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13916871 No.13916871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>read more books
>become more left wing
why is this?

>> No.13916898

You develop basic empathy because you can imagine to be someone else

>> No.13916902

because people who are more intelligent and knowledgable lean towards the left

>> No.13916943

Capitalism is anti-art

>> No.13916950


>> No.13916960
File: 69 KB, 850x400, Reading-is-equivalent-to-thinking-with-someone-elses-head-instead-of-with-ones-own-Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the point of reading books.

>> No.13916977

Youre easily influenced, deep down you were always a leftie. You just fell for contrarian culture

>> No.13917005

The opposite happened to me

>> No.13917033

because reading a book requires intelligence and empathy. The right appeals to people with neither of these traits.

>> No.13917040

your reading gay popculture trash, thats why
read more shit pre 1960's

>> No.13917042


>> No.13917052

youre getting more faggy and nerdy
try working out and or going outside, itll turn you more right wing again

>> No.13917061

Most people just want to be happy, work less, social security, safety, do good, and so on, theres many many books exploring these topics in some way or another. Not that you cannot find these values in the "right", but is the left who tells you these things are like free candy, you just have to you join them and help them to control the status quo.

>> No.13917064

> become left-wing
> start posting god-so-subtle questions asking why left-wingers are superior

why is this?

>> No.13917074

Moral grandstanding and superiority complex is pretty rampant on the left

>> No.13917080

Both areas inherently womanly endeavors

>> No.13917092

you're a midwit. the more books I read, the more disgusted I become with all of humanity (but recognize they deserve pity, not scorn).

>> No.13917109

Lack of taste.

>> No.13917116

The allocation of intellect and empathy on the political continuum is similar to the Dunning-Krueger curve. People with a medium-high level of empathy and intellect swarm to the left, falling for their rhetoric of helping people without giving it much greater thought and seeing things in a black-white dichotomy of the left being everything good and beneficial for people and the right being everything evil and greedy. At higher levels they know the harsh truths of reality; that everything requires compromise and difficult decisions must be made in the short term to increase the well being of society in the long run and they come back to the right.

>> No.13917118

I have a hard time believing that the left, the group of people who every other day deplatforms, censors, and 'cancels' people even slightly against their increasingly bureaucratic and confusing moral codes, in a fashion resembling more of a witch-hunt than a reasoned and cordial process of understanding, is the 'intelligent' or 'empathetic' (a made up word, by the way) party.

>> No.13917121
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Pretty simple. Capitalism is becoming shittier and shittier by the day. Boomers talk all the rewards and are leaving behind a dying world. You know this is shit but when you start reading leftist work suddenly you have a way to express why everything is so shit.

>> No.13917127

Source, faggot

>> No.13917129

Yes anon, twitter trannies do in fact represent the entirety of leftist thought. in fact in his seminal work, das capital, marx wrote, "racist jokes are worse than serdom. Any lord caught telling cringe is cancelled!"

>> No.13917139

By all measured metrics they are. Liberals lean more towards caring based morality as opposed to other kinds. They're on average higher in the personality trait of agreeableness. They have more women in their ranks. They've resorted to some nasty ass shit in 2019 but honestly that's largely because of the lies they spread amongst themselves. Keep in mind that many liberals literally 100% unironically think we're staring down the rise of orange Hitler and the world is about to be destroyed in a carbon dioxide based apocalypse and that largely explains their behaviour. Decades of their nonchalant attitude towards lying is swooping around to bite them in their ass, as their people act in a manner that is almost entirely discongruous with reality.

>> No.13917141

>Dunning-Krueger curve
No human being that has ever browsed this website for man a week uses that term. Watch yourslef newfriend. Your colours are showing.

>> No.13917154

I like how the right tries to make the left seem like themselves, so they can strawman them. It’s like the right are embarrassed of being right-wing, or they know that their own ideology is inherently idiotic so they project it on the on the other side (by focusing on a vast minority) so that its whole ideology seems idiotic.

>> No.13917157

>many liberals literally 100% unironically think we're staring down the rise of orange Hitler
I swear 2016 happened and there's some people who are permanently stuck there. Barely anyone calls him hitler anyone more besides /pol/tards who are still in 2016.

>> No.13917160
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way off

>> No.13917164


>> No.13917166

Reminder that right wing freedom loving freedom of speech defending literally cancelled all that for a witch hunt a few decades. Government panels to stop marxist influence. But yes anon twitter is indeed the most important thing ever.

