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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 300x250, sayitnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1389009 No.1389009 [Reply] [Original]

I just plain don't get Borges' appeal. He had some neat gimmicks, but there are more imaginative sci-fi and fantasy writers.

>> No.1389014

Post-modern narratives are all jumbled crap.

>> No.1389017

Sci-fi has been boring since the 80's.

>> No.1389022

I always skip the romantic scenes.
Doesn't matter how good the book is.

>> No.1389023

Chocolate is overrated.

>> No.1389026

Would you skip the romantic scenes in reading the script for Romeo and Juliet?

>> No.1389024

McSweeney's is smug bullshit written by boring New Yorkers.

>> No.1389029

after reading The Hunger Games I was extremely depressed because it wasn't real, then felt guilty because its for teenagers

>> No.1389030

yes, yes I did
I remember Romeo fighting some dudes, that's it

>> No.1389043

op is a fag

>> No.1389045

Borges' appeal beyond his "gimmicks" is that he is concise. A very, very rare talent.

>> No.1389049

Plenty of writers are "concise", ESPECIALLY in genre fiction.

>> No.1389054

Jonathan Frazen is a terrible author. I don't understand why people like him so much.

>> No.1389058

Dubliners is dry as fuck prose

>> No.1389059

I made out with my mom once.

>> No.1389061

I meant among authors who tend to be considered "high art", but you're right of course.

>> No.1389075

I don't understand why "high" literature has to be full of obtuse language and puzzles and reference to other authors. I hated 2666.

Most of the best stories ever written are linear ones.

>> No.1389080

You do realize Borges was writing in the 20's-30's, right?

>> No.1389082

>reference to other authors
I think that's a Bolano thing. The Savage Detectives was FULL of that shit, I fucking hated it.

F. Scott Fitzgerald is a boring fucking writer.

>> No.1389089

I really want Terry Pratchett to stop writing. Kudos to him for keeping on going, but I Shall Wear Midnight was depressing. It's time to call it.

>> No.1389097

I want to kick you in the nuts for a off-chance Terry might be reading this and decides to follow your advice

>> No.1389102

dude next book is going to be from the watch series
And I liked I shall wear midnight

>> No.1389105


Don't get me wrong I love the guy, but it's horrible reading what me does now and comparing it to his earlier stuff.

>> No.1389108


Eh, I thought his writing style was screwed. It was too long winded and didn't have the snappy edge it used to have. And the end didn't make sense, and the characters seemed weak.

It was ok, but the guy is (or was) capable of a hell of lot more.

>> No.1389116


Fucking this. I tried to read Freedom and couldn't get past the first page.

>> No.1389121

going to read El Aleph, what is going to rape me?

>> No.1389122


My nigga :)

>> No.1389130

nothing, it's pretty good

>> No.1389957

Mark Twain was nothing special. If he lived today he'd be another nobody on huffingtonpress.

>> No.1389971

i dont have my picture folder with me since im on vacation, but

>successful troll is successful

>> No.1390006

I read a lot of older literature and have a massive disgust for popular series, I.E. Twilight, Jodi Picoult's books, etc. Yet I still feel lonely because no one discusses good books with me. I only know older ones and no one seems to read anything good. Are there still good books?

>> No.1390013
File: 78 KB, 800x600, sadhendrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit doesnt appreciate me
ppl on the street dont appreciate me
middle aged woman dont appreciate me

>> No.1390020

In the night with nothing on my mind
I lay down. To me everything is in its wrong place.
I would get up and change things
If only to set them right,
but I am unable to. I am forever unable to.

>> No.1390043
File: 47 KB, 300x300, everyone mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get very angry when I read literary criticism, regardless of what the critic actually says. Even if he agrees with me that something is shit, or something is good, I still want to punch him in the face for being a useless shit stain.

Also, pic related to everyone ITT.

>> No.1390046
File: 26 KB, 560x408, 04-07-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the best.

>> No.1390047

ITT: Philistines

>> No.1390054
File: 40 KB, 350x392, dwighttroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1390065

Philistine: One who denies the validity of intellectual art.


>> No.1390066

I hate the Beats, especially Kerouac. Glorified prep boy who wrote a book about a list of poor girls he fucked and then abandoned.

>> No.1390076


>Implying any of the shit in this thread is art and not a writer struggling to get a paycheck.

>> No.1390077

>>Implying they're exclusive

>> No.1390145


dude, most literary criticism I've read has been more about explicating a work or forming an overall theory for evaluating the "literary" than some dude reviewing a book and decide whether it's "good" or "bad."

also, you have to have some grounding in criticism and theory to be a serious student of literature IMO. stop hatin' man. if you really want to push the point, most academics are "useless" shit stains, anyway.

