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/lit/ - Literature

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13918733 No.13918733 [Reply] [Original]

Another year has passed and another November approaches. Will you finally write that book you've been dreaming about? There's one month to prepare before the event begins in earnest.

>Q: what is this and why should I care?
>A: people all across the internet attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days
>although most fail, it's an effective way to get yourself writing
>if you actually stick with it you will overcome the pernicious perfectionism that plagues so many would-be writers

Last year a lot of anons participated and a handful actually reached the goal. So let's get another group going. It looks like they've developed a new site and it's still acting wonky so we'll wait a bit before creating a thread over on their forums. Now is a good time to start thinking about this though.

What will you write about?

>> No.13918745

>What will you write about?
my country's national epic

>> No.13918782

The thread I made went through but, as I said, their new site is struggling to even load properly.


>> No.13918949

Which is...?

>> No.13919039

His peanus weanus of course! :)

>> No.13919087


>> No.13919146

knee fetish erotica

>> No.13919205

If I remember correctly, last year one anon wrote some robo-girl fetish story. I think he got really far with it.

>> No.13919393

A microbial fable taking place on AOC's feet

>> No.13919400

Either I have to do it or die trying. This time.

>> No.13919462
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>> No.13919602

New thread for the two of you who care

>> No.13920243


>> No.13920271

Check your privilege, y'all folks

>> No.13920428

I have a concept for a novel.

I don't know how to outline a plot.

What do?

>> No.13920451

draw the plot by hand, go through diagrams until you're sick of them

>> No.13920463
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I want to write a novel about a nobody-type of protagonist whose philosophical ideals prevent him from saving the world, one interlinked and controlled by a single algorithm. His work into the buried past finds him facing an AI that wants to unite humanity into one null singularity.

>> No.13920481
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>have a plot to write
>afraid of starting writing
>afraid that anyone thinks it's a ripoff
>afraid that anyone could have wrote the same plot better

>> No.13920519

I'd like to write a story in the Steampunk genre that isn't just cogfoppery and actually has a pretty downbeat tone.

I feel that the style and themes of Verne, Wells, hell even C.S. Lewis, are untapped fonts of good storytelling. Maybe I'll use NaNoWriMo this year to make me actually start doing something.

>> No.13920541

I've done it twice now. Both times I succeeded just into December but this year I'm already engrossed in a serious work so I probably won't be able to.

Do it for yourself. First drafts of first books are always bad and yours will suffer too but it'll be worth it. Do it.

Sick. Do it.

Don't write an outline. This is called discovery writing and it's completely valid.

>> No.13920565

>this is called discover writing

Isn't that where you have no idea where you want the story to go? I've got a pretty good idea, I just don't know all what I want to do to get there.

>> No.13920651

I should do this. Burn through as many books as I can in October and the. Try my hand at this and see how far I get.

>> No.13920668

>100k words into my main work
>Have various outlines lying around that I could probably slam into this

You're not catching me this time, detour side project!

>> No.13920673

Yeah, or it's when you know you want to get from point A to a distant point B but you aren't sure how to get there. You just discover your way to the finish line. You often come up with your best ideas this way. Then just scrap the junk in the editing process.
You can do it.

>> No.13920678

normie shit but i'm going to do it anyways to have something to keep pace with and feel superior to

>> No.13920809

I want to write about a group of people who hunt man-eating ghouls for a livelihood. The story won't be about the hunting and the killing. It would be about the characters. My aims are to create and fulfill character arcs and good world-building. It's a study in character and world-building than anything else. I end up making every character like me and I want to change that.

>> No.13920821

what exactly makes a heather dudley happen?

>> No.13920899

good luck, anon

>> No.13920939

I wanna write a story about a man who curses another man to suffer all the wrongs done to him and because of that the other man reincarnates as him and goes on to suffer those wrongs and curse himself because he was himself all along and thus suffered and created his own curses and misery forever.

>> No.13921016

I've actually done it. 2017....
Writing Book 2...hopefully I'll be able to finish it....

Not gonna name it but here's the shitty preview..

."In a world of Zombies, one wrong step could kill you. When Nathan get's bit, his future is already set in stone, but not his friend Blake who is traveling with him. Follow the two as they journey Oregon as their story plays out before you and secrets come to light, some even more painful then a zombie bite."

For real, good luck because writing is hard

>> No.13921018

write about a group of clones. they're all you and recently gained consciousness, throughout your work they develop into different individuals.

>> No.13921020

Anyone have questions or need some advice or help, glad to answer any questions. (Zombie writer)

>> No.13921902
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Oh this is going to be fun.

>> No.13921998

I’ve always been interested in steampunk but always put off by the childish whimsy. Mite b cool.

>> No.13922010

more like menotnowrianymo

>> No.13922989

Bump desunya~~!

>> No.13923152

We need more people in the e/lit/ists thread.

