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13912594 No.13912594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me in summer 2014
>hear about Elliot Rodger, find sluthate and the incel blackpill, which was like the r9kpill but made of uranium in the shape of the platonic ideal of truth
>realised then that my ugliness was the reason why I had gone through university with no friends or social experiences
>ugliness was why I had never had female attention ever or been to a pub, club, or party
>ugliness and sperginess was why I failed so many internship interviews and became the ugly loser nobody talked to within a day of all my jobs
>my inner monologue in public became a non-stop stream of negativity and EVERY social interaction I have had in public since then has been with the realisation that the incel blackpill is true

Now it's 2019 and I am soon going to start a good job. Nothing has changed, even after moving to London and having multiple jobs since 2014. Except I'm 28 now and my youth has passed with no social experiences, no gf, no friends. I'm a total social failure and the best I can hope for is some shitty middle management wagecuck job.

I simply have no motivation in life. Not the tiniest bit. Lifting weights changed nothing. Junk food, fast food, and coffee binges are my main pleasure in life. My main hobby in the past 5 years has been driving or walking around outside, browsing the internet on my phone while drinking coffee (or reading in my car), hoping my youth spontaneously stops feeling wasted because I "just went outside bro!"

I'm so jealous of young people. When I turn 30 my life will be over. There will be nothing left.

>> No.13912722

Get surgery. Stop masturbating.

>> No.13912792

Good to hear from you bro how have things been lately?
As always have you considered making serious changes? I know you dislike the idea of committing yourself to a schedule of self improvement because you want to be able to spontaneously improve, but is it possible that the creation of the schedule itself is the spontaneous act of self mastery that propagates itself into the future?

>> No.13912803
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 1541999733414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even want to be a normalfag?

I used to be upset about being a sperg too. Then I spent some time actually looking at normalfags and watching their shitty empty lives and realised I'd rather be me, with all my torments, than a vapid fucking normalfag.

The reward of being an outsider has always been superior insight.

>> No.13912945

based coping mechanism.

>> No.13912980

Are you London Frog??

>> No.13912988

Unironically do what you like doing and meet friends and it'll happen. If it doesn't try to be happy in solitude. See NeverGiveUp on Youtube.

>> No.13912995

London Frog is an abstraction. Millions of anon's at this moment are "London Frog."

>> No.13913001

Nice try, mate. But there's only one.

>> No.13913017

>When I turn 30 my life will be over
Totally wrong.

30-50 is peak for a man.

>> No.13913036
File: 75 KB, 1444x830, night of the hunter 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's for a normal person. People like me and OP peaked at 8 years old if that.

>> No.13913038
File: 96 KB, 1040x510, 1562751614031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Life is literally just beginning at age 30 for a man. 18-29 was the beta test. While for a woman is pretty much over at age 30.

>> No.13913048

Not if he doesn't get over his depression.
I read The Rational Male. Some truths, though not as enlightening as some people make it out to be. Where is any evidence for that chart?

>> No.13913053

If your face is so ugly and your life is over then post your face. Who knows, you might be redeemable.

Also, get the best job you can, live frugally and invest as much as possible in real estate. If you're gonna be ugly and alone when you're 50 you may as well be financially secure, too.

>> No.13913070

>Where is any evidence for that chart?