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13921756 No.13921756 [Reply] [Original]

There's an anon here who claims that Rene Guenon converted back to Catholicism near his death but I can't find any evidence of this. Is it bullshit?

>> No.13921761

tahts a straight up lie

the truth is that he reincarnated as l ron hubbard and made it big in america

>> No.13921785

Why would an anon lie?

>> No.13921804

Guenon is burning in hell

>> No.13921812


Why isn't, apart from the seediest of godcels?

>> No.13921838


>> No.13921842

It's a badge of honor 2bh.

>> No.13921864

Posts like this are why people can't take Catholicism seriously anymore.

They literally think anyone who isn't partaking in a communion performed masonically (novus ordo) and by a homosexual priest is damned to hell for all eternity. Yikes!

>> No.13921870

That's why you don't consider Novus Ordo Catholicism anymore. Sedevacante all the way.

>> No.13921881

Not sure who has the worst cope. Novus Ordo Catholics who tell themselves V2 isn't a gates of hell scenario, or the Sedevacantists who tell themselves Catholicism is still the only valid choice.

>> No.13921883

thats why you don't take dumbass fundies seriously

>> No.13921890

That completely misses the point kek. way to have never read guénon, at all.


Wrong information in the second sentence, first paragraph. Wew. Interesting how they go over the fact that Guénon was friend with the parish of blois for his entire life and kept correspondence with many high profile catholic thinkers.

>> No.13921904

Or maybe both are wrong because Catholicism is bullshit

>> No.13921907

Meh, I'm not really Catholic myself but considering it a the only realistic path besides letting cultural islam take over, as already happens through clothing styles and mannerism. It the best of the worst.

I consider religion as a biological institution to preserve evolutionary usefull actions and rules. Quite pragmatic. But maybe our time truly needs to ones.

>> No.13921914

The typical /lit/ "Catholic" everyone.

>> No.13921930

>unironic vitalism
Even modernism left it behind, why base yourself on plebdirt?

>> No.13921935

I'm here for ages and have never encountered anybody really sharing my interpretation. Most Catholics on here are true believers and there is nothing wrong with it either. I simply fake it till I make it.

Not sure what you want to tell me with it. I'm a microbiologist, and while unable to fall into a believe I still believe it's esential to a people and my people have formed and been formed by Catholicism. Destructing it lead to destruction of my people and restoration is our only hope.