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File: 1.51 MB, 1200x1200, masculinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13922903 No.13922903 [Reply] [Original]

What can I read to learn more about masculinity? There's definitely a crisis of masculinity today, but its major advocates don't help. For instance, Jordan Peterson is a dandy loser who blames his colleagues, lies about legislation he can't understand, and spends half his time wanking off about a bunch of cringey postmodern-sounding shit, like every time he brings up Jung. I don't want that kind of crap.

It seems someone like Adorno, who saw the degeneration of culture and wanted to preserve high arts, is a much better target. But I'm no expert. Help me /lit/, what's the masculinity core literature?

>> No.13922912

Your Dad.
If you don't have a Dad then your Grandpa or Uncle, hell even older cousin might work.

Why would you need a book about how to be a man? A songbird wouldn't read on how to sing.

>> No.13922924

Do you want novels or essays recommendations?
Most of essays I've read about masculinity were shit tho

>> No.13922939

Read the Iliad.

>> No.13922953

>read Iliad
Lol chad agamenon took virgin achilles' girl and he fucking cried about it

>> No.13922958

Julius Evola

>> No.13922969

I know you're just memeing but whole of the Iliad is about masculinity, including its faults. The Odyssey is about man's place in the world. And best of all, these works are untainted by the modern world and the perversion of man. Homer is exactly what OP needs.

>> No.13922979

Anything. I'll accept it all.

>> No.13923005

Agree. The modern man is a limited and false man, hardened in some areas which makes him no better than the soi boy. He perhaps even created him.
Look up the Roman virtues.

>> No.13923012

OP, this is the best answer you are going to get. Seriously, read it if you have not.

>> No.13923027

Just read socrate's Last Days, it's 4 dialogues by Plato and everything you would ever need to know to be a man.

>> No.13923061

What is masculinity?

>> No.13923071


>> No.13923086

Don't take advice on masculinity from alcoholics who committed suicide.

>> No.13923103

Wanting to "be a man" and wanting to understand masculinity are different things.

>> No.13923135

If you need to learn how to be a man then you'll never become one

>> No.13923161

Start by weightlifting. Not only does this give you the body of a real man, it affects you mentally. Due to increased T levels, you'll begin to have a different perspective on everything. I would recommend heading over to /fit/ and joining a local gym, they can tell you what to look for in a good gym.

>> No.13923272

My best novel reco would be the crew by Joseph kessel, beautiful picturing of brotherhood and heroism
Then Cizia Zyke, Oro. Different style. It's a true story about a man I would consider to be the epitome of brute masculinity

>> No.13923292

Most men become men by imitating their fathers or some other male authority figure. It isn't immediately obvious what you're supposed to do if that influence isn't present.

>> No.13923338

Masculinity = good
Femininity = bad


>> No.13923345

if you're a guy, if you're a woman the reverse is true

>> No.13923406
File: 32 KB, 220x330, 220px-Iron_John.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best non-fiction book about masculinity that is not a self-help book.

>> No.13923411

if you are looking for interesting views on masculinity try Yukio Mishima if you want something conservative and bell hooks' all abou love if you want to read about masculinity from a perspective of what love means in a family setting. remember, we are defined by our social interactions.

>> No.13923421

Yukio Mishima was the gayest of gays

>> No.13923575

Paulo Coelho

>> No.13923578

KK, I actually have the Iliad but haven't read it. Will start this evening.

Thank you all. I'm compiling these into a personal list.

>> No.13923626

>takes it up the ass then commits suicide

>> No.13923642

depth psychology and mythology/religion
anthropology and sociology

>> No.13923678

if you like Jungian Psych, I'd recommend Moore's "King, warrior, magician, lover"

if not, Nietzsche's Zarathustra and Evola's "Ride the Tiger".

there was a book that dealt with the evolutionary basis of masculinity, I remember the cover had some skeletons dressed as soldiers

>> No.13923680


I don't know about you but there's not way in hell I could ever take it up the ass or commit suicide. Takes a man with serious balls to do that. Not chickenshits like us, anon.

