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/lit/ - Literature

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13881879 No.13881879 [Reply] [Original]

Hoe to spot a brainlet:
>Thinks politics, climate activism, social issues or anything related to society is something worth thinking about
>Anything that doesn't reinforce his blind optimism and positivity is regarded as trash or bait
>Incapable of thinking beyond the world he finds himself in, can't imagine a life without civilisation allowing him to live in eternal comfort
>Thinks people before civilisation were covered in dirt, slept in their own shit and were starving all the time

>> No.13881884

Well people before civilisation certainly did not get to read great works of literature, which is what this board is about (not, might I add, spotting brainlets).

>> No.13881887

Politics is literally the only thing on earth that matters though.

>> No.13881900


Unless you're IN politics, you influence nothing. Who cares which man or which party your vote goes towards, they will do what they will not what you will.

>> No.13881902
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>> No.13881925

Which philosophy will give me a beautiful boyfriend?

>> No.13881944

Might makes right.

>> No.13881947


>> No.13881950
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I am glad there are still worthwhile people in this board.

>> No.13881962

So what you're saying is the reason Gon was able to advance so quickly as a hunter is because of his oneness with nature?

>> No.13881965

how to spot a brainlet:
>posts cartoon pictures on 4chan

>> No.13881972
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They certainly got to hear beautiful poems straight from the bard's mouth.

Notice in the picture how people before civilization were malnourished, covered in excrement, had no art or creativity, and spent their entire day foraging berries while losing consciousness in the process due to starvation.

>> No.13881986

>30 minutes later
>get murdered and raped by the 'not-so-civilized' neighbor tribe
maybe civilization isn't so bad after all

>> No.13882007

can you name one of those great bard tales (bards outside of civilization, that is) ?

>> No.13882010

Okay, but a village fucking bard is nowhere near as insightful or delectable as Shakespeare or the great poets. What retarded reasoning is this?
“Without civilisation we would never have been able to see the olympics”
“Yeah but you would see random guys running around from time to time.”

>> No.13882016

Boomer begone

>> No.13882020

>Wahhh people died and bad things happened so wahhhhhhh

>> No.13882027

All art is nostalgic yearning for a return to nature, to truly being alive.

>> No.13882031

>muh hyperboles
That's life you hugboxed retard. At least their lives mattered more than yours since they had control and responsibility over their actual actions. Raised their kids how they wanted without government cuck intervention and lived free lives.

But I'll play your game
>30 minutes later
>get stabbed to death by a welfare negro
>30 minutes later
>get run over by a car
>30 minutes later
>doctor fucked up your diagnostic and you have 24h before you die

Oh shit, you mean shit can happen in civilization too? Amazing!

The technological and artistic prowess of germanic and gaulish tribes cannot be accomplished in an enviroment in which you "fight for your life to death" each 30 minutes. In fact, their prowess means they had their basic necessities covered and had spare time to care for those things, just like you are shitposting here.
Oral culture + destruction of everything in romanization
>Okay, but a village fucking bard is nowhere near as insightful or delectable as Shakespeare or the great poets.
Their were probably on the same level as roman poets, sadly they had an oral culture and saw writing as decadent, like certain civilized greeks.
>“Without civilisation we would never have been able to see the olympics”
>“Yeah but you would see random guys running around from time to time.”
Oh yes, whatever would I do if I wasn't able to see running negroes on my TV screen.

Thank you civilization!

>> No.13882045

War between tribes was extremely rare. In fact there was no time as peaceful in human history as the pre-agricultural age. We have tons of anthropological evidence to support this. Humans lived in nomadic tribes literally in the garden of Eden for tens of thousands of years, and only when they settled did warfare explode as resources started to be contested.

>> No.13882048

Oh wow you are genuinely sub 80 IQ aren’t you? You took my olympics analogy which was making a point about literature and proceeded to argue against it as if I was praising the olympics or some shit.
Also you say “oh yeah uncivilised bards were as great as the roman poets but I can’t prove this because none of their work has survived and we know absolutely nothing about them”. Then how do you know they were as good you retard?

Anyway, we know what sort of mythology these savage bards preached. Supernatural, scary, inhuman gods were waiting for you in the woods and would destroy you if you didn’t sacrifice your child to them. Not something I’d want to be a part of.

