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/lit/ - Literature

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13887189 No.13887189 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /his/ such an insufferable shithole ?

>> No.13887195

It fell to the stormfront hordes, which is slowly happening to /lit/.

>> No.13887202
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Imagine taking Sargon seriously

>> No.13887211

Well, at least /his/ is better at stating evidence and argumentation

>> No.13887216

To be fair, zizek is my favourite contemporary philosopher. He's always good for a laugh.

>> No.13887219


>> No.13887220

They are trolling.
The problem with /his/ is that they don't know either history or humanities but like to pretend they do. It would probably be better if it turned into /pol/ with dates, at least /pol/acks have more of an interesting in studying what they don't know than /his/ does.

>> No.13887236

>they are trolling
Maybe the op in op’s pic. But the two replies seem genuine to me

>> No.13887237

Its already over.

>> No.13887659

/his/ was created post-moot. It’s always been an artificial board desu

>> No.13887668

Thanks for bringing the cancer here.

>> No.13887712

There definitely are some ridiculously stupid people that go there. I think a good part of it is because of the nature of the topic and how it's covered in the media. Everybody has an opinion on various historical events but not many people do their homework. But because there's so many Youtube videos and podcasts it's enough to give confidence to the ignorant which leads them to talk about what they don't know.

There does seem to be a disproportionate amount of bad thinkers though. People that don't know how to argue or express themselves. It's the only board where I regularly find Jesus mythicists and people that accept scientism.

>> No.13887752

I used to think that about /pol/

>> No.13887807

I don't think so, this place seems to be becoming genuinely more Catholic as time goes on.

I think most of the people who go on /pol/ don't visit us here, and when they do they really stick out.

>> No.13887815

Has anyone here actually been on /his/ long-term?

It's nothing but racial theory and about how this country or that country is or isn't "white". Honestly pathetic.

>> No.13887821

Nah they just meme a few threads. The problem is the ASS mods, it's a rdt outpost. Basically ptg for the humanities.

>> No.13887832

>not stormtards

>> No.13887857

Stormfags are pagans, newfag

>> No.13887918

The fact that this place “seems to be becoming genuinely more Catholic as time goes on” (I haven’t really noticed it myself, definitely not catholic, maybe less atheistic) is anyway a sign of the ongoing mental retardation which op pointed out.

>> No.13887921

Religion is the critique of pure reason

>> No.13887932

Atheism is flawed.

>> No.13887945

You've got it backwards Newfie, /lit/ used to be way more Catholic than it is now.

>> No.13887949

Imagine thinking /pol/ is a bigger problem than r*ddit

>> No.13887955

Honestly based

>> No.13887956

But at least not as retarded as theism

>> No.13887968
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The patron saint of Catholics on /pol/ is Guinean.

>> No.13887974

I agree, but I think part of his problem is that he makes himself out to be very accessable because he is so charming that you get a bunch of small brains that haven't even read Marx or Hegel pretend to be "fans" of his.

>> No.13888014

This. This place is getting constantly assaulted by hordes from r/chapotraphouse, and don't forget the eternal Discord tranny

>> No.13888028

This dude is incredibly based

>> No.13888035

Sargon actively lies.

Whenever he cites scientific research, he can be debunked by reading the research itself. No man can be that dense, so it is definitely dine on purpose.

Don't know the middle one and I've seen a few from Philosophy tube before he decided to become contrapoints

>> No.13888045

I find it sad too. I am really into history, but most of the posts are just bait. We get bait here too, but not at the same level, and there is usually at least 1 person who discusses things modestly well.

>> No.13888053

Legit question, I can't be the only person who noticed the recent upswings in shitposting seems to directly corresponded with the democrats making a fool out of themselves with regards to this Ukraine business?

That or I've finally succumb to the /pol/ disease.

>> No.13888058

epic sword battles and le emu war appeal to a younger demographic. zoomers love that boogaloo bullshit. comes as no surprise

>> No.13888064

The quality of /lit/ has fallen dramatically ever since Peterson got famous. The hordes of /pol/tards are so bad that no discussion can ever be had. The discourse quality is down the drain (even for 4chan). A year ago people at least pretended to read books. Now it's trying to "own the libs", but also mentioning some philosopher they haven't read to appear smart.

>> No.13888231

>ever since Peterson got famous.
I agree, he made a lot of losers' closeted anger spew out. "How dare this man makes moneys when I'm better read than him and smarter! My life is going nowhere!"

/lit/ should embrace their personal failures, like /a/ or /r9k/. Else, the board will just devolve into /pol/ - /leftypol/ shit.

>> No.13888241

Because 4chan is a cesspool of society's dumbest. You're only still here because there's nothing else.

>> No.13888245
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>slowly happening

>> No.13888279

Why does this have to be true

>> No.13888285

>circlejerking over sourceless infographics and testimonies of politicians trying to save themselves from the noose

>> No.13888297

Honestly I've seen a raise in Nietzsche posting. I would argue the rise of Catholicism in /lit/ also has it's side effects.

>> No.13888306


>> No.13888313

Because it isn't?

Princeton toad is a continual poster, and he is by no means 'dumb'.

Why do you have to make pessimistic shitposts? :3


>> No.13888447

You don't have to be pessimistic to think this website is genuinely awful to the extent of being harmful.

>> No.13888451

Uh, yes you do.

That is THE definition of pessimism. Jesus Christ, you're making the site worse and I don't think you realize how. Fix your perception :3

>> No.13888452

I’m a cradle catholic and I can tell you, the people who convert to Catholicism are literally the most retarded people of all time

>> No.13888454
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, ContraPoints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any answer other than ContraPoints is wrong.

>> No.13888456

/lit/ is the shithole /his/ is where I go to escped the hordes of pseuds and shitposting

>> No.13888467

Sometimes I wish I had the spare change and know-how to make my own humanities-chan with zero tolerance for /pol/-tier arguments (you can be a fascist for all I care but fuck fascists on here have no interest in actual philosophy.)

Even 420chan has better phil and book discussion than here.

>> No.13888474

No one cares about what YOU do

>> No.13888515

No one cares about your opinion on what anon said except for the anon who posted it, this post makes you look like an asshole. I could probably beat you up.

>> No.13888520

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