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13898137 No.13898137 [Reply] [Original]

>A child should be grateful for being born
>A child should get a job and move out as soon as they turn 18 if they're not in college
>A child should pay their parents back for raising them in as many ways as they can
>A child is responsible for giving their parents grandchildren
Do you agree with the above statements? Explain why.

>> No.13898160

No, nonexistent beings don't have any needs and so being brought into existence is not positive (and there are lots of arguments for it being negative)
No, it's a completely arbitrary standard to hold them to
No, refer to answer #1
No, another completely arbitrary and even dumber standard

>> No.13898161

>A child should be grateful for being born
It would depend on how happy your childhood was. And how the rest of your life has turned out. Obviously, somebody who has had a miserable experience would not appreciate being born at all.
>A child should get a job and move out as soon as they turn 18 if they're not in college
It's not a terrible idea, but no everybody has the luxury or financial freedom to do so.
>A child should pay their parents back for raising them in as many ways as they can
My parents certainty didn't expect me to, and I don't know personally of any body whose parents have expected that. However, if you believe that your parents have been good and kind to you, you could find some way to show you appreciation. It doesn't need to be in financial terms.
>A child is responsible for giving their parents grandchildren
Entirely up to you. I guess in some cultures it's expected, but not so much in the West.

>> No.13898187

Good on paper. The second and third are more arbitrary and vague than the first and fourth.The second is boomer-tier life advice that isn't necessarily universal or solid (depending on circumstances) and definitely shouldn't be listed with "being grateful to be alive". Now that I type it out desu why should you be grateful to be alive, that's pretty dumb. You didn't ask to be born and if you just happen to be miserable that's your business. In regards to the third point, by "pay back" I hope you don't mean via a fiscal estimation of how much your parents spent raising your and you're just referring to taking care of your parents when they get old and infirm. In regards to point 4, in the ideal traditional society yes at least a portion a couple children to each parent should aspire to provide grandchildren, but given the breakdown of the traditional structure one could easily be forgiven for forgoing all that in this day and age. Adhering to traditional principles in our modern society is sort of like playing basketball while everyone else on the court is playing soccer. Not that you should abandon tradition, just don't force yourself to do stupid crap for no good reason. Is there a difference between a person that chooses to have kids bcuz of "muh tradition" and one that has kids simply because they feel like it? Both are likely to marry a worthless degenerate woman and end up financially ruined, depressed, and responsible for spawning a couple more brain-dead mongrels that'll just further tear down the ideals our civilization was built on.

>> No.13898329

Disgusting, breeder scum

>> No.13898336


>> No.13898368

Get a job

>> No.13898397

A blowjob?

>> No.13899064

my parents were abusive and neglectful. They left me in a state of complete social disability by age 18. i don't owe them shit. everything i have i broke my ass to gain for myself, as well as repairing the psychological damage they caused, and i have health problems for life because of them. i'm literally in pain every moment of my life because of them.

they should be grateful i haven't shot them like they deserve.

>> No.13899072

kaysee tire post

>> No.13899109

>A child should get a job and move out as soon as they turn 18 if they're not in college
Is this peak Judaism? That would never happen in a meritocratic world, only in a muttocratic one.

>> No.13899154
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>a child should

>> No.13899162

No. Boomers are self entitled and I don't owe them shit. They psychologically damaged me and malnourished me and they can expect nothing in return.

>> No.13899175
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if you aren't having kids then don't bitch when immigrant rape gangs run amok in your country

>> No.13899247

>have a kid just to have them suffer and get raped by immigrants
Having a child wont do any good. The only answer is to murder/deport all immigrants.

>> No.13899516

Anon you should read the human conspiracy by thomas ligotti, those questions are a framework for his book

>> No.13899549

My parents turned me into the kind of person that browses /lit/ - literature in his free time. I don't owe them shit