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13922299 No.13922299 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve decided to kill myself pretty soon. What is the last book I should read before I die? And don’t say the Bible, because that’s simply not going to happen. I am a staunch satanist (please don’t attack me over this, just respect our differences of religion and my right to practice what I choose).

>> No.13922301

You seem like a depressed brainlet, so read Eckhart Tolle and The Power of Now.

>> No.13922304

>I’ve decided to kill myself pretty soon.
Don't do it, you have so much to live f--
>I am a staunch satanist
Eh, never mind

>> No.13922305

Some Ligotti. The Conspiracy Against the Human Race.
Don't listen to people who tell you to read long as fuck books, they want you to get distracted and reconsider.

>> No.13922309

Don't listen to people who tell you to go through with it, as they are obviously hypocrites.

>> No.13922310

Can anybody really think of a book to give to depressed people other than the bible?
I can't

>> No.13922323

I’m just looking for something enjoyable to go out on, not to cure me (that’s impossible).

>> No.13922341

As a satanist, what is your stance on rituals and magic?

>> No.13922348

Why, what's your ailment?

>> No.13922355

Well you've probably read it already but siddhartha was beautiful, maybe good option

>> No.13922356

I’m no expert, but I’ve practiced enough to feel reasonably confident that I am going to have certain powers and privileges when I reach Lucifer’s court in a few days. But it’s really not about magic or anything like that for me. My satanism is more about faith than practice.

I will most likely be going to jail for a very long time soon if I stay alive.

>> No.13922375

The salvation you seek in death won't be granted to you. You seek to evade suffering, perhaps even suffering that arose as a consequence of your actions, and permanence in blissful death, i.e. absence of suffering. But this behavior is no different from any point at which you were alive, it is just the continuation of an unhealthy infatuation with grasping for happiness in the form of impermanence.

I have no way to stop you from doing what you plan to do, or making you realize what you seek to ignore, as the temptation of illusionary peace is one of the greatest poisons known to humankind, yet I would implore you to engage in self-inquiry, and to ask yourself the question of who it is, that seeks death, and if this "I" has not been chronically addicted to patterns of craving and desire of the very same sort all throughout your life.

To go to jail would not be the end of your life, it would be the opportunity to start a life anew and be reborn as someone who has overcome death. It's no surprise that Luciferianism has brought you only suffering and despair, you know.

>> No.13922387

I appreciate you wanting to help me, but please respect my freedom of religion. If not, I’m going to have to ask you to leave my thread. Nothing will change my mind about my faith. It’s been the single most important aspect of my life for nearly a decade now. It’s all I’ve ever really had.

>> No.13922388

What's that melon-looking fruit with the black seeds called?

>> No.13922389

You may not admit it or even be aware of it yourself, but this thread is a cry for help. You want an end to your suffering, an end to your anxiety, but are too attached to the idea of a self that persists and can only attain salvation through enjoyment, and thus cannot voice the fears of the young, afraid boy in you freely and openly.

Your faith has been a crutch to keep you going, but Luciferianism as a reification of self will ultimately just bring you that: a conditioned existence, from one moment to the next, always bound up in a cycle of suffering. Your attachment to this faith is so strong, because you fear intensely that you will lose the last thing through which this young, afraid boy can hold onto the world.

>> No.13922400

I am not attacking you but what led you to satanism?

>> No.13922405

I understand why you would think this. But in a few days I’m going to be stronger than you can imagine. I’ve ensured that.

>> No.13922410

Oi, what's the fruit called? Do you know?

>> No.13922417

I was always drawn to dark things and particularly images of Hell. When I was a teen I decided to start reading things that had to do with hell and the devil. I read Dante’s inferno, Rimbaud, stuff like that. But the thing that really blew my mind was Paradise Lost. I became obsessed with Milton’s portrayal of the devil. I thought about it all the time, I memorized portions and declaimed it on the school yard. It became such a strong interest that I decided to start a blog called “the Devil Digest”. After that it wasn’t long before I made contact with some satanists. We started exchanging ideas and I was made aware of a certain order of luciferians. A kind of church, but I’m not going to say who they are. From then on I was a devotee of the greatest faith on earth and I was strong.

>> No.13922423

Look at what your faith has brought you. You're about to go to jail for possibly the remainder of your life, you're alone and scared, no community to speak of that supports you, no one to tend to you or care for you, you don't have the compassionate embrace of a mother, the guiding hand of a father on which to rest. All you have to rely on is your self, and this self is so weak and cowardly, it cannot even bare to suffer through existence. This strength you seek in the court of Lucifer might be granted to you, but it will not bring you happiness, bliss and freedom. It will be the demonic strength which humans have talked of for millenia, a sorry and pitiful state of existence, in which the demon can only thrive on delusion and perpetual suffering.

You see why I would think this, but I'm afraid you don't see why I understand every ounce of your being. This ignorance of yours will be your literal downfall into the depths of hell, which you mistakenly crave for and seek. There is no ascension and empowerment qualitatively different in nature from the very same suffering you are going through now, and there is no escape from it. Show the courage to entire all you hold dear in a last outcry of despair, perhaps perfectly enlightened with a Satanic expression of will, if you truly seek the strength that you worship so much.

>> No.13922427


>> No.13922433

>Show the courage to question the entirety of all you hold dear in a last outcry of despair, perhaps perfectly aligned with a Satanic expression of will, if you truly seek the strength that you worship so much.