>> No.13923739
File: 108 KB, 1334x750, EF4m1AaXUAQtSD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Evola, Mishima (gay != not masculine you smooth brained fucks), and various books on Zoroastrianism (some in Kurdish/Persian, but mostly English). Zoroastrianism was the one that surprised me the most, as the old religion (not the one practised by Parsis today) was very war-like. Maybe I shouldn't equate masculinity with war-like, but so what faggots. Any way it makes sense, since it seems that the shift from proto Indo-Iranian religion towards Zoroastrianism started as a result of chariot chads becoming dominant in society (Indra was huge at the time, and later on the Amesha Spenta for the heavens eventually turned into a blacksmith one for warfare etc).

Ok well thank you for reading my diary, if you want specific recommendations I'd recommend Sun and Steel by Mishima, The Sound of Waves by Mishima (this is one of my favourites, HIGHLY recommended, wish I read it earlier), Patriotism by Mishima, Bronze Age Mindset by BAP, Ride the Tiger by Evola and start weightlifting as soon as possible. The only thing you will regret when you start lifting weights is that you didn't start earlier.

Picture not related, just my ancestors on a patrol.

>> No.13923809

Isn't weightlifting intrinsically decadent? You're doing extra work as a leisure activity, often for personal vanity.

>> No.13923821
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>Isn't weightlifting intrinsically decadent? You're doing extra work as a leisure activity, often for personal vanity.

>> No.13923825

Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa

>> No.13923838

>Getting heathier, improving yourself -> vanity
Absolute state of /lit/

>> No.13923847

These. Start lifting weights. It will be even more powerful than anything you can read.

Not moving your body that was made to move is even more decadent. Weight lifting is a substitute for real work that we aren't able to do because we are stuck in this rat cage.

>> No.13923852

Hunger, Storm of Steel (Post WWII Edition)
Van Creveld, Transformation of War and The Privileged Sex
Bukowski, On Woman
Hemmingway, The old man and the sea
McCarthy, The Road

Don't read psychologists or the French, because if you've met either of them you'll know they have nothing to teach you about masculinity

>> No.13923854

your muscles are there to be used not to just sit on your ass

>> No.13923862
File: 29 KB, 444x495, sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post WWII Edition
Why? The Post WW2 edition was made "pussified", for a lack of a better term, no?

>> No.13923868

Jung is way smarter than Peterstein, it's a shame you normies first hear about him like this. Do start with the Greeks tho.

>> No.13923875

Evola and BAP are fucking memes. Ride the Tiger is an obscenely shit and overemotional boom that should only be read as academic supplement to N.

A good rule of thumb for books about masculinty is wether or not a farmer would think you're a faggot after reading a page of the book to him.

I'd like to add The earth abides. Please dismiss all overemotional C O P E books by other anons. Controlled temper is masculine

>> No.13923877

none of my bros ever said they train for health or self-improvement tho. it's always about the puss or being a street thug.

>> No.13923883

>Not moving your body that was made to move is even more decadent. Weight lifting is a substitute for real work that we aren't able to do because we are stuck in this rat cage.
I suppose that's a reasonable stance.

>> No.13923899

Sturm und drang is an admirable quality present in young men looking for a right of passage. The post WWII edition eximplifies aristrocatic detachment, a quality present in senior command and executive power. This last virtue is the only male virtue left in modernity, and is also discussed in depth in Nic. Ethics and by the Greeks in general

For the first virtue Beowulf is a fun read.

>> No.13923914

What is femininity?

>> No.13923942

Maybe being a healthy young male means developing an obsession with getting some puss. I mean, really, shouldn't that be a core instinct of a healthy species? To reproduce?

>> No.13923973


>> No.13923984

What the fuck does one thing have to do with the other?

>> No.13924032

Do you admire any man? Look into him and copy what works, discard what doesn't. That's how we did it before books.

>> No.13924035

In today's world? Not really. I want to transcend most of the men I see around me.

>> No.13924039

fair enough but they all get dumb around the puss. hardly an improvement.

>> No.13924045

If you judged them inadequate, surely you have some standard to measure them by. Go follow that.

>> No.13924065

I'm having Nietzsche's problem. Far too many negations, not enough affirmations. I'm trying to figure out who I want to be, not who I don't.

I guess I can sit down right now and try to piece together who I want to be. It's just not easy.

