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13906902 No.13906902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Many thinkers (or most of them) defined life as suffering, but I don't see it that way.

These thoughts came to my mind right now while observing children playing and adults chattering and having a good time in this beautiful sunny day.

The problem is that we consciously or unconsciously bring (or even seek) suffering. Boredom is a form of suffering, since we can't endure boredom we make many mistakes that make us suffer; such as doing drugs, pointlessly arguing with your partner over money. Even seeking the meaning of life, depending on how much time you spend on it, can be defined as suffering that you brought to you. No one forces you to read Philosophy.

I do believe in Devils, but not the Devils of the Bible, but the Devil called Suffering.
I think life itself is NOT suffering. I think we humans make it seems so. We waste our time bickering with one another over pointless and trivial things. People who are always on the edge, people who want to do harm are irrational people with low intellect. People get angry and break things when they lose a match in a fucking video-game. What a stupidity and waste of energy!

>but what about death
Well, it's inevitable, whether you like it or not. Humans naturally fear the unknown, unfamiliar things, That's why we have a limited number of people who share our house with us. That's why most people feel certain discomfort around people of different ethinicties and religions.

>but what about loneliness
You isolate yourself because your ego tricks you. It makes you think the so-called common people are alien to you, even though they're just humans. You don't hate people, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND PEOPLE.
Go out. Talk to people. I'm sure you can fit in with the so-called common people through an effort that's not even that great. With time you'll start to like them and find some things in common.

>but what about boredom
Don't make the mistake many people commit by indulging in extremely hedonistic activities to escape boredom. Create, paint, play a guitar. If you lack the the talent for these things (as I do) spend your time with Art. Literature, Music, Films, Paintings. Study something to keep your mind occupied. But you NEED to talk to people. Don't isolate yourself. Chattering is the most effective way to kill boredom if you're chattering with the right person. Find a partner, a girlfriend.

>but what about emptiness
Emptiness...Why can't you leave me alone? Nature, why did you make me so rational?
The Devil (suffering) that torments me is emptiness. I try to fight it by dancing. Yes , dancing in my room while listening to music.
And I'll be the totally honest with you guys; I also take two pills of Zoloft right after waking up to keep the Devil Emptiness at bay. That's how I can enjoy life, write these words and do things.

Approach life without too much expectation. Enjoy things, but don't be like some users from /mu/ who try to find flaws in albums, even the ones that are extremely satisfying.

>> No.13906950

>we make many mistakes that make us suffer; such as doing drugs,
> I also take two pills of Zoloft right after waking up

>> No.13906956
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>> No.13906961

But it's a prescription pill. I don't abuse it. The doctor recommended it to me. I'm sure he knows more about illness, diseases and pain more than you.

>> No.13906970


>> No.13906971

Imagine all the slaughtered flesh bubbling inside those happy playful bellies! Imagine all the worms being torn out of the ground, all the female ducks on the lake being raped, all the little unseen animals languishing in illness or injury. Imagine all the dysentery and vomit and torture occurring alongside this happy little spectacle!

>> No.13906983


>> No.13906986

you are doing drugs prescribed by your psychologist buddy.
>right after waking up
>i dont abuse it
the fact that you need zoloft to ease your pain is contrary to your theory of "life is not suffering".

>> No.13906999

I need it, buddy.
It's different than doing drugs for pleasure.

>> No.13907006
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We need a book called The World as Chill and Recreation.

>> No.13907009

>I need zolof right after waking up, buddy. but life is not suffering at all. i promise, believe me.
you need to be honest with yourself.

>> No.13907016

>life is not suffering
yet you need to go to work every day until you die. If you think you don't you're highly delusional and rely on anecdotes told by non-standard humans. 99% of people MUST work.

I love my life from 17:00, but i hate it for 10 hours a day when I have to work.

"do what you love and you won't have to work a day in your life", well i like to read (not write reviews or books or anything at all), watch movies (also, not talk about them or write, just watch them), exercise (not teach people how to do it, just do things with my body to stay sharp) and eat (not talk about food or write about it). What should my job be so that I'd like it?

>> No.13907029

I am being honest with myself.
You need food to survive. I need those pills to live.

>> No.13907037

>tfw locked in your wage cage and when released temporarily are drained of all energy so you have no energy to do anything but consume media

>> No.13907052

you need those pills because life is suffering too. dont go saying stupid nonsense shit like "believe in yourself, make music be happy dont do drugs" when you literally need two pills a day to not feeling miserable because you know deep down everything is useless and stupid. specially yourself.