>> No.13922434

Seraphim Rose on Nihilism

>> No.13922435

Yeah, strong enough that you turn to suicide because you can't handle the consequences of your actions.

>> No.13922438

You think I’m scared? I am seeking my spot on the demonic ladder, not running from any problems.

>> No.13922444

Thank you for actually recommending me a book and for respecting my freedom of religion.

>> No.13922467

Neat, thanks. I've never had it. Anyway, have a good trip, bye bye

>> No.13922472

I don't know man, it seems to me like a massive cope from a deluded /x/ schizo.
I would say that your place is in a mental hospital but if you really want to die, well you got your reasons. I just hope you didn't hurt anyone else. And it's a shame for your family and friends.

>> No.13922476

Just sounds like youre looking for reasons to delay the inevitable. Youre probably not as suicidal as you think

>> No.13922477

Some people cannot be saved, it's simply part of samsara/the fallen world. Hell is a choice, and the ones who need our help the most, are the ones we can least help.

>> No.13922483
File: 7 KB, 293x172, C7C64726-5AD0-474F-BB3D-D92424183452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait thread
>flashy picture
>no bible
>i’m a satanist
>don’t talk about it
this shit gets easier to see everyday. gj though, op. almost had me with this one

>> No.13922503

Do you really want a book recc or are you just looking for attention.



>> No.13922524

green eggs and ham

>> No.13922534

Demons - dostoevsky
Highly relevant.

>> No.13922698

>I’ve practiced enough to feel reasonably confident that I am going to have certain powers and privileges when I reach Lucifer’s court in a few days

If you aren't trolling, listen to me very carefully.

You have schizophrenia. Or at least schizo-type behaviors. The sooner you accept this, the better.

The human brain loves to spot patterns and attach itself to certain pleasing aesthetics, for you it's the aesthetic of Hell. But your brain is going overboard and tricking you into thinking you're onto something bigger than what you can immediately see and logically discern. You are not.

Trust me anon, I was very similar. I was convinced that I was astral-projecting and had discovered a mathematical grid at the center of the universe that would explain all of life's mysteries. I thought the only way I'd have enough time to fully explore and map it would be to kill myself, and maybe I'd be able to communicate the information back to our plane from beyond the grave somehow and save everyone. It all made perfect sense to me, until I saw a specialist. They didn't even tell me anything special, just asked me to coherently explain my belief system and as I tried it fell apart and I realized what nonsense it was.

You are not going to any sort of higher plane of existence when you die, and certainly not a human construct like Hell. And more importantly, there are people who are going to miss you here. The only consequence of your action will be a net loss in our world, not a material gain in another.

Please reconsider, I see a lot of my old self in the responses you've been leaving.

>> No.13922705

The book of disquiet

>> No.13923916

letter to a young poet- maria rainer rilke

>> No.13923938

I am glad you're committing suicide. Is it okay if you take down some other Satanists with yourself?

>> No.13923950

This is such a good post. So glad this was posted, even if this was a bait thread this post makes it worth reading.

>> No.13924145

not yet brother.
Conquer this world first.

>> No.13924165
File: 153 KB, 1080x1087, kjv vs modern versions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you want to read a book, then read the book of John in King James version. Also, don't do anything stupid and watch this video until the end, it's only 7 minutes long


>> No.13924653

The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley

>> No.13924662

Do it faggot

Read a funny book. If you're really decided on it. But I hope you fail at killing yourself and learn that it's lame to be dead.

>> No.13925698

Incase you accidentally live,

The stranger - camus
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky

Interesting thread, I liked reading your responses to everyone. These two books may help you adjust to prison/jail if your plan goes awry. The stranger is much shorter.

Devilspeed to you in the future, lad.

>> No.13925709


>> No.13925710

>staunch satanist
You seem like an interesting guy. Tell me your tale. What led to you wanting to take your own life?

>> No.13925711

Soren Kierkegaard Either/Or and Fear and Trembling

>> No.13925782



>> No.13925853

>Trust me anon, I was very similar. I was convinced that I was astral-projecting and had discovered a mathematical grid at the center of the universe that would explain all of life's mysteries. I thought the only way I'd have enough time to fully explore and map it would be to kill myself, and maybe I'd be able to communicate the information back to our plane from beyond the grave somehow and save everyone. It all made perfect sense to me, until I saw a specialist. They didn't even tell me anything special, just asked me to coherently explain my belief system and as I tried it fell apart and I realized what nonsense it was.
Fucking lmao, this is so thoroughly bizarre, from how crazy the belief was to how apparently simple it was to get you to stop believing it

>> No.13925864

what did you do, why would you go to jail

>> No.13925868

>But the thing that really blew my mind was Paradise Lost. I became obsessed with Milton’s portrayal of the devil. I thought about it all the time, I memorized portions and declaimed it on the school yard.
now THIS is autism lmao

>> No.13927268

if you're going to kill yourself your last book doesn't matter because you will be dead as soon as you finish reading it since it'll have no influence on your actions you could read a new book and maybe you'll enjoy it maybe not, you should just read a book you know you enjoy and have read before

>> No.13928778

fucking buddhists

>> No.13928831

Read a book of miscellany and think about all the things you'll miss out on when you're not of this world any longer.

>> No.13928833

What a fag. Not a big loss for humanity.

>> No.13928839

Fear and Trembling

>> No.13928842

Nice larp

>> No.13928943

Are there books that are actually good but also life-affirming and fun to read?
Good Literature is always somewhat depressing

>> No.13928995

not stopping you but I'm also not promoting you, for legal reasons.