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13902327 No.13902327 [Reply] [Original]

Inb4 Muh kindle, Muh audiobook

Fucking vapid zoomer cunts

Keep letting Big Tech eat away that precious mental ability you so hold and turn into a cog wheel, vroom vroom

>> No.13902341

>>the big 5 buying their own books to get a spot on the jew york bestselling list
>>whew still outselling digital copies

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.13902431

The keyword here is “outsell”
Who buys what free?

>> No.13902511

So ebooks have a big problem.

>> No.13902517
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>> No.13902519

Cringe. Imagine being old and typing like this angrily on 4chan

>> No.13902527
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I’m a zoomer as well, but I’m not vapid nor am I angry nor am I cringe nor am I imagining typing like anything on 4chan, retard

>> No.13902529

Capitalism has a big problem

>> No.13902589

It's literally just symbols on a flat-ish surface
Why does the material matter, unless you got a pretty bookself
Like, I wouldn't berate you for not exclusively reading clay tablets
Fucking vapid turner cunts

Keep letting Big Cellulose eat away that precious mental ability you so hold and turn into a cog wheel, press press

>> No.13902602
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Fucking A!

>> No.13902604

Yea u use a lot of edgy buzzwords and type very irritated. Have sex bro

>> No.13902875

Epic, but we're discussing something else here.

>> No.13902881
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>Keep letting Big Tech eat away that precious mental ability you so hold and turn into a cog wheel, vroom vroom
What on earth are you babbling on about?
Keep pissing away money on paper you massive loser.

>> No.13902889

>Why physical books still outsell e-books
Capitalism is what we're discussing ITT, yes.

>> No.13902907

The discussion is about how the media is consumed.

>> No.13902908

It’s under the category of capitalism, specifically the technology industry

>> No.13902935

Stop being a cunt, just add to the dis

>> No.13902992

Buying and collecting physical books when you have either a phone or a kindle is mindless consumerism. People just want to own, collect, gather, horde, display and marvel at their precious little material collections of paper, there is little reason besides vanity, this is an increasingly digital world, reading is more easy and convenient than ever. Your affectation is plain as white and just as empty.

>> No.13903005

This. And banging on about retention is just cope because none of you ADHD riddled retards remember anything anyway.

>> No.13903035
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>> No.13903037

I've no interest in reading on a kindle or phone and I'm sure physical books are better because I lived in places that had blackouts for 2 or 3 days in a row, had no internet and many other problems. Plus, a kindle/phone can break, there is the whole censorship thing, etc.
Books are like knives, old but simple and still the best technology for the task.

>> No.13903038

>Buying and collecting physical books when you have either a phone or a kindle is mindless consumerism

I almost fell for this bait

>> No.13903047

>Kindles don’t die
>Technology never fails
>Bright light and screens are better for the eyes

>> No.13903068

Not OP but I just like physical books more. I don't display them, I generally keep ones I've read in boxes. I'm not sure why I like physical books more, I think it has something to do with the process of turning pages. Scrolling or sliding just doesn't feel right for some reason. I don't think physical books are superior or anything like that though.

>> No.13903069

>Plus, a kindle/phone can break
A smart man would back up his files making this a non issue. What are you going to do when a fire burns down your house and book collection?

>> No.13903082

I’d replace the books with more books, just like how you replace your Technology device with another due to faults or change of preference, that cog wheel that powers your brain needs an oiling.
>Fire so books are gone which means your entire collection can never be replaced because they only print one ever copy of a book


>> No.13903091
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>> No.13903106

Remember Mega Upload, anon?
I won't fall for it with books and put everything on Bezos' cloud. I strongly suggest you to have physical and digital copies.

>> No.13903163
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for whom?

for whom???

>> No.13903210

Source on that? Im curious to read more on that

>> No.13903613

>Keep letting Big Tech eat away that precious mental ability you so hold and turn into a cog wheel, vroom vroom
>boomers who don't understand tech complain about tech
on a kindle you're looking at ink, same as paper you dense twat

>> No.13903638

And crypto offers an eloquent solution.

Screen this post

>> No.13903682
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my local library barely has any books that are worth reading because i live in a small slav shithole and i am too poor to pay 20$-100$ for shipping so i just pirate a fuck ton of books then read them on my phone wherever i am.

>> No.13904041


>> No.13904051
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>console wars but for books

>> No.13904054
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>why yes i do prefer ebooks how did you know?

>> No.13904138

I prefer physical because I grew up with it. I hate reading on the computer, I hate PDFs and I hate white lights shining in my face. No kindle for me

>> No.13905065

actual FUD when you look at eink you're looking at ink you silly prick

>> No.13905879

It really doesn’t. The problem with capitalism isn’t that.