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13910710 No.13910710 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all.
What is the best book on the history of western philosophy?

>> No.13910720
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well obviously it's this stuff i keep writing mr. old painting. but it seems to have exploded.

slep... now even lol aram is too high-octane... slep... maybei f slep enough won't be

>> No.13910728

how about just read philosophy instead of histories on it? I took a peak in Russell's history and he devotes like 6 pages to Schopenhauer where he more or less dismisses his ideas. Then you go and read Schopenhauer and it's great.

>> No.13910736

Copleston. This isn’t even a question amongst professional historians of philosophy.

t. Student of one of the foremost researchers in the discipline post-1980s.

>> No.13910924

The best part of his history of philosophy is by far the one where he talks about ancient greece

>> No.13911146

Critque of pure reason

>> No.13911149

Coplestones history of philosophy. It’s 11 volumes.

>> No.13911153

He is awful on ancient philosophy. Or are you talking about some other Russell who actually knew about Ancient Greek philosophy?

>> No.13911178

Should I read this as I go through each stage of philosophy? Also do you say it's the best just because it is the most comprehensive, or is it literally just the best?

>> No.13911201


I said that it was the best, not that it was good