>> No.13923153

what if there was only one or two elements that were "steampunk," a tea kettle or lamp

>> No.13923157

Website is unusable for now, but I will join the forum in due course.

I both like this premise and feel uncertain how you'd sustain it over 50K.

How do I cook a good omelette?

>> No.13923160

is this going to be like that furry ballpit festival?

>> No.13923200

I participated last year and succeeded in hitting 50k works, but the book was unfinished and VERY rough.

This year I'm in between going back to that script—it was a fiction novel about psychic assassins entering a surreal dimension from which they derived their powers— or just writing 50k words towards the serial fiction dark fantasy project I'm going to be releasing on my website in 2 weeks. I don't want to stop work on my project, because I've already put so much effort into it, but I also really want to get back to the novel eventually.

>> No.13923347

Wait a second... I'm a neet. I totally have time for this

>> No.13923496

Huh... I was in the forum thread last year, don't think I remember you. Hope you post an extract someday.

>> No.13923571
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>> No.13923574

For my omelettes I usually just whisk some eggs in a bowl, throw in diced bell pepper and onions, add random spices, cook it for a few minutes, and wala.

>> No.13923988

Wasn't on /lit/ back then, just grinding because I want to git gud as a writer. I don't expect NaNo to really produce any solid work, really. It's good practice, though.

I'll try to scavenge up an interesting passage from the novel if I can. It's really old and hastily written, so not great.

>> No.13924138

i didnt participate last year but this sounds fun. i will probably cut internet access this month leading up to it.

>> No.13924151

The website seems like it was created by some who hasn't worked in the industry since AOL was a thing.

>> No.13924365

Yeah I really have no idea why they thought it was necessary to make a new site when the other one worked perfectly fine. Probably just that retarded "eh it's old we need to make it modern" mindset plaguing the internet. It will be interesting to see how the new site performs come November considering it's struggling so much with lesser traffic.

>> No.13924388


I have a topic, but I already hate what I've written and think my attempts at dialogue are awful. Off to a good start, I guess.

>> No.13924936

same here. I think what I've got so far is trash but I'm going with it anyway

>> No.13925086

Outline one chapter at a time. Outline in the evening, write in the morning. I've been doing this since June and am 50K words into my draft now.

>> No.13925171

>add random spices
not so sure about that.
what if the random spices you take end up being like cinnamon and lemongrass? that would ruin your omelette.

>> No.13925254

You cook with candle scents?

>> No.13925268

what kind of wannabe spice rack do you have if it doesn't contain lemongrass?

>> No.13925372
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I won't lie.

Every year I write a love-story about a white teacher and a Korean pop-star from the group Gfriend.

I am unsatisfied with every depiction of love-relationships between Westerners and Easterners.

I intend to write exclusively about this topic for the rest of my life.

>> No.13925516
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I'm getting pretty excited. Gonna read a bunch of books on writing to prep while I start plotting an outline. I'm excited to meet the new frens my brain makes.

Doing any special prep, frens?

>> No.13925522

Chapters and short stories have never been a problem for me. It's the longer format stuff where I lose my way.

>> No.13925535

I promised myself I won’t write a novel until I get a short story published, so never.

>> No.13925856


Yeah, I have a book whose structure I'm plagiarizing, so this book is for a bit of study and filling out some sheets full of transpositions.

>> No.13926046

I was being obtuse for a giggle and now I feel dirty. You're correct, Anon. That's a lovely seasoning and you sound cool too. I hope you have a great day

>> No.13926332

I'm thinking about a piecemeal novel made up of a number of different stories, taking place all over the world and like 45 years into the future, crammed full of mcluhan references. Every character is defined primarily by their relationship to the outside world, be it fear or desire. The novel is narrated in a third person omniscient perspective that turns out to be a digital intelligence.

>> No.13926885
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Ima write a typical hero's journey plot. Gonna be comfy. Been kneading this idea for a while actually, and started writing down something of an outline. Been doing a lot of reading for research tho. I want to use the Greek gods as characters but keep their characters in line with how they were portrayed in the classics (although somewhat toned down. Can't have Zeus blinding all the support characters and fucking the rest).

>> No.13927613

how to actually stick to it

>> No.13927642

Where do ideas come from?

>> No.13927689

>I am unsatisfied with every depiction of love-relationships between Westerners and Easterners.
Do you have any suggestions? I'm trying to write something like this too and I need ideas to steal.

I've made a head-start on my work but I really need someone to hold me accountable to make me write, at least to start. Military science-fiction, here we come. Hope I don't get called a racist! Not that I really care

>> No.13927692
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I'm tempted to transform my original story into a fanfic. Not only would it get more attention, I could solve some plot issues too, and my story is very heavily inspired by it, so I wouldn't have much trouble making it fit. My story is most likely going to be shit by virtue of being the first thing I ever write, so what do you think?

>> No.13927822

I can't tell if that's a question or a self help book for writers...