>> No.13882061

>Then how do you know they were as good you retard?
Same race, thus same IQ, seeing the artifacts left behind.

If you had IQ above room temperature you would be able to connect the dots.

>Anyway, we know what sort of mythology these savage bards preached. Supernatural, scary, inhuman gods were waiting for you in the woods and would destroy you if you didn’t sacrifice your child to them. Not something I’d want to be a part of.

Oh alright, so you don't know anything about what you're talking about, got it.

In fact, I'd like you to stay ignorant. You win, there's no need to research anything. They ate children and fucked dogs, after cutting their firstborn limbs with machetes like africans. You got me!

>> No.13882072

>same race
KEK. They were illiterates who would believe anything. They unironically believed half horse half human gods were running around in the woods and must be appeased by human sacrifice.
>same IQ
no. Not at all. Flynn effect.
>you don’t know what you’re talking about
Are you denying the existence of human and animal sacrifice in savage cultures? Are you denying the FACT that they believed in these evil mythological beings which had to be appeased by throwing your baby into a fire or slitting someone’s throat open?

>> No.13882112

I don't know what you mean, but yes, same race, same racial stock, indo-europeans, same as romans and greeks, White.
>no. Not at all. Flynn effect.
Are you aware that the barbarian diet (heavy on meat and dairy) was much better than the roman diet (mostly grain based) and this is the main cause of romans being shorter in height than germanic tribes or nomadic scythians? Are you aware that the enviroment in a tribe is much less stressful than in a busy roman city?

So better nutrition, better enviroment...

Who would the Flynn effect benefit here?

>Are you denying the existence of human and animal sacrifice in savage cultures?
I could give less of a fuck about savage cultures, I'm talking about EUROPEANS, WHITE PEOPLE.

I couldn't give less of a shit about some mesoamerican sacrificing kids.

>Are you denying the FACT that they believed in these evil mythological beings which had to be appeased by throwing your baby into a fire or slitting someone’s throat open?
See above. You won't find anything similar in european paganism.

I'm supposed to defend what low iq inferior races did in their beliefs? Fuck you.

>> No.13882152

>Anyway, we know what sort of mythology these savage bards preached. Supernatural, scary, inhuman gods were waiting for you in the woods and would destroy you if you didn’t sacrifice your child to them. Not something I’d want to be a part of.
That's selective arguing, there might have been much more peaceful tribes with kind gods that they lived in harmony with, not having to sacrifice children. There's a plethora of possibilities in the past, however now we know exactly what going on and it's not good.

>> No.13882281


>> No.13882320

holy shit what a dumb vargturd you are.
>Are you aware that the barbarian diet (heavy on meat and dairy) was much better than the roman diet (mostly grain based)
if anything, this ensured they wouldn't see old age. milk is even worse, it can potentially mess up your whole hormonal system from early years. haven't you heard that scythians were the real proto-trannies? they drank so much milk that their men were dressing as women and the women were fighting on horseback https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22332473 . so keep drinking that milk and you'll get your share of estrogen and prostate cancer
secondly, do you actually think that the pagans were just LARPing and did not believe that Odin, Thor and all of that mumbo jumbo were real?

>> No.13883009

Unless you are actually enacting any sort of concrete meaningful change politics is one of the least important things you could use your limited time and thought processes on. If you want to participate in politics get off 4chan and go volunteer and help out your local community where you could actually make a difference. Politics discussion on the internet mostly amounts to ignorant narcissists engaging in pointless mental masturbation.

>> No.13883023

You forgot
>Adding things you don't like to a list just so you can appear smart
I have full intent to appear foolish.

>> No.13883056

> "milk is bad for you"
Have I, dare I say it, found the real proverbial s•yboy??

>> No.13883063


>> No.13883284
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Dairy has been a staple on European peoples since forever, and they've been the most manly and warlike.

And what do you know, since the advent of onions-based foods and things like "veganism" we reached a new low on testosterone levels never seen before, so much the medical community had to redefine what normal levels are setting the bar lower.

>if anything, this ensured they wouldn't see old age
So you don't know anything about paganism, you don't know anything about proper nutrition. Keep embarassing yourself.


