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File: 76 KB, 308x380, mason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13895179 No.13895179 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s take on Freemasonry?

>> No.13895193
File: 343 KB, 1600x1105, gathering-Freemasons-anniversary-formation-Earls-Court-London-1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunch of clowns

>> No.13895194

Forgot to say they wear the gmail logo on their waist

>> No.13895210

Gay, public facing version of Skull and Bones or Bullingdon
this thread is off topic

>> No.13895220

funny you should mention em, someone was speaking about em today and i made a joke "oh was the cask of amontillado about a TRAPPED mason yuck yuck" and turns out the trowel is some sort of masonic symbol and the story is rife with codes and so forth.
my take is that it's a curious thing, but ultimately difficult to form any genuine opinion on them due to their secrecy. there's a building they have somewhat near my home that is situated in such an odd way that one can only see it if they're really aware of its existence. i've walked by it dozens of times knowing the building is there and have not seen it at all, like it's built in some sort of mental blind spot.
who knows, man.

>> No.13895372

The Anglo one is pretty irrelevant these days, every mason in my town is an ancient but well off guy who dumps a lot of money into charity in exchange for being able to hang out with other boomers in the lodge. For every person who cares about the esoteric mysteries there are 100 guys who just want an excuse to waste money and get shitfaced.
I don't know about the French one.

>> No.13895397

The Mexican one is a bunch of boomer politicians from old money. The whole thing is autistic but I wonder if it works for networking.

>> No.13895410

im sure it does, but so does knights of columbus or the elks or rotary club. why go for something like this except if your dad did it or you are interested in the rosicrucians.

my local one does lobster bakes and raise money for pediatric burn centers, but anons from eastern europe are far more alarmist on these matters.

>> No.13895431

They can be /lit/ but only if you're one of the few people who join them in pursuit of knowledge and not in pursuit if nepotism/joining because Dad and Grandpa were in it.

>> No.13895649

I bet it's way more boring than their secrecy would let you believe.

>> No.13895719

2nd degree here. It's all nothing. I mean I am now connected af, but other than that...

>> No.13895744

BRUH! Tell me why this cracker's sash has the printer icon embroidered on it.

>> No.13895770

peak bourgeoisie

>> No.13895773

Workers getting dabbed on again lmao

>> No.13895850

Masonry is probably the least bougie of all the secret societies.

>> No.13895950

Convenient, they're part red herring, part tax avoidance, part feudal lords.

>> No.13896072

I’m thinking on joining but do I have to attend to those secret meetings?

>> No.13896205
File: 1.14 MB, 2130x2817, Joseph-Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually affiliated with the more successful spinoff.

>> No.13896214

>I’m think of joining but do I have to attend those secret meetings

The fucking absolute state of /lit/

Try thinking for once, let the cog wheel heat up, the whole point of becoming an offical member is to attend the private meetings you fucking imbecile

>> No.13896215

>I mean I am now connected af
what does that mean exactly?

>> No.13896222

My insecure beta dad took me to a freemason meeting once and they just seemed like larping dads.

>> No.13896223


>> No.13896228

You’re an idiot

>> No.13896237

The sections in Gravity's Rainbow about therm were pretty good.

>> No.13896248

club for rich bored assholes who think they have everything figured out but deep down know that they are empty and meaningless and heading to the grave just like the rest of the plebs.

>> No.13896254

What ones about therm?

>> No.13896347
File: 39 KB, 800x422, crowley-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The A.'.A.'. is a better magical order

>> No.13896455

The story about Lyle Bland, the pinball machines, Ishmael Reed, and astral projection.

>> No.13896494

Yeah, couple times a month at most. You don't have to but it's considered polite.

Well, I've met very important people in an informal setting. All I can say.

>> No.13897849

trust me, the 3rd degree makes it all worth it

>> No.13897874


99% larping. Upper echelon is trying to obtain divinity and they may have just cracked the universe code.

Cant tell if evil or good tho. check out the gg33 stuff and see for yourself


>> No.13897889

they are stupid, one time they tried to kick us off the soccer field so they could do a cookout
that's not what a soccer field is for, retards

>> No.13897900


If you were a member in good standing, then you wouldn't be talking about it, and if you were talking about it, then you should be expelled.


It has no secrets worth knowing.

>> No.13897931

>He shall everywhere proclaim openly his connection with the A.'.A.'. and speak of It and Its principles (even so little as he understandeth) for that mystery is the enemy of truth.

>> No.13898122

It's a bunch of homosexual shabbos goyim.