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13878994 No.13878994 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.13879003
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>> No.13879005

Where is the other half of the ungulate?

>> No.13879013

You are 1,000 miles away but I wish you were with me. I am making money now but I wish it was more. I wish it was enough to be with you.

>> No.13879051

thought 1: the oneitis I worked with over summer that I can't get over, and our post-work facebook conversations are starting to stagnate
thought 2: szymanowski's violin concerto no. 2 is actually pretty good
thought 3: how the hell did I not fail that quiz today
thought 4: why can't i find meaning in anything anymore
thought 5: this decaf coffee is really not that good
thought 6: i'm putting way too much time into this post and my reflection upon the day is making me depressed
thought 7: this is the last thought

>> No.13879061

I'll be with you soon my love. This world cannot keep us apart forever. Destiny will reunite us.

Yours in longing,
Pee pee poo poo

>> No.13879066

Fuck Jannies

>> No.13879082

decaf? what a shitty concept. caffeine is great

>> No.13879091

I wonder if there hasn't been any academic papers about imageboards because how hard it is to keep tabs on biblography since the very Nature of them is most stuff Will be deleted or obvious doubts to wheter the field work subjects would be reliable, since people are pathologicsl liars on the internet

>> No.13879094

not a fan of the dependence nor the crashing I would be getting in the middle of the day. Making the switch was a good decision, evidently so since all the problems I was having are no longer there.

>> No.13879143

>not a fan of the dependence nor the crashing
I really have no idea what the hell people are on about when they talk about this, even though I drink it by the bucket. I can, and have, gone a few days without, and I can't say it ever caused me any suffering besides just wanting a cup because I like coffee a lot

>> No.13879192

no splitting headaches and increased apathy? lucky I guess. Granted, I've been a heavy coffee drinker for at least 10 years.

>> No.13879226

No, I don't get headaches. Apathy? Couldn't say, I alternate between apathy and hyperactivity regardless of what I do.
At least 10 years for me as well

>> No.13879389

Do you think that two people with increasingly different worldviews can continue to be friends?

>> No.13879422


>> No.13879468
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There's this question that i've been asking myself everyday since I lost my innocene as a child. If were to die in this very moment, would I have led an accomplished life? Would I have died feeling unfinished? This question helped shaped me into who I am today. I don't fear anything and I try to push the limits of my mind and body everyday. I never bothered with being nice to please people and there is almost no better freedom to be yourself in front of the people you despise. The prospect of death has brought me freedom and strength and I could not be prouder of the man I am today.

>> No.13879475

Did they make each other friendship bracelets?

>> No.13879477
File: 66 KB, 696x738, rilke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, I don't know what it was all for. I hope it was for something. I hate to think I wasted years for nothing. Ups and downs and changes and so on, it's all a learning experience.

>> No.13879480

Group tasks on Uni are the fucking worst. They always makes my grades get lower. I wish I could do everything by myself, but my teachers always come with the typical "You have to learn how to work on a group" Fuck that. I know how to work with a group, it's simple: everyone does their job and thats it. Not my fault if some idiot doesn't put enough effort on his part of the work. Anyway, I'm going to read some Adorno right now. I hope ya'lll have a good night.

>> No.13879481

Pretty fucked up that Teddy K tells people to buy his book off Amazon.

>> No.13879491
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I am a proud autogynephile

>> No.13879492

>Not my fault if some idiot doesn't put enough effort on his part of the work
That """idiot"""" is the smartest one there, honestly.

>> No.13879498

Unfortunately not. That sounds cute, though.

>> No.13879528

Why? What the hell are you doing on Uni if you don't want to work, study etc etc? I don't see the point, anon. It's not like I looove doing this shit, but it was a choice of mine, so there's no point on doing a shitty work or not putting effort on something that I literally choose to do it.

>> No.13879534

Because it's a group project, and everybody else is doing the work for him.

>> No.13879586

But he's not learning anything, just wasting four years of his life while he could be doing something that he's passionate about it... and he's also fucking up my grades! It's not cool, anon :"(

>> No.13879587


>> No.13879607

Aw, I'm sorry anon. I'm sure you at least giving it your all. Maybe go talk to him and ask him not to be such a lazy faggot in future.

