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/lit/ - Literature

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13921625 No.13921625 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if you have a day job you’ll never make it as a writer

>> No.13921731
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Yes, that must be it. It's those damn day jobs that hinders all the aspiring and promising writers of 4 Channel..

>> No.13921754

And you’re a niger

>> No.13921888

>you’ll never make it as a writer
You'll never make it as anything as a wagie. It's demeaning. I make money but contribute nothing to the world. I hate it.

>> No.13921891

never had a job but I don't write

>> No.13921901

Wish I was disabled to get govtbux so I could pursue my writing full time

>> No.13921905

implying most of them weren't working full time in their twenties

>> No.13921906
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>> No.13921917

He didn’t make it. His works were discovered after his death and if his wishes had been carried out all of them would have been burned. He also writes in his diary about how he constantly felt no motivation to write.

>> No.13921972
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You guys who think that work is slavery are completely biased, you can't take anything seriously other than your accomplishments and sense of self. Being a writer seems to be a shitty job and those cited artists don't even make up 1% of the artists/great people that lived upon earth. Also, would you really want to live those people's lives? Seriously, think about it. Being a "full-time writer" or simply an important person isn't necessarily fun. Oh, and take Henry Darger as an example. Did he work? Yes. Did he write? You fuckin' bet. Doesn't mean he was happy with either of these things at all. You guys should grab yourselves by the balls and do something if you want something. Don't hope that life will give you happiness automatically. You guys need to work, wether it be by writing or by having a 9-5 job. Productivity can be synonymous with creativity.

Well. I said it all. I don't know what's up with you guys, but I'm just going to leave this advice there for anyone who wants to become a real go-getter. Just do what you like, but it's okay if it's not what you initially wanted. Life isn't all black or white. Have a nice b-day party, 4channel.

>> No.13921983

based and realisticpilled
/lit/'s only a bunch of children that think the world owns them something.

>> No.13921987

Hope you’re memeing. Creating art is infinitely more rewarding than serving at a till or installing windows or doing some rich cunts accountancy

>> No.13921992


>> No.13922020
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Then why do they call something "the art of [insert verb for doing a specific task]"?

My grandfather worked all his life on hand-crafted chairs. They're magnificent, and now they're worth their master's skills. My dad is a carpenter : how the fuck do you want to make the world go round without him? He is a man of pride and generosity, he never gives up and could do what I can't 1000 times. My mom makes futile artsy cakes. People love the art, yet it is ephemeral, yet they are all satisfied with a single moment.

All these jobs seem like pure torture to me, yet they make people happy and satisfied. In return, I can feel their happiness. It gives me energy and love, even though I could be filled with hartred everytime I think "this person works".

>> No.13922031

Irrelevant. Nobody said that people can’t be happy with a dayjob, only that if your intention is to create great art (not chairs or cakes), specifically something that takes a lot of time like literature, you won’t make it doing a dayjob.

>> No.13922041

Okay, let me just quit my job and pursue my writing while I live on free gibs haha... Brb

>> No.13922045

Your grandfather's job is not existent anymore. Believe me, I've looked and tried. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.13922052
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Thats a country anon.

>> No.13922074
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Commonplace denial. You live for a long time, my friend. Wether you be a kid, teen, adult or an elderly, you can use your lifespan and all its wisdom to create great art.

Kafka could've found a better job, could've defied his father, could've made an art of his life. Instead, he fell in great shame and YET he achieved greatness. Greatness is made up.

I didn't mean to stay here, still posting. I will be leaving. Do not forget that you make your meaning in life, boys. Love you.

>> No.13922870

>you won’t make it doing a dayjob

nobody on this board is making great art. nobody makes great art in their twenties, LEAST OF ALL literature. having no day job... interaction with others, in other words neetdom stagnated the brain and one's creative power.

>> No.13923633

Still made it as a writer LMAO

>> No.13923647

>Henry Darger

>> No.13923828

This is why we need universal basic income.

>> No.13924327

Don't worry anon, you don't need a dayjob to never make it

>> No.13924358

None of your posts are wrong fundamentally, but you should work on your cunty demeanor.

>> No.13925582

Why the fuck would I want to "make it" as a writer? I'm not gonna be canonized. I'm not marketable, and I don't fucking want to be.
I write stuff for a small, off-chan community of other writers and we have good conversations and share ideas. When you "make it" and peak oil collapses and you don't know how to grow food, and you lie starving to death in a crumbling city you'll wished you worked.

>> No.13925595

I write for myself only.

>> No.13925612

What about Kant ?

>> No.13925624

This is the answer