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13906713 No.13906713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'm a Guenonian Petersonian Shapiroian Trumpian Traditionalist
What type of person do you imagine?

>> No.13906721

school shooter

>> No.13906723

someone that I'd take LSD with

>> No.13906725

sam hyde wannabe

>> No.13906726
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>> No.13906729

one of those is not like the others

>> No.13906731

a skinny short beta male with an average sized penis and bad style

>> No.13906737
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>> No.13906743
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>> No.13906791

>has to mention penises

>> No.13906799

A right-wing schizo

>> No.13906803


>> No.13906813

I DO suck cock. Some people do it, get over it.

>> No.13906817

X O ⨂

a m p

>> No.13906822

Oh so fragile.

>> No.13906833

Half those people are left wing

>> No.13906836

i'm not a leftist, peterson, shapiro and trump are though :)

>> No.13906842
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>> No.13906843


God you’re so unfunny, please just return to lurking, or just leave entirely please. FUCK man

>> No.13906863

Snarky condescending redditesque reply. Try again, moth.

>> No.13906875
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>> No.13906877

Can someone explain having a Guenonian philosophy to me?

>> No.13906887

old thing good new thing bad

>> No.13906888

Being three steps above Peterson in retardation

>> No.13906899

I used to be another rudderless and morose youth but than I start reading the traditionalists and studying eastern doctrines. Since then it's been a massive shift. I have better posture, body language, I walk and hold myself like I'm home everywhere. You eventually reach a point (if you read enough, give up enough distractions, and put in enough effort) where you are immersed in a blissful cloud 24/7. I wake up and see a ray of light shining into my room and 4 or 5 different metaphysical models of conceiving the immutable godhead play across my mind, I settle on one and joyfully rise. There is no sadness or delusion, but only the ineffable and spotless bliss; minutes pass by like hours. It made me stop 95% of electronic media and fiction doesn't even interest me anymore, the very present moment itself a kaleidoscopic enigma of the self-effulgent infinite divinity witnessing itself, how could I ever wish to distract myself with lesser knowledge? Girls especially pick up on this kind of unconscious body language stuff, when you walk into a room or down the street knowing that everything is just the projection of the acasual and spontaneous divine play of God overflowing into the world it makes you fearless and radiates power, confidence, presence of mind etc. Girls have been throwing themselves them at me but I only still partake to complement my jnanic practices through tantric sex techniques in combination with Daoist-style semen retention to cultivate Qi and so on. I can't even begin to describe what's this is like, every single moment even when taking a shit is as profound as taking psychedelics. I literally get home, sit down on my couch and remained there for hours in a state of samadhi; I sometimes forget that there are even people who have anxiety and get worried about death. Everything suspended in the auspicious ocean of bliss emanating from myself

>> No.13906942

A self-hating American, Canadian, or Western European between ages 19 and 24 with unkempt hair, a pair of cheap glasses with thin frames, a wardrobe full of bland and dark colored clothes, and an aggressively clean shaven face out of fear of looking like a guy in a nu-male collage. He is a close relative of the Tedposter except instead of daydreaming about buying a rural shack he daydreams about moving to some exotic place in the East that doesn't actually exist with a virginal wife that also doesn't exist.

>> No.13906960

People that make reading or academia into an aesthetic are the worst

>> No.13906962

I like his hair!

>> No.13906964

That's Foucault you are thinking of. Guenon was very much for living in the present

>> No.13906966

someone extremely based

>> No.13906974


the blessed one has spoketh

>> No.13907115
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>I'm a Petersonian Talebian Evolalian Pan Europeanist Traditionalist

>> No.13907121


Someone who post on 4chan all day and watches futunari hentai daily

>> No.13907131

Guenon, Peterson, Shapiro and Trump are all leftists

>> No.13907150

Based 16-year old conservachad

>> No.13907175

Guenonfags and Shapirofags/Trumpfags don't get along, Guenonfags would call them brainlets while Evolafags would dump Amerimutt memes.

>> No.13907212

So he's good for shitposting but turns you into a nonsensical pseudoenlightened rambler if you don't watch out?

>> No.13908538

This would make an excellent slice of life comedy hentai.

>> No.13909094

based, except for that filthy kike Shapiro

>> No.13909307

One That doesn't exist outside a leftist's rotten deranged brain.

>> No.13909319
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>> No.13909331

can the /leftypol/ refugee faggots in this thread fuck off to plebbit with their lame posts

>> No.13909503
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how do you differentiate spotless bliss from spotless depression because both can make you quite apathetic

>> No.13909562

An Australian fuckboi with too much time on his hands, while he realy should be doing a whole album of that songs like Spider Pig Joke, Friendo, and The Sword of Michael... Please do it Book Club Guy, Q!!!

>> No.13909573


>> No.13909579

He sounds like an Aussie to me.

>> No.13909591

To avoid potential future embarrassment, I urge you to study the differences between a british accent and an australian accent

>> No.13909595


>> No.13909612

You hear Q and tell me exactly what British accent this is supposed to be. He sounds like a west of sydney wallaballabingbong that travelled to London for university classes and then made a holiday in Texas, just to make videos spoofing the English language entirely.

>> No.13909623

the guy is definitely from britain, without a shadow of a doubt
t. aussie

>> No.13909624

leftism is just being a sexual pervert at this point

>> No.13909625

>I'm a Guenonian Petersonian Shapiroian Trumpian Traditionalist
50¢/post shill who's only allowed to post trump_touching_wall.jpg

>> No.13909630

somewhere near the end of the video he explains it, russian with english subtitles btw

>> No.13909633

aristocracies have literally always had particular dresscodes, either explicit or implicit

>> No.13909639
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>> No.13909645

the left is dead and women killed it.

>> No.13909655

moth... hehe.. i like that one

>> No.13909657

Virgin nagging post versus Chad comedian gold

>> No.13909672

I can better imagine the person who thinks Peterson, Guenon, Trump, and Shapiro are compatible

>> No.13909675

How intellectual. Did you just finish fapping from r/centaurgirls? Why don't you stay there, coomer.

>> No.13909706
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>> No.13909940

>Not Evola

>> No.13910023
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>I am a Heideggerian, Schmittian, Duginist that advocates for Anglo genocide and third political theory.


>> No.13910026
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>the virgin normie
>the chad meme devotee
Also her denying sex to his bf