>> No.13879635

neurons and shit

>> No.13879637

If they can chill together

>> No.13879650

Why are people angry about the Joker movie if it's not even out yet?

>> No.13879653

why do I keep coming to this board, it's always depressing, no one even discusses books anymore it's a /pol/ subsidiary sprinkled with trolls talking shit about easily targeted classics

>> No.13879658

Makr your fren a friendship bracelet and give them hugs.

>> No.13879659


>> No.13879663

>why do I keep coming to this board
I don't know why I do either, anon. But thank you for keeping me company.

>> No.13879664

Phone recording rips from festivals?

>> No.13879770

>full of ambition while trapped at work
>get home and just want to shitpost and eat junk food until i fall asleep

>> No.13879836

Adorable, but he might get the wrong idea. I don't want to make it look as if I'm proposing to him or anything like that.

>> No.13879844

I am extremely nervous about my upcoming audition due to is considerable influence of my upcoming life. Other than that I feel considerably more happy than I have all year.

>> No.13879856
File: 251 KB, 468x1000, Ballet Girl in White - Robert Henri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what my future girlfriend is doing right now? Maybe she's reading and thinking about what I'll be like

>> No.13879885

thinking about if I could actually get a qt japanese gf if I learned japanese and moved to nippon

>> No.13879896

Checked and based

>> No.13879910

I'm thinking about writing an essay on radicalization, the internet, free speech, and how those three relate to each other. Dunno what I'd do with it though, maybe submit it into a contest or some shit.

>> No.13879913

Can i beat 7 billion people to the top of any field? Probably not, so why even bother trying to be anything but mediocre

>> No.13879917

It would improve your chances, but don't get your hopes up.

>> No.13879935
File: 2.30 MB, 4000x2654, 7a9f15bdfe88a31cacca39992af8ce5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your future girlfriend, but I'm thinking about ballet, and how great it is.

>> No.13879946

Hanging on someone else's wall.

>> No.13879950

I think I'll try to visit japan in the spring and see what it's like. that should help me see if it's even remotely a good idea

>> No.13879964

I hope that you enjoy it then! I've never been, but it seems like a lovely place. Best of luck.

>> No.13879982

Ballet suck ass
T. a ballet dancer

>> No.13879990

Sorry. I can only view it from the sidelines. You're an admirable group of people.

>> No.13879992

Get over it anon the whole concept of exceptionality is artificial

>> No.13880007

No sorry I'm just bitter, ballet is an admirable form in many respects, it just can't ever be what I wanted or perhaps needed it to be. thank you anon

>> No.13880016

Be my gf?

>> No.13880021

remember anons, believe in yourself. we're all gonna make it.

>> No.13880030

What did you want it to be?

I know that it must be a lot of hard work for you all, sorry. But you do all make it look so effortless. Do you still do it?

>> No.13880033
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>> No.13880096

I hope her parents will approve of me when the day comes. Seven years of longing will pass, and my fate will depend on their decision. I will either become the creep, or the happiest man on the planet.

>> No.13880104

I bet I'm even more redpilled than you

>> No.13880108

I'm in my final year of training I'm trying to decide if I should continue, I will have to start auditioning for contracts very soon. Or if I should just abandon it after 10 years of training and attempt to move to a different field/just go off grid for a while. I've always stuck to it because of the value everyone attributed to it but increasingly so I'm beginning to realise the supificiality of these values. I though it could provide me with a reasonable method expression andprogression but unfortuantly it no longer does any of this. I hate all the dancers around me, I hate virtually everything I do all day, but i cant spearate from an intolerable fear of living without it.

>> No.13880156

you're certainly more desperate for approval

>> No.13880210
File: 8 KB, 259x194, spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that spongebob makes for the best reaction images?

>> No.13880283

I just don't know anymore guys.

>> No.13880294

>thinking about what I'll be like
She'll be very disappointed, won't she?

>> No.13880295

I actually feel good today. It's been a while.

>> No.13880296

there are too many things i want to do in life and i'm already middle-aged

and i feel like i fall in love with a new woman every day

>> No.13880298

not this goddamn degenerate again.