>> No.13917167

>superority complex
The right has us beat on that front. Whites are OBVIOUSLY better, right :)

>> No.13917169

what are you even trying to say you fucking dumbass? "no u"? Couldve just said that in two words and not be a faggot

>> No.13917171

More like
>Read more books
>Ideology becomes an unserviceable incomprehensible mess

>> No.13917174

bait thread, and politics is a sport and circus for retards

>> No.13917178

oooff boomer tier meme friend. r/thedonald is more your speed. In 2016 it was the whole crazy feminist craze. Now no one watches "sjw owned" videos but you

>> No.13917177


>> No.13917180

Lets stop talking about marxism and talk about the democratic party for a second.
What do you think would happen if bernie got elected?
All the businesses would leave.

>> No.13917181

Yeah, I am pretty sure Charlotte Bronte lived that sort of life. The whole of eternity has been 2010’s +

>> No.13917183

lol imagine being this midwit

>> No.13917191

>I have a hard time believing that the left, the group of people who every other day deplatforms, censors, and 'cancels' people even slightly against their increasingly bureaucratic and confusing moral codes, in a fashion resembling more of a witch-hunt than a reasoned and cordial process of understanding,

This is inherent the conservative ideology, while a progressive ideology has focus on personal-freedom as only twatter-idiots care about political-correctness/censorship. Have you forgotten your ideology? You can’t be conservative and not want to oppress/control others.

>> No.13917194

Don't confuse the early Christian-feminists with todays atheist demons. Feminism flipped around ww1, shifting from fighting to benefit women (aka fighting against 10 year old girls being used as prostitutes) to seeking the destruction of familial life and society itself. Today's feminists have nothing to do with Charlotte Bronte, just like ANTIFA has nothing to do with the right winged, god-fearing, patriarchal, ethnocentric, white American men who defeated the Nazis.

>> No.13917197

>social democracy is literally communism

>> No.13917210

God threads like this just make me hate the left right dichotomy more and more. Just everyone beating up strawmen for 300+ posts

>> No.13917214

Opinion discarded, I hate the U.S.A. You fuckers literally tricked our country into being less powerful/influential, so we have nothing to thank your worthless arses for. I want all Americans to die a horrible death.

>> No.13917216

It all depends on society and upbringing, then iq plays a roll. So to say intellegent people lean left is to ignore the fact we live in a widely left leaning society which has had pretty much every piece of media, literature and entertainment tainted with "feels".
If society was more right leaning then lit would be underpinned with the natsoc, leading people who delved deeper into popculture to regurgitate the values we see on /pol/ today (however /pol/ is far away from an accurate representation right wing values manifested from a society that would encourage them.. Unless you count nazi Germany; it was fascism which used right wing values to militarise the fatherland).

>> No.13917217

Reading more books made me apolitical

>> No.13917225

>>13917052 (I do work out being /fit/=buff but braindead reactionary being /fitlit/=buff socialist)
>>13917118 (those are neoliberals. notice that the media gets super defensive against socialist ideas as well. look how someone tame like bernie gets smeared by the media)
what books do you guys read? plato? dosto? critique of culture? that iq book? I seriously can't imagine anyone who identifies with the right having any taste at all. seriously post your shelves.

>> No.13917227

You make so many assumptions about me and you're wrong every time. Quit being a sperg and maybe respond to what I'm saying as opposed to your own schizoid delusions.

>> No.13917228

Only at war and oppression

>> No.13917242

People who are superficially intelligent lean left

People who are actually intelligent don't lean at all because politics is for the rabble

>> No.13917245

My top 5 books of all time:
Starship Troopers
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
The Myth of the Twentieth Century

>> No.13917246

So the two things that actually matter?

>> No.13917254

based democratic socialist

>> No.13917256

>creating art
>creating high trust societies
>creating wealthy societies
>being beautiful
>staying true to our word
>writing philosophy
>being envied

>> No.13917262

Oh and of course
>creating an aura of world wide [relative] peace and prosperity for others to ride on our coat-tails

>> No.13917264

If any other culture was as good at these they would have left about the same mark whites did. Checks out

>> No.13917265

>People who are superficially intelligent lean left
>People who are actually intelligent don't lean at all because politics is for the rabble
this might be the lowest iq thing ever posted on this site. identity politics may be for the rabble but smarter people still tend to agree with more far-left policies. pretty much every professor i have had in university has been a socialist

>> No.13917267

everyone who browses /pol/ must be lined up and shot

>> No.13917271

yes, everyone that's in power tries to keep being there
of course it's tactical free speech

>> No.13917273

From a national socialist and natural selection point of view yes. left belives in equality of the individual and the right wants to empower the individual, which generally involves making the population proud of its own people and heritage.