>> No.13924071
File: 197 KB, 785x731, 1560221448246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came back to the thread to post
>Isn't weightlifting intrinsically decadent? You're doing extra work as a leisure activity, often for personal vanity.
again. What an absurdly pathetic take, lmao

>> No.13924081

Hemingway was basically an eloquent bilzeran
Was he "manly" ? Yes
But his manly attributes could be argued to be a cope for his problems
Although we can all learn from Hemingway, one should not look for masculine virtue in a soul who was ultimately defeated by life because masculine virtue is about overcoming the pains of life.
But you could argue that his welt was ultimately the cause so I'm only really arguing that in general you should look at people who commit suicide with care. Another suicide itt is mishima, here for example I would, hypocritically perhaps, say that his suicide was in his mind a sort of warped final victory over death instead of a way out. This is actually an interesting topic desu and I'm just spitballing here so I might revise my thinking if any anons want to give their feedback
Can someone who commits suicide be a masculine lodestar?

>> No.13924094

All dead.

>> No.13924111

Imagine coming back to thread to waste everyone's time again.

>> No.13924118

>For instance, Jordan Peterson is a dandy loser who blames his colleagues, lies about legislation he can't understand, and spends half his time wanking off about a bunch of cringey postmodern-sounding shit, like every time he brings up Jung

Stop being a petty retard on 4chan trying to impress other médiocres peoples and you'll be on a good way.

>> No.13924123

Does suicide really imply the person's entire perspective must be bunk? Seems interesting but I don't see it.

>> No.13924125

Doing hard things is admirable, anon.

>> No.13924132

Came back one LAST time to tell everyone I am currently fucking >>13924111's mother :)

>> No.13924136

Idk I'm rethinking it, I'm trying to get into the head of someone who decides to kill themselves. All suicides are individual but there must be a common denominator. And if their perspective is archetypically "masculine" I can't help but think that suicide is the complete antithesis to masculinity
But maybe we just have to define masculinity first

>> No.13924194

not him but
>I'm trying to get into the head of someone who decides to kill themselves.
reading that made me try as well, and I realized that despite my pointless and suffocating existence, I still trudge on, hoping that something in the future will justify it. I've long since stopped feeling like living, but this undefined hope sustains me. I have no particular idea what it might be, and none of the things on my horizon seem to be it, but I keep going. maybe I'm just used to pain. point is that even I have no clue what goes on in the mind of someone who goes through with it, but neither does anyone else who whines about their life and depression on here.

>> No.13924215

No, if you're a woman you are bad. Femininity is plain bad

>> No.13924274
File: 150 KB, 772x944, Christ-Driving-the-Money-Changers-from-the-Temple-Il-Garofalo-Oil-Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible has been the guideline for Western masculinity for centuries. Read it!

>> No.13924285
File: 279 KB, 1280x1096, 1569799150782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of the house

>> No.13924310

Please rec some masculine cinema I can watch with my boomer bf, so far he really likes Bonnie and clyde, blow out, Tree of Life.

>> No.13924407

Seems like you are seeking an infallible arbiter of masculinity to make decisions about the actions you should take in life. This is very feminine.

>> No.13924430

This is what sedentary fucks tell themselves to avoid getting off their ass.

>> No.13924694

The Way of Men, by Jack Donovan

>> No.13925050

Holy shit, dude. This is exactly what my mom has done to me. I don't know how to break away though since I don't own a car or have any means to leave the house in order to find work. I feel trapped.

>> No.13925081

Dude, read the fucking book. There’s nothing pussified about it. It hits hard and often.

>> No.13925122

Find a job in another city. You'd need about enough to live on for 5 weeks. If this is too much, find a job which offers company housing so you would need less. Apply online or make use of any connections you may have in your specific life. A job isn't like a girl. You can just go up and say I want a job here I can work hard and act reliably here are my crdentials etc.

I moved out when a friend of mine and I decided to get jobs at a resort/with lodging. You could try something like that

>> No.13925147

How easy is it to get a job that offers housing/lodging? It'd be great to find a job like that. I just know that I need to get away from my mother. She is incredibly toxic.

