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/lit/ - Literature

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13885518 No.13885518 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13885521

Anyone good at dream interpretations? I had an interesting and very vivid dream last night and I'm not sure what it means.

(In the dream:)
>Drove up to the Bible camp I used to go to as a child, all of my same age peers were up there. I went to claim a bed but noticed someone's clothes were already laid on it. I asked around and found out they belong to the girl I'm interested in IRL. I could use that bed though because she just hung herself, I broke down crying and ran outside.
>Outside was a hill leading down from the main cabin to the lake. All of the people up there, the church youth group, had constructed a nine level terrace made out of sand leading down to the beach and mounted the ramparts. It was like Mina's Tirith from LOTR. I made my way down the terrace passing by everyone I knew. At the bottom was a woman from my church (who is a narcissist and shares much too much) standing alone yelling at everyone and denouncing the structure as idolatry. Talking about Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the multi layered statue. The whole crowd gathered around her and I had a giant protractor in my hand. She kept telling and the crowd moved onto her violently and the scene changed.
>Next, I was in an airport in Korea, trying to smuggle my child cousins out of danger by getting them Into the state of Israel (I'm not Jewish btw). We had fake passports and disguises and were waiting in line at customs. A salesman I knew recognized me and started accusing me of deception to all of the other people in line. I ignored him by reading a newspaper but was very nervous. This went on for like five minutes, he eventually got tired and left to go get security after I didn't react. We got to the customs desk and the first two children got in fine, my passport was accepted but the child I was holding was not accepted because their passport was obviously not theirs. The clerk was very stern with me and angered that I was trying to fool her so blatantly.
The dream ended and I had slept through my alarm. There's a lot of symbology in there and I don't normally dream about people I know

>> No.13885523

Nihil vilius quam vinci a carne.

>> No.13885528

How the universe works. I believe that there are 11 dimentions and these 11 dimentions are all entangled into our one universe. We live in the third dimention but the fourth dimention is right in front of us but we can't see it. I also wonder what Christianity is hiding and if everything we have in the bible is truthful with the Vatican having a warehouse full of old scriptures. What if God told us what he wants us to believe, what if we are an experiment and every dimention has their own creatures with a different genesis. Shit like this keeps me up at night and day-dreaming

>> No.13885548

How difficult would it be to change humanity's statu quo overnight? Kind of like 9/11 but worse

>> No.13885562

I’m considering quitting 4chan completely and devoting myself entirely to my academic, physical, and spiritual pursuits. I have a dream to improve myself as much as possible within the next few years, for a very special girl. Yet, I must quit this place. I may have to make a strict vow to God, which would surely help me fight the addiction. But vowing before God is risky business. After this thread is archived, I plan to vow that I will not browse 4chan for a whole day. Then, it will be 2 days, then 4 days, etc. until I can vow to never come back to this place again. And perhaps at some time I will have to limit my YouTube activity with vows, as it’s the only other form of social media that i engage with. If I follow through, hopefully I will become worthy of her and if I’m not able to be with her, then at least I will have made myself more attractive.

>> No.13885580

Kill yourself

>> No.13885590

Sometimes I let my guard down for a second and see how things really are;

It's bad,
worse than you think

>> No.13885612

The value of confidence cannot be understated, yet the bible says to live without pride. What that means to me is that either, God wants us to be insecure in ourselves, or that there is a middle ground to be found somewhere in which one can be certain in themselves without being vain. This sincerely intrigues me, mainly because I choose to do my works in front of other people, they don't mean as much to me if only I see them. The thing is, I believe that at the root of this interaction, lies a selfish need to heard, that can only be interpreted as pride. Does that mean I should stop posting though? That I should give up on everything I've worked so hard for just because it seems like I can't do them without being prideful? Or should I find a way to do my works without pride, to be humble in the way I interact with others and create my art? I think, for now, I'll go with the latter.

>> No.13885655

> I have a dream

>I’m considering...
>Yet, I must...
>I may have to...
>I plan to...
>And perhaps at some time I will have to...
>If I follow through...

Maybe you'll get it right in the next lifetime.

>> No.13885663

The Bible says not to say “I will do such and such”

>> No.13885712 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to track down some specific psychoanalytic terms which I know I've encountered before but can't fuckin put my finger on.

Basically, I'm interested in the ways that certain empty fictions are necessary to believe in because they help us structure our worldview. Like in the Wizard of Oz, the Wizard is a hoax but he is a necessary hoax. I know this is something of the way Zizek explains ideology, but I want more precise terms. Specifically, I'm looking for the term to describe this 'lack' or 'absence' around which experience is structured. Is this the objet petit A? Is this the Name of the Father? I guess I should crack out the Sublime Object of Ideology again...

>> No.13885715
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I have decided that my life's goal will be to foster the creation of an intellectual forum that can exist parallel to mainstream academia without being consumed by resentment for it. I know I'm not smart or talented enough to do it all on my own, but more than anything I'd like to help create some kind of environment where smart people from all over the world can get together to exchange opinions and knowledge. Not some "free speech" platform that jerks itself off for being edgy, nor some alt-news outlet that only serves as a weekly update on the stupidity of college professors and students. Those have their places, but I don't think they can serve any useful purpose in the long run. No, I imagine something like a combination private filesharing forum and literary journal - swapping public domain and pirated ebooks, holding discussions and debates on the canon, writing and book reviews and articles, putting together an electronic literary magazine, etc.
Rather than complain about the state of academia, we could just ignore it and keep the old ways alive while the brick-and-mortar universities continue down their path towards becoming "woke capital"-subsidized trade schools. What's stopping us? The internet has torn down many of the barriers that traditionally surrounded knowledge. Gathering people together in one place is no longer an issue, and neither is gaining access to books and other materials. The only thing missing is someone who cares enough to put everything together and to keep up a barrier against idiots, jokers, and (God forbid) saboteurs.
I don't think I have what it takes to be that person right now, but it's a role I want to work towards. I know this whole dream probably sounds naive and pretentious, but I think it's within the realm of possibility and I'd like to at least give it a shot. I don't think this is an original idea, and I get the sense there are other people out there trying to do something similar. If they're out there I'll do what I can to help them, and if they don't exist I'll do my best to start from scratch. I just want to do something instead of complaining all the time.

>> No.13885727

Preparing myself for my future homelessness. Can’t escape it. Medical problems. Even a full time job at lower wages can’t pay the bills.
Everyday the world seems to be moving faster. Rush home from work so I can meticulously ration out my time to my various pastimes, all before going to bed and doing it again. The weekend is a chance to catch my breath before it all happens again.

>> No.13885731

>I’m considering quitting 4chan completely
You're here forever :)

>> No.13885739

>Online class
>Do those discussions where you can't view anyones post until you post yours
>Write my response
>Feel pretty good about it
>Post it
>Look at others posts and some of them are so much better than me
>Feel bad

>> No.13885741
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>People who bought 4chan have no right to it.
>They seperated it into 4channel and 4chan so they can easier redditize it and monetize it.
>FBI contractors scour threads looking to meet quotas, and in doing so harm innocent kids.
>Anyone here looking to make real change in society won't be able to unless they use 4chan as a trial run - if you can't remake or takeover the forum one say or anothet, then the government/society at large is completely beyond your abilities.

>> No.13885743

Doesn’t really matter as long as you still get max credit

>> No.13885751

I had a really weird dream lately where I was watching the news and the story was about a group of German tourists who were ritualistically beheaded by a Japanese cult and it showed the pictures and all the tourists had the same face of a guy I haven't seen in like 15 years.

>> No.13885869

I've always been on the fringes of society. I was raised in a cult; it was always "Us versus the World". When I got out I had no sense of identity and bounced around between other toxic groups. There was a time when I was involved with revolutionary communism and all that entails. Then after that, there were years where I had convinced myself I was trans and temporarily tried to live as a woman. And after that, after I had disavowed my former self, I got involved with the fascist movement. Now...

I walk around the neighborhood and see all of the people who are older than me but still look younger, you can see it on their smooth brows and their calm eyes. I'm not even thirty but I feel ancient, I've had multiple major life upheavals. I feel incredibly jealous of people who can just accept who they are without questioning it. Ones that have been born in loving families and who have followed the standard life path. They might not have much to say, but at least that won't ever bother them. I envy their vanity and materialism, their new cars and new houses. Their useless college degrees and bourgeois ennui. If I ever have kids, I wish that they would be boring

>> No.13885882

>finally have solid employment and spare money
>investing in my health
>meanwhile, normalfaggots would buy a video game console or some dumb shit
the most basic bitch people are also fat dumb and ugly. god damn i can't stand seeing fatasses rolling around. /fitlit/ master race.

just imagine being unaesthetic.

>> No.13885896

I wish I had drugs. I need something to crack the monotony. I am someone who can be usefully on drugs. My brain does something with it. I fall backwards into an infinite kaleidoscopic feedback loop into the brain within the brain within the brain, down through all the barriers and corridors of consciousness , through ugliness into vistas of beauty, through lakes of poison into meadows of sunlight. Sobriety is indeed the worst kind of drug, a sedative.

