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/lit/ - Literature

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13900899 No.13900899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often does /lit/ get drunk?

>> No.13900915
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Often enough to call it a habit.

>> No.13900939

They haven’t been able to diagnose me with alcoholism yet.

>> No.13900955

I had a short instance of drug abuse in HS(Not weed or any of that gay edible shit) and have never touched any substances since. Although tempted, I won't ever bother with anything again unless its nicotine or alcohol but in select amounts.

All I can say is that I've felt empty ever since. Life without drugs is no good.

>> No.13900996

Alcohol>Nicotine>LSD>Amphetamines>Shrooms>(abandon all hope ye who enter here) opiates>Disso’s>weed>benzodiazepines

>> No.13901002 [DELETED] 

Stop. Posting. Anime.

>> No.13901007

Uni's over, so never.

>> No.13901014

Anon get friends.

>> No.13901019

2 - 3 drinks a day during the week. Get absolutely smashed on weekends though

>> No.13901020

Alcohol and nicotine above shrooms? Really?

>> No.13901025

daily lately

>> No.13901031
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I smoke weed quite frequently, but rarely will I drink. When I do I typically buy a bottle and drink it over the course of a month or two.

>> No.13901035

I'm literally drunk rn

>> No.13901040

I go to a bar near my Uni and drink a few beers once a month. Twice if I'm in a particularly melancholy mood.

>> No.13901044
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Never but I smonk weed everyday

>> No.13901050
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not really a fan of the liquid jew, but i do snort the occasional line of the powdered jew on a night out
i did quit smoking last year, only had 2 cigs in the span of a year which is pretty based

>> No.13901067
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>> No.13901069

Never. I don't smoke or drink. I prefer to remain lucid. There are two ways of coping with existence: you can either render yourself less conscious through the use or abuse of various substances, or you can remain sober and overcome your suffering through the expansion of consciousness. The latter has always struck me as the more attractive method.

>> No.13901076
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I used to be on some Yozo tier drinking till I started having too many Yozo tier problems

>> No.13901078


>> No.13901090

I'm an undergrad so once or twice a weekend

>> No.13901102

You didn’t have to mention to us that you’re an undergrad

>> No.13901104
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or u could just relax and have some fun with your friends

>> No.13901110

>having friends
Choose one

>> No.13901114

t. uneducated

>> No.13901119

Fucking Vapid dumb cunt Australian >>13901069

>> No.13901128


>> No.13901130

Tfw when you have a bachelors degree in architecture and bachelors degree in Civil Engineering

How’s that writing career coming

>> No.13901137

Based but keep this level of seriousness off 4chan, you’ll get mocked for it, no one here is ready for true transcendence

>> No.13901147

Have done all and can say benzo's fucked up my life baddd, but if I they had'nt got me then the opiates would have been my poison and that's a long and slippery slope of pain and suffering. Psychedelics are the only thing I'd ever do again. Also, disso's are shit put them at the bottom

>> No.13901156


>> No.13901173 [DELETED] 

Very rarely. I have one friend who I sometimes drink beer with when we go to concerts or the cinema but never to the point of being drunk. I used to like to drink hard liquor every few months but the last two times were rather disappointing and I always feel subtly nauseous the day after. I'll probably do it again around Christmas though when I'm at my parents and everyone's asleep and I'm alone in our comfy living room.

>> No.13901184

Very rarely. I have one friend who I sometimes drink beer with when we go to concerts or the cinema but never to the point of being drunk. I used to like to drink hard liquor every few months, alone, but the last two times were rather disappointing and I hate feeling subtly nauseous the whole day after, which I always do. I'll probably do it again around Christmas though when I'm at my parent's and everyone's asleep and I'm alone in our comfy living room.

>> No.13901210

You think? How would that help?

>> No.13901224

Indeed. The most difficult part is doing this with friends, though. They always want to drink and limit themselves, and I have no way to counter it without seeming like a buzzkill.

>> No.13901231

They remind you that you are drunk.

>> No.13901240

Would you really want to do shrooms every day?

>> No.13901241
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>> No.13901256

Every. Single. Day.

>> No.13901270

almost never since i started lifting

>> No.13901274

t. Rich person.

>> No.13901283

Booze is cheap and friendship is cheaper.

>> No.13901297


>> No.13901302

Out of curiosity, why do you prefer LSD to shrooms?