>> No.13925258

Hard to say, I got mine through a connection, which made it easier. However working at a resort doesn't require any skills or education, so it should still be pretty easy

>> No.13925259

Join the military

>> No.13925279

indo-aryans were hunter-gatherers, not farmers. farmers are usually retards and are only one notch above the livestock they manage.

>> No.13925286

They were pastoralists weren't they?

>> No.13925316

i've gathered the impression that they organized in large, traveling bands and defended themselves against agricultural societies traveling northwards for centuries. they eventually began moving away from northern europe in waves to fight/conquer, subjugating and managing farming people.

>> No.13925323

The bible

>> No.13925328

I read in a couple books that one of their main advantages was that they could bring their food source(cattle for milk and meat) with them because they had the Lactase gene to digest milk as adults. This apparently happened independently in West Africa as well when they developed some equivalent to the lactase gene there.

>> No.13925341

That's a rumor. Every Asian guy can handle milk just fine. It's just less common there

>> No.13925454
File: 129 KB, 800x629, 800px-Lactose_tolerance_in_the_Old_World.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13925488

That graph is bullshit. The lactose thing is a weird neo-nazi lie. I brought it up to some Chinese guys once and they said they eat cheese all the time. It's a thing in china

>> No.13925495

A lot of cheeses don't have much lactose in them at all.

This isn't even a controversial subject, I have no idea what you think it has to do with nazis.

>> No.13925502

I don't know why Nazis are involved either. That's where I heard it came from. It seemed like an odd flex, but I'm still pretty sure Asians can handle their lactose, based off my experience with them

>> No.13925505


>> No.13925520

Did you read the abstract I just linked? anything that is associated with Europeans is fair game to nazis, that doesn't mean that the Lactose genes are a nazi conspiracy.

>> No.13925537

I looked into it. Apparently they are mostly lactose intolerant but they drink milk anyway, and China is a large producer of milk. I don't know how Nazis got involved in the narrative I heard. This is my bad. I've wasted your time

>> No.13925554

lol it's fine man

>> No.13925643

All this interest in "masculinity" is gay

>> No.13925659

improving yourself is the maximum of vanity. You should get on your knees and pray to god. If you are weak you should thank god that made you weak.

>> No.13925669

If you have to read to learn about masculinity, there's no point. You either have it, or you're a faggot/degenerate/woman

>> No.13925682

I am skeptical the dichotomy of masculine/feminine is even a useful concept. But some gay guys are as masculine as you can get.

>> No.13925715

that's ur own fault for equating homosexuality with femininity, def not always the case, masculine/feminine divide is useful because it contains truth. masculine/feminine are not constructs/concepts but ontological states of being that we more or less participate in according to sex/environment

>> No.13925894


>> No.13925899

What do?

>> No.13925919


>> No.13925946

Seconding this.

>> No.13925957
File: 467 KB, 1200x600, STEVEN-RINELLA-2482-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve Rinella

>> No.13925985

I taught my dad how to be a man.

>> No.13926000

In the past, men didn’t need to think about becoming men because it comes naturally. Now, it’s easier for men to become girls than to become men.

>> No.13926519

idk i've seen chicken shits on r9k do it

>> No.13926536

All the pretty horses, for whom the bell tolls, the fall.

>> No.13926538

>tfw have to move back to home because haven't found a job in more than a year

>> No.13926569

My real dad is dead.
My stepdad is a piece of shit.
Never knew any of my grandas, they have died before I was born.
I only have one sister.
My uncles are dumb fucks.
My cousins are dumb fucks.

Thankfully my mom is a brave and strong woman. She taught me how to be a man better than any of those weasels.

>> No.13926621
File: 116 KB, 480x729, 49D6CC32-87B3-42A3-841B-206F3EBB3DBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these works are untainted by the modern world and the perversion of man
what about the perversions of womyn

>> No.13926642

Reflection and accommodation

>> No.13926658

how dare a woman try to translate ancient greek
*opens up Hamilton*

>> No.13926673

Can relate, thanks for posting.

>> No.13926701

This is my mum but with food instead of women.

>> No.13926719

Whats the best iliad to read to get the manliness aspect? I'm currently reading Pope but i'm spending so much effort trying to follows who/what is happening that im getting nothing deeper than narrative.

