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13887632 No.13887632 [Reply] [Original]

Try emulating McCarthy’s prose in blood meridian. It’s harder than it looks.

>> No.13887850

I am gay and I have sex with men in the desert and I love cum and I am gay.

>> No.13888675


>> No.13889992
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Then the judge spat then the kid spat then glanton spat then toadvine spat and then there was a desert wind

>> No.13890046
File: 1.91 MB, 1452x841, Screenshot from 2019-09-24 22-31-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He headed south carrying the president's body behind his back. A sharp pain in his foot indicated that he soon had to change his shoes. The valley stretched as far as the eye could see.

>> No.13890196

It's interesting because there's a definite rhythm to it. Something about the way he introduces irrelevant details about the scenery, or what the gang is doing-- cooking, spitting, etc-- makes it all feel important. Like, in most books as you're reading along you categorize, "This is plot relevant" "This is character building" "This is set dressing", and you assign importance in that order. But in this book, it all blends together in such a way that it all feels important, until you're halfway through 300 words on the color of the dirt and you realize you've lost the thread.

>> No.13890253

he swilled da black tobacco spit like a legion of liquefied vampires with all the errant dream of an era summed up in the squishy mosh of it on rotted teeth. No Fuckin Way he said to the noon sun more than his friend and shot the bitch while the pale lost terrarium of prairies stretched away Hardy Har Har said the Judge.

>> No.13890318

The house corseted in serried incandescence, the man and the boy staking plastic Magi in the lawn. Working apart. A neighbor out walking their hounds passes by. The jingling of collar tags too faint to hear over the chink of hammers driving anchors through sinew apertures into the cold hard ground. They all man and beast alike forage through the mistblown curtains from each's lungs in the gray issuances of December.

The man's chapped countenance hovers over frost-speckled earth. Where's the god-damned timers at?, he says.

>> No.13890601

>A sharp pain in his foot indicated
sorry, nerd, no

>> No.13890605

>as far as the eye could see.
sorry, nerd, no

>> No.13891130

Objective considerations of contemporary phenomena compel the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the unpredictable must invariably be taken into account.

>> No.13891147
File: 48 KB, 525x538, screenshot-docs.google.com-2019.09.26-22_07_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a project I'd call walmart mccarthy already

>> No.13891151

McCarthy was a racist.

>> No.13891158

Not anymore though?

>> No.13891279 [DELETED] 

Swillin' the teflon mantra that kept him solid-hearted, the Kid fucked his way through Alabama while the Judge stayed alongside him in the room at every whorehouse they hit, and always paid for it too, delightin' only to watch the action with the fixation of a deity bein' fed by the mere vapors of a sacrifice.

>> No.13891288

Swillin' the teflon mantra that kept him solid-hearted, the Kid fucked his way through Alabama while the Judge stayed alongside him in the room at every whorehouse they hit, and always paid for it too, delightin' only to watch the action with the fixation of a deity being fed by the mere vapors of a sacrifice.

>> No.13891449

>I reckon
>You reckon
>We reckon