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13916653 No.13916653 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many authors insist on including sex scenes in their writing? It's honestly a bit disgusting.

>> No.13916685

they aren't as insecure about sex as some incels on 4chan

>> No.13916693

It makes up for lack of talent.

>> No.13916695
File: 102 KB, 511x683, houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To exhibit the ugliness of modernity

>> No.13916721

Writing sex scenes is like writing about your character taking a shit. It adds nothing.

>> No.13916732

I don't really mind as long as there's some point to it, or it's a book deliberately about sex. The only book I can recall reading with a weird out of place sex scene is Broken Angels by Richard Morgan when two characters go into a computer program to fuck each other for a while.

>> No.13916786

how the fuck would there ever be a point to it? an implication of sex and fade to black to the next scene would serve the same purpose to any non exotica story.
its basiccally just for titilation and gratuitous and in there as filler and what >>13916693 said

>> No.13916809

Things can be said, emotions felt, character traits revealed. Sex for the point of pornography is, I agree, pointless and easily replaced with a fade to black, but it's what happens during and around the sex scene that can have a purpose.

>> No.13916827

>Things can be said, emotions felt, character traits revealed
None of that demands a sex scene, it can be done better without one.

>> No.13916845

>how the fuck would there ever be a point to it? an implication of [whatever] and fade to black to the next scene would serve the same purpose
Generalized TFY

>> No.13916850

Sex can expand on a character more and can relieve some tension in the story if the story wants to be lighthearted about the subject it's being written on. It can bring humor to a situation (Catch 22, The Crying of Lot 49, etc.)

>> No.13916905

>it can be done better without one.
Disagree entirely.

Sex is loaded with so many personal and cultural nuances that it can mean very different things to the characters experiencing it. To simply fade to black and skip all of that would be a huge waste, assuming the sex actually has a point, as I said earlier. If it's two characters simply enjoying the other, then I agree it can be skipped or just implied, but if it means something to them and changes who they are as a character, why would you want anything else?

>> No.13916925

>Sex is loaded with so many personal and cultural nuances

>> No.13916929

It’s a part of the human experience. Grow up.

>> No.13916933

Anime-posting self-castrated eunuchs are last men

>> No.13916965

Sex is fun, get mad

>> No.13917020

Shame, excitement, love, lust, pride, submission, domination, anxiety... What's allowed in your culture? What isn't? Is nudity and casual sex no big deal or it something to be kept strictly under wraps? Are the characters having a complicated affair or just indulging in some fun and relaxation?

>> No.13917140
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OP is obviously an asexual that's disgusted with sex. Many asexuals aren't, but were unlucky with this one. Anyways, the writer can write whatever the fuck they want to convey the emotion they want. Sex is an experience with strong emotions. They use it because it can help the story. Are their other methods? Obviously, but it doesn't mean they HAVE to use it

>> No.13917930

too many orgasms desu reads like he never had sex. it's like he is shitposting really hard whenever he writes sex

>> No.13918141

Yeah it's disgusting, base and juvenile. Really is nothing other than the author fantasizing 99.9% of the time. Game of thrones, for example. Worst part is George is an even bigger degenerate than just writing sex scenes.