>> No.13926727

that's why it's failing

>> No.13926734

Her translation is brilliant. You discount it because she’s a woman?

>> No.13926769

Read the Stoics and biographies of old Romans. Cato the Elder, Scipio Africanus, Cincinnatus, Manius, etc
Look at their examples on how to be manly.
The media in the 20/21st centuries presents as examples of masculinity some weak hedonists like Hugh Heffner. You won't become a happy or a stronger person following the media.

>> No.13926784
File: 42 KB, 590x350, Georges-St-Pierre-875255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there, be more like GSP

>> No.13926812

Holy shit, fuck off, /leftypol/ refugee discord tranny reddit faggot TOURISTS. We’ve had a thousand threads about this, how fucking new are you? Kill yourselves, dilate and go back to plebbit; in that order. I am so goddamn sick of you fucking faggotty TOURISTS.

>> No.13926848

Aristotle is the remedy. The Nicomachean Ethics is that stern father you never had.

>> No.13926910
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>give you the body of a real man
why is this board so spooked, nearly every post in this thread is some form of bs self help, spouted by people who listen to Jocko Willink podcasts.

>> No.13926945

The way of man was quite good his normative claims were very fashy though but his descriptive claims on the reality of masculinity are top notch.

>> No.13926957

You have to go back, /leftypol/ faggot tourist.

>> No.13926995

kek calling me a communist also fuck your safe space.

>> No.13927030

Good one?

>> No.13927294

your past health better be flawless. no asthma, no past anti depressants, stimulants. basically can't have any history of any medication at all. no visible scars they can get you disqualified at medical processing, no major injuries including broken bones AND definitely don't mention injuries that you never got treated and that don't have a paper trail. absolutely no head injuries of ANY kind allowed. eyesight can't too bad, not too underweight/overweight. of course no history of heart issues or basically any genetic issues you might have. if you have a GED you are bottlenecked even more, they a select number of GED applicants they can accept per quarter or something like that. of course never admit to any past drug use. people will tell you that they can do waivers for some of these things. if you have to get a waiver for ANYTHING, said waivers can take months or even a year to go through. even then, you might wait on a waiver for something for months, with no information about its processing, for your recruiter to come to you saying they denied it.

todays military is not like it use to be. it's not even how it was 10 years ago. if you have/had anything that requires a waiver, GL BRO

>> No.13927542

most people are more complicated than a little bird singing tho :)

>> No.13928424

They're this strict about this shit but they're still letting in women who can't even do the physical requirements?

>> No.13929126

Army recruitment is done on a by need basis. When the next surge comes those requirements will plummet again.

>> No.13929151

You must not know much about bird songs.

>> No.13929237

Also read Thomas Carlyle's "On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History"
Then hit the gym. full body 3x a week if beginner or PPL 2x if intermediate.
Bonus meme points if you read "Might is right" and "Sun and steel".

>> No.13929281

You already know a lot about masculinity just through being raised a male. I suggest introspection if you want to figure out how to better express your own masculinity -- mythopoeic stuff like Iron John ends up leading a lot of regular people into pathological gender performance.

If you want models of traditional masculinity, watch film noir or neo-noir movies from the late 40s/50s or the 70s. You can also read westerns.

>> No.13929340

Thank you for a real answer

>> No.13929938


>> No.13930130


You don't need to "learn masculinity", you need to learn how to boost your testosterone. Start eating well and exercising, that's the first step.

>> No.13930278


>> No.13930460


Most men that are like this today are straight and there are still plenty of gays that live those picturesque straight lives where these straight men don't or can't.

I hate people who drag down respectable gays with straight pussy incels.

>> No.13931455


>> No.13931849
File: 188 KB, 958x1411, nmmng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These and pic related are the canonical guide to masculinity for girly men. Puer Aeternus was written when only Europe was affluent enough to have a masculinity crisis. Iron John was popular in the '70s after 1st-wave feminism. NMMNG was popular 5-10 years ago.

There are a million ways to be masculine. Do NOT make the same mistake as everyone in this thread of aping people or mannerisms that you vaguely consider "manly". That is the thinking that gave us the Fedoralord.

>> No.13932179

Those who obsess over the idea of masculinity tend to be the furthest thing from it.