>> No.13901356

coke > xtc > alcohol >>> le weed >>>>>>>>> gay psychedelic

>> No.13901376

On New Years' Eve, and occasionally when I go to these weird brewery sports bars my father-in-law loves that he calls "gastropubs." They are hipster-y and put fennel in their coleslaw for some reason, and sometimes the beer has a higher ABV than expected. I used to drink more but then I graduated college and became a religious type. I don't particularly have anything against it since I personally enjoy beer, but I just kind of fell out of drinking.

>> No.13901379

I can get quality LSD somewhat locally and plan my trips enough for the long duration to not be too much of a pain. Shrooms are my pyche of choice for less thonking trips.

>> No.13901441

Drunk? Never. Like literally never. My dad never drank because of med interactions related to his seizure disorder, so I didn't grow up with the habit, and now I carry a gun everywhere. I drink now and then, but I've never been drunk.

>> No.13901452

>Shrooms are my pyche of choice for less thonking trips.
What do you mean? How do the trips differ?

>> No.13901458

Both require money.

>> No.13901477

Booze, yes. Friendship, not particularly.

>> No.13901486

Based. I follow the same philosophy

>> No.13901492

All shops are out of stock for the foreseeable future, but luckily 4chan is here as an alternative

>> No.13901510

Honestly, this. Though I really want to try the taste of cigars and a trip of LSD before I die. Just for the sake of experiencing.

>> No.13901567

Pipe smoking is the apex of /lit/ related hobbies

>> No.13901618
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>Pipe smoking is the apex of /lit/ related hobbies
You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.13901631

Pffft. What do you do, garden?

>> No.13901651

I actually am just approaching one month sober. Prior to this month I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a night and had been since like March. Always had an issue with booze but it got bad this year, couldn't sleep or socialise without it. Currently just trying to relearn stuff and be around people whilst sober. I feel bored and boring to talk to, like maybe I broke my brain or something. Anyway still proud

>> No.13901684

Just some days before an exam.
Or during an exam.
Just not the day before, for I don’t function if I’m shitfaced

>> No.13901695

What do you mean, you can’t bum booze?
Not even by writing short poems in exchange for alcohol?

>> No.13901697

That's just what being sober is like
Most retards on this planet don't realize it because they drink constantly

>> No.13901728

Do you know where you are?

>> No.13901730

Yeah, that is the most difficult part. The majority of my friends stopped talking to me because of my sobriety. But eventually I found new friends who share or at least tolerate my values.

>> No.13901732

Only when necessary . Drinking is a form of Anesthesia. I do believe in the healthy aspects of drink and there surly is a reason people have done it heartily since antiquity. Clearly some chemical coincidence bonds mankind to drink. Still it destroys , invites ignorance. If you are not using it as a controlled substance you might become the controlled substance.

>> No.13901748


>> No.13901786

opiates > deliriants > all else

>> No.13901793

Half based but indulging in drink every now and then doesn't seem to me to cause you to stray off any "good" path you might have been on. An addiction is a different story

>> No.13901829

>Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Reminder, imbibing alcohol to the point of intoxication is a mortal sin.

>> No.13901841

Fuck off, you retarded LARPer.

>> No.13901875

Yes, a literature board.

>> No.13901933

Rendering yourself less conscious is not always a bad thing. I was nervous to approach women and probaby would have fucked up from self-consciousness. Drinking got rid of that, I made out with some girls at clubs, my confidence went up, I needed drink less and less to get laid and now I don't even need it. I'm all around happier with life, and therefore I don't waste time on that and can focus more time on reading and writing for pleasure.

Tell me again how it would have been better to remain conscious during the whole process, probably fucked up at the beginning, ruined my self esteem and been even more nervous to do it again, and maybe ended up never socialising and being isolated (some people stay that way for decades).

You could say that I would have appreciated the journey more if I'd done it lucid, win or lose, from the start, but I don't care about that journey, I wanted to be able to get laid when I want so I can get it off my mind and just write.

If your mind and body has you stuck in a loop, drugs can override your reflexes so you can do what you actually want to do, and so help you function long enough to get the ball rolling until the positive feedback kicks in and you don't need them anymore.

>> No.13901937

I get drunk on thoughts of her smile.

>> No.13901945
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On weekends, I prefer weed though, I feel much less shitty and degenerate after a joint or a fronto blunt than I do after 5 or six Jaeger Bombs

>> No.13901950

One to five times a week, depending on how you define drunk. Hammered on a Sunday, lightly pissed monday through wednesday. By Thursday I'm usually broke, but when I come home to my parents on friday there's beer in the fridge usually.