>> No.1390149


apologies for the shit grammar, but hey

it's christmas. and late.

>> No.1390161

umad cuz you'll never get madd pussay

>> No.1390177

Authorial intent is the only way to interpret a work, though it may be significant for other reasons.

>> No.1390198


If you can't read a criticism and decide whether or not the critic deemed a work bad or not, you need to go back to school, son. Seriously.

>> No.1390200


i think you completely missed my point. that's not even the focus of what most "literary critics" do. maybe people who write reviews for some publishing company or something, but not academics.

>> No.1390204
File: 78 KB, 343x256, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like someone is on a tenure track in an English Department somewhere. Did you enjoy your MFA program?

>> No.1390213

actually, I'm studying to teach high school English.

anyway, nice job getting butthurt when I pointed out your mistake. true class, right there.

>> No.1390220

>I will never be able to make a successful thread about a fantasy book or series on /lit/

>> No.1390227


Enjoy being a cog in the machine of mediocrity. You will never, ever publish anything worthwhile or be known for anything you create. I hope you love existential crises, because you've got a bunch of them coming your way.

>> No.1390244


>You will never, ever publish anything worthwhile or be known for anything you create

It's so depressing that this is what people think of teachers

>> No.1390249

This is true for pretty much any field these days anyway, excluding geniuses. Even geniuses. See: Terrence Tao.

>> No.1390258

i like stephen king....

>> No.1390260
File: 37 KB, 480x318, Ivory Coast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thirty years from now, when you have published your magnum opus and have changed the world of literature with your English teaching degree, you can come here and mock the shit out of me with your accomplishment.

pic unrelated.

>> No.1390274


I am not him

>when you have published your magnum opus and have changed the world of literature with your English teaching degree

That is not what teaching is for

>> No.1390277


haha, that was actually a different anon.

anyway, your butthurt amuses me. why do you presume I even want to change the world of literature anyway? I just know what criticism is, and corrected you. you're really pretty childish.

>> No.1390283


So you are admitting your mediocrity now? You are falling into the old saw of, "who can't do, teach?"

I have no words.

>> No.1390284

>claims someone will be a "cog in the machinery of mediocrity
>doesn't even fucking know what criticism is

You sound pretty mediocre, bro.

>> No.1390285


Maybe you should watch the ending of the movie, Ratatouille.

>> No.1390288


Another English degree detected.

>> No.1390289


>your mediocrity


>"who can't do, teach?"

No, I was saying it was depressing because YOU think that. Teachers are responsible for the transmission of knowledge and skills and fostering a desire to learn, it is depressing that people think all teachers are sitting around waiting to become great in the field they teach and don't care about being great at actually teaching, especially because great scholars often make some of the worst teachers because they are so concerned with their own work.

>> No.1390293


The amount of assholes on 4chan somehow still amazes me. You think literary critics are "useless shit stains," yet you think those that actually teach people are somehow mediocre failures "who will never, ever publish anything worthwhile," too? It seems like there's no pleasing you.

Or your a raging faggot who's trying to save face.

>> No.1390297


I love you.

>> No.1390298


before you come in pointing out that completely irrelevant mistake like it's some sort of counterargument

>> No.1390302



>> No.1390306


You just got owned by >>1390293

u jelly?

>> No.1390309

Welp, it seems we're being trolled by /b/ I'm out, I got shit to do. Later, niggers.

>> No.1391363

bump so people can laugh at this teacher-bashing faggot who got told

>> No.1391418

And you missed Mercutio? You fucking bastard, he was the best one in the damn play. A plague on your house.

>> No.1391423
File: 42 KB, 450x427, sowry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

house of leaves had its great moments, but overall, its a really fucking pretentious piece of shit. johnny truant is pretty much holden caulfield, but in LA and on drugs, and with much worse prose. like i get that he's on crazy from the book and that he's on drugs so his prose makes no sense, but still, it just fucking blows. plus his back story is lifetime worthy melodrama bullshit.

if house of leaves kept johnny truant's bullshit to an absolute minimum, and left the main text the same, book would have been better.

>> No.1391442

Mercutio was awesome. He's like the bystander, outside of the feud. But he gets so fucked over by it, and keeps a cool facade on even when he's dying.

Guy was a dude. Do you know the Dickens "parody" of R&J?

>> No.1391448

No, enlighten me.

>> No.1391459

I cannot finish a book if it's in foreign language. :(

>> No.1391469

It's Victorian amateur theatre thing, I think in Nicholas Nickleby It's a super happy ending, where it turns out everyone one was only "sleeping" or pretending to be dead, except Tybalt. However, everyone agrees his death is probably for the best.

>> No.1391717

I don't care much for Shakespeare.

>> No.1392751

I never read the prologues or introductions. Fuck that shit.