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/lit/ - Literature

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13892588 No.13892588 [Reply] [Original]

Has literature ever evoked the sort of response from you that seeing a beautiful girl evokes? If so then what was it?

>> No.13892610

Some sort of mixture between lust and dread ? de Sade maybe ?

>> No.13892615
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I meant more that divine feeling of awe where you wish you could just stare at her face as it is for all eternity.

>> No.13892628
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You know the sort of feeling that compels you to want to kiss her? How strange is that to want to press your mouth against another person and rub your rough masculine skin against her soft feminine skin?

>> No.13892631

yes ive been disgusted weith a handful of books

>> No.13892641

im still a virg but im not scared of girls like i used to be

all gna make it

>> No.13892643

I'm willing to bet your skin is not rough at all but okay.

There are plenty of responses from seeeing a beautiful girl. Most of them are described in Flowers of Evil and Spleen of Paris.

>> No.13892655

I don't know if you're in some sort of worshipping attitude towards beauty or if you're just craving the flesh. Either way, what you should read is Madame Edwarda. What you really want is death through beauty. you're craving annihilation as a way to surpass existence. Ancient myths about worshipping the sun might also be what you're looking for, idk

>> No.13892668
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I don't really know, you might be right though. I'd like some flesh but I'm just as happy with aesthetics. Sometimes when I go on nightwalks I'll look at the beautiful moon and wish that the moment would literally never end, so I could keep that sense of awe from the natural beauty of it.

What are some good sun worshiping myths?

>> No.13892702

So you equate beautiful girls with the Moon, then?

For the myths I don't really know, maybe the Nag Hammadi texts, and surely anthropology texts about sun-worshipping cultures. The Golden Bough? I'm not sure. But really, read Bataille. Start with The Accursed Share, maybe Erotism (I haven't read it but yeah), and end with Madame Edwarda (it's a short story, but all the answers are there)

>> No.13892704

I replied to the wrong post but you get it

>> No.13892722

I don’t feel that way about women because I’m not 15 or a virgin but I guess I felt like that when reading moby dick and the count of Monte cristo

>> No.13892723

physical beauty is shallow and non-transcendental. no matter how beautiful a girl is you will find yourself disillusioned as you see her age. if you were to choose between that girl who is past 'her age' and a new 'beautiful' one, you'd forget the past beauty of the former one in a split second, and you'd run blindly towards the latter. men's physical beauty is more lasting and less shallow. the beauty and balance of a men's muscular system is like a work of art; though, as everything having to do with the physical, it's subject to decay.
the only beauty you should actively be interested in is one such as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Z_FVjMSWc

>> No.13892732

Read The Temple of the Golden Pavillon, I think that's what you're looking for.
The protagonist is obsessed with the beauty of the Golden Temple, so much that he destroy it in the end.

>> No.13892738

You really don't get it, do you

>> No.13892742

Even music is a very contingent form of beauty despite what the enthusiast like to say. There are mostly healthy and intelligent people who are incapable of enjoying music (see Nabokov for instance). Every form of beauty is "non-transcendental", it's rarely difficult to find a situation where a supposedly eternal form of beauty loses all its power.

Physical beauty of women (and men) also has a important symbolic component via the face. The face is the sign of a person and the most direct expression of his inner life. Its mere presence hints at the existence of both.

I'm afraid your reasoning stems from an ill-thought out analysis of impermanence.

That said, your homosexuality is touching.

>> No.13892747

>The face is the sign of a person and the most direct expression of his inner life. Its mere presence hints at the existence of both.
No, it merely has to do with the perception regarding one's inner life. In concrete term it's only about neurochemical patterns regarding face expressions and the hormonal apparatus (more so when dealing with women).
>That said, your homosexuality is touching.
I'm completely heterosexual.

>> No.13892777

how exactly is music contingent?

>> No.13893799


>> No.13893825

The brief beauty of women pales in comparison to the beauty of God's Earth on which we live
Go for a walk in the woods, stop idolizing pussy

>> No.13893860

I have no love for Nabokov but he's a counter-example to the supposed trascendental character of music.

>No, it merely has to do with the perception regarding one's inner life.
That's precisely what signs are you know. It doesn't change the fact that your inner life rests heavily on what is perceived as display of other's inner life.

>In concrete term it's only about neurochemical patterns
That's pseudo-scientific babble. Do you actually understand how neurochemical pattern unfold and what that entails or are you just going for the most recent neurologic buzzwords you can think of? Are you an actual neuroscientist or just mimicking one?
Parroting specific vocabulary that you don't really understand is not talking "in concrete terms", it's just involuntary obfuscation.

Its characteristics, its appreciation, the emotion people derive from it and the attachment they have to it entirely depend on material conditions (nature of instrument, quality of recording, distance to the performer), social and cultural habits, collective and personal history as well as personal tastes. Some people can't enjoy classical music at first but can be led into it through study. Others can't like it at all but like other genres. Other don't like music at all or don't particularly care for it. Some like classical music but only a certain strand of it (I've met people well-versed in baroque music who were very skeptical about romantic music, and vice-versa).
It's pretty much as contingent as any other artistic human endeavor. Or if you prefer it's only marginally less contingent.

>> No.13893879
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No, now that I think about it, not sure how a book would be able to invoke a sense of jealousy. Which is interesting, never really considered that. Any recs for a book attempting this ?

>> No.13894003

That is how I feel about philosophy. I can't help but to love all philosophers - anyone who aspires towards what I can only describe as the poetry of life, the attempt to explore the fundamental aspects of human experience with wonder and carefulness. Philosophy - the engagement of it, not any singular philosopher - taught me to love life with an intensity I never thought possible!

I feel the same way about art and science. Exploration, creativity, and discovery are my gods, they can only be considered divine activities.

>> No.13894020

Friendly reminder that fags can never love each other the way a man loves a woman.

>> No.13894023

Philosophy is to learn to die

>> No.13894746

Russian literature is exceptional at making me gasp when I read a profound or beautiful passage. No homo.

>> No.13894969

Wrong, a grandma can give you the same feeling, even though such grandmas are more and more rare. I am convinced there are divine archetypes for every age group and for both genders. By divine I mean something that inexplicably fascinates you and draws you towards it. A porno actress can have the most attractive symmetry in the world, but she might not have the same charm and aura that an innocent village girl might have.

>> No.13895345

I don't feel anything whenever seeing pretty faces now. No lust, anxiety, or even interest. If anything, the human face disgusts me. Each form of smugness and surety on any person causes a deep anger to stir. It would be nice if there were no form of physical communication, only then would there would be no need to look into their eyes, and also no need to converse with their vulnerable, little insect-mind.

>> No.13895446
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What is wrong with you people?

>> No.13895450

This has got to be the most high school Phil 101 class yet on this god forsaken site.

>> No.13895883

Why would it be homo? Isn't 'literature' a feminine?

>> No.13895924

Have you never locked eyes with another woman? You both feel it. It IS transcendental. Even women who aren't single will realize they've made a mistake if they lock eyes with the right person.

>> No.13895934
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