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1392317 No.1392317 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not sure if this is more /lit/ or /tv/, but I need some movies that are simply retellings/heavily based on classic lit. For example:
The Lion King - Hamlet
Easy A - Scarlet Letter

>> No.1392322

The Lion King is NOT Hamlet.

>> No.1392329

It is.

10 things I hate about you - Taming of the Shrew
Westside story - Romeo and Juliet
Independence day - War of the Worlds
My Fair Lady - Pygmalion

>> No.1392331

10 Things I hate about You - The Taming of the Shrew

Hamlet for 6 year olds. I had a high school English teacher who would show Lion King as he was teaching Hamlet.

>> No.1392334

I don't see Simba killing himself.

>> No.1392343

I don't see the girl killing herself at the end of Westside Story either, but it's still R&J.

>> No.1392344

I doubt it's really based on it, but Little Miss Sunshine has some similarities to As I Lay Dying. Some.

>> No.1392353

O Brother Where Art Thou - The Odyssey

>> No.1392358

Black Swan - The Double - Dostoevsky

>> No.1392395

Even if it wasn't based on it:
Avatar - Pocahontas

>> No.1392399

Queen Margo is a French movie that tells the story of The Massacre at Paris by Christopher Marlowe. (Basically.) Though it's more based on the same historical event, not the play...

>> No.1392405

Fight Club - Fight Club

>> No.1392410

The Warriors - Anabasis (Xenophon)

>> No.1392416

Saying the Lion King is a retelling of Hamlet is to give Shakespeare credit for inventing the concept of a brother usurping royal power through murder. Its a much older archetype.

>> No.1392418

It's like saying that Eragon's base on Star Wars.

>> No.1392420

Ha ha ha.
Wrath of Khan takes elements from Tale of Two Cities

>> No.1392421


Shakespeare invented brotherhood, bro.

>> No.1392423

Except the original intention was to copy the story of Hamlet.

>> No.1392425

Cruel intentions - Les liaisons dangereuses
Ten Things I Hate About You - The Taming of the Shrew
Strange Brew - Hamlet

>> No.1392429

Nah, it was to copy Kimba the White Lion.

I'm sure that was Bromance of the 3 Kingdoms.
Or the Bible, when Cain lovingly smashes Abel's head in.

>> No.1392440

Clueless - Emma

>> No.1392442

Kurosawa's 'Ran' - King Lear

>> No.1392444


>> No.1392448

Tears were shed when Guan Yu died in the Dynasty Warriors.

>> No.1392458

That may have been the intention, but if so they didn't do a very good job.

>> No.1392465

This. It's pretty well documented that The Lion King is supposed to be a loose retelling of Hamlet.

>> No.1392494

The Faculty - The Puppetmasters
Forbidden Planet - The Tempest

>> No.1392500

AI is Pinnochio

>> No.1392516
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Little Shop of Horrors is a very loose adaptation of The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus.

Apparently, so is the movie "Click." Christopher Walken as Mephistopheles makes me happy.

>> No.1392518

Oh hey, does House count? It's a show but it's based on Sherlock Holmes.