>> No.13917291

By the time we conquered the rest of the world we had already far surpassed them all in art, philosophy and technology.
big whoosh

>> No.13917297

Last books I've read were 'Every knee shall bow' by Jess Walter, which I do highly recommend. The ones before were 'All The Pretty Horses' and Suttree by McCarthy, basically everything by Spengler including his diary and Moby Dick.
Also there's a lot of tax law related stuff on my book shelf because that's what I'm studying.

>> No.13917302

Also, the Nrx folks are infinitely more high IQ than you, don't go around talking about braindead reactionaries, dummy

>> No.13917304


>> No.13917315

Not this thing again. There's only one infallible rule about left and right wing and it's that all who fall for this distinction haven't read or lived long enough. Reducing everything, epsecially the development of one's character through literature to politics, and especially to its left-right dichotomy, and especially in the current year, is a clear sign of immaturity.
To the teenager who made this thread, read more books and stop using politics as your reference, because politics is not a stable phenomenon. Reading great works of literature will make you see things more clearly and hopefully let yiu break away from these anglo tendencies of clear and dumb distinctions.

>> No.13917328

Rejecting reasonable systems of classification because they're shy of perfect doesn't make you sophisticated, it makes you a nonce.

>> No.13917343

Empathy is feeling with, not thinking with. It's entirely possible to empathize with a person without adopting their perspective.

Also, there's something quite curiously UN-empathetic about suggesting your political opponents lack empathy, a crucial component of humanity. It's almost like, because you can't empathize with a position other than yours, you're dehumanizing them! But you guys glibly identifying empathy with the left wouldn't do that, right?

Right. The midwit empathizes with someone because of an emotional appeal, then has the childish reaction of "This is wrong! Fix it! NOW!" Context, nuance, and complicated weighting of possible alternatives are discarded in favor of pure empathic certainty.

>> No.13917384

People like noam chomsky are all talk.
they just support the left because theyd get more grants.
Thats really what its all about.
If anyone here was really far left like they claim theyd be out there organizing.

>> No.13917460

Because you cannot measure intelligence based on political leanings .

>> No.13917484

The left is an alliance of high school dropouts, welfare dependant bums, single moms, cat ladies, a corrupt banking-education-media-political elite, a bunch of naive students and of course all the low IQ non-whites. The high IQ portion of the left is a small segment and the measured IQ differences between the two sides are all but negligible.

>> No.13917492

>The opposite happened to me

>> No.13917494

there is a correlation between education level and political leanings which show that the more education someone has, the more likely to hold left leaning political opinions

>> No.13917506

>implying that isn't merely demonstration of the left-wing takeover of the education system, especially college and grad school

If only you knew how badly it really is.

>> No.13917521

>hurr durr. people who want to get more smarter are actually a bunch of brainwashed idiots
literal cope

>> No.13917526

Because you're some shitlib fictionfag who hasn't once had to read anything that questioned your worldview. You're a natural beta who follows the current and never dissents.

>> No.13917529

Yes but that education doesn't correlate to success in life. People of the right are far more successful in starting families and being economically successful. Now consider that the left live in much more successful areas (wealthy metropolises vs poor rural areas) and are more educated and that difference is striking. It basically means that liberals are failures at life when they've been handed success on a golden platter while right wingers have overcome the odds to attain success. It also means liberal "education" is largely contained to being worthless, self fellating, economically worthless tripe while the right studies useful shit that they employ effectively in the real world.

>> No.13917536

Schizo posting is the Hallmark of the leftist.

>> No.13917538

>Now consider that the left live in much more successful areas (wealthy metropolises
>It basically means that liberals are failures at life

>> No.13917555

>live in the wealthiest areas in the country
>still less successful than conservatives
>fail to start families and have kin, the most basic biological emperative
Liberal individuals lean to being failures compared to Conservative individuals.

>> No.13917560

Because you are a midwit, I have very high IQ, tested and all that, an I have become more right-wing, already was far-right even before starting reading too.

