mom bro that's sick", sort of implying that the oedipal complex is supposed to show off as a conscient desire
Fucking brainlets
Btw I'm not even a firm supporter of him because I do believe that the "curing mental illnesses by just talking" is pure trash but still the man made great points when theorizing about human sexuality

>> No.13935034

god I wish

>> No.13935205

The man made up everything by generalizing his own experiences to everyone else while tripping on cocaine. The only times he was ever right was due to pure luck because of the sheer quantity of bullshit he spouted.
The idea of subconscious and repressed memories is predicated entirely on the fallacious belief that memory is some perfect snapshot stored in the mind. The fact is that declarative memory is reconstructive, hilariously inaccurate, and requires conscious by its very definition.
Freud's dream interpretations are some serious voodoo fuckery that no current psychologist takes seriously.
All he could ever do was pin any issue on childhood sexual abuse that somehow happened to everyone but that no one remembered. Then he decided that since he had a dick, that must mean everyone intrinsically desires the same. Completely ignoring Oedipus stuff, the most damaging (to society in general) and lasting effects of his theories were related to sexuality, partially because sexuality is still so understudied that proof of Freud's idiocy hasn't made it into popular opinion.
His best prank was memeing the US government into trying LSD to create sleeper agents with dissociative identities.

In summary, imagine being so retarded that you don't believe thought originates from animal spirits being converted in the ventricles.

>> No.13935225


>> No.13935237

Anyone else seeing a Mongoloid-Uralic side to him here? Makes me wonder about his phenes