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File: 67 KB, 510x397, gnosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13898386 No.13898386[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What is the Congregation of Gnosis?


The Congregation of Gnosis is dedicated to the furthering of society by teaching a wide range of topics on science, mathematics, culture, and philosophy. We aim to bring a new society, wherein each and every one of its members are practicing their passions while contributing to the betterment of the society.


>> No.13898390

Sounds interesting

>> No.13898399
File: 7 KB, 192x263, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Congregation of Gnosis is dedicated to the furthering of society by teaching a wide range of topics on science, mathematics, culture, and philosophy. We aim to bring a new society, wherein each and every one of its members are practicing their passions while contributing to the betterment of the society.

-Those who seek, do not know [regarding the Gnosis]
-René Guénon

Guénon is right. Those societies or humans, that dedicate themselves to "seek" gnosis (or knowledge) are bound to fail. For true gnosis can only be transmitted and given, for it has existed since beginning. It cannot be searched or "found": for it has existed since the beginning.

Those, who seek, do not possess the keys to it.

>> No.13898410

That's the stupidest post I've read today. Congrats.

>> No.13898418

By your logic, we cannot have more knowledge than a baby.

>> No.13898419

Very cool
I especially like the posts on happiness

>> No.13898422

Are you mental?

>> No.13898426


It exactly is so. Gnosis cannot be linear, it cannot be achieved, it exists and will exist.

You cannot display in terms
A -> knowledge increases -> B -> Gnosis is achieved

It doesn't work that way. That is in boundaries of quantity and linear progress. Gnosis is not exoteric, is not quantitative. You cannot search for it, for it can only be transmitted: it is suprarational, not in the domain of rationale or spoken language. I am sorry.

>> No.13898430

All that is in domain of exoteric knowledge can never achieve anything that is in the sphere of Gnosis. It is abuse of language if you claim that a written text would increase one's 'gnosis': it is absurd and wrong use of the terms. What westerners understand by knowledge is strictly in the domain of quantitative facts written in form that can be memorized and it is strictly exoteric form of knowledge: not gnosis.

>> No.13898431

Speaking of gnosis,

What have you anons learned lately? Any cool lessons/concepts that you discovered?

>> No.13898433

hu bump

>> No.13898435


We do not claim to "achieve" gnosis. We simply want to further society by motivating people to practice and master their passions for the betterment of society.

>> No.13898439
File: 279 KB, 1023x1311, Vyasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"into blind darkness enter they that worship ignorance; into darkness greater than that, as it were, they that delight in knowledge,"
>"and that those who have studied, upon attaining true knowledge [jnana, gnosis],
"throw away books as if they were on fire."

>> No.13898446 [DELETED] 

Aaaahhh I see what you're getting at but that's only in Gnosticism. Gnosis can have more definitions than one. In this case it's much simpler in that it includes the exoteric. Sorry for the confusion.

I understand that Gnosis can also be defined as the internal divinity of people

>> No.13898448

There is a possibility that the texts displayed on that site might in fact decrease one's chance of discovering gnosis.

This is especially true, if the writers of those documents in question, would have no direct experience of any sort of gnosis. What you are doing might most likely be harmful: because you do not know what you are doing.

You are like blind pig

>> No.13898453


>Being this retarded

>> No.13898457

Calm down and use your head for awhile

>> No.13898477
File: 34 KB, 172x151, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I become smarter?

>> No.13898521
File: 183 KB, 549x1024, 1564532338489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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