>> No.13885900

>vowed to leave 4chan 3 days ago
>didn’t come here for 3 whole days, my longest streak in a while
>super productive, better mood, more at peace
>broke and spent 15 hours on /lit/
>important project due tomorrow that I didn’t start, feel like shit, depressed, etc
There’s no escape lads, no escape.

>> No.13885916

How's middle school treating you, pal?

>> No.13885922

i'm self-reliant and confident but i still envy my friend who just married a rich girl

>> No.13885926

>We live in the third dimention but the fourth dimention is right in front of us but we can't see it

If you've never heard of a book called flatland, there's this idea of a conscious two dimensional being that meets a three dimensional being, this youtube video explains it better but it gives us an idea of what it's like to experience the 4th dimension.


>> No.13885939


>> No.13885942

For a girl? This place is worse than i though

>> No.13885966
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I'm going to start a new religion based on Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995) and it's going to solve everyone's problems

>> No.13885985

i already started this religion 15 years ago. the first noble truth of my religion is that shinjiXasuka is the correct pairing. the second noble truth is that the true chads all bang misato.

>> No.13886000

I agree on both counts

>> No.13886037
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i'm slowly coming to accept the fact that i'm a dilettante, and i'm not really passionate about anything i do. i'm not a deep rigrous intellectual. i'm not an avid patriot. i don't love sports. i'm not obsessed with sex. i'm not a powerlifter or bodybuilder. i'm not a soldier or marine or fighter-pilot. i'm OK at writing but there's nothing i'm just dying to say. i'm a schoolteacher and i love my job, but it is a passion-less love like the love of a wife of long years. my job / wife knows i love her but she also knows that that love has limits, and that she was not my first love, nor fills me with continuous excitement, and is not the love of m life.

i don't even like "binge-watching" TV, and it's been years since i stayed up all night reading a book i loved. i try to read for a few hours a day, preferably 3-4 hours but sometimes just 1. there's no one genre that i prefer over others. i tell myself that i'm a specialist in east asian studies, but that's not my career. i like to read about korea and taiwan because i specialized in these countries while i was writing my undergrad thesis.

i used to love korean women and east asian women in general. but when i see white girls or black girls i think some of them are pretty too. i'm not necessarily an asians-only kind of guy. and i tend to have a girlfriend even when i like someone else.

when i was growing up i hated my parents for being so broad in their interests and never concentrating on one big thing in life (such as our family). but here i am with a billion different things that interest me. i guess i should be glad that i'm not OCD and i'm not really terribly unhappy with my life. but i worry that my lack of intellectual intensity is slowly turning me into a mediocre human being, if not worse than mediocre. i feel like i should be happy, not to be a slave to passions. but that lack of passion which guys me peace also cuts me off from the world. it worries me that without something to concentrate on, i will slowly but inexorably come to loosen my grip on life itself.

>> No.13886057
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Words cannot express how much longing this pictures causes me. It's not even sexual at this point. I just want to be a soft, pretty creature in a soft, pretty world. To be fully encased and transformed into something people actually want.

>> No.13886067
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>> No.13886069

I wanna poo but there's no toilet paper at university

>> No.13886073

Are you the guy who's in love with that 9 year old?

>> No.13886081

soft pretty creatures are all made to suffer in this world

>> No.13886088

Hope everything works out

>> No.13886100

This is just a platform for crowdsourcing mainstream academic research, it's nothing like the kind of parallel academy I'm thinking of.

>> No.13886169

I'm going on vacation for two weeks. I'm renting a cheap room and am planning on doing some light hiking and site seeing, but also spending a significant amount of time working on my book.

>> No.13886175

Today I was a total aspie during one of my philosophy classes. We were talking to our neighbors and I said something asinine and my neighbor called me out and I stuttered and almost cried. There is no end to suffering for the brainlets. Be grateful for what you have. On the flip side, I've been reading Knausgard's "My Struggle" and loving it, though I"m not sure why. Something about his style is really comfy.

>> No.13886627

If it's any consolation, it's a 9 year old he's talking about. So all's well on 4channel

>> No.13886699
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>tfw no kigu /lit/ frens to hang out with and do /lit/ stuff together

it's no fair.

>> No.13886776

what is fundamentally so wrong about sex predators?
what is wrong about a guy who sleeps with his gfs sister?

>> No.13886791
File: 8 KB, 480x360, this_is_your_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire world uses debt as money.
Never in the history of the world has this happened.
We live in unprecedented times.
We were born into a system of corporate slavery.
A system where the governments of the world collude against their citizens.
Where scientists create propaganda with the sole aim of blaming the masses for natural phenomena.
Where perversions are praised and normality shunned.
If there is a such thing as a "mark of the beast" one must look no further than one's wallet.
The dollar is the mark.
The debit card is the number.

>> No.13886827

bout'a cooom

>> No.13886857

You think the road is over once you have knowledge but it’s only just begun. Then comes the realization that some knowledge is wrong if not downright deceitful, and some knowledge has been suppressed, sometimes by accident, sometimes by chance, and sometimes deliberately. Coming to understand true knowledge versus false knowledge comes to be a task that most people never come out of. If they do they are not even halfway, not even a quarter way. For what comes for the man with two knowledge is the principal to practice the truth in thought, word, and deed. This is something the very selected only come to face with, that is the putting into practice, every day, of the truth and nothing but the truth. Amidst all this do the previous stages cease to exist? No, in fact every day he must come again at the foot of ignorance and remember his way through to the truth, through what he knows to be true and what he knows not to be true, and to practice the truth through and through. At this point this man is a machine amongst men, but then he must fight against this mechanization that has structured him. His deeds will show him the truth far more than the truth will show itself. He will, if he’s lucky, come to know himself as the truth, amidst days of stupidity, days of false knowledge, days of preaching and no practice, And days and days of doing without adapting and refining. At this point, if a man can pass through these barriers he is a God amongst men. And that is his final conceit, that if he can overcome, he can know the True Way. The way towards God, towards love. These rare glimpses annihilate a man as staring into the sun destroys our vision. Man is not yet finished but he has come too far to stop now

>> No.13886865

>Regret is just a torture fantasy about being someone else in an alternate reality

>"Being yourself" is the forfeiting of resistance against your deterministic personality

>Theory: Positive experiences have less of an impact on you vs negative experience
>Support: When you’re having a good time, time flies. When you’re suffering, it drags.

>> No.13886866

I think that my manager is flirting with me. I like the attention but it probably can't end well.

>> No.13886884

I have all the freedom to do or pursue anything i'd want yet i have no idea what i want and introspection gives me nothing.

>> No.13886902

1. Bible camp you used to attend as a child would signify the spiritual nature of the dream and perhaps a connection to the unbreakable faith you held as a child. A remembrance of Eden if you will.
2. The girl you liked things were on your bed (this signifies that this is your feminine side). The death is significant in that it most likely represents the repression of your feminine side, perhaps a deep disconnect from your true nature, a disconnect of emotion.
3. You describe what is essentially a structure created for defensive warfare, however it is made of sand. War dreams are significant as they generally precede a period of intense spiritual warfare. The making of sand perhaps signifies the frailty of your ability to wage that war.
4. The yelling girl. Also likely a representation of your feminine side, maybe her madness hides a truth that you are holding up false idols.
5. Protection of children and women generally shows up as a response to the violent, fascistic part of us that will destroy in order to avoid confrontation with our suffering. The smuggling to Israel is very important as Israel is the symbol of Gods holy place. Thus you can see what you are trying to find and what you are trying to escape.

Whatever happens anon I wish you good luck, spiritual warfare is not joke so pray for God's guidance and don your armor.

>> No.13886907

Love is a moment when God comes into being by the beholder. Intimacy is creation and rebirth, if done correctly. Nothing else matter.

>> No.13886911

was for>>13885521

>> No.13887062

Thank you anon

>> No.13887069

I'm 99% sure that the FBI guides weirdos here because it's easier to monitor them when they all gather in one place. I mean, it's certainly odd that other chans that get too big almost always end up with some sort of contemptible material posted on them so that they can be deleted from the internet, but 4chan has been seemingly immune to that effect despite its size.

>> No.13887725


>> No.13887801


>> No.13887839

So the other day I goes to this postgraduate class, right, and most of them are literary students (not my field), and while what is on the table are some interesting French philosophical texts, the people are your liberal stereotypes, some fat, one resembling that "Trigglypuff," and voicing their admiration for sci.-fi. and Mr Neil Gaiman; - not to give in to these reddit caricatures, but Jeez; - but especially, what low culture, what blindness, what happened?

>> No.13887852

Name one social media website that isn't liberal

>> No.13887916

>what happened?
They couldn't win, it didn't matter what they did they couldn't reverse the sharp decline the field has entered, outside of Academia the industry is apocalyptic, so they lowered standards to keep the bread line moving at a glacial pace.