>> No.13880303

That's cute, anon :3 Sometimes I think about this too, like there's a ton of people I'm going to meet in the future and I wonder what they are doing now that it's going to bring them to my life me and vice-versa. Life is a strange thing, right? Whenever I think about this I feel a deep sense of joy just for being alive, not sure why.

>> No.13880314

i love it too. ever read The Painted Girls? it's freakin' elegant and lovely.

>> No.13880318

>I've always stuck to it because of the value everyone attributed to it but increasingly so I'm beginning to realise the supificiality of these values.
I'm curious which values smiling when in pain and knowing you can walk with most of your toes being broken are values, r-right?

>> No.13880322

Do it, anon! It sounds interesting and I would read that!
Remember: you're never to old to chase your dreams. I mean, it sounds cliche and dumb, but there's some true to that. Most of the time the only thing stoping you it's yourself.

>> No.13880329

I didn't want to go to the birthday party, so i decided to drive to the lake. It was a nice day and there were many people out and about. Boats in the water, people at the beach, in the reserved shelters, picnicking on the grass. Happy families making happy memories. It made me feel guilty, but that whole thing...it's not for me anymore.
Eventually i got bored and decided to drive back into town. It was still early, and i knew the party was still going on. I drove around for a while, but the gas tank was getting light. I pulled into the mall with the intention of hiding my presence in the sea of cars. I listened to AM radio. A family of black people pulled up next to me. Black people are really loud, they don't seem to care that others can hear their personal conversations. I continued to sit there, lighting up a few cigarettes. More and more black people were pulling in all around me, talking loudly. Black people really seem to enjoy the mall. I saw a family of white people walk right in front of my car. The daughter was kinda cute. I snuck a peak at her feet, but her brother noticed me and we made awkward eye contact. Dont dress like a whore if you don't want creeps staring at you, i rationalized my behavior to myself. I finished up my cigarette. It was time to move on.

I pulled out of the lot and drove back towards the house. the gas light had turned on. I bit the bullet and drove right in front of everyone out on the porch. The guest cars occupied the driveway, along with the whole street. I drove by slowly, pretending to look for a spot, but as soon as i turned the corner i kept driving. I would have continued to cruise around if i had gas money, but i had to settle for the local park. I parked the car and walked out on the shitty baseball field. I had one cigarette left, and a few hours till dark. I saw a fat lady and her boyfriend with their toddler up at the playground. I'm 28, that should be me by now. I see a young teenage couple walk by and giggle at me. A reminder of what could have been. I laid down on top of the wooden bench at the field. Looking up at the sky, fast clouds moving east. A light mist started to fall on me. I kinda felt like mist too, a puff of moister from the nozzled hose at a children's birthday party. I smoked my last cigarette as slow as i could manage.

>> No.13880360

I'm straight, but I've been feeling the desire to get absolutely railed during the past week. Just pounded on with my ass in the air until I'm drooling in ecstasy. What the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.13880369

Probably too much porn? Or you are just gay but don't want to admit this to yourself.

>> No.13880371

it's 4AM. uni sucks. i peaked in middle school. i miss having real not-busy-all-the-time friends. but they moved on with their lives and are now pursuing their dreams and have no business hanging out with an unambitious lazy loser. also fuck im dumb and no amount of books or movies is going to change that. why am i too scared to commit suicide? it makes me hate myself even more. self-pity doesn't help either why can't i just get out of my room, find motivation to fall in love with my uni major again and become healthy? i'm scared of judgement. i used to be fit, happy and passionate. what the fuck happened? why am i paranoid, ashamed and always doubting myself? i wish i was more of a suck-it-up and be-a-man person and less of a whiny faggot

>> No.13880384

>why am i paranoid, ashamed and always doubting myself?
the question that defined a generation

>> No.13880400

Spontaneity is a hell of a thing

>> No.13880415

Spontaneity is a myth.

>> No.13880427

thanks anon. cliche or not that's a message i needed to hear.

you seem like a beautiful person.

>> No.13880441

I just realized that the only board in which I type with capital letters is /lit/.

