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/lit/ - Literature

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13899820 No.13899820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>had a KFC binge last night
>woke up today at 9 am
>browsed internet, drank coffee
>read last 30 pages of a short biography and history book; I thought it was kind of insubstantial although well written
>went to gym, did cardio
>went in to central London
>went to a clothes shop to try on trousers; their biggest size was small enough, but tight around the thighs when I sat down
>the fitting rooms had these mirrors that let me see myself from unfamiliar angles; my extreme ugliness was laid bare and was demoralising
>go for my usual walk, listen to Cumtown
>sit in library and read the last 60 pages of a history book, which was good
>go walking through a park but it was apparent that I'm feeling low energy today
>now drinking coffee
>plan to have one last McDonalds binge tonight, before I start trying to lose weight

Clearly my attention span isn't harmed by internet browsing but my nihilism and lack of any passion for anything mean I don't really put books in to any framework or read them for any purpose.

I saw this nerdy glasses wearing qt with a 6' GigaStacey body, which was demoralising.

I am currently having day-nightmares about not fitting in in any workplace ever.

Does anyone else sweat profusely when they shower, immediately go outside, and then go inside another building? Or is this just a fat cunt thing?

What are the immediate benefits of not being a fatcunt? Motivate me pls.

I haven't picked up a maths or programming book for months. My brain has maybe turned to mush.

There was a bit in Cumtown where they joke about trying to use books as tokens to buy admission to pussy.

When I read about the past, I am sure the West is dying hard. When I read about the decreasing popularity of poetry, the popularity of free verse, and then the popularisers of free verse calling the use of the old structures "fascist", I realised that literature is well and truly done, and looking to old institutions for the endorsement or creation of new art is pointless

>> No.13899851

Have sex, holy shit. Your balls must be bursting if you got the motivation to write fucking walls of texts like this

>> No.13899961

nobody about your pathetic mess of a life cares you failed abortion this is not even lit related fucking faggot go to circlejerk over your feels with other incels but leave this board you shitstain i hope you finally get permabanned or die if that means you stop shitting this place

>> No.13899986

london frog did you quit or did you get fired from your old job? are you still working? how do you survive

>> No.13900000

Thanks for posting London frog

>> No.13900017
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Sees digits

>> No.13900024

Based. Based based.

>> No.13900035

i hope you all get anal cancer subhumans

>> No.13900038

>Does anyone else sweat profusely when they shower, immediately go outside, and then go inside another building?
I didnt quite understand this but I also fucking hate showering, I just find it extremely uncomfortable. I usually have to have cold showers, even in winter, because the hot water just feels terrible and stifling to me and the bathroom gets all steamy and retarded.

When I live by an ocean or lake I don't even bother showering, I just go for a swim instead.

>> No.13900043

Holy checked

>> No.13900044

LondonFrog lives!

>> No.13900045

London frog officially a part of the literary canon

>> No.13900049


>> No.13900056

Nobody cares fag

>> No.13900062

>Supporting the fastfood industry
You're no rolemodel I'll tell you that much

>> No.13900110

London Frog is this weird NPC. He's NPC, in a sense that he can't help binge eating and having the same repetitive thought loops "hurr durrr, stacies and chads are out", "hurrr durrr, I feel so sad", "hurrr durrr, I'll eat more fast food to feel good", "hurrr durr, now the chemicals in the food is wearing out, I'm thinking and feeling sad, stacies again, time for more coffee and fast food!!!"

I imagine him to look like picture related. A sad fat fuck that sits around feeling sorry for himself and playing video game, while thinking of the beautiful stacies.

But to be fair, London Frog doesn't seem to be hateful towards women. He probably has been bullied and ignored by stacies and he's ugly, so he's ignored by society, which is painful.

He has no hope; you can feel the hopeless and despair seething through his words, as he has the same self pity monologue ad infinitum, every single day, every waking moment.

>> No.13900113

You can see that London Frog wants to improve, but perhaps his brain is so fucked up from coffee and junk food that he can't. I picture him to be 200 kgs, that even if he lost weight, he would have so much loose skin that he looks like an RPG final boss monster in some dungeon.

Read his compiled posts in .epub form is a very interesting psychological insight into someone with psychological problems.

London Frog does have the energy and consistency; that's why he keeps on posting his blog posts. But he's a prisoner of his own mind, stuck in the same repetitive thought loop and limited beliefs (to be fair, a fat fuck like him won't be getting a stacy anytime soon).

Instead of channeling his energy into something productive and seeing a beautiful future, he's stuck in the eternal now and negative past; his insecurity and self loathing weights him down, like an invisible hambeast sitting on his shoulders.

It would be interesting to ask, if something in his childhood that happened that made him mentally fucked up like this -- or is he so fucking ugly and fat that there is no hope left?

>> No.13900117
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Fuaaaaaark, witnessed and checked!
We're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.13900121

If you figure out your “why”, then the “how” takes care of itself. If you have a deep conviction that you deserve a better life, you’ll do whatever it takes to have a better life. If you identify as a loser without the self love, then you’ll have self destructive behavior.

A journal is great for self reflection to become meta-aware of your thinking (it’s cheaper than hiring a therapist). Having a journal and asking yourself tough questions and answering them with 100% honesty will help you understand what you want out of life.

The difference between the unwashed masses and a person of greatness is choice and effort. You have the choice to get shredded or become a fat slob. You can learn another language or waste another 2 hours on cable TV.

>> No.13900122

>wall of text
It doesn't seem like more than 500 words ffs.
Nihilism is just self sabotage. You want to be happy like we all do. You just need to realize if you always do what you've always done, you only ever get what you always got.

This is really better off on r9k though londrog.

>> No.13900130

The only way to self improve and become actualized is to love yourself (which London Frog lacks) If you love yourself and believe that you deserve the best in life, you’ll take care of the “why” and the “how” will be easy because you’ll do whatever it takes to get there.

Also, it helps if you put pressure on yourself. A diamond is created in the mud because of pressure. Therefore, you have to constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone. Yeah, I know it’s cliche. Think of yourself as an athlete training for life and every day is a performance to get better, stronger, faster, smarter, richer.

>> No.13900146
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>telling Londonfrog to have sex

>> No.13900147

Thanks for contributing actively to the decline of this LITERATURE board!

>> No.13900160
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Londonfrog is literature.

>> No.13900181

>looking to old institutions for the endorsement or creation of new art is pointless

This is a nice observation mate. Keep writing, save it all, maybe do something with it one day. Also try to stop eating so much shite. Bit pointless trying to offer advice but I wish you all the best lad.

>> No.13900274

With all these binges I need to ask
Height, weight, lifts?

>> No.13900302

>Read last 30 pages
>Read last 60 pages

>> No.13900319

based. long live, londonfrog

>> No.13900370

5'4",19st3lbs, just the bar and do pilates to tone.

>> No.13900383

this is not lf

>> No.13900384

>120 kg
beyond based