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13890750 No.13890750 [Reply] [Original]

I thinking about getting into Dune. Where should I start and should I read the non-Frank books?

>> No.13890764

You don’t “read” Dune. Dune doesn’t exist. It’s merely a codeword used on r/books to join their secret elite club of fedora connoisseurs.

I’m sorry you found out this way.

>> No.13890771

So the memes are true.

Lit don't read.

>> No.13890802

Just look for the Science Fiction and Fantasy thread and ask them. You'll probably get an answer there.

>> No.13890820

there's a new movie coming out. read it now so you can judge. reddit is only powerful if they live in your head, like most of this thread.

>> No.13890871

You read Dune and Dune Messiah. Then if you like it you keep going and read Children of Dune and God-Emperor of Dune. By then you understand what's up and you can read Heretics and Chapterhouse. The non-Frank books don't exist. Have fun on the "golden path." Also watch Lynch's Dune after you read the first one or two, not a great adaptation but it's still fun.

>> No.13891308

Where should you start? Nigga start on the first page. Read the damn book.

>> No.13891321

Dune is shit
I gave up before the end of the first chapter.

>> No.13891330

>Where should I start
>and should I read the non-Frank books?

>> No.13891343

consider reading "Dune" first

>> No.13891594

Read the Frank books.
Don't read the not-Frank books.

Simple as can be.

>> No.13891605

This. Don't read any non-Frank books (just read ones in full caps below). However, I will share the complete reading list so you can keep them straight. In terms of Dune story chronology, it starts with the Legends of Dune trilogy:
Dune: The Butlerian Jihad (2002)
Dune: The Machine Crusade (2003)
Dune: The Battle of Corrin (2004)

Then the Great Schools of Dune trilogy:
Sisterhood of Dune (2012)
Mentats of Dune (2014)
Swordmasters of Dune (TBA)

Then the Prelude to Dune trilogy:
Dune: House Atreides (1999)
Dune: House Harkonnen (2000)
Dune: House Corrino (2001)

Then it gets tricky. The Heroes of Dune planned tetralogy takes place in between and during the original early Dune novels (in full caps), so:
DUNE (1965)
Paul of Dune (2008)
The Winds of Dune (formerly Jessica of Dune-2009)
The Throne of Dune (formerly Irulan of Dune-TBA)
Leto of Dune (or perhaps The Golden Path of Dune--TBA)
Hunters of Dune (2006)
Sandworms of Dune (2007)

Even fussier are the collections:
The Road to Dune (2005) contains letters, unpublished chapters from Dune and Dune Messiah, a story ("Spice Planet" based on an outline Frank wrote & shelved prior to writing Dune itself), and short stories "A Whisper on Caladan Seas," "Hunting Harkonnens," "Whipping Mek" and "The Faces of a Martyr" (+ "Sea Child" in the paperback) all by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson (all of which take place at various different points in the series chronology)

Tales of Dune (2011, only available as an e-book so far) has three stories: “Wedding Silk,”“Sea Child” and “Treasure in the Sand." Bonus material includes “Dune: Blood and Water” and “Dune: Fremen Justice.”

*titles in caps are Frank Herbert's six original novels; the others are all co-written by his son Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, and they suck).

>> No.13892371

How about you read the first six novels before worrying about that?

>> No.13892682
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Follow this. I think all the Frank books are worth reading (God Emperor and Heretics are particularly amazing), but at least read the first two.

I tried the first Brian Herbert/Kevin Anderson book and it was terrible, so I didn't bother with the rest. Now the problem is I'd really like to know what happened after Chapterhouse Dune,but I'm not sure sure I'm ready to face reading two whole Brian/Kevin books to find out. Also their books following Chaperhouse apparently reference some of their earlier prequels, and I'm definitely not reading those.

>> No.13892902

>should I read the non-Frank books
of course you should. read the saga chronologically from butlerian jihad. brace yourself for some epic action that puts terminator to shame. it's also extremely fun to see how different families like harkonnen and atreides evolve.

>> No.13893244

>I thinking about getting into Dune. Where should I start

>> No.13893252

God Emperor is literally 500 pages of obtuse conversations that never go anywhere, plus a lot of thinking in italics. Its only purpose is to set up the following books, but it does it in the most tedious and gruelling way imaginable.

>> No.13893405

This should be /thread
We have this thread every 3 days or so and it always come down to this. Only other thing anyone could constructively add is to post the infographic. After that its just shitposting