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/lit/ - Literature

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13924134 No.13924134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>of all the words of tongue and pen the saddest are these "/lit/ was right again"

Look this fool

>> No.13924141

Some days I wonder if we fought for the wrong side in WW2

>> No.13924146

I'm convinced I'm reading this wrong. They would rather erase Homer from the world than the fucking Nazis? I'm at a fucking loss, I have to be reading this wrong.

>> No.13924147

You fought for the wrong side in the Cold War, actually

>> No.13924161

This phenomenon wouldn't exist without the Cold War in the first place, since modern idpol has its roots in an American pivot to outflank the Soviet Union to the left in some sense.

>> No.13924168


>> No.13924178

the French Revolution is where it all went wrong.

>> No.13924192

Genius grant bb.

>> No.13924212

It was with the reformation, actually.

>> No.13924409

>respecting of traditions and capable of creating a stable society

>> No.13924513

>overdue for revolution and death
i'd bet 100 dollars that this twitterist can't even lift an axe, much less swing it

>> No.13924527
File: 50 KB, 400x386, 1457371253129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking sophomoric cunt made half a million dollars for releasing a childish translation of a book that has been translated into English alone 800 times

What can we even do when the entire cultural and intellectual stage of our post-national non-countries is completely dominated by these nepotistic jews and their useful idiots? Every day it's another Emily Wilson waving her flabby kosher clit in your face and getting a big jewish paycheck for doing it

>> No.13924566

Why would you even translate something you so obviously hate?

>> No.13924567

maybe im just more alienated than you but I don't care at all what our literary culture is doing. All the classics are still right there to read

>> No.13924568

Plot twist, without Homer the Nazis wouldn't have existed.

>> No.13924578
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1525328068783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it confused me as well, but this is what i've deduced:
>sententiae antiquae is opining that if he was forced to either erase the historical record of the third reich (not the actual events as they happened, just the memory of them) or the texts of homer, he would rather erase the iliad and the odyssey from our cannon than forget about the "crimes" of the nazis, as i'm sure he would call them.
>i came to think that this "man" was probably so butthurt about the existence of the nazis, that he is one of those people who says things like "we must never forget [about muh 6 gorillion roller coaster riders]"
>i also came to think that he surely must be a jew
>now you have the response of emily wilson, who is the author of a new "translation" of the odyssey (or the iliad i can't remember) which is filled with absolute bullshit, for example she translated a verse where some QWEEN calls odysseus "Mr. Foreignor" and chastises him for not allowing muslim refugees in his land, while he himself ends up a refugee (or something retarded like this, basically she shoehorns in modern politics)
>i honestly have no idea what her response is even saying other than the fact that it affirms the previous post, because it is so horribly phrased

>> No.13924580

Hypotheticals as rhetoric are gay and retarded and dont do or mean anything.

>> No.13924590


Is she saying classics is overdue for a revolution?

>> No.13924593

>if given the choice to erase Homer or erase Nazis, I would not preserve Homer
What the fuck? Either this retard is saying he'd prefer a world without Homer to one without Nazis, or he can't write a basic English sentence.

>> No.13924599

Are they saying Homer and the works of classical antiquity are more damaging than Nazis? What about Homer is uniquely damaging? I don’t get it, it’s not like the Greeks are the origin of patriarchal societies, Confucianism was IMO far more patriarchal.

>> No.13924605

okay i think that she was actually saying that the entire concept of "classics," or the canon, is "a modern institution/ideological construct" which she wants to destroy. what the fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.13924640


Tell us of some of the other things she translated wrong.

>> No.13924645


What a great time for me to choose classics as a career. I just want to look at vases and statues in peace.

>> No.13924660

>vases and statues
you'll probably be fine. It's harder to identify vases as symbols of white male oppression.

>> No.13924687

I by far prefer violent destruction to gradual and
and rational euthanasia of mankind managerial shitlibs and leftists seem to want.

>> No.13924688


Don't tempt them.

>> No.13924709
File: 319 KB, 1200x1200, homer-9342775-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all his studying of the classics, he doesn't seem to understand basic English grammar. If you read his post carefully, he clearly says he would KEEP Nazis.

Here are the choices he gives:
1. Erase Homer.
2. Erase Nazis.

He then says he would not preserve Homer, which means he would erase Homer, which means he would choose to erase Homer instead of erasing Nazis, given his two choices!

Man, it baffles how fucking stupid these people are, how they can't even make an argument in favor of something without completely fucking it up, how all their attempts to sound clever result in sophistic, illogical nonsense because they can't even keep track of their own terms.

Unless... he is based. :o

>> No.13924721
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20191002_20_23_00_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, the vases were a symbol of epic girl power!

>> No.13924722

No, I just think he was too stupid to realize he said the opposite of what he wanted to say.

>> No.13924733
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>tfw ancient crete was a femdom paradise

>> No.13925434
File: 254 KB, 1280x697, nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Nietzsche

>> No.13925473

>Erase the greatest poem of all time
>Erase this irrelevant group of people who you won’t even think about in 10 years

>> No.13925480

Shit, didn’t mean to reply to you. My bad.

>> No.13926237

If it wasnt for that pesky bronze age collapse...

>> No.13926418

no you dont

>> No.13926490
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1541662222461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is completely unaware of how any of this works, follow the money.

>> No.13926502

It it wasn't for that first step out of the trees and onto the savannas...

>> No.13926511
File: 104 KB, 768x768, 1556616368298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clown world brah. bloom gave up and he is a published academic. shit's on fire, let it burn and collapse.