>> No.13902069

alcohol wrecks more lives than fucking weed or pussy ass benzos

>> No.13902084

Why benzos last?

How much benzos were you taking?

>> No.13902096

Almost never. I don't get as much out of reading when drunk and I don't like to miss an evening of reading. Alcohol is also way too expensive

>> No.13902124

>Not walking out the door microdosed on hash oil.
Ya'll just got memed on THC, one way or the other.

>> No.13902133
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Both of you sound like faggots. Not because you don't drink, but because you think you are superior for it. There is nothing wrong with drinking every now and again with friends. Just don't make a lifestyle out of it

>> No.13902140

I don't drink alcohol because it makes me feel good and I shouldn't feel good.

>> No.13902154

>After two (2) wars of annihilation, the protestants still haven't learned.

>> No.13902194

Want to try brandy but I'm not willing to shell out a lot of dosh

>> No.13902199

do cigars instead, pipes are silly

>> No.13902206

I'm almost 3 months sober. I'll take a seltzer water though thanks.

>> No.13902401

Pretty much never. A little buzz is nice but I don't enjoy being drunk.

>> No.13902418

Lots of Xanax and Oxycotin occasionally thrown in the mix. Maybe like 4mg minimum daily but the amt reached to like 8-10mg daily but with benzos i hardly remember anything i'm just estimating. Now i'm left with an actual anxiety issue which, kinda sucks. Also stole from friends and was a shitty person never again. My mistake was refusing rehab after nearly few months of benzo abuse then opiate abuse.

>> No.13902427

I don't drink alcohol.

>> No.13902436


>> No.13902469
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>> No.13902518

Interesting. I've taken benzos for a long time and have always used them responsibly, but I've seem them go from getting handed out like candy to nearly impossible to get without seeing a psychiatrist, and they don't like giving it out anymore either. I've never taken more than .5 a day but I do enjoy them. Have heard a lot of stories about rebound anxiety, which is worrisome. I refuse to take SSRIs though since I've never had depression, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything inbetween for anxiety.

>> No.13902542

What the actual fuck...
Judging from the thumbnail I was sure that I would see a black man being breastfed by some Lovecraftian purple octopus creature...

>> No.13902548

Every single day since I was 11. 15 years now, but been in a particularly rough patch the last couple months. I didn't choose alcoholism, it chose me. Honestly not sure how I've even survived this long, but I've got a short stint of jail coming up, hoping that period of sobriety will help me on my release. Though I am afraid I'll just binge hard as soon as I get out, and fall back into the same hole I've always lived in.

>> No.13902551

>hoping that period of sobriety will help me on my release
If you don't die of DT first

>> No.13902563
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>> No.13902614

2-3 times a week, sometimes more but rarely less as of late.

>> No.13902680

Unlikely, inmates pretty much get free healthcare.

>> No.13902708
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I only drink when I'm with friends, so almost never. Weed often and LSD/DMT every 3-6 months to freshen up.

>> No.13902770

big talk coming from a sissy twink

>> No.13902805

How does half of adults drinking alcohol affect the viewing of this? I'm supposing (or hypothezising) that if there was another drug that was mainstream the masses of people who are prone to develop a problematic addiciton would do damage with those drugs instead.

>> No.13903027

Unlikely. Alcohol is a substance that certain populations have spent thousands of years adapting to. It is the goat and woat drug hands down.

>> No.13903093

i don't have friends, anon

id rather not drink at all, than drink alone

t. sadboy

>> No.13903101

how do you make those new friends, anon?

my high school friends are into shrooms and other drugs and shit that i just have no interest in. i'm alone so often now.

>> No.13903109

>I needed drink less and less to get laid and now I don't even need it.
where do you go to get laid?

the clubs near me is all fat white girls and arab men trying to fuck everything that moves.

>> No.13903111

Twice a week miniumum

>> No.13903112

Got fairly drunk tonight (7/10) and already know I’ll regret it tomorrow. Hangovers tend to ruin my entire day, regardless of how much water i drink

>> No.13903123

I don't drink

>> No.13903144

stimmys: caffeine, nico, modafin, ec stack, kratom yum yumm

I've been relatively clean for a while now, but I've noticed an excess of lethargy, depression perhaps, that doesn't seem to be wearing off, but rather, it's growing, and I really don't want to feel like this anymore, I feel debilitated everyday. I've been experimenting with alcohol which however just renders me unproductive for 12+ hours and isn't possible during weekdays, and so now the realization is dawning upon me, that the sadness was always there, lurking, waiting...