>> No.13887979

I wish I could stay home and write today. My talents are lost on my job. Is this what Marx meant by the alienation of labor, of being separated from one's Gattungswesen, the species-essence in which one can freely determine how to allocate one's labors in the unshackled pursuit of creativity and purpose?

>> No.13888404

Once again I find myself turning ideas around in my head, passion projects which will never be fulfilled and typically never even put to paper. The only things I finish are ones for my university course, and even then I can see my own downward trend in attendance and even general drive. If I hadn't read Dostoevsky maybe I could have fooled myself into thinking confessing my mediocrity and uselessness would push me to change those aspects, but now I see myself for the utterly unremarkable cog in the modern slave class that I am, fellating himself with his own perverse self-loathing. I did want to stop lurking this board in total silence, at least.

>> No.13888415

Turn left and go underneath the bridge. As I reach a curve I unconciously look at all the cars driving the opposite direction. I feel their faces awkwardly evading my brown and lifeless eyes. Their voices bounce inside my head for less than 2 seconds, then they are gone. As I approach a apostolic church the same sign steals my attention. Always a different and nonsensical message; political most of the times. The sign. It's on top of a carpet place or at least that's what I have always believed. Why is it there? And why in a carpet place? I get to the red light and since no cars are going that way I turn right. The sun dazzles me. The sky, the clouds, the trees, the sun; a picture gets stamped inside my eyelids. Drawn with sun light. Red borders and missing the original colors it fades away.

>> No.13888418

gay and boring

>> No.13888425


>> No.13888427

It's what I wrote in my diary, so it should be boring

>> No.13888433

Is it anhedonia or depression? I've become stagnant. My life is uneventful. Nothing exciting.

>> No.13888463
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>TFW no goth gf

>> No.13888636

Do it, faggot.

>> No.13888649

Today I begin to take lamotrigine. I hope it helps me.

>> No.13888657


>> No.13888681

Confidence and pride don't need to be equivocated. They're easily separable if you act honestly.

>> No.13888686

Read Moldbug

>> No.13888758

are you epileptic, or bipolar, or is it something else?

>> No.13888827


>> No.13888831


>> No.13888848

how's life? how does that manifest itself?

>> No.13888861

Well, it has its ups and downs for sure. It's got a lot of different symptoms, but to summarize, my emotional reactions to everything are way more extreme than they should be. It mostly sucks when it comes to how attached to people I can get. Unwarranted paranoia about abandonment, doing anything to get their validation, stuff like that.

>> No.13888867
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I think it would be cool to write an entire novel or play in Pepe broken English. I would have to get good at writing first and it would be hard to read, but it would offer meaningful commentary on the decline of intellectualism.

>> No.13888870

that's great, sounds like me.
are you american? I'm sure I'd be on loads of pills since my teenage years, were I living in that hive of shrink culture

>> No.13888883

Yeah I am. Doctors are hella trigger happy with giving out pills, especially antidepressants, which are just horrible. Honestly, it's crazy how long it's taken me to be put on a mood stabilizer.

>> No.13888895

I envy that a little to be fair, relatively easy access to prescription medicine. I've heard you guys just have to give a shrink a funny look and you get a prescription. I've never even laid eyes on a psychiatrist in my life

>> No.13888908

I'm excited to get to the Upanishads, a Who Stole Feminism? The Book of Mormon, and then eventually the Secret Doctrine. I'm looking forward to more of Madame Blavatsky's works. I highly recommend Isis Unveiled to anybody else into the occult.

>> No.13888921
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>> No.13889120

this. think for yourself

>> No.13889174
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Obito was right....

>> No.13889203
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I don't know if I like sluts or despise them.
they're like fast food for the soul

>> No.13889215

Sluts are only good for fucking and gauging how stupid the masses really are

>> No.13889262
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That period where warosu was dead was really nice, I enjoyed it. Now back to our regularly scheduled program. In other news /sci/ still hates anything to do with metaphysics. There's even a guy who consistently cites early Wittgenstein I believe in order to fortify his anti-philosophy position. What a queer bunch.

>> No.13889278
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Drinking Becks, vaping and listening to the Verve when I should be revising Mandarin. I told myself I wouldn't drink until the weekend.

>> No.13889283

Revising mandarin is the least pathetic and middle class thing about that sentence.

>> No.13889297
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Shut it you horrible smelly little Prole

>> No.13889301

Got a freelance writing job yesterday writing articles for business's, company's and blogs alike. I get to pick and choose the topics and company's I'd like to write for to sell an idea. Think Mad Men lol. All though I am a bit nervous to land my first success and claim some money in order to prove something to myself and my loving family. I will make my mother proud. She seemed so happy when I told her my writing was up to the companies standards and I could get started writing anytime I feel.

>> No.13889303
File: 34 KB, 732x732, Jungle 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats. happy for you man.

>> No.13889308

Thank you man! Even if its anonymous I really appreciate the kind words. Also nice photo.

>> No.13889320
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Wishing you luck.
>Also nice photo
cheers, I love the jungle aesthetic

>> No.13889341
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>jungle aesthetic
check this out

>> No.13889353
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>> No.13889375

My gawddd. If only.

These are some goddamn comfy photos yo. Also good kuck with the Mandarin man! Downs a becks for me.

>> No.13889447
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>> No.13889460

Why are you going through the archives again?

>> No.13889617

Masochism, addiction to seeing hurtful comments that I can vaguely construe as being directed towards me in some fashion despite rarely posting, and research. The internet equivalent of shower thoughts may be nothing special, but it's all I have for one specific topic. The more I have to go on for it, the better my envisioned conclusion.

>> No.13889638

You've lost the plot m8

>> No.13889684
File: 85 KB, 512x512, c1ca66a6476f10e505c438f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't reached the final conclusion of suicide yet, and given the choice I'd probably chicken out. I wish I can die soon though, a shot to the face of a quick car accident

>> No.13889715

Even the longest circumlocution gets to the point eventually. It's not admirable, but it gets there. Or so I hope.

>> No.13889748

Uhh, you're a dummy. And nobody likes you.

Is that mean enough?

>> No.13889830
File: 10 KB, 1847x92, 15 06 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to have to work on it a little. Here, look at this for comparison.

>> No.13889846

For the past few days, I have nothing on my mind at all.
When a thought comes up, I speak it out aloud.
Nothing bothers me.
Nothing excites me.
I just run through with my assignments, get home, and sleep.

>> No.13889886

That's more mean than I can muster.

>> No.13889892

Holy fucking shit the ocean is cool, fuck I am excited to learn more about it.

>> No.13889910

For once in my life, I was uneasy.
I had waltzed through the vagaries of my life with unearned confidence, even naivety. School, romance, employment. I had thought that with the right attitude, everything was surmountable. I still thought that.
But the slimy thing that had pressed its way through my door was giving me some doubts.
It looked like a person- a woman, in point of fact- but translucent, and covered in a pale mucus that dripped from its limbs and seemed to constitute its entire body.
It held out one arm, and I took a step back. It immediately put the arm down, but I was not so reassured. Now out of whatever stupor caught me at the thing's arrival, I fumbled for my cell phone.
The vague mass that was its head began to wobble, back and forth, slowly but with increasing speed. Soon it was positively vibrating, causing strange gooey tendrils to rise and fall out of what might have been its face. It was disgusting, yet fascinating. I looked down at my phone. Who would I even call? What was happening?
It was vibrating *very* quickly now, and the shifting area of tendrils was now unnervingly active. In fact, the sound it made was no longer a buzz, but a clear note. A beautifully clear note, like a singing crystal. And as the facial tendrils rose and fell, the sound would shift, like moving a bell past one's ear.
And the sound became words.

>"Hi, I'm your new tenant. We spoke on the phone?"

>> No.13889924

fuck, I re-read this thing like six times before posting and now I've caught no fewer than three mistakes

>> No.13889956

nothing really. My whole life was one defeat after another and I just retreated to video games world every time, like a drug addict, i'm starving for endorphins as low as it is it's the only sources I can get them from, and it's the only life support that's keeping me alive.

Funny how you encounter basic life lessons so late in life and realize how much you were missing that all time. I can't describe that feeling. It gives me goose bumps, i'm shaking, it's strong, scary, powerful, important, all at the same time.

still i'm the lowest of the low I don't think i have legit place in this world. I'm a janitor in general, I don't think there is much hope for me. There are deep sadness ingrained in my eyes. I'm so regretful I would set the world on fire if I could.

been writing it elsewhere but the thread got archived.

>> No.13889983

I'm going to use your post as an inspiration for a novel.

>> No.13889986 [DELETED] 

I can go all the way, break all my limits, achieve something, earn some money, but I was born an unatttactive outcast, and that I will always be. Trust me, I wish I wasn't this pathetic, but the truth is I'd sacrifice all of my psuedo-intellectualism, faux spiritualism, everything I ever tried to be to delude myself into self worth, if she would have just looked at me more than anyone else. But that's not me. Maybe in the next life.

