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/lit/ - Literature

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13882628 No.13882628 [Reply] [Original]

Another episode of "/lit/ mods don't log in for 16+ hours"

>> No.13882634

Lit has mods?

>> No.13882635
File: 235 KB, 905x2184, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

libera me ex inferis

>> No.13882639


>> No.13882641


>> No.13882653

Why does /lit/ attract so many homosexuals.

>> No.13882660

>16+ hours"
I think it was last purged eight to ten hours ago

>> No.13882674

The low quality "niggerman" HP Lovecraft thread has been up since 10:44pm last night. Unless mods decide that that post is somehow now extremely low quality.

>> No.13882679

What does /lit/ think of literature?

>> No.13882682
File: 189 KB, 1105x441, 2 weeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and they seem to just ban non-trannies

>> No.13882797

zoomer retard

>> No.13882802

You're part of the problem. This thread has nothing to to with literature. Just don't reply to threads you don't like, or use sage.

>> No.13882809

maybe because you spammed that shit in every fucking thread with the same picture you dishonest retard, im against censorship in any shape or form but this wasn't about trannies and your /pol/-tier intellect shows

>> No.13882813

We don't need pedos shitting up the board while mods delete and ban effortposts and on-topic shit.

>> No.13882819

it's libere tu te me ex inferis you brainlet (i've also seen event horizon)

>> No.13882821

kek, dilate
there are more threads than acc

>> No.13882848
File: 12 KB, 326x294, brainlet bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>next try at making a politically motivated strawman

>> No.13882855

Idk what you're trying to say but his latin is actually legible and yours isn't
learn latin brainlet

>> No.13882889

lmao what is happening in this post

>> No.13882891

Deleting off-topic posts or bait posts isn't censorship. You have >>>/pol/ or >>>/r9k/ to shitpost on but you, for some reason, choose to come to a literature board and decide to ruin a literature board. You guys make it clear time and time again that you have no interest in literature. Go to /pol/.
A meta post isn't comparable to a low effort, off-topic, bait post. I always use sage.

>> No.13882933
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, equations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the threads in the OP pic are /lit/ related tho
not every post you dislike is a low effort post, jsut ignore threads you dislike, in that case you won't even have to sage

Censor definition: a person who supervises conduct and morals

>> No.13883021

The only two that are on-topic are the top two. Top left is extremely low effort. The rest are off topic. Adding the word "literature" or adding "any books for this feel?" doesn't make your blogpost about sucking dick is on-topic. Notice how nobody ever complains about how their "any books for this feel?" posts get deleted. It's because they know that they are creating low effort blogposts/baitposts.

>> No.13883038

>stop liking what i don't like: the post

>> No.13883046

They are free to enjoy their cuckold and homosexual blogposts as long as they keep it in >>>/r9k/ or >>>/lgbt/.
You are clearly a troll with zero interest in literature and you deserve a permanent ban.

>> No.13883074

The top right one reveals that anons age easily, can’t be over 16.

>> No.13883084

I love this show :3

>> No.13883087

I would say the same thing more so to the other posts.

>> No.13883351

lmao you seething accfags are a blast

>> No.13883457

Says "save me from the shades / Hell"
This says "would you kindly be nibbled upon yourself me outward from the shades / Hell," a totally non-grammatical thought. ("libere" is a 2nd sg subjunctive passive from "libare" as the polite command "nibble yourself," but then this idiot gives it two direct objects "te" and "me" (you can't even have one d.o. of a passive verb; almost no verbs (even active) take two (exceptions are things like docere to teach))).

We've found the rex brainletorum.

>> No.13883468

** as the polite command "be nibbled." Sometimes someone else's brain is so fucked it spills over and stains people nearby