You should ask yourself if you’re moral before you ask yourself if you’re masculine.

>> No.13932186
File: 96 KB, 600x749, 1560040053271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

early 20th century mild homoeroticism is undisputably the absolute peak masculinity can reach. sensible enough to radiate beauty, orderly enough to maintain sanity.

>> No.13932344

No I'm not moral.

>> No.13932372

>You should ask yourself if you’re moral before you ask yourself if you’re masculine.

Why would I want to be moral you slave?

>> No.13932391
File: 157 KB, 746x982, 1524343256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you bothered going outside, retard? Take a look and you'll see that everyone from zoomers to boomers is utterly and hopelessly emasculated. You also are wrong. Anyone can exert functions of masculinity. Even a dog. That is not the defining mark of a man. The mark of a man is self-control and the pursuit of virtue.

>> No.13932405

Imagine being this delusional. The reason homosexuals are so pathetically effeminate is because they have no self control. This is why the virtuous have always held sodomites in contempt, starting with Plato. They give into whatever passion serves them, metaphysically castrating them. That's why they lose all cadence to their voice and speak with upward girlish infliction. They have become like straws, agitated by any and all distraction, to the point where they invent and pervert further ones. Homosexuality by its nature is a rejection of masculinity in the Aristotelian sense.

>> No.13932408

I'm not him, but you want to be moral because you don't want to be a slave to your base desires.

>> No.13932417


>> No.13932448

Yes and no. The final redpill is a rejection of social morality. In other words, the moral part of the brain should exist only to delineate operating parameters that exclude behaviors that are harmful not to others (fuck them), but rather yourself. exempli gratia. Autoeroticism, promiscuity.

To think. We are like Gods. Creators with a will and capable of creation and destruction. We waste this ability on what? DUDE WEED TINDER, COOOM DUDE. WHOAH SNACKS! And these same people, because they lack virtue and the deliberate and cold inculcation of the faculty of reason, are subject to caprice---- any temperamental emotion will influence them. They're just pathetic ape-brains with the illusion of agency. They think they have eschewed morality yet they are still the puppets of their evolutionary vestiges.

Kant said masturbation was worse than suicide. This is exactly what he meant.

>> No.13932707

Almost every single older man I've known was weak and not worth taking after.

>> No.13933231

All the Bible will teach you is how to be meek. Don't do it.

>> No.13933524
File: 93 KB, 640x360, parsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, find your true will then

The mainspring of an individual is his creative Will. This Will is the sum of his tendencies, his destiny,
his inner truth. It is one with the force that makes the birds sing and flowers bloom; as inevitable as gravity,
as implicit as a bowel movement, it informs alike atoms and men and suns.

To the man who knows this Will, there is no why or why not, no can or cannot; he is!

There is no known force that can turn an apple into an alley cat; there is no known force that can turn a man
from his Will. This is the triumph of genius; that, surviving the centuries, enlightens the world.

This force burns in every man

Parsons identified four obstacles that prevented humans from achieving and performing their
True Will, all of which he connected with fear: the fear of incompetence, the fear of the opinion of others,
the fear of hurting others, and the fear of insecurity. He insisted that these must be overcome, writing that
"The Will must be freed of its fetters. The ruthless examination and destruction of taboos, complexes, frustrations,
dislikes, fears and disgusts hostile to the Will is essential to progress

Nietzsche says "You shall become who you really are." That's not the same. In order to overcome oneself,
one should fight against one's weakness and pursue one's virtues, one's higher promise, fullfilling the Will to Power.

You must be the source of your own meaning and pleasure. It may be contradictory to our fundamental nature but that is no
excuse to not create a world in which you can live in and be proud of what you've done, rather than fleeing to fiction as a
way to forget about the dirt that you inhabit.
Whenever you feel the rot of spiritual destitution corrupting your soul realize that it will reduce you to nothing unless
you conquer the limitations of reality and become a locus of ascension. Or spoken less loftily: Master yourself, master the
tools that interest you. Only then will you come to appreciate reality for what it is: Motion and decay.