>> No.13890325

I've been reading a book with a friend and it's clear that I'm way more into it than he is. I thought it'd be fun to read something together but it's been pretty frustrating whenever we talk about it, since it's usually me saying a lot of stuff about the book and him not sharing my level of enthusiasm.

>> No.13890444
File: 17 KB, 400x240, 1550105572759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's scary but for a while now I can't really even think about reasons for actions I might take in real life. I have no motivation to do anything aside from subsist and exist wandering aimlessly hoping that one day I may find a purpose to my existence. I've had these thoughts for eleven years now. The only things capable of eliciting an emotional response great enough that I may begin to overcome my inaction are in themselves removed from reality, such as playing video games and dreaming. Only there, and only when my consciousness decides not to place value upon arbitrary code rebranded as a screen image mirroring its importance to reality am I able to act in a free and expressive manner. I cannot say why inaction and lethargy have taken hold over me, and perhaps most others. I struggle even to write this. Does it matter what I write? It gives me no satisfaction even to see a reply for I know that I influence none, I only disturb others. Perhaps I should leave here, allow beautiful or mysteriousness to fester, for my upon others disturbances destroy whatever is being built up in this chaotic void of fallen scattered data clusters.

>> No.13890462

I make money now but do you think she would ever accept me back into her life? I know she could not have gone away forever. She must still check up on me.

>> No.13890488

Were you on HRT?

>> No.13890511

Good, now that you've realized this, you can move on in life with the dignity of having accepted your place.

>> No.13890672

>"Madness, mayhem, erotic vandalism, devastation of innumerable souls - while we scream and perish, History licks a finger and turns the page."

>> No.13890685

what book?

>> No.13890691

you're right it's pretty pathetic

>> No.13890989

I got rid of my suicidal depression but now I just have constant vague anxiety instead.

>> No.13891047

One of my girl friends is constantly hiting on me and it's starting to bother me. I might aswell just fuck her just to see if she will stop with this. But then I'm kinda afraid that things can get weird. I already said to her that I didn't want to be with her because of this, but she keeps hitting on me. What should I do, anons? She's like a 6/10 tho.

>> No.13891074

Just say you're not interested and have a girl you love.

>> No.13891080

I think I have rid my depression but it is too late.

>> No.13891177
File: 120 KB, 1080x640, 1569457796784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a way to express how I feel. I have a horrible disease named "autogynephilia". Basically, I'm a "straight" man who has mistaken his own body as the object of sexual desire, they call it "erotic target location error", my brain recognizes my own body as a potential female mate. In short, I'm aroused by the thought of my being a woman, and especially recognizing my body as female. I've been this way for as long as I can remember, even before puberty. When I was twelve and had sexuality imposed on me by my flesh prison I was romantically interested in the girls I knew, but was only aroused by imagining myself as them. I was very religious back then and thought that it was the devil trying to trick me. It made me have a nervous breakdown and I was put on antidepressants for all of my teenage years, basically killing my libido and allowing me to pretend I was attracted to women (even though I didn't have a single erection in my teenage years).

Long story short, I'm not as young as I used to be and I've masculinized much further. I'm not the twink or femboy I used to be. Imagine every single woman dying in short order and all records of them being erased. No pictures or recordings left. Only a faint memory. That's the position I'm in now, I have an intense libido but nowhere to direct it at. I'm not attracted to men or women, but I'm not asexual either. I'm a broken person, missing one of the major pieces of adult life. I've heard of a few other people with this same problem, but the vast majority of people just can't relate, and if I share my experience with them they look at me as if I'm crazy (which I don't disagree with). I don't know how to get this across to people. Maybe poetry? Or a symphony? I feel so alone. I'm the anon who posted the dream at the top of this thread fwiw

>> No.13891195

AGP is the fucking worst, and it's been intentionally perpetuated by the Jew.
It's the same brainwashing they use to make people trans, except it failed, because you're aware that being aroused by something isn't the same as desiring something.

>> No.13891504
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Before Youtube, I was forced to listen to Jewish music like 50 Cent, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, N Sync, Back Street Boys, Eminem.

Then I listened to J-ROCK ... it was around 2010 when I began to listen to K-POP with Girl Generation’s “Gee Gee Gee” and “Bring The Boys Out”. It felt really satisfying to have an alternative from shitty Jewish music. It has been 9 years since I have listened any song by (((them))) and I’ll continue to keep it like that.

(((western pop music))) is dog shit and it’s cringe that I had wassted my youth listneing to it. Also, Drake is a homosexual half Jew.

>> No.13891511

The only difference between "J-Pop," "K-Pop," and plain old "Pop" is the language. It's all the same shit. I don't believe there are actually people on this planet stupid enough to think otherwise.

>> No.13891521
File: 389 KB, 1920x2074, earthcuddler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously believe that Western society (no sex before marriage, being married for LIFE, having a family) is being undermined by social programs and the internet. Were women always sluts? Or is it Tinders fault? Did women always divorce their husband if they had found a better man? Or is this due to welfare?

I'm positive Western men are taught that the outside world is cold, harsh, and to act accordingly. The family life is supposed warm and loving. For me this wasn't the case. I was raised by a single mother and three step fathers. This lead to me looking for love in the outside world. More specifically, I looked and thought I had found love in my (now ex) girlfriend. This proved to be a huge mistake, as she left me due to us being both young (early 20's). I am to blame partially of course, but I seriously believe that social media is RUINING society. Women can be in contact and have secret conversations with other people whom they have NO BUSINESS of being in contact with (my ex cheated on me and refused to stop talking to the guy because they were "friends" after we got back together).

I see other posters talking about how they want a girlfriend so badly. Unfortunately all things come to an end my friends. Old friends commit suicide, some people lose their life to cancer, others fatal accidents. Jordan Peterson was right, life is suffering. His wife is currently diagnosed with terminal cancer and the dude checked himself into a fucking rehab center.

What the fuck is the point of it all? Even if you get a wife and you have children and etc she will die. You will die. Your bitch of a mother is going to die. In 100 years you and everyone you know will be dead. This isn't even a fucking blip in the actual grand scheme of things. Nothing you do matters. Nobody matters. It's all fucking pointless. The smart ones who have contacted aliens have already fucking left and like it or not this fucking rock that we live on is all that we fucking got. So wake the fuck up! Stop purchasing products that are bad for the environment. STOP LIVING FOR OTHER PEOPLE AND LIVE FOR YOURSELF AND PLANET EARTH BECAUSE SHE GAVE YOU LIFE, NOT YOUR WHORE OF A MOTHER. NOT YOUR DICK OF A FATHER. PLANET EARTH.

Face the fucking facts. We're all fucked up Humans and the ONLY reason why you EXIST IS BECAUSE SEX FEELS AMAZING. AND THAT'S HOW EARTH DESIGNED US. Religion is gone, it's out the fucking door in Western society. You can't count on anyone except yourself and the beautiful rock that you ignore every fucking day of your pitiful, meaningless existence.

Wake the fuck up, a girlfriend won't save you, your family won't save you, the only thing that can save you is yourself.

p.s Tinder didn't ruin women, they're just as corrupt as any other Human.

>> No.13891533

>If I ever have kids, I wish that they would be boring

also what kind of cult?

>> No.13891542

you could try blocking 4chan if you can bring yourself to do it

>> No.13891544

A weird mix of Pentecostal and Calvinist, with a little Arianism thrown in. The closest thing I've found to it was Jehovah's Witnesses, even though the theology and structure was much different

>> No.13891551

Purpose and its purpose.

>> No.13891556

Pls delet

>> No.13891564

what a shitty university

>> No.13891565
File: 385 KB, 386x565, ChangeofHeart-LCYW-EN-ScR-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck between to very opposite views.

Every time I follow a hedonistic lifestyle I get depressed and feel my life lacks meaning.

Every time I follow a llifestyle of contributing to society I feel like what's the point of it all? no matter how long humanity exists based off our understanding of the universe it's impossible to exist forever and that I should be spending my life focused on enjoying myself.

Books for this?

>> No.13891567

K pop is legit a weaponized nationalist funding psyop.

>> No.13891571

i'm so empty
ich bin leer
je suis vide

Why won't she text me back, I'd rather she tell me to just fuck off so I won't be stuck in this void fuck man

>> No.13891572

Try helping people while you're drunk, or read God Bless You Mr Rosewater

>> No.13891580

If you do not want to be with me ever I would understand but please do not say you have forgotten me. Wo ai ni. I want to be remembered by you at the very least.

>> No.13891589


>> No.13891607

This is a good post but it is a natural human emotion to want to spend your life with the one you love. The problem is that too many on here only care about superficial traits and don't feel true love.

>> No.13891609

I feel too stupid to post here while simultaneously thinking everyone is retarded

>> No.13891685

this, how do people think north korea are the bad guys again?

