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/lit/ - Literature

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13887254 No.13887254 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude define your own meaning!

This is who you worship?

>> No.13887266

Beats nihilism if successful. That's the minimum meaning, at least.
However, I think it's a fool's errand. We can't exactly define our own meaning. We either know we failed at life or we know we lived the life we wanted.

>> No.13887283

Act according to your own nature*

>> No.13887284

>This is who you worship?
Not worship, but highly respect, yes. In a world where everything about the human experience is determined by genetics, where everything is evolving and becoming less and less equal, where power is the only seemingly plausible type of gravity that the will can experience, where we are likely not alone in this galaxy of ours, the only philosophy that makes any sense is the one that embraces what the meek would call "evil."

>> No.13887305

t. Untermensch

>> No.13887313

t. Idiot who believes in fairytale made up terms

>> No.13887314

>where power is the only seemingly plausible type of gravity that the will can experience
Not true. Music and aesthetics, art and beauty - those validate existence even without power. In fact, they are what power should be used for - something all democracies fail to do, but all monarchies succeeded in.

>> No.13887318

not literature

>> No.13887331

Not going to make it

>> No.13887335

I was always bothered by this kind of sentiment on /lit/.
>Don't read Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Epicurus, etc create your own values
Those guys were pretty smart and can teach you lots of things. Ignoring what they spent their whole lives and going from "zero" (or negative, given how bad our modern culture is) seems like a bad idea.

>> No.13887348

Your mother has a hairy snatch

>> No.13887357

Nietzsche had a whole theory of aesthetics that related it to power.

>> No.13887398

At that point it suffers from the same problem as materialism; that all is defined through one value. Either the value changes accordingly to match the requirements placed upon it by all existence or it denies reality and forces a view on it that conforms to its meaning.

>> No.13887435

I'm pretty sure he rejected teleology altogether

>> No.13887556
File: 42 KB, 680x478, hannibal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche argued against them and their philosophy but I dont remember him saying dont read them. I certainly would have never made such a statement. Nietzsche was a Classics professor after all and I believe he even taught as class on Plato.

>> No.13887567

Certainly. And they would argue back, just like they (or their disciples) argued against each other.
This is not a criticism of Nietzsche, but of his "cultists" on /lit/.

>> No.13887726
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Unparalleled folly.

>> No.13887765

Nietzsche was not a cumbrain existentialist, most people just don't understand him right. He is not telling you to create your own meaning, he is telling you to prepare for the Übermensch, the human to come, to live your life towards this development, which means to let go of views and including that the attachment to values and norms, not to make up your own instead, which will be a regress. The Übermensch is the one who sets new values, as he is the spontaneous expression of the unadulterated will. This setting of new values is not postulation of norms for his own life though, it is merely a naturalized form of morality that precedes any conceptualization.

>> No.13887802

Sounds like a load of pseud wank

>> No.13887835


>> No.13888530
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>> No.13888545

>create* your own meaning
important difference

>> No.13888630

Define nature

>> No.13888637

What about my post made you think I belong on /pol/? There is not an ounce of political ideology in it to be found. Consider Reddit.

It always does to people who don't read.

>> No.13888646

Not like you have a choice in this anyway. You fucking Nigger

>> No.13888653

you do realise that hammer and sickle are photoshopped on, right?

>> No.13888714

>Dude define your own meaning!
I've only read BG&E but what I got from it was that he hopes for a modern iteration of the great leaders of old, who shaped society in their image by creating enduring systems of values. Not in a reactionary sense of trying to LARP as Romans or something but creating something new. This is a political process, and not something that's down to the individual.

>> No.13888764
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>> No.13888783

0/10 troll

>> No.13888792

>Dude I didn't read it!

>> No.13888795

t. christian

>> No.13888810
File: 102 KB, 618x410, 180312-jesus-disfigured-book-index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude just turn your brain off, never enjoy yourself and let everyone walk all over you

This is who you worship?

>> No.13888836
File: 466 KB, 284x176, 1528474670958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Fucking Crist im sick and tired of these Nietzsche threads full of blockheads that probably havent read a single fucking work of him. And either larp as some super Nietzchean fans or anti-Nietzscheans.

>> No.13888876

how old are you?

>> No.13888941

Nietzsche's philosophy of power is reality. It's flawless.

>> No.13888942

Go back to your tree, pedro. White Men are talking.

>> No.13889209

It is philosophical nihilism. All nihilism means is that you acknowledge that meaning/values aren't universal externals, but are rather expressions of our very nature. Nihilism doesn't proscribe assigning value and meaning, it simply recognizes the correct provenance.

>> No.13889220
File: 118 KB, 1024x683, 0788A4D8-A7CF-40C0-B721-8CC854F18CB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will, thank you.

>> No.13889235

Imagine being that murrican, so you can't even comprehend that some philosophy isn't meant for mass use.

>> No.13889237

No :3

>> No.13889575


>> No.13889578

t. coward pseud, just like Nietzsche

>> No.13889586

>Nietzsche was an existentialist
He was a fatalist.

>> No.13889833

27, why? Do you have a problem with that sentiment?

>> No.13889841

Nietzsche is a total dead end desu. There’s no moving on to any utopian ubermensh era, there is only stagnation. What’s more, that faggot created a dichotomy that traps you if you take him seriously, that can’t practically be transcended, which is why all Nietzscheans fall back into nihilism

>> No.13889896

You're wrong on all accounts.

>There’s no moving on to any utopian ubermensh era, there is only stagnation.
Why do you think that? Because it has already started to happen since Nietzsche was alive. This is going to take centuries, if not longer, to fully propagate. The Crusades were the height of the Christian period of the history of Europe and it took many centuries after before they happened. It's not like Nietzsche's philosophy was shoehorned into history, either; he based it all on genuine philosophical and cultural paradigm shifts in the West that he was observing.

>What’s more, that faggot created a dichotomy that traps you if you take him seriously, that can’t practically be transcended, which is why all Nietzscheans fall back into nihilism
What dichotomy? This is also more or less applicable to every philosophy ever.