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/lit/ - Literature

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13895274 No.13895274 [Reply] [Original]

what book had actually improved your life?

>> No.13895276

The Bible

>> No.13895282

Meditations, The Enchiridion, Epictetus' Discourses, Walden and most recently The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh.

>> No.13895315

>The Miracle of Mindfulness

Can you tell me mroe about this? How did it help? Always been skeptical of mindfulness.

>> No.13895334

Not that one

>> No.13895411


Man of taste..>>13895276

>> No.13895424

The complete works of Plato and the bible have made me into a different person.

>> No.13895440

>no Seneca
Wtf, letters from a stoic is literally the most comfy philosophy book

>> No.13895445

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.13895455
File: 51 KB, 800x536, istock-460058941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.13895504

Why do you post these threads everyday? Do you really believe that posting this a bunch of times and picking the most frequently commonly spoken book is going to work? That is a horrible way of going about the process and is how you end up with shitty self help volumes and/or the bible. Just fucking read some existentialism or something you dumb nerd

>> No.13895523

CBT for dummies
life of Diogenes of Sinope
Thus spoke the Z-man
Mars - Fritz Zorn

>> No.13895548

Kill yourself you angry faggot

>> No.13895549

I feel like the story behind this photo is that a fellow lit fag saw a nig rolling up his blunt in the hood and was like hey let me take a photo of you rolling that on my shitty book.

>> No.13895559

How can you be this stupid

>> No.13895563
File: 41 KB, 333x499, 515-0f9c4jL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same answer i always give

>> No.13895566

this guy posts pictures of himself with books all the time here, assuming this is him again

>> No.13895568

Is this applicable to the modern day? It says published in 2003.

>> No.13895585
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, 49E6DC04-9961-4F9F-8BD8-29B6B6EBA4BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t smoke weed though, I’m not a braindead retard

>> No.13895591

Why are you black?

>> No.13895597

I don’t know actually, God made me, God made me, God made me

>> No.13895598

the general ideas are, but the share picks aren't.
this was published in the early days of online stockbrokers and was pretty ground breaking at the time. there are more up to date books but this is also written in a style which suited a noob like me

>> No.13895652

It's breddy gud. Thich Nhat Hanh is an established budhist Zen master so you're getting quality info straight from the source. A lot of it was actually written for one of his fellow monks so it reads very personally. He goes over his outlook on life, the importance of breath, how exactly you're supposed to meditate, basic exercises you can do, things to meditate on (impermanence, contemplation of the mind,feelings,body,etc) and gives some anecdotes as well. A lot of it is very practical stuff that you could practice in your every day life (if you're willing) and then later he contextualizes some of the practical stuff with the Buddhist thought that goes behind all of it. Also drops some shade on Siddhartha funnily enough and he talks about this story by Tolstoy that does a great job of illustrating how you should think about "Mindfulness." It's kind of a buzzword at this point but this book is written by someone who most certainly knows what he's talking about. Definitely worth the read imo and it's not that long either so if you don't like it you wont have spent much time on it. If you're open to the ideas then I think you'll find it helpful.

>> No.13895659

It's on muh list, I've read bits and pieces but haven't read it in its' entirety yet. I'm sure it'll be good tho, Seneca's life was very interesting.

>> No.13895864

Not me
Not far off

>> No.13896311

None books are for fags

>> No.13896335


>> No.13896425

This. The only unironic thing that has actually impacted my life is the Joe Rogan Experience. Introduced me to a lot of different perspectives, learned about science, psychology, etc and Joe gives great advice to aimless young people as well. No book will give you that.

>> No.13896447


The Screwtape Letters
Nicomachean Ethics
Letters from a Stoic
Anna Karenina
Invitation to a Beheading
Collection of Emerson Essays

>> No.13896470

I almost got baited

>> No.13896493

Prometheus Rising, the Tao Te Ching, Siddhartha, The Illuminatus! Trilogy.

>> No.13896506

Imagine if you did, glad you kept the autism under control pal

>> No.13896579

>The Screwtape Letters
A lot of people give CS Lewis crap for not being a super-serious-autismo philosopher like many theologians and not being a super-serious-autismo fiction writer like Tolkien (I like Tolkien) but Screwtape Letters is definitely a book that made me a better person.
Read it during a time where I was just going through the motions and doing whatever I felt like to try and feel good, and CS Lewis basically described many of my exact behaviors and laughed in my face about how I was failing to be the kind of person I wanted to be - big wake up call. Funny enough, I started reading Nicomachean Ethics right after, which you also mention.

>> No.13897731


Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck. I know it’s far from the peak of literature, but this is the book that genuinely saved my life (as gay as that sounds). I read it by chance, enjoyed it a ton, which lead to me reading more Steinbeck, then Kerouac, then actual quality stuff. It gave me something I felt genuinely passionate about for the first time in 20 years, without it i’d either be dead or sinking into irredeemable degeneracy.

>> No.13897761

How so?

>> No.13897769

I don't know, I feel like the suggestions are pretty diverse, once you ignore the bible meme

>> No.13897897

Jim Rohn ‘The Five Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle’

>> No.13898632

It's not a meme. Read the Bible, or your understanding of Western lit is going to suffer.

>> No.13898663

Thats a nice experience. I wish something like that happened to me.

>> No.13898687

>The Illuminatus! Trilogy.

How exactly?

>> No.13898965

feeling good