>> No.13891691

>I'd rather she tell me to just fuck off so I won't be stuck in this void fuck man
that's what not texting back is. if you liked someone, really liked them, would you ever just blow off their texts? no, you'd be (and probably are) hanging off every one.

you already have your answer, you just need to accept it.

>> No.13891703

Every time I see a picture of this girl in the news I become preoccupied by the question of whether I find her to be cute or ugly, and as a result know absolutely nothing about her politics or why she has suddenly become so famous.

>> No.13891721
File: 34 KB, 639x506, 324232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a meme I and only I have been using reposted on fucking twitter. Made me realize again how watched this place is. Pic related is the meme.

>> No.13891754

She's not blowing me off she just hasnt texted me first in a while, and I hate to text first because if she truly doesent like me than i'm just a nuisance.

>> No.13891767


>> No.13891768

I am a Catholic and I'd love nothing more than to completely, totally wipe Pentecostalism off the face of the Earth. Not only is it bonkers even by Protestant standards, all the rich Pentecostal bastards in this country are funding missionary programs down to South America specifically to convert Catholics. The Pentecostals need to be violently attacked.

>> No.13891840

>finally working on my essays
this essay has been looming over me
now it feels like i can accomplish it
thanks based jesus for pulling me through

>> No.13891848

same reasoning applies

>> No.13891920

fuck, i'll just see how she is tomorrow and hopefully it goes well, ty for the reality check anon.

>> No.13892103

>i'm not an avid patriot
You mean retarded? Anyone that self-describes as a patriot is almost always a low-IQ mongoloid so I guess your post makes sense.

>> No.13892110

This has to be an ironic post. God the people on this board are getting dumber and dumber. Where the fuck do you all you subhumans come from?

>> No.13892139

was in that /pol/ thread today as well. eye-opening stuff. can’t help but see all porn as low self-esteem coping now

>> No.13892211

She's a big-brained autist trying to fight against climate change. Unfortunately, she's probably surrounded by Third Way neolibs so I doubt she'll grow to realize that capitalism is the source of all ills, and that there's no way to stop this until we dismantle the capitalist system.

>> No.13892221

don’t most of them just die from poison snake bites and waiting on god to cure their brain tumors?

>> No.13892226

whoops, meant for >>13891768

>> No.13892251

Since brain tumors have no real cure, the "watch and wait" solution is sometimes preferred.

>> No.13892280

I'm Romanian and Pentecostals basically rule my town in the way that Jews were fantastically depicted in Nazi propaganda. They seriously are the enemy within. WAKE UP SHEEPLE.

>> No.13892526

Posted in the other thread but w/e
Terminally ill children get make a wish because why? Well obviously they didn't get to have a *full life*. But when they turn 18 it's the magic cutoff as if that is the point where you have experienced enough to have lived. Therefore why can't I killmyself?

>> No.13893130

>Therefore why can't I killmyself?

For the same reason you can't say the word "nigger." Because you can.

Someone has to clean up your dirty body after the suicide though, so you create a nuisance for the ambulance, not because they have to physically clean you up but because of the God damn paper work. That's enough reason to try to prevent you from offing yourself. Just sit it out like the rest of us.

>> No.13893174

Welp, here i'am. Turning 24 today and still have never even heald hands with a girl romantically. I remember when my mum used to put condoms in my jacket when i was 16, "just in case" she would smile at me. I honestly think it would be better to just kms than to continue to embarrass her, at least this way the grief will be over quickly as appose to a long period of time. I don't even know what i'am supposed to hold on to, to be able to keep going, everything just seems like a form of coping and non of it is genuine.

>> No.13893215

I'll probably sound like a crazed boomer but I'm convinced the problem with websites today is that too many people are too easilly connected too often thanks to smartphones and quirks of site design. I can quickly imagine it from multiple angles. Dunbar's number, supply and demand, etc. It's not really important which approach is used for explaining the problem, what I do care about is how we solve it. I've never really liked the elitism that says the internet should be for a small number of people, particularly because it overlooks that even in the 90s geocities was boomer homepage central, what changed was the way people interact with the technology (changing site designs, increased push for datamining, and more than anything smartphones) and I'd take a McLuhan inspired view that the medium itself causes the problem, not the people themselves. Now 99.99% of people online are by necessity just interpreted as noise getting in the way of finding signal. So we see growing hostility, increasingly bizarre in-group rituals and signalling, reflexive irony, etc, because we need something to distinguish those we like from the amorphous mass of people we don't know and can only model as NPCs. (even for those who hate the meme)

I'm not sure whether we'll see a new approach in site interface design that clears out current social networks to get the noise levels down, some kind of magical AI filtering system, or if the only thing I can hope to do is create (or assist in the creation of) some kind of small community on a human scale to maintain the illusion of being isolated from the trends of the wider network. I used to be very political about this sort of thing, a solution for everyone being the only solution, but I've only got one life to live - maybe trying to (help) create a pocket of resistance to insanity is all that can be done. There may be a touch of elitism to that, but it's not intended as a solution for others - only as a means of actually doing something on my end.

>> No.13893560


>> No.13893585

Anyone else experiencing anxiety over crazy shit happening in the world? It's kinda driving me crazy.

>> No.13893787
File: 81 KB, 960x540, 2rsd3r548tv11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I spending my Friday alone drinking lager, vaping and listening to music? Should be revising

>> No.13893940

Brief chance encounter with an old friend.

Short conversation, I realize I didn't have much to say, I am not bothered with silences, he is. Polite words exchanged, go our ways, but as I walk away I realize a bubble had been broken which I wasn't aware of until it popped.
I realized I've been sinking into a mire again in my loneliness, and clearing the fog, the painful truth strikes me again: everything matters.

>> No.13893961

What the jews would gain by making people turn into trannies? Serious question.

>> No.13893982

population control / neutralization of military threats.

See the TV station capture in Ramadi during one of the Intifadas

>> No.13893998

Jew is another would for ""them"", in this case them being pedophile tranny chasers.

>> No.13894001
File: 39 KB, 720x405, 1507883430494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking bullshit. Send help

>> No.13894109

God damn the new age bullshit

>> No.13894118

Good luck anon. Vows are serious, but don't beat yourself up if you fall short. Just get back up and keep doing.

>> No.13894275

That maybe women have a better effect on me while there is distance between us, everytime i meet with one and spend a couple of days with them i realise that she is way more human than i imagined, they also affect my pursues which is not something i am after therefor i can't appreciate it. On the other hand when they are not in my reach and i can only imagine them i find myself way happier and the feeling of loneliness rarely drives me into a nirvana where suicidal thoughts consume me. I enjoy that sort of pain and masturbating even if it sounds shallow limits my urges, it also serves as a self control mechanism which stops these thoughts and i can finally focus on my own stuff.
On the other hand i know i am fool for love but all i meet last few years are art hoes who don't like monogamic relationships which is fine with me but i can't find the nerve to care for them. I am slowly getting detached from my need for a romantic love, my good friends are only a handful and they are all spread over the globe. So being a loner seems like inevitable for me, how many enjoyable nights can i still have in my mildly lighted room listening to music, reading and writing? This doesn't feel right, i know i am missing something but what?
Last girl i hanged out with two weeks ago asked me to have a three some with another dude but she wanted to see me fucking that guy. Fucking art hoes.

>> No.13894279
File: 141 KB, 597x793, 206291_345958638832213_1728005143_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it is fine, trust me.

>> No.13894340

In what ways did that conversation with your friend mattered? even if you spend all day doing nothing you still have something useless to add in these conversations and get a laugh out of the others. It is not the mire of your loneliness but your mediocracy, get over it, nothing matters.

>> No.13894344

Sad that people make light of the tragedy of death in any situation.

>> No.13894351
File: 524 KB, 1819x682, codreanu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13894364

Death is inevitable for all living creatures therefore it is not a tragedy, treating it as one tho is the biggest sign of being a pseud.

>> No.13894415

>had McDonalds binge last night, with the two new burgers
>had large chocolate bar when I got home
>woke up today at 11 am
>browsed internet, drank coffee, did asynchronous video interview
>there was a video from two current young employees and they're so posh it made me lose hope, although I am used to these things
>went to gym, lifting went ok
>read 30 pages of a history book about a political thinker; I think it's all overblown wishy washy stuff
>went in to central London to walk around; felt sad after seeing so many officeStaceys
>read in library
>now drinking coffee; unsure what I'll eat tonight

Reading feels so pointless and consumercucky. I don't know how I'll spend tomorrow.

>> No.13894461

Sad that there are people with a perception like yours.

>> No.13894576

Life is suffering. you cannot hide from it

>> No.13894598

And death ends that suffering, you contradict your own self you brainlet. Get your shit together.

>> No.13894605


>> No.13894627

Relaxing is only possible after death

>> No.13894642


>> No.13894644

People really exaggerate now sophisticated ancient writers were. Homer is not really that deep, despite all commentary to the contrary (you can't read into his works more than you would read into an above-average Victorian novel). Plutarch, Herodotus and Xenophon were not serious historians. Plato's dialogues are riddled with fallacies; the most difficult ones are the most fallacious. No ancient writer can hold a candle to a modern scholar.

