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/lit/ - Literature

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13907990 No.13907990 [Reply] [Original]

So, how does /lit/ feel about "self-help" books? Of really any variety. How do you get the most out of them?

Post what you've read and why you liked it/hated it

>> No.13908017

My main problem with them is they are really only good for tweaking and optimizing your time. They are good if you just want to fit in better, but not if you want a high level view of things.

When I was reading self-help stuff I realized I was always stuck on day zero and wanted to make sure I did enough reading to not mess up anything. With this thinking you are like a hostage without any sense of closure. I realized it's better to just go out and try things rather than read books about why and how I should be trying things. To go out and do, that is how you really discover yourself and I only wish I started sooner.

>> No.13908022
File: 117 KB, 631x598, 1325449897684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could draw like that

>> No.13908026

Joel Osteen.

My grandparents used to watch this hack every Sunday morning for years.

>> No.13908041

How to Change Your Mind
You Must Change Your Life
Philosophy as a Way of Life
Philosophy of CBT

>> No.13908055

How to Change Your Mind isn't really self-help though, unless there's another one not by Michael Pollan

>> No.13908099

fucking practice you god damn lazy fuck and you could

>> No.13908114

they are a meme if they worked no more writing on the subject would exist

>> No.13908163

Wishing is only like 1/3 of the thing.

The 2 are hard work. YOU CAN DO IT, anon.

>> No.13908309

That doesn't follow. Different problems and different approaches, friend

>> No.13908370

Already got too many things in the works. Finishing up my current studies, then learning Greek. Add to that my regular reading list and writing, and I dont even have time for vidya

>> No.13908410

Draw instead of browsing lit

>> No.13908495
File: 255 KB, 326x326, 1513213106799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But browsing /lit/ is the thing I do when I dont want to do that other stuff.

>> No.13908517

Drop vidya in place of practicing drawing. It's much more worthwhile and rewarding.

>> No.13908533

Sounds gay but jp helped shift my life into a new direction when 12 rules came out. Not so much a fan anymore but he was a catalyst for a huge change in my life for the better

>> No.13908566
File: 1012 KB, 773x800, jd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try doodling or drawing when you feel bored instead of shitposting. It's all about building a habit. If you cut down on /lit/ and carve out 20-30 minutes a day you'll start improving.

>> No.13908576

Who's the qt?

>> No.13908598

A character I made for a comic I might do.

>> No.13908600

why are YOU on here shitposting?

>> No.13908611

Keep it up, then. Good luck!

>> No.13908623

I've got time to draw AND shitpost. If that anon is strapped for time it could help to cut out shitposting. I've been trying to stop coming here desu but it's really hard.
Thanks anon!

>> No.13908769

A lot of self help books don’t have much substance to them so it’s hard to get anything out of them. The stoic texts and some books on meditation have helped me but I find that it’s best to constantly re-read them so you keep the information fresh in your mind. If you’re looking to change then you have to actually put fourth the effort on your end, since simply reading a book won’t be enough. I used to just read books cover to cover and wait for change but it would never come. It’s much better to take notes and consciously try to apply everything you read in the book. And then reread the more important parts again to cement the info in your brain.

>> No.13909309

Read Loomis

>> No.13909339

Also le ebin gigachad character who is a billionaire, always chill af and gives advices like:
>"lmao bro just chill out"
>How he got all his money with a super secret routine the author made

>> No.13910098

Just read textbooks instead, you actually learn something instead of getting a single idea regurgitated for three hundred (at best) pages.