>> No.13907073

Life is so bad it's comical, without cancelling the pain.

>> No.13907076

>because you know deep down everything is useless and stupid

Deep down? It's right on the surface, buddy.
Life is meaningless. I'm aware of that. My point is that it's not suffering. We create suffering like a filmmaker who makes depressing movies. Change your perspective.

>> No.13907084

OP is based, stop bullying her

>> No.13907099


I'm a man, retard.
Just used a picture of a cute for aesthetic purposes.

>> No.13907125

>Change your perspective with mczoloft a day.
your "change of perspective" thing is meaningless too. you are suffering because deep down you know it. you are suffering. stop saying hypocrital shit like life is not suffering because you are dancing alone in your room. just admit it. you rely on your psychologis to convince you that you are sick. but they are liying to you. you are suffering and zoloft is drugs to avoid it like all the hedonistic shit you are criticizing in your post.

>> No.13907132

you unironically write like a woman who's first language isn't English

>> No.13907139
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>> No.13907155

are you inexperienced with dating?

I remember feeling like that when I was like 20. But I'm 28 now and I feel almost no anxiety at all about dating.

Trust me, they are probably more nervous than you in that they can legit fear being raped / killed / whatever

>> No.13907162
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>> No.13907178

Reminder that the best way to live is to make Cervantes your savior, Don Quixote your messiah and the book Don Quixote your bible.

>> No.13907202

No, Zoloft doesn't give me any pleasure. It makes me feel kind of indifferent to things so the Devil Emptiness won't prevent me from living life. I avoid sugar, alcohol, junk food and etc.

>> No.13907226

>are you inexperienced with dating?
Yes, I'm 18

>> No.13907236

>Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.

>> No.13907252

Life is suffering because it is active multiplicity and incessant transformation and people indentify themselves with this. They are attached to suffering by thinking their own reality is this process.

>> No.13907258

>It makes me feel kind of indifferent to things so the Devil Emptiness won't prevent me from living life.
you are literally antrophomorcally demonizing suffering. you are so afraid of suffering you get two mczoloft a day and try to rationalize the suffering like a devil in order to have your fantasy world where life is not suffering. you are a coward. you dont see yourself in clarity because you are a coward. your advices are shit because of that.
life have suffering. you are avoid knowing it like you avoid sugar alcohol and junk food.
the meaningless of things make you suffer, and you know it. you are sedating yourself consciously to avoid it. just admit it.

>> No.13907277

The Universe is the Practical Joke of the General at the Expense of the Particular, quoth FRATER PERDURABO, and laughed.
But those disciples nearest to him wept, seeing the Universal Sorrow.
Those next to them laughed, seeing the Universal Joke.
Below these certain disciples wept.
Then certain laughed.
Others next wept.
Others next laughed.
Next others wept.
Next others laughed.
Last came those that wept because they could not see the Joke, and those that laughed lest they should be thought not to see the Joke, and thought it safe to act like FRATER PERDURABO.
But though FRATER PERDURABO laughed openly, He also at the same time wept secretly; and in Himself He neither laughed nor wept.
Nor did He mean what He said.

>> No.13907324
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Of course I'm demonizing Suffering.
Don't be like Nietzsche. Suffering is the Devil.
You need to know how to suffer properly. Do a sport. Study things that are unpleasent. The Devil suffering will feel weak and powerless once you've overcome it without destroying yourself.

>> No.13907335

jesus fucking christ crowley was a brainlet you faggot, fuck off with this cringy shallow shit. i cant understand the misery of people who not only read that degenerated, cancer charlatan but carry and identify themselves with it.

>> No.13907357

that's my favorite painting

>> No.13907503

the only time i dont care about any of that shit is when my dick is in my girlfriends mouth or pussy or ass and we're like mindless wild carnal animals. only real cure/escape ive found to any fear, depression, apathy, boredm, etc.

>> No.13907577

Spot the high school philosopher

>> No.13907589

No your not

>> No.13907670
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Such a terrible post, actually made me unironically KEK.

>> No.13907744

We create suffering? Guess you've never seen someone die from lung cancer, dude.

>> No.13907867

>When someone declared that life is an evil Diogenes corrected him: "not life itself, but living ill".