>> No.13894648

how have you so distilled the essence of being 17 in one post? nicely done anon

>> No.13895055
File: 19 KB, 220x306, 220px-35._Portrait_of_Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I have to read before him for context?

>> No.13895081

I don;t recall saying that ending something and hiding from something are the same. Faggot

>> No.13895111

Parmenides' poem

>> No.13895273
File: 462 KB, 1290x1500, 1553720015884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 4chan extension puts /lit/ right between /jp/ and /mlp/ in its list of boards along the top of the screen, so occasionally I misclick when switching between boards and end up there instead. I'm pretty sure that the populations of most boards overlap more than most people think, so these occasional detours do a good job of putting things in perspective. Every time I see someone on /lit/ pontificating about philosophy or whatever, I remind myself that there's a decent chance they just switched away from a tab filled with the stupidest and most perverse things imaginable. It's not that this bothers me or that I want to do something to change it, it's just that from time to time I need to remember not to take this website too seriously.

>> No.13895336
File: 659 KB, 591x595, A079C1B4-7A72-4B27-B751-BC28FB631BA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have deep unrelenting insomnia during a very stressful period of my life where I need to do well at work and school. I suspect this is due to me compartmentalizing all aspects of my life interpersonally with people. Maybe I have BPD or narcissism. I’ve been lying to my gf about my family. Lying to my coworkers about how I’m doing.

Recently, all my friend group has found out that i’m bisexual. No idea how, guess it just clicked with them and they’ve been talking. They’re gamers, so I’ve been experiencing social rejection and subtextual
jokes. This likely contributes to my insomnia too. Low social status really does destroy your cells with stress, i dont know.

>> No.13895389

So in order to cope your simplistic proccess of thought has reached this conclusion?

>> No.13895392

crossboarders should not be allowed to post

>> No.13895785

Cars and vehicles are always more aesthetically pleasing than the people they carry

>> No.13895830

I only browse /lit/,/ic/, and /gif/

>> No.13895844

>i’m bisexual
The patrician's choice.

>> No.13895951
File: 1.41 MB, 1181x1679, 1539159758766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day started out OK. I had a plan to wake up at 8 but i ended up sleeping until 10. It's better than 12-13 ish which i use to wake up. Trying to get my sleeping schedule on the right track is not easy, but im making progress. Clock is 01:25 at this moment. If im going to wake up at 8 its going to be a real challenge.. I will try..

Other than that my day has been quite ok. Little bit of stress at work but nothing major. Had plans to get some reading done today but that plan went down the drain even though i had plenty of time to read before work. Dammit. I need to get better at using my free time doing something useful instead of watching youtube and surfing on the web.

What about you anons? Great day?

>> No.13896568

Physiognomy is true enough that I can't force myself to ignore it

>> No.13896710

i basically agree. the worst is when self-styled historians resort to the cliches of the classics to interpret their research

however, i do like pindar and aristophanes. they might not be super-deep but they possess a sense of humor and good will towards men. there's just times in life when <lysistrata> or <the birds> really hits the spot

>> No.13896721

It still amazes me how on point Socrates is. Some of it truly is timeless.

>> No.13896754
File: 170 KB, 1000x1500, nayeon peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k-pop is good for the world. it is an entire universe of love

it's only a psyop insofar as it influences its global audience to think of the koreans as a superior race. but the koreans aren't superior because of genetics. they're not even superior at all. they just possess a belief in reality.

>> No.13896824

>pls do not try hanryu at home
I'm not saying the Chinese aren't copying you, I'm saying both of your countries' leading politicians make public statement about this and have yet to have to shave their heads.

>> No.13896911
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moon jaein and xi jinping can both eat my poo. i'm a neocon and i KNOW for a fact that hanryu makes radical islamofascists into masturbating twitch-streaming NEETs.

it's the most heroic psyop in all history since christianity

>> No.13896938

>What about you anons? Great day?
I'm very sick and my best friend doesn't talk to me anymore.

>> No.13896976

i'm your best friend. the reason i don't talk to you is that i love you too much. i'm shy of you, and shy of love. i'm shy of what i once must have mean to you. but we must be men and understand that everything comes to an end. the only meaning and value we can possibly have for one another is as a polestar of blessed memory, to allow us to navigate our destinies.

as friends, we are also teachers of each other. but every teacher knows that at some point both sides have to stop talking. because both sides have to ruminate on that which has already been said. that is the only way. that is the nature of change, mortality, wisdom, ad ultimately love.

as the Master said, love grows old.

>> No.13896984

I really dislike it when I start to feel cynical towards the world. It makes me feel passive aggressive and I dont want to emanate that behaviour towards you. A lot of my frustration arises from this relationship and it forks into apathy or contempt. I dont like feeling this way.

>> No.13897124

But I miss you. I don't want to say goodbye.

>> No.13897146


>> No.13897149 [DELETED] 

Fuck that your idea of love is a rental car. Take your memories and choke on it. True love never dies and will not sleep until it is fufilled. What you are ready to say goodbye to was never love and by the sound of it I’m suspicious of whether you are even capable of what that word even means in the romantic sense

>> No.13897167

Fuck that your idea of love is a rental car. Take your memories and choke on it. True love never dies and will not sleep until it is fufilled. What you are ready to say goodbye to was never love and by the sound of it I’m suspicious of whether you are even capable of what that word even means in the romantic sense

>> No.13897345

It's annoyingly hard to not use social media these days. Stuff like Facebook, I mean. I am constantly told to get a Facebook account by the people I know. It's, in a weird way, self-sabotage not to have one. It's where most of the communication in my friend group takes place. I value my privacy. My friends don't even know where I live. These are literally people who I hang out with in person and they only have an idea of where I live. I don't want Facebook to have my information. I don't like giving my information out. It's getting tiresome to say that and to deny myself the benefits that do come with having an account.

What do I do, lads?

>> No.13897382

>What do I do, lads?
Don't get one if you don't want one.

>> No.13897402


>> No.13897484

I've been living alone for years now with no real human contact beyond thanking a cashier or bus driver. All this time in isolation, with no friends, with no one to talk to, it's made me quite depressed. I told myself that if I only had one friend, just one, I would be happy. That I wouldn't feel so alone anymore. Today I ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen in ~5 years. I was surprised I left any impression at all but he remembered me fondly. We spent a few minutes catching up and before we went our separate ways we exchanged numbers. He told me he wanted to meet up later today and introduce me to his friends. I told him I'd love to. At that moment I felt like it was finally time to step through the haze and "wake up", that the "real" me would bear his face now and that I could start living, really living, now. At last I would get to taste that "life" I've been hearing so much about. Later when I was sitting alone at home he called and a thousand excuses shot through my head all at once. I let the phone ring but could not work up the nerve to pick up. He called once more and again, I did not answer and I don't think I ever will. He didn't call a third time. After that second call I sat in silence and felt as if an even heavier weight was heaped upon my shoulders. Here I had a chance at escape from the monotony and isolation and I did not take it. This isolation is burdensome and yet I can not part with it.

>> No.13897486

I want to die

>> No.13897511

godspeed anon

>> No.13897636

Idk what I’m waiting for

>> No.13897676
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If only you knew how much danger you were in

>> No.13897744

It means that you are increasingly anxious about the disparity between the face you present to the world and the person you actually are - and the disparity between who others are and how they present themselves. You try to forget that the gap exists in your waking life and tend to rely on things like common ideology, common collections of symbols, et cetera, in order to reassure yourself that you can connect to the world and be understood, but the doubt continues to gnaw at you. The concentric circles and the protractor - which is used to make circles around a fixed point - are tied to your fear that your ability to reason is tautological and that you're literally trapped "going in circles" in your own head without ever making any genuine progress - you return to a scene of comfort and familiarity but are given news of a suicide, you cannot protect your younger cousin with the "false passport", you descend into circles that resemble Dante's circles of hell but which were built by your Church, a woman trying to scream against idolatry (whom you personally dislike and fail to love as a neighbor) is devoured by the mob, etc. You are frightened by the possibility that your beliefs are impotent.

Anyway, I've personally been wondering whether or not to pick up German in order to read Goethe.

>> No.13897753
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for what reason do we get sick?

>> No.13897757

So somebody can look after us.

>> No.13897775
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but what if the mind knows no one will? is it an inherent cry for help or is it a deeper knowing that someone you may never meet wants to look after us? are our bodies tied to the waves of love that surround the world, tuning into the ones that match, or are we alone in our trouble, feeble and helpless on the off chance that the love it desires manifests locally?
why is it easier to cry alone than to cry with friends?

>> No.13897816

I would if I could, anon. What are you sick with?

>> No.13897910

My whole life, everybody has condescended to me. I'm not stupid. Please leave me alone.

