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File: 172 KB, 1200x569, D_g5g3lXUAA5b_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13883025 No.13883025 [Reply] [Original]

>Bracha Ettinger diagramming Lacan for her students

>> No.13883066
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x871, 1484529002665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universitoids go in to massive debt for cerebral palsy schizo scribbling on white boards by old pervert boomers

>> No.13883078

further proof that Lacan is a hack, these are all meaningless scribbles

>> No.13883100

A beautiful representation of the noise that passes for thought in these brains.

>> No.13883113

looks based, would take this class

>> No.13883130


>> No.13883136

LOL brainlets = filtered, if you can't decipher this entry-level philosophy you should unironically burn all your books and neck yourself.

>> No.13883285
File: 331 KB, 1200x569, 1569426695552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this goes deeper than i thoguht

>> No.13884609


>> No.13884638

Ah, Arabic. Such a beautiful calligraphy

>> No.13885843

i like the dog

>> No.13885859

Marxists will tell you evidence based psychiatry is a form of bourgeoisie social control and at the same time insist dogmatically in the validity of Lacan and Freud. Just like they deny evidence economics for meaningless 'dialectial' gibberish.

>> No.13885866

Wtf I love Lacan now.

>> No.13885875

As Rick Roderick says, interpretive theories determine what they will even count as a fact.

This is why human communication is kind of pointless most of the time.

>> No.13885934

I remember seeing similarly esoteric scribbles in my circuit design classes, but those things were describing actual machines that exist and have concrete effects on reality aside from getting gullible university students to believe they mean anything.

>> No.13886243

Not as beautiful as you :3

>> No.13886252
File: 177 KB, 1200x742, habermas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


S-shut up. N-no, wait, don't! Let us continue our dialogue. The above was meant as an expression of personal frustration with your views, not as an insult or command! I wish to convince you otherwise!

>> No.13886276

Can anyone justify this at all? This is just scribbles trying to pass as actual meaningful content

>> No.13886278

>Marxists will tell you
such as? Zizek isn't the only Marxist

>> No.13886303
File: 80 KB, 770x1223, sarah silverman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn’t want to encourage you to produce the sort of hogwash that psychoanalytic texts are full of. I’m just surprised that nobody’s pointed out that Ophelia is O Phallos.
>Indeed, the “something rotten” with which poor Hamlet is confronted is most closely connected with the position of the subject with regard to the phallus.
>Claudius’ real phallus is always somewhere in the picutre. What does Hamlet have to reproach his mother for, after all, if not for having filled herself with it?

Okay, this is epic

>> No.13886347


I'm not attempting a serious defense of the OP image, but some ideas do come to mind:

-Professors often have poor penmanship/drawing ability. So if they choose to write during a lecture, it's to make a mark which goes with something they've SAID, and to give themselves something physical to interact with as they perform-literally. Now that I think about it, my professors' oral communication, no matter the subject, was always much more important than whatever they were writing down/pulling up on the computer at the time. And I enjoyed a decent undergrad education, not brilliant but the faculty were almost all PhDs who knew what they were doing with their own subject. I bet the oral component of the lecture is more cogent than the messy drawing.

-Of course, there is the small matter that the board still looks like a Jackson Pollock/Cy Twombly gibberish. One could be charitable and suggest that the imagery itself is meant to suggest the messiness of the mind itself, as it moves freely from one concept to the next: the lecturer is presumably physically manifesting a train of thought of her own, and taking "artistic licence", making it messy on purpose as a learned behavior to affect/pretend high intelligence, in the same way that the "academic stutter" is meant to suggest the idea that the speaker is so smart that he stutters trying to get his brilliant thoughts out, or to articulate them for the dumbos in just the right way. Obama was a master of this affect.

Now that I've spent a few minutes looking at the board, there is a little bit of coherence: various "mathematical" diagrams concerning S, R, I and A, whatever those are: The three-circle Venn Diagram center-right is especially cute. But I want to take care so as not to suffer induced schizophrenia: the board can, and of course should, have been written much more clearly.

>> No.13886359


The Deleuzoguattarian/Lacanian retort to this snipe would be to say that the thing being described in the OP's picture (if poorly) is the human mind, and that the human mind is itself an actual machine which exists and has "concrete effects on reality".

>> No.13886366

hey don't talk shit about twombly

>> No.13886386

>making it messy on purpose as a learned behavior to affect/pretend high intelligence, in the same way that the "academic stutter" is meant to suggest the idea that the speaker is so smart that he stutters trying to get his brilliant thoughts out, or to articulate them for the dumbos in just the right way.
kinda grim, is that what you think by default of someone like this?

>> No.13886624
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x1573, no really he's fine. The scribbles are lyrical and so on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your soft-ad-hom (and why "grim"? Your need to employ that particular word is the single most interesting thing about your post) won't get you anywhere, especially since I'd considered several of the appropriate angles in my above post, and you know it, which is what has obliged you to do the ad-hom instead. Yes, as I'd said, professors are smart, well-educated on their given subject, and often write badly. If I am defensive in this response, it isn't because you've "found me out" as some pseud anti-intellectual or similar, as I amply demonstrate. Rather, it's because I accurately characterize certain learned tics and affects among the intellegensia, and it'd be silly to pretend that the intellegensia aren't also human beings prone to learned behaviors, or that you've never noticed such behaviors yourself in some misguided indignance.


Sure, Twombly's fun. But, y'know, c'mon.

>> No.13886642

i was asking because i stutter sometimes when explaining myself (particularly when i'm too on the spot about something esoteric) and would find it depressing to keep it in the back on my mind that my interlocutor would think i'm trying to bamboozle them or show off. i'm insecure enough already as it is
i used grim because it saddened me a bit

>> No.13886670


A fair and apparently good-faith reply, articulating other possibilities. I assent while maintaining the legitimacy of my earlier views, with appropriate qualification.

>> No.13886771


>> No.13886777

What can doggo kno? That I canno?

>> No.13886790


kek you should teach a class

>> No.13886795
File: 34 KB, 800x800, 1513F38F-F7C7-4EC8-BDA0-E8CBA082F9DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not understanding how mathemes work

>> No.13886818
File: 43 KB, 640x420, lacan dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13886820

Staged by Lacan

>> No.13886821

Lacan was the Ali G of Philosophy

>> No.13886896

Love him or hate him, you can no longer deny him.

>> No.13886901

i mean hackan got btfo'd

>> No.13886913

You obviously didn’t get it