>> No.13880453

I just watched the video from that Audition (Fools Who Dream) song from La La Land on YouTube and I started crying and sobbing. Her interpretation is amazing, not necessarily the singing, but the acting, all those emotions she manages to convey in a very simple scene. The lyrics hit me a bit too.

Also I legit think I might be starting some light depression or adjustment disorder episode.

>> No.13880462

Knausgard has ruined me. I'm getting to the end of book 1 of my struggle, when he writes about his dad dying. I started crying in the library. I don't want my family to die. But they will, and I'm sure I'll have a shitton of regrets when they do. Still, I'll wallow in mediocrity and loneliness. At least Knausgard could write

>> No.13880464

i have a very strong oneitis case, while i dont know if its going to get me somewhere cause ive been getting fuckton of mixed singnals im trying my very best to 'use' her as my motivation
ive lost a lot of weight, been going to a gym for a month now, and thanks to fellow anons read some books, im just trying to have a win-win scenario regadless of the outcome, would appreciate any thoughts

>> No.13880467

>you seem like a beautiful person.
not really sure how to interpret this, but thanks for the complement nonetheless

>> No.13880473

I should probably do my homework for french class right now but i just want to shower and sleep. My mouth tastes bad.

>> No.13880474

Then I guess literally everything is derivative? If then, then of what?

>> No.13880480

i mean something like, your intensity of awareness of emotion is a sign of something beautiful in how you experience life idk if i should say more than that

>> No.13880483

it's probably just a misnomer. i think what people call spontaneity is really just "the zone", it's when you really feel alive and are operating from a higher from of presence; above the grooves.

>> No.13880491

I mean specifically randomness, the ability for the human mind to spawn something out of thin air.

>> No.13880515

stop watching porn

>> No.13880516

i see. there certainly is a subjective quality to what people call creativity, and there is a subjective view of novelty, but i would ultimately agree that people don't actually "create" anything, we just draw attention to and highlight things. what people would call creativity or spontaneity, is really just subjective novelty. which is one of the reasons i find it off putting that some "artists" get massive egos.

>> No.13880517

I want to punch something wildly. I don't know what just something.

>> No.13880541

You're probably right

>> No.13880543

What did he do?

>> No.13880557

I fell in love with a girl too young to fall in love with

>> No.13880565

how young?

>> No.13880568


>> No.13880571

you sick fuck

>> No.13880572
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>tfw no one to go on adventures with
like actual adventures. not adventuring the hotel balcony to get pictures for instagram.

>> No.13880577

where do you live?

>> No.13880582

Are the malazan books any good? I've been reading the first one and frankly it seems boring.

>> No.13880588

i once fell in love with a girl 14 years younger than me (1985; 1999). i don't really care what others think. i went out of my mind thinking how evil i might be though. thinking about the violent consequences of pursuing that relationship. i ended up in the psych ward for about 2 weeks.

i still don't think i did anything wrong, though. i'm still glad she was born; and glad i was born. it's just that i could not act on some of my dreams and feelings, without activating a tragic catastrophe, which i avoided at the cost of keeping her unblemished in my mind.

sort of like penelope fitzgerald's <the blue flower>

>> No.13880592

it's not unheard of. just remember, when she's that young, you're supposed to not touch her, but flee into exile and write epic poems.

>> No.13880596

There’s nothing sexual about it. When I met her, it was totally “romantic” if that’s the right word. I was totally focused on her existence when she was around. My whole chest was light as a feather, my heart was warm and fuzzy, and I was just in pure joy. Even now, just thinking about her gives me life.

>> No.13880599

classic pedo

>> No.13880604

well i believe you. your words bring to my mind a k-pop song called "i love you i love you"

>> No.13880607
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No other type of person can compare with a well tempered and well educated conservative. There are few of them these days, and they are precious treasures to me

>> No.13880608

I think you have to heavy fantasy autism to get into it. I found it impenetrable. I did manage to read about half of wheel of time though.

>> No.13880612

american west.

>> No.13880614

good post

>> No.13880616
File: 106 KB, 386x600, watermelon days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i a pedo for advocating that anon not act act on his romantic urges? the worst you could say about me is just that i'm vocel and think others should be vocel as well with all their inappropriate notions. unconditional love and the vocel lifestyle save lives.

