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13906011 No.13906011 [Reply] [Original]

Was he based?

Was he virtuous?

Was he a stoic?

Was he Catholic?

Which of his works should I read?

Tags: Marcus, Tullius, Cicero, Tully

>> No.13906097
File: 32 KB, 500x465, 12dc390eb223a5cc3cbf32633745b4c2afbfb18f_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13907020

Kill yourself, neophyte.

>> No.13907034

Seething gatekeeper secret club fag

>> No.13907064

There is literally nothing wrong with gatekeeping. You can't convince me otherwise, newfaggot.

>> No.13907070

Gatekeepers are insecure fags who need their opinions to be unique

>> No.13907107

Gatekeepers get to keep all the knowledge to themselves, allowing them to wield power and influence over the ignorant. Max Weber states that a government is able to maintain it's power over it's citizenry that way. That form of gatekeeping maintains itself through bureaucracy, as opposed to shitposting lingo on a Scandinavian mountain climbing forum.

>> No.13907219

Was he based?


Was he virtuous?

He was by no means perfect, but compared to his contemporaries, yes.

Was he a stoic?

He was an Academic, but he came to appreciate the Stoic view on ethics when everything fell to shit for him.

Was he Catholic?

Not even in spirit. There is a distinct lack of shame and self flaggelation in his works

Which of his works should I read?

Depends on what you are looking to get out of him. His works are quite vareid so you're best served looking at each and picking what appeals to you most.

>> No.13907549

>Was he Catholic?

The Church hadn't really come into existence yet by the time Cicero was assassinated. It was only a few years after Pentecost, after all.

It still makes me mad that he was assassinated, by the way. Fuck Augustus, that backstabbing whore. Cicero went to the mat for him only for him to turn rat and ally with Antony.