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File: 500 KB, 605x903, roger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13893842 No.13893842 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone like Roger Scruton but respectable? Specifically the shitting on modern art part.

>> No.13893849

Roger Scrotum kek

>> No.13893862
File: 442 KB, 2048x1536, scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13893863

This is an art thread retard no politics

>> No.13893866

Jean Clair is an authentic art historian known for his controversial opinions on contemporary art.

>> No.13893892

How many books by Scruton have you read, from cover to cover?

>> No.13893915

Never read Scruton. Why isn't he respectable?

>> No.13893923

>his smile and optmism: gone

>> No.13893925
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Tom Wolfe had some harsh words for modern architecture. Read his 'From Bauhaus to Our House'.

>> No.13893927

He's okay. He's like the conservative version of Christopher Hitchens or something, maybe a notch above that because his principles aren't quite as outdated as Hitchens' brand of le reddit atheism ca. 2004.

He's sometimes mocked because he once took payola to shill for a cigarette company, and some people dislike him because he's just a paleocon, he is not an ethnonationalist or anything. He's not even as high tory as they come.

>> No.13893928

Already read him but I don't think he counts as respectable either.

>> No.13893929

Because OP is a left-winger and an American, I assume?

Scruton is very respected by many, specially in Europe and here in South America.

>> No.13893939
File: 3.99 MB, 1924x2405, tom-wolfe-new-journalism-death-writer-author.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think he counts as respectable either

How can such a well dressed man be deemed unrespectable?

>> No.13893946

I literally said nothing about his politics. He isn't respectable because his teachings boil down to "modern art bad here look at this picture of a triangle post modernism building see its bad." Obviously modern art is bad that's why I'm asking for respectable thinkers who don't just say it's bad because this photo is ugly.

>> No.13893947
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>> No.13893949

He is not like Hitchens. Have you read his work? He made relevant contributions to conservative philosophy as well as to aesthetics (specially in music - he's an opera composer - and in architecture).

He worked in academia for many years, writing articles and books for many very respected philosophy publications and publishers. Hitchens, as far as I know, was merely a journalist who became a writer.

Scruton is also a specialist on Kant and Spinoza, having written books about both.

>> No.13893953

He has a really nice smile for a writer. Not often you see that. Looks very friendly.

>> No.13893963

You probably only watched his documentary, which is quite mediocre, because it is directed at a very large audience (a technique which did work from a propaganda/persuasion point of view, since the doc became very popular, but is not good intellectual solidity).

Anyway, you clearly show you've never read him, because Scruton is *not at all* against modern art.

In fact, he is a modern artist himself, and his greatest intellectual influence is T.S. Eliot.

>> No.13893970

why dont you respect him, i watched some of his documentaries about it and they were not bad.

>> No.13893978

The only thing I don't really like about him is the obnoxiously long chapters.

>> No.13893987

You get what I mean. Don't play dumb and no I watched his lectures but anyways I wouldn't read him because there is no point people would just laugh at me. He is a tier above Christopher Hitchens but he is still close enough that he isn't respectable.

>> No.13893988
File: 36 KB, 414x630, 9780140446425_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the final word on art.

>> No.13894040

Read his books before judging him. That's a basic rule of intellectual decency.

Scruton is admired by many who disagree with him about most things. He's been praised by Nussbaum, Havel, even Julie Bindel.

>> No.13894059

It doesn't matter what you or I think if all the smart academics people will laugh at me. Do you know of anyone else?

>> No.13894077

they are already laughing at you for being a beta who submits to authority

>> No.13894086

Maybe they aren't that smart, then.

Anyway, Salvador Dali has a little book trashing modern art. Same for Tom Wolfe, who has two. They're funny, but not as serious as those of Scruton, though they make some very sound points too.

>> No.13894154

Is there really no one with a phd who shits on modern art I've made this thread like 4 times and never got an answer

>> No.13894160

They don't know I'm beta unless I tell them but if I say I like Roger Scruton they think I'm midwit

>> No.13894169

Is there a better version of the Beauty doc online? 360p is shit.
And is the book good?

>> No.13894178

Why would you expect a relevant PhD to shit all over the field he dedicated his life too?

>> No.13894187

There are Marxist economists I'm sure there would be at least a few art historians who hate the triangle buildings.

>> No.13894194

See >>13893866

>> No.13894205

I forgot to respond to you. I couldn't find anything like what I asked for in english. Am I just bad at searching?

>> No.13894214
File: 28 KB, 571x226, ED-AP979_epstei_F_20121026182617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll love Jacques Barzun.

>> No.13894225

He's French and I doubt he's very well known outside of artistic circles. Not sure he's been translated to English.

>> No.13894235

I'd say start with his "The Culture We Deserve".

>> No.13894245

Thanks. I'll try this. I tried to read From Dawn to Decadence a while ago but it was too intense for me.

>> No.13894260

Why do you care about a phd? Maybe it meant something 100 years ago, not anymore.

>> No.13894269

You're more likely to get something of worth from someone who dedicate their entire life in studying it. The people who aren't academics usually have holes in the arguments or the history.

>> No.13895285


>> No.13895514

Not a single kid there I would save from drowning in a river. Shame.

>> No.13895516

probably part of the reason you will die alone

>> No.13895555

You're probably right. I don't know what made me so cold and bitter.

>> No.13895569

Hahaha you're a fucking embarrassment, man. Off yourself.

>> No.13895580

What if you told someone to off themselves and then they actually did?

>> No.13895587

why do you want to shit on modern art?