>> No.13880619

midwest here. i was thinking i needed to do something soon as well. not sure what yet. i recently watched the vagrant holiday series and it really gave me the traveling bug.

>> No.13880623

If I were a classic pedo I would be interested in other girls, I would seek out child photos, I would be sexually aroused by them. But I’m only interested in this girl, and I never think of her in sexual ways. Generally, for all the girls I’ve liked that were my age, I thought less about them in a lustful compared with the romantic feeling. It’s the same with her, only it’s completely based on love. Of course, she is beautiful, and intelligent, and nice, but I don’t appreciate her beauty in a lustful way.

>> No.13880628

I feel similarly even though I'm in a place that would probably be interesting to people not from here. I've just been here too long there's not much magic left.

>> No.13880629


the notion that it's some kind of pure love that has the capacity for reciprocation is a classic pedo thought process. pedos don't think it's creepy, they thinks it's romantic, that's what makes them pedos, because they really think that on some level it's a viable relationship.

>> No.13880631

every truly great person is a radical revolutionary. the only point of being a well-tempered conservative is that it attracts pretty women, who are scared off by the truly great men.

>> No.13880636

a well-tempered conservative is about as radical as you can get these days.

>> No.13880637

Yikes. My heart is fluttering.

>> No.13880640

That’s why I said I will wait for seven years.

>> No.13880645

i wouldn't get your hopes up

>> No.13880658

I know it’s unlikely. I’m not a fool. But the fact is, I do have hope. I’m driven to work hard in school and the gym. I fight off the urge to masturbate, or to look at girls around campus, or even dream about someday dating them, because my mind is focused on a girl much more special. I think about her every day. Every time these threads are posted, I will always say the same thing, because she is always on my mind. Of course, when the time comes, my dream will probably shatter, but those years waiting will have been meaningful, and I will be a better person because of it. I can accept the possibility that I will never be with her, and that it’s very probable, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t fight for it.

>> No.13880659

you might be right but some cons only pretend to be well-tempered. i'm not sure there has been a truly well-tempered con since doctor samuel johnson.

well i think he should get his hopes up. give all to love. who wants to live a life without having over the years had a few great expectations?

>> No.13880681

no you wont. youll move on to the next girl. i hope you get help

>> No.13880724

I hope that someday you’ll experience what I’m feeling

>> No.13880794

>i'm not sure there has been a truly well-tempered con since doctor samuel johnson.
it certainly seems rare

>well i think he should get his hopes up.
7 years seems like a lot of time to waste in a fruitless pursuit, but i really dont care one way or the other, i dont know these people.

>> No.13880805

What if she wants a boy her own age?

>> No.13880808
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Going to a wedding this weekend. Flying out tomorrow. Will see a lot of the family who I haven't spent time with in years. And strangers. Going to spend the whole week being asked questions I have no good answers to.
Are you working?
No, I've been unemployed since I graduated
Oh, what did you study?
A useless social science
What are you qualified for?
Absolutely nothing besides flipping burgers or manual labor
What do you want to do?
I don't fucking know
Do you have a girlfriend yet?
Obviously fucking not you can clearly see how fucking ugly and how much of a mess I am who the fuck in their right mind who give me a second look
What's your plan?
I'm probably going to jump off of a fucking bridge once I've paid my parents back what I owe them

>> No.13880811

I better make myself desirable then. If I fail, I fail

>> No.13880815

you know, when i was about ten years old i feel in love with this girl at the park, i dreamed about her every night, it was one of the most magical times of my life, and i got over her within a couple brief summers. of course, i was ten and she was ten, so it's something that accompanies a season of a persons life. i get the impression that maybe you are a profoundly stunted individual that should go travel and see what the world has to offer, you know, get out a bit. because this fantasy of the little girl, is just that, a fantasy.

>> No.13880838

Start keeping a diary detailing your eventual kidnapping of her. It will be great art.

