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/lit/ - Literature

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13884980 No.13884980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There’s nothing quite as humiliating as the modern job hunt. You apply for a job online, unsure if anyone is ever even seeing your application. At many companies you never get a rejection or any notification that your app was ever seen by anyone, you were likely filtered out by some computerized system.

You apply for ten separate jobs on the company’s “job portal”, and on the off chance you do get a reply it’s either a poorly written pile of shit with misspellings and grammatical errors for a “phone interview”, or it’s a “text interview” you can complete on your phone while you take a shit.

Then the day of the phone interview comes and the interviewer was given the wrong time by the HR person, and now you’ve got some jackass blowing up your phone telling you that he needs to reschedule. Then, should you actually get to the “phone interview” you realize that the person asking the questions is filling out some fucking form with a protocol designed by some other dumbfuck and the whole thing feels so alien you may as well not be talking to another person at all. All your answers have to be tailored to their gay little form (whether it’s STAR or EARL) and you can hear them writing during the awkward silence when you’re done speaking.

Then, if you’re lucky enough to get an “call back” you get the same thing in person, and you go through the whole rigamorale of deciding exactly what to wear (“suit or business casual?!”) so as not to have these fucking freaks who obsess over trivial, nonexistent bullshit make some weird comment about you being over or underdressed, only to find your in-person interview is functionally identical to the dumb fucking phone interview you did. You realize thirty seconds into the interview that all of the “screening” taking place is bullshit, and you could do any of these peoples jobs on your own with a couple weeks of training.

Then if you’re lucky enough to get the job, you come to the realization that none of your “education” mattered in the first place, that you’re writing instructions for some new piece of equipment for people who are basically illiterate and will never read them anyway, and you spent a couple years solving heat transfer problems and differential equations to have the privilege of doing this “job”.

If you are the type of person who obsesses over advancing your “career” or any of this other absolute bullshit nonsense: End your fucking life you dumb ducking cretin. NOW.

>> No.13884994


>> No.13885000

This motivated me to never look for a job and stay a NEET.

>> No.13885021
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>apply for job
>get interview
>get job
>like job and are good at it
>get promotion and have money to pursue hobbies that you would never be able to as a neet

Wow how humiliating and soul sucking

>> No.13885025

It's hell out there, I know, pal.

>> No.13885028

t. Barely sentient bugman

>> No.13885036

>I was lucky, therefore, everyone is.

>> No.13885037

Kek ok buddy I wish I witness the awful epiphanies you're going to have as an adult. Unless you kys which will probably happen sooner

>> No.13885041

I'm 28, been a NEET 12 years, loved every day of it.

Your "hobbies" you pursue with money are nothing more than consumerist vanity.

>> No.13885042

Fuck, I hate the corporate office environment so much. I honestly shitposted about it for years before I went in, and all my theorising was true.

Firstly, there is very little work to do. If you had your own office this wouldn't be so bad. But open plan offices mean that you are always watched, which means you can't browse the internet or waste time productively. The open plan office is dehumanising because there is non-stop noise, seemingly just the right amount to not be easily ignorable, because co-workers who are relevant to you have conversations. It feels like losing 20 IQ points while being assimilated in to a hivemind.

After the freedom of university, I feel like a prisoner for having to be at a desk from 9 to 5.30. Literally a prisoner chained to his desk. 8.5 hours of anything is insane. If I had the autism necessary to do that without distress, I may as well have learnt programming. University was freedom and work is prison. I will never respect people who denigrate university because they would rather work. They are ignorant. I hated my degree but intellectual work never left me with that tired hangover feeling that work leaves me with. On the plus side, NOT having that feeling would probably signify something much worse.

My work is braindead but I know this isn't the same for everyone, like programmers etc. As soon as I went in to the office environment, I suddenly regretted not specialising in something like programming, law, engineering, design etc. I am an interchangeable cog without the social skills to move jobs easily. In terms of non-technical office monkeying, being a lawyer is the pinnacle, really. The law is swallowing up everything.