>> No.13903150

holy shit /lit/ is a board of degenerate faggots apparently

a drink now and then is fine but if your taking drugs and drinking every day your fucked.

as >>13903144 discovered it's just a cope anyways. you can run but you can't hide from your useless and miserable existence.

>> No.13903161

>a drink now and then is fine but if your taking drugs and drinking every day your fucked.
Melville and Joyce used to drink all the time, this is a literature board.

>> No.13903200

I have a flat near the club circuit in my city so I have easy access to a lot of clubs and bars, foreign white girls aren't usually fat. Clubs nearly always have a bad gender ratio though so I can't always get laid if I literally can't find a decent girl who's single. Actually getting better at talking to girls irl like a normie can get you casual girlfriends though, just ask them out if they show obvious interest, do it enough times and you get success. But this is what I meant by getting the ball rolling, I've had enough successes that I don't care about rejection so I do it more frequently and that means better chances of success.

>> No.13903266

eh, im not worried about rejection.

but like, where do you talk to them?

i'm a STEMfag. my class is all arab men. When i do work it's all men dominated engineering fields. at church there's some girls but i just wanna lay don't really want a naggy church wife (right now).

tinder is gay as well.

suggestions? where do you talk to them?

>> No.13903278

and, one more thing.

when im actually talking with a girl, i have trouble making the move into fucking her. i end up kinda friend zoning myself because i don't know what to do. any more suggestions?

>> No.13903297

I used to romanticise the drunken literary lifestyle, then I became a full blown alcoholic.

Now I'm trying not to be.

>> No.13904469


>> No.13904634

I don't know much about drugs (only alcohol...) but i thought weed was pretty harmless compared to alcohol?

>> No.13904641

Only on weekneds. Mostly always at night, as a sort of 'reward' for a productive day. But I never get really drunk, I just drink a beer or two while smoking a joint.

>> No.13904684

not that anon but what's the deal with american grad degrees? are they extremely short and really consume little enough time for people to do two at the same time?
Over here i have to do 6 years at full pace to get an architecture degree

>> No.13904688
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Just drugs for me, thanks.

>> No.13904702

>im gonna dwink like my fawowite authors did
>will that make me an awrtist?

>> No.13904726


>> No.13904762

>but like, where do you talk to them?
Literally just out in life, if you're waiting in line next to a cute girl for a book from the library at uni, or waiting for coffee, or if there's a cute girl serving you somewhere or sits next to you on transport. Bars usually have cuter women who are out to socialise but can take more balls to actually approach one that's alone, but you can fall in to conversation the same way, waiting for a drink at the bar or something.

You have to flirt and you have to move things on quickly. You need to know when she's actually flirting too, because that's feedback about what kind of moves you can make. Look at some guides to flirting and what's known as indicators of interest from the pickup community, you might think they're autists but they have a lot of material and ideas. You just need to look at enough of it and it'll become clear what's bullshit memes and what's simple obversations.

If depends what the situation is. If it's a club you don't really even talk, make eye contact until a girl smiles at you, then dance, make excuses to dance more closely and see how she responds, then make moves to start making out. Bring up the idea of getting out of there and going to yours when she's most turned on.

If it's a bar and you're actually talking, then flirt and make interesting conversation until she's making obvious signs she's hot for you, then you might either start making out or start dancing at a dance floor if there is one. Sometimes people move girls to clubs after this, just for an hour, before taking them back to their place, it's a bit intense to go from dancing in a bar to literally going and fucking so unless the girl is literally asking you to fuck her, a club is needed.

If you're talking to a girl in the daytime then your goal is to just get her on a date, so all it takes is a bit of nice conversation and a few jokes she responds well to and ask for her number. Same goal is in mind after this, you just do it over the course of a few dates rather than a few hours. First date something fun where you can get to know eachother, bonus points if you get to make physical contact a lot. Second date either more of the same or something fancier like a restaurant. Third date something with more potential to escalate physically. But you have to judge how the girl is responding, it might take more dates, it might take fewer, and you should really focus on having fun yourself, it isn't an exam, it's meant to be fun, if the girl won't put out and you're getting tired of it drop her.

If you're getting friendzoned it's because you're talking too much without flirting. Girls have no idea you're even interested in them unless you flirt, they'll think you're just nice. You have to decide if you want to be friends or want to date them. Once you're zoned it's mostly too late.

>> No.13904773

I have never been drunk

>> No.13904827

Good luck for that, lad

And congrats to you

>> No.13904830

thanks senpai