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13911311 No.13911311 [Reply] [Original]

In favour of DQ: Dosto, Borges, Schopenhauer
Against DQ: Nabokov

What group are you in?

>> No.13911341

Borges Team here.

>> No.13911362 [DELETED] 

I dislike Borges because he disliked Baltasar Gracián but I like that he doesn't dislike DQ so I dislike Borges with a little less disliking

>> No.13911368

I don't even know why this board loves Nabokov so much. Dude was midwit tier.

>> No.13911556

I think don q is shit and any nabs short story is like diamond perfect in all ways compared to don q is like giant stone of shit. Dont really see about what that conservation

>> No.13911679

You can't even form a competent sentence and you think you have a place in a conversation like this?

Don Quixote is awesome, but Nabokov does write good books. Not as good as my boy Dostoyevsky though.

>> No.13911789

Dostoyesky's writing style is not very bright though.
I do love his characters and their inner struggles and conflicts between them (and his social/theological analysis) but that's it. No word-play, no musicality or much rythm. Nabokov has all that, in Ada for instance.
Borges is way overrated.

>> No.13911801

i at least can write in you shit language like that, in other hand you cant shit in russian, so shut up, brosky, face truth, don q was ok for its time, but even for 18th century it was already 3/10

>> No.13911803

>Borges is way overrated.

>> No.13911809

>not reading DQ every year like all the great novelists did
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13911836

>go into reading Don Quixote knowing nothing about it
>assume it is about mexican knights or some dumb shit
>find it one of the most hilarious and sad stories I've ever read

I love it and have re-read it three times.

>> No.13911846


>> No.13911973

add samuel 'based' johnson to the in favour list

>> No.13912000
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I desperately tried to find a copy of the original Spanish Don Quixote but had no luck. My brother speaks Spanish. Any help would be apprechiated. Amazon delivery to Germany, in a non-simplified Spanish, this turns out to be tricky.

>> No.13912094

It might not be easy to get delivered, but the Real Academia Española has a great edition.

Link here: https://www.amazon.com/Quijote-Mancha-Edicion-Academia-Espanola/dp/8420412147

>> No.13912119
File: 283 KB, 500x500, all_gay_here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nabokov was "against" Don Quixote.
— anon

>"What we shall witness now is the evolution of the epic form, the shedding of its metrical skin, the hoofing of its feet, a sudden fertile cross between the winged monster of the epic and the specialized prose form of entertaining narration, more or less a domesticated mammal, if I may pursue the metaphor to its lame end."
— Nabokov, in his Lectures on Don Quixote

He loved the book. Calling it "cruel" was a rhetorical move to make his listeners think harder about the literal events of the narrative, not a condemnation of the book.

>> No.13912123

Hard back, notes on virtually every page, nice ribbon (13,20 EUR): https://www.amazon.es/Quijote-Mancha-Edición-conmemorativa-ASALE/dp/8420412147/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_es_ES=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=don+quixote+alfaguara&qid=1569869427&sr=8-1

>> No.13912126

Is there anything Nabokov wasn't completely wrong on? I'm not saying he couldn't write, but his own personal taste in literature is so condescending and dismissive.

>> No.13912128

How did Menard do it? Such an incredible book.