The worst part is, obviously, the people. If you are not a normie who affects normieness, you are doomed in the workplace. This is hugely aggravated by the presence of women in the workplace. Despite browsing /pol/ for years and seeing them complain about this, I didn't believe them, despite being redpilled. I considered myself a rational person who agreed with /pol/ when they used reason, and surely women were pretty much equal in behaviour when in everyday environments?

Wrong. It is doubly excruciating working with women. They get extremely offended by anyone who isn't an out and out normie. I previously had a female manager in a job that had braindead work. She said my performance was awful because I wasn't an extrovert i.e., "I didn't engage with the team" blabla. Part of the normie charade that women focus on to an extreme degree is the work social events, pointless meetings, pointless "working groups" etc. They get literally offended by the idea that information can be conveyed through writing.

>> No.13885045

If you started your job within the last 10 years and you claim to be “good at it” you’re doing something the average Joe could learn and “be good at”.

Sorry, but that’s what I’ve learned “as an adult”. The vast majority of jobs are just following protocols, even engineering jobs. High IQ people learn the jobs faster and get up to basic competency faster, but just about anyone could do these jobs.

>> No.13885049

To be fair, almost all the women younger than me, including a previous manager, were great. But many are awful. I'm in my 20s and relatively junior in my career, so if a woman 15+ years older than me works directly with me, she is probably either stupid or merely uses the workplace as a social outlet.

Women also dress sluttily, which is depressing as a blackpilled and ugly male. They also swallow and use corporatespeak, which I simply disrespect. It is literally a law of corporate nature that any non-high working hours, non meritocratic, detached from the ground and immediate results corporate environment will be majority filled with women and tend towards that state.

Of course, the corporate world wouldn't be complete without non-stop LGBTQ+, anti-sexism etc propaganda. From the outside I thought this stuff was 99 % bullshit. From the inside, I see that it's 100 % bullshit. I worked in the public sector one summer and was really aggravated by the naked political activism that is inextricably linked with this shit. That shouldn't be allowed.

8.5 hours is also just enough to steal an entire day but not enough for worthwhile free time. How am I supposed to work from 9 to 5.30, commute to and from work, exercise every day, eat and prepare food, do routine and unexpected chores, and read, do edifying stuff, go outside to get daylight, and socialise (4chan) each week? If I was a doctor or policeman, I would simply choose to work overtime right now. The biggest waste of time in your 20s isn't working 80 hours a week, because that implies you have a high status job. The biggest waste is working a 40 hour per week job. The London rent means that my increased savings per year is not high.

>> No.13885050
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I actually applied to a company through their online career site and I got called in. I got the job too.

>> No.13885057
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Couldn't agree more. my friend. That's why I said fuck the system, dropped out of uni, for 6 past years now I've worked as a waiter for 4 months and leeched normies with my fake "friendly, wholesome guy" persona for huge tips then relocated to a poorer country for 8 months and lived like a king in that time.
I don't want a career, don't want a family, I'm content with books, casual sex with both genders, good food - I've become really good at cooking in those years, and obscene amounts of alcohol. If you ignore politics and social media trends you can live a pretty happy life desu.

>> No.13885060

Yea, I know. Sometimes Indeed will notify me that there’s 300 other applicants. These are entry-level shit jobs that still require a degree. That’s why they say a bachelors is the new hs diploma.
Avoid remote jobs or anything that you’re under-qualified for, even if you meet the basic requirements. The volume of applicants is just too high - someone will have a better resume. Ones that have a short skill test in the application process are great, because you can stand out.
There’s not much you can do about it, but you will get callbacks eventually.

>> No.13885086

I feel you dude. I graduated last May and still haven't found shit.
>Advisor knows editor of up and coming political mag
>Messages the editor asking if they'd be interested in hiring me as an unpaid intern
>Dude says sure
>Write cover letter, attach resume, mention advisor, thank them for the opportunity, everything
>Get no fucking reply

Right now I'm just walking bookstore to bookstore hoping someone is hiring. I've dropped off like twenty resumes and still nothing.

>> No.13885105
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This is a good thread anons, thank you for perfectly describing my job hunting experience at the moment. Online applications are an alienating hell and I feel worse and worse about myself every day.