>> No.13917565

what's so good about TMotTC?

>> No.13917572

An American posted this. I'm sure of it. Please, describe "left wing."

>> No.13917577

You guys know that it isn't 2006 internet anymore. Things that happen on twitter and other parts of the internet have repercussions in the real world. We may never know how many women were inspired by MeToo to get their exes fired from jobs and blacklisted, or how many friendships were destroyed because someone wasn't sufficiently woke enough. The only acceptable ideologies to have in polite society are 'liberal' and 'leftist socialist who has some disagreements with liberals but for the Right Reasons(tm)' otherwise you're personae non grata

>> No.13917582

It's hard for me to explain why it's good but I can explain how it made me feel. It felt like an uplifting religious experience, like how I imagine Christians feel reading the bible, and it felt like I was reading pure, unbridled, truth for the first time in my life. Truth that has been deeply suppressed by the dominating social order.

>> No.13917593

>only measuring success on having children
the global population is like 8 billion and the uneducated masses having kids are doing the world a huge disservice. also plenty of educated (american) liberals have successful families

>> No.13917601

I've heard he was just an inferior Evola.

>> No.13917612

the right might be greedy assholes, but the lefties are legit super fucking creepy. not sure why but liberals just make my fucking skin crawl. fuck em all honestly, bunch of tribalistic apes on both sides just muddying the waters of all the real problems of the world

>> No.13917641

I have friends from both camps but my fellow rightoid friends are generally funnier and dont give a fuck and you can make the occasional edgy joke and not get gossiped about forever. Also why are progs so into gossip?

>> No.13917643

I've never actually read Evola, but I expect not. Was Evola ever banned by the Jews? Was he murdered for his writings? Did he influence the growth of of the most efficient and interesting states to ever exist?

>> No.13917645

It's literally the opposite.

>> No.13917664
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What I've learned from this thread is that being a leftist requires empathy.

Okay, maybe. But if empathy leads you to economically unsustainable political systems, then empathy distorts reasoning and should not be the basis of political thought. An intelligent person would be able to see that while the left sounds good superficially, it has poor efficacy, and that while classic liberalism seems inhumane, it actually improves everybody's lives, even the poor.

Basically, leftism involves "why can't we give poor people a million dollars"-tier beliefs not grounded in reality.

>> No.13917671

Awful list

>> No.13917678

i'm a socialist but have no problem with edgier humor. about the only thing i won't say is the n word but i'm not personally offended when others do depending on context

>> No.13917722

See >>13917572

>> No.13917744

>The left has economically unsustainable political systems
>leftism involves "why can't we give poor people a million dollars"-tier beliefs not grounded in reality.
Two things I already know about you: you are American and you are thinking about Communism. I am right-wing myself (traditionalist, to be exact) but it's not true that the Left has economically unsustainable systems. Your mistake is associating the Left to Communism or similar systems, but there are others. In the 1960s and 1970s half of Italy (precisely Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Marche) was led by the Communist Party (PCI). USSR in Western Europe, you think? Nope. Their economical system was the same of capitalism, but with increased attention for the small entrepreneurs, craftsmanship, local level manifacturing, etc. Their model was marked by a strong socialism which prevented the injustice of today's capitalism. And yet that was capitalism just as well.

>> No.13917771

>being a leftist requires empathy
while it may appear to be this way at first glance, leftists merely emulate empathy.
many of them are full on psychotic (in the clinical sense) in that they deny reality (as you noted yourself)
also the "muh poor" is a fake position of the left, in that they will not hesitate for a second to vote for a neo liberal that is ok with darkies in their country rather than for a bordering commie that oppose immigration.
for such a case, see Macron VS LePen in France.
the core value of leftism is the worship of the brown monkey, feature planted there by jews and homosexuals.
everything beside that is mere camouflage.

>> No.13917774

There's no rigid definition, yet everyone knows what it is.

>> No.13917779

Ban Americans from posting.

>> No.13917826

>the core value of leftism is the worship of the brown monkey
why tho? what's their endgame?

>> No.13917899

The end game of Jews is neo-Babylon, an international order of Jews ruling over a medium-low IQ race of mulattoe goy-slaves through international banking and the control of information. The endgame of gays is fucking as many other fags as they can before they die of aids at 35.

>> No.13917904

All the greats were right wing, though.