>> No.13895611

people never read scruton. they just assume he is some sort of larper, but he is a genuine man

>> No.13895651

The reason real conservatives ignore the ethnic question is because they are actually conservative; they’re not involved in the game of taxonomizing every facet of reality for the sake of generating research and utility, unlike all other modern cringelords who have inherited their epistemology with academia without thinking critically about it.

>> No.13895715

It's bad and now there is no good art because of it.

>> No.13895932

i like picasso

>> No.13895963


>> No.13895986

Art back then had many good. Art now has almost 0.

>> No.13895990

>caring about what academics think of you
for what pvrpose

>> No.13896916


>> No.13897432
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You're more likely to get tricked.

>> No.13897472

nonsensical commie gobbledygook

>> No.13897473

Hmmm... Yet conservatives have conserved nothing; they are always on the defensive and losing ground. Then you get to recent decades where 'conservatives' are just a slightly different shade of neoliberal.

Perhaps if they'd paid more attention to all facets of reality (which somehow isn't thinking critically), they wouldn't be completely irrelevant now.

>> No.13897479

>there is no point people would just laugh at me

Allowing others to dictate your intellectual pursuits is pretty faggy desu.

>> No.13897526

>Hmmm... Yet conservatives have conserved nothing

My hope is that at some point normie conservatives will finally see the leaders of the movement are not actually interested in advancing that ideology. For instance, how many times am I supposed to believe (insert random con on Twitter) is completely shocked when the left does something inflammatory?

Hell, a perfect example of how useless they are is the lack of accomplishments when they controlled every branch of the government. I mean, Trump moved the embassy for the Israel firsters and cut some taxes, but that's it. It's a pitiful ideology manned by pitiful leaders.

>> No.13897604

Telling people you enjoy reading Jordan Peterson just outs yourself as a retard and someone you should stay away from. Do you want to be that guy?

>> No.13897610

Adolphus Hilterus

>> No.13897623

Trick question, no one respectable shits on modern art because no one believes the metaphysical horseshit behind "beauty is meaningful"

>> No.13897644

Reading Jordan Peterson doesn't necessarily mean you subscribe to his outlook or enjoy reading it.

Also, is it not beneficial to familiarize yourself with the ideas that amassed him such a large following?

>> No.13897671

I agree, and that is my hope as well. Unfortunately, I suspect that normies won't make that change until their standard of living suffers more dramatically.

For now, we just have to build small 'red-pilled' communities to whatever extent is possible and continue sowing our seeds of influence.

>> No.13897694
File: 142 KB, 800x800, 1556258750710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the valuing agents -- we decide what has value and meaning because it is our nature to do so. If I think what someone values reflects poorly upon THEIR nature, I will shit upon them and their value system all day -- no metaphysical justification required.

>> No.13897700

>because it is our nature to do so
>no metaphysical justification required

C'mon man

>> No.13897713

You think nature is metaphysical (or anything)? What does 'metaphysical' even really mean? My claim is ontological, I'm saying we value things beings it is our nature to express preferences. Try to keep up.

>> No.13897789

>not metaphysics

>> No.13897873

Meaningless. What additional specificity do we confer on the term 'ontology' by making it a subset of 'metaphysics'? Ontology is already the study of existence... Do you think there something we can study not contained within existence?

>> No.13898376

based mogg

>> No.13898461
File: 168 KB, 771x1024, Euan Uglow _paintings_artodyssey (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no one with a phd who shits on modern art because treating modern art like a monolith is a brainlet position.

I am surprised so many people on this board even approve of Scruton's take, since he does not think art ended after 1900 and does not seem to think that the word kitsch is cultural marxist conspiracy.

>However, to avoid kitsch is not so easy as it looks. You could try being outrageously avant-garde, doing something that no one would have thought of doing and calling it art — perhaps trampling on some cherished ideal or religious feeling. But as I argued last week, this way also leads to fakes — fake originality, fake significance, and a new kind of cliche, as in so much Young British Art. You can pose as a modernist, but that won't necessarily lead you to achieve what Eliot, Schoenberg or Matisse achieved, which is to touch the modern heart in its deepest regions. Modernism is difficult. It requires competence in an artistic tradition, and the art of departing from tradition in order to say something new.

>> No.13898470

That painting looks like an instagram picture with a photoshop filter applied to it.

>> No.13898482

If you want some good shitting on postmodernism it doesn't get better than Robert Hughes.

Also, read Fredric Jameson if you want the best analysis of postmodern aesthetics

>> No.13898551

I'm not willing to get into a discussion on metaphysics sorry

>> No.13898559

>people never read
You've cracked the secret of /lit/

>> No.13899248

I didn't say you can't read him I said you can't tell people you like his work.

>> No.13899995

I have the utmost respect for Scruton. His writings on aesthetics are superb.


>> No.13900446

You might be interested in John Canaday:

Not a PhD, but he was a prominent art critic and wrote several books (which are better credentials in this context than a PhD -- this isn't high energy physics we're talking about). He took a dim view of abstract expressionism and other trends in modern art.

He received significant backlash from the art community for his stance (shocker), and this no doubt remains the paradigm today, so it isn't surprising that we don't see much mainstream/'authoritative' rejection of modern art elements. The art world at large appears to have fully and enthusiastically embraced relativism, and to fundamentally challenge that would be considered apostasy.

Good rec. 'The Use and Abuse of Art' is insightful.

>> No.13901475

Only the tobacco enthusiasts respect him.

>> No.13901515

>There are Marxist economists
they're unemployed

>> No.13901542

No they aren't?

>> No.13903324

last bump