>> No.13885158
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Normalfags will always get jobs over me just because they can flap their mouths harder.
Nepotism should be fucking banned.

>> No.13885165

>tfw I'm preparing myself to get a job by doing extracurricular stuff, but really what I want is to live a simple life without the stresses of a bureaucratic system

I'm currently doing volunteer work, which is alright, so the option to become a paid employee there is on the table, but I get the feeling that graduating with a degree is going to box me into pursuing high flying careers that have the kind of bureaucracy which I hate.

I'm fine with working, but I just want to work to my own schedule like I'm doing currently as a student and not be tied down by the red tape of office politics.

Also, so this is literature related, what books reflect these kind of feelings?

>> No.13885169
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The most important factor which boomers will NEVER be able to wrap their heads around is that at the turn of the 20th century, 80-85% of business were SELF OWNED, and currently, that number is around 5%.

because they are all clinical retards of spirit and soul and possess only enough brain power to be a cog for whatever capitalistic apparatus they find themselves subservient to, boomers can't into semiotics or any sort of logic at all, and think that because the mode of signification is the same (the term "work") what it signifies is also the same.

"working" today is the same as "working" one hundred years ago.
>just work, you entitled little shit lmao
>our fathers did and our father's fathers did LMAOAO

but what these pozzed-cum guzzlers don't understand is that what their granddaddy Jethro was doing when he "worked" is nowhere close to being what people today do when they work. Work used to be a meaningful expression of an individual's agency. It used to be something in harmony with the intentionality of the nature of the individual. now it is nothing but blind, vacuous, insect-tier contribution to an impersonal process of globo-homo capitalism whose only telos is converting all resources into more capital to perpetuate this process of production.

but try to explain this to any retard born between the years 1930 and 1980 and you'll get nothijg but a glazed, floruide-ridden stare followed by "uh, please go have sex" or "yeah, sorry bud, but I just care about muh [insert football team here]"

boomers deserve the deepest, darkest depths of hell.

>> No.13885199

It's really quite incredible how "just doing the work" is by far the most disgusting thing you can do in the modern workplace. They demand your soul by making you act happy, have lunch with coworkers, take part in office socialising, pointless team meetings about non work issues and so on.

>> No.13885230

Good posts.

>> No.13885255

Paul was a tentmaker, Jesus was a carpenter, Peter was a fisherman. None of them were a Contract-Temp 90-Days-To-Hire On Call Part-Time Customer Service Specialist sitting in a call center.

>> No.13885256

This was what shocked me. I did an internship with actuaries, some of whom were being paid 6 figures, and I was doing pretty much the exact same work as them and it was 90% protocol. The only "challenging" part was interpreting some statistical distribution graphs that any undergrad mathematics student could interpret if they learned the basics.

The moment I realised all job hunting and career success is a game of connections and ass licking really blackpilled me.

>> No.13885347
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OP, turn that frown upside down and you'll be just fine! pic related

>> No.13885429


>> No.13885434

bump. Going through this right now. It's like these companies take pleasure in wasting your time. Trying to get in at IBM, they have three separate "screening" tests before they even deem you worth of talking to on the phone. The first screening test I had to PLAY VIDEO GAMES. They were puzzle games and mathematically based, but STILL. The second was some retarded personality test obviously drummed up by some old dumbfuck boomer psychiatrist. Now that I've "passed" those they've granted me the supreme opportunity to do a CODING test. I'll spend a half hour doing that tomorrow. And then, in the rare chance my solution is better than most of the other applicants, maybe I'll be able to come in for an in person interview in which they'll quiz me some more, before ultimately deciding I'm not "the right fit".
Don't even get me started on Indeed and its hellish likes. Everyone should realize that for pretty much every entry level job on these sites there are hundreds if not thousands of applicants. The chance that you will even get a phone interview is, in my experience, about 1 in 100 - even if you're qualified.

>> No.13885457

based. wish i could fake a personality, i think i’m too autistic though

>> No.13885471

Even in business there are a lot of jobs that require skill and human abilities, even talent. Sales/Purchasing or strategic planning and brand management come to mind.

>> No.13885478