>> No.13897987

I find that the opposite is true.
The vast majority of cars are fuck ugly these days, except for the most expensive ones. It's much easier for me to find beauty in the driver or passenger of one than a noisy, oily, stinking lump of metal that spits out poison everywhere it goes

>> No.13898000


>> No.13898149

Fuck off incel. Neck yourself.

>> No.13898155
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Life feels more magical and effortless when you wake up in the morning doing whatever you love. That’s why your job should be your passion. You weren’t put on this Earth to be scrubbing toilets or doing sales over the phone (unless you like it!)

Baby boomers that tell you to “tough it up! Just do it! Scrub them toilets!” aren’t living an actualized life, or they’re simply saying that because they need someone to scrub toilets for them. Never listen to a baby boomer.

>> No.13898165

I've never been in a relationship but the possibility of other person cheating on me in unnerving. Sure you can take the precautionary measures but in the end it doesnt depend on you.

>> No.13898168

Here's your (((you))) now go back to Twitter, Rosenberg.

>> No.13898169

I'm terrified of being stabbed to death in my sleep by my significant other. I don't know how rational that fear is. Maybe I've just seen too much true crime.

>> No.13898385

Sometimes i cant go to sleep because im scared ill die in my sleep somehow. So i set my clock to wake me up every hour to see that everything is good and clear

>> No.13898406

That’s a really sad picture

>> No.13898463

Non-Greek reader detected. Try going to university some time!

>> No.13898558

Thank you, that does make a lot of sense

>> No.13898689

The sophistication comes with understanding the language and culture. Just because modern scholars are more suited to you, being a modern, doesn't mean much.

>> No.13898848
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>> No.13898854

>for a girl
never gonna make it

>> No.13898862

Is this the pedoposter again?

>> No.13898953

for what, then?

>> No.13899097
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>go to the grocery store
>cashier hands me my change
>she says: 'here you go'
>instead of saying thank you I reply 'here you go' as well
>she just awkwardly stares at me
>quickly walk out of the store

>> No.13899124

here you go

>> No.13899132

yep, this seem true lmao

>> No.13899165

feel like I've read this one before, londonfrog

>> No.13899356

Y-you too.

>> No.13899456

just a cold physically.

>> No.13899488

Sometimes I go a little crazy

>> No.13899565

It’s morning. The bus stop is crowded out with a cohort of circus clowns and the bus is late. I want to die. I feel this pulling in my chest, this undeniable sadness that can’t seem to just exit through a fucking hole, up, down, self-made or put there by someone else. It won’t come. The bus won’t come. I can’t even see the road it’s supposed to arrive on. The people around me are faceless. I don’t even feel like I’m fucking real anymore. It’s just a buildup of pain that won’t seem to leave. Years. Goddamn it’s been fucking years and I just can’t be happy. What am I even doing here? What the fuck is this even supposed to be anymore? Some cheap facsimile of life masquerading as a worthwhile venture. It’s nothing! It’s not a single goddamn thing except for a depressing funeral march through a wasteland of fucking nothing and I hate it. I hate being alive. I hate having to endlessly plunge through the ice-cold water just hoping for a fire and a blanket on the other side. I hate forcing myself to be happy, to be ‘normal,’ when I can’t even make myself feel whole. What the fuck is wrong with me? I eat to stuff down the pain. I play games and ignore responsibility because I just feel so fucking worthless. It’s constant, unremittent refusal to improve. Why? I don’t come from an impoverished background. I’m not some poor orphan boy. I had one good parent and better grandparents and I cannot blame all my fucking issues on my father. I can’t be every fucking daddy issues stereotype some to life. I have no excuses, and even if I did would it matter? I don’t wanna be lonely anymore. I don’t want to be afraid of everything that matters. I can take a baseball bat to the face at a fucking rally, but I can’t confront anything meaningful. It all has to be hyperbole. Nothing real.

>> No.13899589

I just don't know anymore guys.

>> No.13899625


>> No.13899638

Alright, here goes nothing

>> No.13899693

see you on /d/ madman

>> No.13899715

Good for you anon :)

>> No.13899800

There is too much pain, agony, suffering and conflict in this world. And im the savior and messiah who will take it away

lmao who am i kidding

>> No.13899813

Everything feels so meaningful to me right now, even some random person that walked beside me 7 years ago is part of what I am. I’ve been thinking of the past, and my current ideas and behaviors seem such a consequence of it all. I want to cry.

>> No.13899823

Same bruh

>> No.13899842

I have a fear of shitting myself in public

>> No.13899845

poop lol

>> No.13899868
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Watching Sound and Fury on netflix and wondering what happened to Sturgill Simpson. Too many dmt trips, maybe? Oh well, I'll finish watching it. Some of the scenes are interesting, others are meh. Decent music, even though it's pretty different from his previous work

>> No.13899874

>Soon it was positively vibrating
why was it not negatively vibrating?

>> No.13899878

I appreciate that edit, anon

>> No.13899881
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>> No.13899887
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>> No.13899901

*stares at anon*
It's ok, anon, these things happen

>> No.13899918

I hate everything about my body. It's a flesh prison

>> No.13899924

well, who?

>> No.13899936

There’s this beautiful girl that I feel really confident around, I can look at her in the eyes for a long time, and she corresponds with eyes wide open. I don’t know if it’s just the way she is or if there’s something more. I’ve known her from college for a long time but never talked to her and we happened to be in the same rotation of an internship.

>> No.13899945

sounds like she has asperger's syndrome.

>> No.13899968

I'm extremely dubious about unions as a vehicle to protect workers rights.
My dad is one of 11% of Americans that works in a union and last year they were put on lockout, which is an involuntary labor stoppage. In America's dystopian economic system the employer has you by the balls and decides if you get healthcare, controls your pension, and everything else. This is compounded and made worse by the collectivist nature of unions, which in an attempt to protect one segment of its body sacrifices another, as if you were to receive both the bad of capitalism and socialism in one vile package.

My mother has a serious illness that can only be managed by an expensive and regular medical treatment involving several annual tests. The company my dad works for took away her healthcare and my dad had to delay mortgage payments through the cold winter months. I remember fantasizing about blow the brains out of that company's CEO and the stress of the event precipitated the first manic episode I've had in years.

The company had been making record profits and was not in any way pressed to make this movie, they just knew that they could get away with it in today's labor disenfranchised political environment. The government, in a famously liberal state, did nothing about it or at least responded so slowly that they might have just as well done nothing.

The concept of unions is similar to that of corporations, in that consolidating individuals into a singular political action group yields more bargaining power in the aggregate. But unions lack the legal strength of corporations and all the instruments to make governments bend to their wills. In static industries that have little room to grow because they map the extent of the existing physical infrastructure (electric, gas, etc) people can't flit from job to job if they get undercut by their employer. So they're stuck with their union and its rigid, one size fits all reaction logic.

In two generations I've experienced two kinds of capitalist alienation of labor. Through the collectivized punishment of my father to the atomized, "contract labor" scheme perfected on younger generations, where the company avoids paying out benefits by classifying workers as temp contractors that they keep at arms length, able to dismiss at any moment without having to support in any way.

There's no doubt in my mind that the violent cultural psychosis this country displays is traceable to the symbolic violence of its economic system.

>> No.13899970

listen to prokofiev concerto 3

>> No.13899977

Will do. Always related to Shostakovich more, he has a lot of repressed feelings that bleed through into his work

>> No.13899988

Not me haha

>> No.13899989

Has there even been a women who actually didn't break down at old age for choosing to not have kids ?

>> No.13899993

haha i sure hope so that would be gross haha

>> No.13900069
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She left me. Apparently I'm too mean and controlling, whatever the fuck that means. Stopped answering my texts. Shit came out of nowhere, we'd been together for over a year. Fucking bitch.

>> No.13900078

I can't see how eugenics are bad and think it should absolutely be implemented.

>> No.13900096

I don't disagree, it's the implementation that's the problem. Lots of unintended side effects

>> No.13900104

The implementation is indeed literally impossible. The only way it could be made would be in a absolutely like despotic society where the "leaders" could enforce such a policy on breeding. It's never gonna happen, but it would change everything.

>> No.13900120
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I could see something like China doing it, or, at least trying to. Seems like something right up their alley

>> No.13900134

You have processed much information, now BEHOLD

>> No.13900293

based chink leading the way for a better future

>> No.13900466


>> No.13900499

There is only a fourth dimension. But the universe transverse to other universes. Through white holes and black holes, everything is a door to another.

>> No.13900527

wow, you sound smart
care to expound?

>> No.13900536
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Had an intense homoerotic dream last night. A man had fallen in love with me and we spent the night kissing and fondling, at one point he bent me over and started to lovingly caress the small of my back and penetrated me. We cuddled afterwards, I was the little spoon. It was actually quite vivid, I could feel his facial hair rubbing on my smooth face and feel (how I imagine it) him inside of me. Kind of weird for me because I've been exclusively attracted to women my whole life and am legitimately disgusted by men. I'm a 23 KHV virgin though and have only dated one woman my whole life and have had compulsive AGP thoughts in the past, so I have a hard time relating to straight men. Maybe I'm just gay after all? I have a very low libido so I don't think I'd ever act on it. Feel like I don't have a set identity

>> No.13900883

You'd know it if you were gay, Anon.
You're not.
Have an homoerotic dream doesn't make you an homosexual.

