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/lit/ - Literature

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13902612 No.13902612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books helped you with depression, anxiety, or lack of purpose?

>> No.13902620

The Bible, although it was only temporary

>> No.13902625

These threads come up often anon. Most point you to the Bible, as Christianity is going through a revival on these boards for some odd reason.
Some Philosophy would also help, but how much have you read already?

>> No.13902637
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Here friend

>> No.13902640

I haven't read much philosophy at all really but I want to

>> No.13902740

That's awesome anon. As long as you start at it, that's what is important. Just remember that philosophy can be hard to read for some at first and it will make you question everything.
Most recommend to start with the Greeks first. I would suggest reading Plato first. He can be intimidating but he has been around for a long time. While his Republic is his most famous work, start with his others first; Charmides, then move onto Phadeo & Symposium before you tackle the Repulic.
Good luck anon and never be worried about asking questions on /lit. baby steps.
Sure, we have hundreds of shit posts a day, but we also have interesting conversations on atheism and Christianity that usually get deleted.

>> No.13902746

Developing a passion for reading and/or writing will at least give you something in life. It doesn't even have to be deep meaningful literature, it just needs to be something better than frogposting and video games.

>> No.13902780
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Sometimes retard self help is the answer. In that case, this is by far the best of that genre

>> No.13902861
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Not the Bible

>> No.13902870

Hustler and Playboy


>> No.13902879

No Longer Human
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.13902883

Reading didn't help. Writing did.

>> No.13903862
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>> No.13903869

Mas Oyama's Advanced Karate

>> No.13903870

Tribute to Spenser
Book of unknowing except you are allowed to mentally scream at the author

>> No.13904110

this, but unironically. only three reasons why: 1. you leave a trace in this world. 2. you get a world you created. 3. you get to reflect some of your implied thoughts or ideas you might not have known before.

>> No.13904120

Which Endymion? Keats, or Longfellow?

>> No.13904121

I found it easier to not overreact to things after reading Montaigne's Essays.

>> No.13904125

You must of memorized those 3 books by nowm

>> No.13904806

Writing what? Fiction? Nonfiction? Poetry? Journaling?

>> No.13904930

No I'm reading other books. I'm not depressed out of my gourd though
Out of all the awful, disgusting and morbid things going on in the world, I'm certainly not depressed

>> No.13906070

Books can't help you

>> No.13906099

Nothing can help you to escape inferior genes.

>> No.13906107

You can lead a horse to water.

>> No.13906546


>> No.13906626
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>> No.13907365


>> No.13907397

On the origin of the species because it and other books on evolution helped me realise how important it is to have children and a family to pass on one’s genes. As well as how we must prioritise our own species.
Although this is mostly extrapolation on my part rather than information taken directly from the books
>inb4 gaytheist
I’m not an atheist

>> No.13907441


>> No.13907445

I’ll bet he does