>> No.13880844

have you thought at all about professional school or some other kind of postbaccalaureate credential? a lot of people do undergrad based on what they're interested in, then go for more practical options if and when they get done fulfilling their personal, intellectual interests
>tfw english and east asian studies
>worked at publisher for a while
>neet'd around
>tried teaching in korea
>liked it enough to go for my postbacc state certification in teaching ESL, language and lit.
>might also add a cert to teach mandarin since i minored in chinese

>> No.13880856

Other than my company's "reputation", I don't believe I'm getting anything of value. In fact, I believe being more incompetent. I'm reaching a threshold.

>> No.13880859

I have no interests besides writing, I have no direction. I do not know what I would study. I have been economically redundant ever since it was revealed I was useless in math, coding and salesmanship.

>> No.13880861

i liked the same girl for 10 years once. from age 14 to 24, even while dating others, i thought she was the one for me. eventually i gave up but it didn't hurt that badly. she and i just lived in different worlds. so i bought about 10 dollars' worth of supermarket ice cream, and some honey, and ate half the ice-cream and passed out.
took a good dump the next morning, wrote some poems, hit the gym. bought a new black cashmere sweater.
6 months later, i was wearing that sweater when i met the love of my life.

>> No.13880869

i have a writing uber alles mindset too but that didn't stop me from differentiating a truly shit job paying minimum wage and working irregular hours, from a tolerable job like teaching with a modicum of human interest, intellectuality, creativity and learning, plus not having to work nights or weekends

>> No.13880881

I feel very bad for you. I have loved someone too but at least felt the joy of her sharing it. I do not think this little girl you're speaking of wants you or will want to be with you when she is of age. How well do you even know her?

>> No.13880884
File: 49 KB, 750x699, 5A8E261A-9710-4805-AB64-EDC28AF492B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its comforting to know that all the greats died without ever receiving their true deserved praise and value. That in the end, they too strode along a journey of agony, loneliness and doubt. Yet despite this, their only salvation lay in the awe and wonder their works would inspire in the future, motivating the proceeding generations to do as they did. And in this way, from work to work, from generation to generation, so long as man kind persisted, they would - in a sense - be connected with each other through the same road. In the end, we are all walking along the same path, separated by untold space and time, yet still holding hands and united through our beloved craft.

>> No.13880891

do you guys actually manage to write a lot? if so i envy you. i haven't managed to do even that much in the past 4 years.

>> No.13880898

I used to be somebody

>> No.13880900

He’s not me. I’ve only been around her a few times, but it’s almost guaranteed that I will see her more in the future as she is friends with a close relative of mine.

>> No.13880911

What do you plan to do when she reaches puberty and wants to be with other boys? That's going to happen.

>> No.13880916

dude, just get the fuck out of there, you are obviously torturing yourself and it will only end badly

>> No.13880920

Why must degeneracy be the equalizer of true desire? Must a woman’s penis be the must unobtainable treasure in these baron fields? For being just a simple man devoid of traditional immoralities why must my urges gravitate towards that which I may never experience? The joys of female penis are to remain a taboo pleasure only satiated by hours of punishment in front of a screen. Oh how I wish to be free of this restraint society has enforced upon me.

>> No.13880934

it would pleaseth me if thouest art killeth thyselfeth

>> No.13880941

I really don’t know. I’m not that worried about asking her. I could take her to expensive restaurants, but her anything, but, I’m not sure how to do all this with respect to the parents. Either I talk to them and risk probable criticism or try to be sneaky and risk getting caught. There are a lot of variables here. I have a tendency to have things go my way, especially when I concentrate on a task, but this one will be challenging. I might need luck to go my way. I might need to be bold. I might end up being shamed and mocked, gossiped about. But I wont feel shame for my feelings.

>> No.13880946

I've been alone for a couple of years, i feel like i need semi-long-term friends.

>> No.13880952

>Of course, she is beautiful, and intelligent, and nice, but I don’t appreciate her beauty in a lustful way.

She's 9. Just admit your true motives. I don't hate people like you. You just have some mental problems that should be treated.

>> No.13880953

I can’t get away. Perhaps I’m just postponing the acceptance of reality. Maybe she won’t be as captivating as she gets older, but that’s unlikely. I won’t be able to get her off my mind until I know for a fact that I won’t be able to marry her

>> No.13880961

Maybe you just don’t understand and you’re assuming the worst in people

>> No.13880963

how long have you known her? and have you been diagnosed with autism?