>> No.13900965

I'm so fucking dumb. I probably have read 5 times more nonfiction than everyone else around me and I still fucking find out constantly that there's something I dont know that blows all my fucking knowledge out of the water.
I should just fucking give up having opinions. Everyone should just fucking give up having opinions on anything they dont devote their life to studying honestly.

>> No.13900992

So in conclusion: the only noble goal of reading non-fiction is to impress girls

>> No.13900994
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Started reading Tono Bungay by H.G Wells. Just finished Far Cry Blood Dragon, 10/10 would recommend

>> No.13901139
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>find out constantly that there's something I dont know
That doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. If you're always learning and discovering something new, then I think that that's wonderful. Turn that negativity and self-doubt into a fascination and curiosity about the word or whatever it is you've been reading up. You're certainty not dumb.

>> No.13901148

God damn it. I have to fill out a sheet for jury duty.

>> No.13901155

I really want to write another novel for NaNoWriMo this year and want to get away from romance. Maybe some paranormal horror? Maybe incorporate a theme of 'encroachment' like how many SK novels have this theme of encroachment, like Pet Semetary how the family moves to the literal back of the beyond and end up trapped under the burial ground's influence - they encroach on the native american lands that were cursed - or dream catcher where the alien psychic plague encroaches on the guy's annual hunting weekend - objectively evil semi-sentient space disease encroaches on earth - or Salem's Lot - the master Vampire encroaches on the quiet town of Jerusalem's Lot.

>> No.13901167
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>> No.13901175

I don't have time to read all there is about fucking political theory or economics, I never will. All opinions I could possibly have are worthless, only good for small talk.

>> No.13901191

Anon, nobody has ever figured it all out. If you're reading and studying as much as you imply, then you probably already know a great deal more than the average person, anyway. And with the wealth of knowledge you have probably already accumulated, I'm sure that your opinions, whichever they may be, are far from worthless.

>> No.13901436

No longer in an empty toilet stall, I sit in a stray room, chewing my cud as I look at the decorated chairs, cabinets, desks, lamps, and paintings. I have found another place to rest alone for a bit, and the silence will surely go uninterrupted. It’s a very wooden room, with the freedom of grain patterns on nearly every surface. It’s wooden also in the sense that I dare not sit on an armchair and shatter the moment. Just as a random stranger shattered my peace alone in the dark on a public toilet seat, I, with my modern impulses and simple troubles, shouldn’t sit on the plush, patterned fabrics available to me. That awkwardness of not belonging hangs in the air. But it’s still better than other places.

>> No.13901543

I usually write in silence but today I listened to Guns 'n' Roses' "You're Crazy" over and over again.

It was an interesting experiment. I think my writing was less lame with the hard-driving music blocking out the boring aspect of my usual style. I'll probably go back to silence anyway, though. I'll have to fix my tedious side if I want to write effectively and still express my actual ideas and creativity, not just the superficial thoughts I jotted down while rocking out.

kek for a second i thought SK meant "South Korea" instead of Stephen King

I wish it did dbh. Korean literature is the beesknees. I can't stand Stephen King. When I was in middle school I liked <Firestarter>, now my only interest in King is trying to reverse-engineer his process and make millions of dollars as an artistically gifted non-artist (jmo).

Hope your NaNoWriMo goes well though btw. I did NNWM last year and felt pretty good (I wrote a romance about two young upper-middle-class professionals learning to love in a manner apart from mainstream assumptions).

Not sure what it is about NaNoWriMo that gets me juiced. I mean theoretically I could write 12 novels a year at that pace, but there's something invigorating about knowing everyone's doing it in that one moment.

I don't know that stuff either. IDK if I care or not. Liberal capitalism seems good enough to me.

When I'm not reading pure fiction these days I usually go for military history. Right now I'm working on Beevor's <The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939>. The economic motives for social unrest make much more sense when couched in terms of manifest social disintegration, rather than being described in accordance with a theoretical system that seems to be running parallel to every historical detail. LIke, it doesn't take a dialectic analysis to realize that the church, nobility, and bourgeoisie treating ordinary people like slaves would lead to radical resistance.

>> No.13901641 [SPOILER] 
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, 1569715066488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tropical rain hammers down on through the canopy onto the jungle floor. As it hits the waxy leaves of the ground dwelling flora, they dance, springing up and down like the chimps
swinging the trees above.

>> No.13901794

a big part of King's work is the relatability to the average person. sure you can pick a generic person in a generic portion of their life, the group of middle aged male friends struggling to hold on to their youths even after becoming professionals and growing ever further apart, or the young family with professional parents as they move up and out, or the young bachelor as he returns to his home town after finding some success in his field, and then juxtaposing those against some terrible thing, a young lover lost, a close friend or child dying tragically. and then having the source of that terrible act be paranormal or sci fi. just having and using the pieces makes you Dean Koontz, it's the relatable details that make it King, it's the mother of the protagonist's love interest suspecting the protagonist is a pervert and a killer, it's the mother of the friend who gets left behind and forgotten having to deal with that child's suffering as they grow but not grow up and becoming sick, it's the neighbor who sees a bit of himself in the young family that's moved in across the way and has to watch as the favor he does them turn into their nightmare. he's not perfect but he has a talent for conveying horror even in the little things and supporting cast without getting too bogged down by them.
>fan of asian lit
ah, no wonder you 'grew out' of King

>> No.13901800

Why are people on this website so hateful towards Slavic and Asian people?

>> No.13901837

Genuine Asian people away from the indoctrination of the horde are great. Funny and full of anecdotes

>> No.13902066

I start my new job tomorrow. God, I wish you were here and in my arms.
Just memes and/ or genuine racism about those being violent countries.

>> No.13902128

To make a sweeping generalization, they tend to have anti-Anglo-American views and most of the people on this board are Anglo-American.

>> No.13902132

*dabs on Papists*

Nothin personnel kiddo

*speaks in tongues*

>> No.13902234


Yeah, I'm thinking this is based. It's the year 12019 HE. Gives a shit ton more context for people and is just as arbitrary as AD/BC

>> No.13902255

How can I be as based as you? Also do you acept or regret human instrumentality? This is the cutting edge.

>> No.13902269

it's just the current year plus one thousand
that's like a concept a child would come up with

>> No.13902273

Even if she dislikes me, please say she hasn't forgotten me. Please say so.

>> No.13902307

i might lose my job but maybe i can get a security guard job? then i could have a bunch of downtime to read and write.

>> No.13902318

Most security guards are on their feet all day/night and don't have the opportunity to sit down at a desk and read, like you might think.

>> No.13902337

I want a job in Seattle. That's all I would want. A restaurant and a wife and a comfy existence like in Twin Peaks.

>> No.13902516

lmao based

>> No.13902579

i actually live one neighborhood north of seattle right now but have lived in seattle neighborhoods wallingford, fremont, capitol hill, etc. rents are not cheap.

ok thanks. i'll look into something else. a friend worked for amazon watching security cameras at night. i think the job is mostly trying not to fall asleep.

>> No.13902596
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>forgot to post a pic twice

>> No.13902724

I need to take insulin but I think my father is on a homosexual chat room and I don't want to go down there. God damn this. I hate him so much.

>> No.13902782

take your insulin or let your anxiety kill you

>> No.13902813

Sad! Stop being so pathetic.

>> No.13902814

There is a woman at work that I like. I actually don't know if I like her, but I find her attractive. I find her attractive not because she is attractive, but because she is not traditionally attractive and might be left unclaimed and to me she is attractive. We both work for a large corporation, but for entirely different parts of the company. We're in a building in Manhattan, working on the same floor, in what is essentially an annex, where they put the workers who they don't have space for anywhere else. Though we work on the same floor, we don't work together, so will never have any reason to interact. So we probably won't interact. So we'll never meet, even though I'm 35 and she's 31 and we're running out of time.

>> No.13902853

honestly you probably need medication/therapy for anxiety/depression


>> No.13902862

>no reason to interact
yeah this is why you make a flimsy excuse to interact with her. "hey don't we work in the same building together? what kind of work do you do? etc." you don't need a formal introduction just be friendly.

>> No.13903096

just look for a cctv job, watching monitors in empty buildings could get you what you want

>> No.13903495

I went on a long walk today. I must've needed it, because no I feel like I'm coming back from rehab. I went through a passionate range of emotions, from peppy jauntiness to profound sorrow and aloneness to a strange feeling of connectedness. I let everything that was clinging to me fall away into my surroundings. I realized I can change everything. Everything that has been stuck, I can change. It's all waiting for me to change it. A walk can solve every problem in the world.