>> No.13883350

How did you even find this study, it was published in a unknown pay-to-publish journal and had <12 views in 8 years.

>> No.13883419

Can't remember. It's not even a study, it's a hippocratic text, it even says the title right there 'On the winds, waters and places'. Milk is a well-known hormonal disruptor, there's not even a debate about it. It has precisely the hormonal/nutritional profile of a food needed for the growth and development of a calf.

>> No.13883440
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I'd argue that political theory is something still very much worth thinking about. If you're concerning yourself with just the modern-day political structure and only that, then I agree.

Agree with all the rest as well.

>> No.13883441

vegans, on average, have more total testosterone than both meat-eaters and vegetarians, even after adjusting for BMI. the form of testosterone that matters - free testosterone - is roughly the same (no statistically significant difference) for the 3 groups

>> No.13883445

Hunterchad spitting straight facts

>> No.13883466
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>Afraid of söy foods because muh estrogen
>Claims milk is good
Easy to spot that you know jack shit about nutrition. Also meme conservative youtubers are not a valid source for nutritional sience

>> No.13883467

and btw there is not even a single study showing that any soi food decreases testosterone/increases estrogen. merely one case report of a young male with type 1 diabetes who for some reason was consuming over half of his CALORIES from isolated onions protein, and he was observed with gyno, infertility of some shit.
i've never had to resort to protein powders/onions products for protein; vegan for 3 years, my biggest physical feat is 15 second PB full planche and 20 second front lever

>> No.13883528

to reformulate: normal amounts of soi foods from a nutritionally complete diet doesn't cause hormonal disruption in humans. over 50% coming for ISP is very extreme (I think it might've been more than that, you can search the study yourself). phytohormones act on different hormonal receptors compared to mammal hormones (there's no estrogen in soi, but there most definitely is estrogen in milk).
all of the antinutrients/phytohormones that anti-vegan knuckleheads bring up actually have positive impacts on the human body: phytates are associated with better bone mineral density; phytates also increase the activity of natural-killer cells (cells that fight cancer); the lectins that are left undestroyed by cooking are anti-cancerous and antioxidant; lignans are anti-cancer and so on. anything that's anti-cancer is essentially anti-inflammatory, when it comes to plant foods. a completely plant-based, relatively low-fat diet is literally the only diet that reverses/stops heart disase (success rate is like 98% if I recall, based on Esselstyn's research )

>> No.13883541

pls go back to /fit/, we already have enough people here mindlessly stating their opinions as fact

The catastrophical testosterone levels are linked to obesity primarily, and diet secondarily, where vegans still have higher T levels on average, as someone else posted above.

>> No.13883962

Remember that politics is just sexual pathology.
As is everything else.
Get married and have sex all day.

>> No.13883977

No it is not. Politics is pure theatre.
A ruling class backs both the leader and the opposition. There is a revolving door between regulatory bodies, political appointments and management/consultant jobs in Big Business.

Politics is fucking stupid and a waste of time unless you are an ambitious psychopath or already a member of some old money, hidden wealth family.

Everything on the 'news' is simply a way to get people riled up for clicks so they can sell you shit, or propaganda to justify taxing you into poverty.

>> No.13884040

>Thinks politics is something not worth thinking about
Cringe. In the time of Plato ones like you were called 'Idiots'.

>> No.13884071

Hoe [sic] to spot a brainlet:
>posts on 4chan claiming his views are the only correct views

>> No.13884079

In the time of plato the only people allowed to vote were wealthy landowners.

>> No.13884080

>vegans still have higher T levels on average
I find that hard to believe considering nearly 80% of vegans are female.

>> No.13884082

>We're all equally right
Fuck off before I equally rape your whole family

>> No.13884090
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>he thinks the Bible is intellectually stimulating

>> No.13884093

being an angry, pessimistic virgin who watches terrible anime and harbors resentment towards the outside world isn't going to make you happier, anon.

>> No.13884095

>All that projecting

>> No.13884112

wew lad

>> No.13884132

Two different people

>> No.13884178

What do you concern yourself with, smartlet?

>> No.13884225

>hunter x hunter
>terrible anime