>> No.13933545

A history of virility
Alain Corbin

>> No.13933591


Is this what will happen to me if I stay here any longer? Will I only be able to communicate through /lit/memespeak? I’m scare that I understand this garbled mess of buzzwords, I need to leave this place

>> No.13933643

Seeking validation from other men on whether you're man enough is pretty much the antithesis of masculinity. If you're a man, you shouldn't have to prove it. Try not giving a fuck, for a start.

>> No.13933648

>Try not giving a fuck, for a start.


>> No.13933713

>with fear: the fear of incompetence, the fear of the opinion of others,
>the fear of hurting others, and the fear of insecurity. He insisted that these must be overcome, writing that
>"The Will must be freed of its fetters. The ruthless examination and destruction of taboos, complexes, frustrations,
>dislikes, fears and disgusts hostile to the Will is essential to progress
>Nietzsche says "You shall become who you really are." That's not the same. In order to overcome oneself,
>one should fight against one's weakness and pursue one's virtues, one's higher promise, fullfilling the Will to Power.
>You must be the source of your own meaning and pleasure. It may be contradictory to our fundamental nature but that is no
>excuse to not create a world in which you can live in and be proud of what you've done, rather than fleeing to fiction as a
>way to forget about the dirt that you inhabit.
>Whenever you feel the rot of spiritual destitution corrupting your soul realize that it will reduce you to nothing unless
>you conquer the limitations of reality and become a locus of ascension. Or spoken less loftily: Master yourself, master the
>tools that interest you. Only then will you come to appreciate reality for what it is: Motion and decay.
> Anonymous 10/04/19(Fri)10:53:49 No.13933545▶
>>>13922903 (OP)
ur based anon omg

>> No.13933748


>> No.13933873


>> No.13933966

You have to give a fuck about something. Not giving a fuck is what trannies and degenerates say to pretend they don't care what society thinks of them.

>> No.13933977

I don't think I'm going to listen to the guy posting a vietnam wojak edit because he can't find any books about being a man.

>> No.13934236

No-one's going the bring up his disgusting nails? Christ.

>> No.13934271


I guess those trannies are manlier than you then

>> No.13934318

We are a peacetime, in-garrison Army. It's now about diversity and, listening to top brass, that is their main concern. The amount of fat, useless women currently in the Army is actually astonishing.

>> No.13934337

that's how you clean your ears in the wild

>> No.13934357

You must not know much about people.

>> No.13934378

Is it not feminine to have a prolonged and perhaps neurotic concern for preserving life just for the sake of preserving it? Isn't suicide in service of a cause a masculine action, whether or not said cause was worthy (it was in Mishima's mind)? Being victimized by your suicide (cope) or doing it deliberately (out of choice) seems to be the difference.

>> No.13934394

Here is a (You)
You've articulated my own attitude towards life. I seem to have taken to heart that it is worth crawling through the tunnel even though I don't really see a light at the end. Nothing

>> No.13934439

Stop masturbating. Don't spill your life force all over a soulless computer screen.
Start discipining yourself, go to the gym, exercise, go to bed at a reasonable time.
Get out there and understand how nature works in your local area. It isn't that hard to be a man, just act more responsible

>> No.13934494
File: 199 KB, 489x385, 1568496619301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call bullshit on this. The army has very relaxes physical standards compares to the old days, at least here in Eastern Europe and by the looks of it the USA too (cant be that high of a standaed when they accept women)

Pic semi related to topic

>> No.13935208

on the first question i would lean towards no, preservation of life seems to me a worthy and virtuous concern. But i'd like to hear more of your thoughts on that. On the second point i think i agree, a group of soldiers on a "suicide mission" for example could be said to be a good example of positive masculinity, especially if their gesture is a sacrifice.

>> No.13935349

Most of those things are acceptable, it's excess which is a problem. Simple pleasures of life should be enjoyed prudenly. You can live a meaningul life without complete neglect of your physical self.

>> No.13935389

I was gonna read what you said but then I noticed the tripcode

>> No.13936806

same. Most dads are garbage which is why soibois exist.

>> No.13937253

The Illiad is all you need

>> No.13938087
File: 674 KB, 636x680, 1mlzaf4hloj31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Iliad
The Odyssey
Storm of Steel
Growth of the Soil
Desert Solitaire
Bronze Age Mindset