>> No.13917949
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>> No.13917958
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youre completely brainwashed

>> No.13917961

>become less attached to reality
>develop unrealistic views of the world
why is this?

>> No.13917975

Whats this weird divide on the left of whether populism is actually good or bad. Lefties do realize theyre average like everyone else right?

>> No.13917985

>Americans are confusing hyper capitalist liberal with the left again
when will it end

>> No.13917996


>> No.13918003

>implying social and cultural views of both liberals and leftists don't interlap

>> No.13918004

>(a made up word, by the way)
As opposed to the language everyone spoke after birth?

>> No.13918005

It's also funny when the so-called leftists are against nationalism and sovereignty and instead repeat the big-capital globalist talking points.

>> No.13918006

They aren't economic leftists in any sense though

>> No.13918011

Unironic commutards make up a small minority of the left.

>> No.13918021

wonder what big red is up to these days

>> No.13918031
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Because literature, especially the best sort, are inherently a trip in empathy; you read about a character and their motivations and if it's written well you will understand them and even like them a little. And doing that a lot inherently makes you less judgmental of others.

The very best books, like Anna Karanina, for example, explicitly teach you to empathize with characters you might at a glance consider bad people.

A shit book will show a bad person as unrepentantly worthy of condemnation. A book written skillfully will paint that person as tragic and the foundation of tragedy is empathy/pity combined with the somber acknowledgment that the world is unfair and impersonal.

>> No.13918038

And libs are a minority of centrists

>> No.13918039

You're distinction between thinking and feeling is arbitrary. You cant do one without the other. Anyone who claims they can think logically without emotion is lying to themselves and others.

>> No.13918042

Doesn't mean people like Democrats aren't right wing

>> No.13918044
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>> No.13918053

living out revenge fantasies and what >>13917899 said.

doesn't matter.
it's all about importing subhumans, and you'll be hardly pressed to find a single lefty that doesn't support that.
funnily enough, it's the demonstration that their shit isn't supported by the locals.

>> No.13918056


>> No.13918059

Why do you think that being empathetic and passing judgment for the sake of the greater good is mutually exclusive?

>> No.13918070

It's not though.
The more I read, the farther right I get. At the end of the day it's about whether, at the core of your being, you are a Chad individualist or a beta faggot.

>> No.13918081

Because it seems like a reasonably decent person would have no inner desire to pass judgement on others.

>> No.13918099

Brainlet tier statement.
You're passing judgment on others by stating that and obviously you have your own plethora of ways of judging people.

>> No.13918104

Agamemnon didn't want to kill his daughter, but it had to be done.

>> No.13918113

What is with all the commie faggots who've filled this board in the past 2 or so years? Clip yourselves you fucking faggots I hate you

>> No.13918121

Discord trannies and reddit refugees.

>> No.13918132

The board was known as the left-wing board, until /pol/faggots started to ingest this place

>> No.13918145

at first i was more of a centrist then i became a right winger after watching feminists get rekt compilations on youtube then i became left winger when i started reading a bit then i became a hard commie after reading more then i got depressed and started doubting things getting better after reading even more books and getting stuck in Sisyphean life cycle.
if communism ever comes it won't be in the form of luxury communism but instead it will just eliminate the inefficiencies of the luxury of the higher classes to produce even more efficiently. this is the nature of everything. everything only wants to produce more. trees grow taller, algae reproduces, tigers hunt, atoms attract each other, etc, such thing is so deep that it defies us to oppose it. that's the meaning of life: MORE, be an efficient tool for the incomprehensible entity that drives everything for the more.
a human can't accept this because their nonconformity, emotions and illusion of free will (that are also a tool of producing more)

>> No.13918152

That's why i chose the words "inner desire" to judge others.

Everyone judges and makes value calls but a decent person tempers this habit with things like acknowledging your own shortcomings or the absurdity of the human condition.

A dummy not only doesn't temper his judgement or capacity to be wrong, he ignores it, and wants to tell others how wrong they are.

>> No.13918157

Same. The more I read, my understanding why people lean left is getting smaller and smaller

>> No.13918172
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>> No.13918188

Booty bothered, huh?

>> No.13918205
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>> No.13918207

>Fuzzy lad who likes Star Trek and breakfast food.
>literal fat bearded bugman who loves steven universe and rick and morty

>> No.13918208

bluepilled, brainlet-tier and cringe