>> No.13926585

Indeed we fought the wrong side. Germans and us should have kept our respective autism concerning influence in Eastern Europe contained, remained allies, and massacre the Anglojew empires.

>> No.13928144


>> No.13928155

Frankly nazism would have degenerated into a conservative regime once the founding elite had died off in the 1970s, there is no way to uphold totalitarianism over such a prolonged period.

>> No.13928162

>made half a million dollars
Source me on that

>> No.13928192

She wrote a recently "highly acclaimed" translation of Homer. She is swinging the axe.

>> No.13928209

Deconstruction is best done from within. Protip: if you think that Rip Van Winkle is childish tripe then you already have the ring in your nose.

>> No.13928235

this, dude
Let it burn

>> No.13928244

She just won the MacArthur Genius Grant last week or something, just google it yourself this is public info...

>> No.13928245

Homer is literally Hitler.

>> No.13928257

No, she has a jewish establishment wielding it for her and rewarding her behavior, you're just being projected an image of her doing it herself.

>> No.13928266

>bloom gave up
>thinking that his withdrawal was not manifestly part of the plan

>> No.13928267

You aren't reading it wrong. That's the way it reads.

>> No.13928278

>you're just being projected an image of her doing it herself
>thinking that I do not already know this
Every pawn plays its part.

>> No.13928293 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13928317

What are you talking about? Wilson’s translation is great; second only to Pope’s.

>> No.13928333 [SPOILER] 
File: 249 KB, 1783x955, 1570127048246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13928337

Retard or bait

>> No.13928344

I’m serious. If you dismiss it just because she’s a woman you’re the ideological one. The translation is good.

>> No.13928349 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 419x448, 1570127320956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is my ww2 vet great grandfather with his phillipino great grandchildren. i always think of this pic when i see that one get posted

>> No.13928355



>> No.13928382

who is this based AI man?

>> No.13928383

My dude soren.
What's this from?

>> No.13928773

>twitter drama
fucking zoomers

>> No.13928864

Someone remind him of the 6 gorillion

>> No.13928984

The correct side is to fight for Poland and only for Poland. Never stop until all rightful clay is reclaimed.

born to drink
world is a kurwa
kill em all 11/11/18
jestem pierogi mężczyznami
498,927,850,129 dead ruskis

>> No.13929982

what happened?

>> No.13930040 [DELETED] 

When will they be happy?
When no one reads Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics anymore?

>> No.13930058

When will SJWs be happy?
When no one reads Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics anymore?

>> No.13930192

A translation which skips on a third of the book can hardly be called good anon

>> No.13930382

when their persecution complex is fulfilled
or when federalés stop gaslighting them (unlikely)
both sides of this are just expressions of suicidality

>> No.13930975

When white people go extinct.

>> No.13931019

God I wish we never left the oceans...

>> No.13931217

never. they'll go their entire lives without a shred of happiness, and then when they die and go to hell, they'll end up even more unhappy than before. fuck em.

>> No.13931263

The only people who wonder this are those who do not know about generalplan ost.
Or people who just really fucking hate Slavs, I guess.

>> No.13931297

What's wrong with you? The idea that canons are shit for various reasons, including the fact that they are inevitably curated by the babbling of whatever cultural mass is currently in power, is not a new one nor a fringe one.

>> No.13931723

I mean, you guys would do the same right? Given that you don't actually read, and that you're nazis. No? ;-)

>> No.13932099

>When will SJWs be happy?
Never. No worldview of militant struggle ever leads to happiness no matter how worldly powerful they get.
They don't search for happiness but fight against unhappiness (in their minds). At the absolute best they can hope for inexistence.

>> No.13932108

Non entity.

>> No.13933239

Imagine being this wehraboo.

>> No.13933261

By that point everything was already fucked, you'd have to go back and stop monarchies from slowly slitting their wrists with democratic reform.

>> No.13933437
File: 59 KB, 441x539, 1546029573670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything went wrong since this nigger fucked it up

>> No.13933481

>The correct side is to fight for Poland and only for Poland.

lol they can go to hell

>> No.13933768
File: 20 KB, 320x320, IMG_7214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misspelled /pol/.

>> No.13933783

>Avignonese Papacy
French autism costed us all so much..

>> No.13933804

Islam is right about women and we should emulate them.

>> No.13933850

>Why would you even translate something you so obviously hate?

Status. It's all about the status.

>> No.13933936
File: 157 KB, 1200x900, EF0xGXQWoAE4o2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note the following

>> No.13933951

I wonder if the philosophy of Ms. Wilson, and others of her ilk, would have even been tolerated by the Nazi party? Or, would they have been sorted out as weak and unbecoming of an Aryan, unworthy of the noble warrior spirit as depicted by Homer, and expected from an Aryan.

>> No.13933962

Just side with the chinks.
They may be inhuman bugmen who want to enslaves us but at least they'll fuck those subhumans over harder.

>> No.13934005

>Ancient Cretans become matriarchal cucks
>Ancient Cretans get murderraped by random Mycenaean bums who won't suffer the thot to leave the brothel
Checks out.

>> No.13934053

Clown world never disappoints!

>> No.13934197

Literally nothing wrong with this. Did they erase the old names? No. They added new ones, symbolically standing on the shoulders of the old greats. If you think that a canon should forever be limited to a certain amount of people/works that we now call influential, then you are the idiot and frankly do not belong on a forum for the discussion of literature.

>> No.13934260

>Did they erase the old names?