>> No.13880969

>You just have some mental problems that should be treated.
with bullets

>> No.13880977

sometimes i fart in a room and come back later and it still smells like fart.

>> No.13880978

I’ve done nothing wrong

>> No.13880979

You're going to take her to an expensive restaurant with other customers? Will you tell them you're her father? People will stare at you if you act and talk this way in real life.

>> No.13880988

you have done wrong spiritually, and if you dont think you have then that means you are defective and death is a privilege at that point.

>> No.13880989

All this shit with Greta Thunberg is annoying. Zoomers saying "you need to listen to the science" without knowing what primary production or a trophic scale is. We are going to live in Mad Max world and these tree hugging nonces are going to get cannibalised first because all they know how to do is "raise awareness"

>> No.13880990

So what? Why is following societal norms inherently right? Those norms aren’t constant across history and regions of the globe

>> No.13880994

>you have done wrong spiritually
Loving is spiritually wrong? What are you basing this on?

>> No.13880999

I sarcastically said to some lefties at work, "Why are people even still questioning climate change? Don't they know how science works? No asking questions!" They all thought I was serious and agreed.

>> No.13881005

dont play retarded, i dont like kids the way you do, you know it's different and it would go somewhere it shouldn't if you had your way. what you think is love is a perversion, that's why it's wrong

>> No.13881007

He's assuming she's nine and assuming you think that is a basis to start a relationship. It's not any kind of good basis, because it assumes she will grow up to be the kind of woman who is okay with men falling in love with nine year olds, who will want to ignore social cohesion enough to isolate herself by association to such a man, and that she will want to assume societal responsibility equally for decisions you made when she was nine and you were of age. All of this suggests that you do not comprehend social responsibility well enough to be left near nine year olds, because if you did, you too would see why you should never have a relationship with her for her same. Since you don't have any awareness of the obvious social blowback you would force her into or of her as a separate individual with social needs opposite to yours, you are unlikely to see why she would object to such an arrangement as an indication of her social maturity. She is going to outgrow you in social understanding very soon, unless something horrible stunts her development like yours has stalled.

>> No.13881010

things became so easy that the generations became retarded and there is no talking them out of it.

>> No.13881013

>it’s not common and you’re not like me therefore it’s wrong
I would agree with you if I were lusting after her, but that isn’t the case.

>> No.13881016

I need a wife. One certain woman to be my wife and to open a restaurant with in rural Washington state like in Twin Peaks. That would be grand.

>> No.13881019

I’ve already said that I would wait until the age gap is made less significant, until she is legally old enough for marriage. Of course, I wouldn’t want to marry her quickly, but I wouldn’t want to be dating her for years, either

>> No.13881022

if that wasn't the case then you would not be talking about it this much. you say it's not lust, it's love, but if you were alone with her for a year in the woods, constantly bumping into each other, working together, cooking together, your mind goes, "hey this feels nice" don't act like it is anything to the contrary

>> No.13881023

Don't worry. He'll lose interest by the time she's Tanner Stage 3 and won't do anything in 7 years.

>> No.13881024

I'm just incredibly bored, I know how things are going to end without WWIII and if it even happens in my lifetime I'll be too old to share the fruits of it anyway

>> No.13881027

yeah, okay?

>> No.13881030

Then you're going to take her to restaurants and date her in seven years as platonic friends?

>> No.13881033

yeah, I'm basically Jesus Christ. God talked to me in a dream

>> No.13881034

i wish i knew you in real life, because i'm going insane in this insane world, and this thread is really gay.

>> No.13881036

what did he say?

>> No.13881037

Anon, she's going to have her own wants and needs that are completely different from your's. Boys from her school will be asking her out before it is even seven years anyway.

>> No.13881038


You’re just wrong, dude. I’m opposed to all extra-marital sexual relations, and also sexual relations with pre-pubescents. Not only is this my conscious morality, but its woven into my being.

>> No.13881040

>would wait until the age gap is made less significant,
That does not make it a decision you made when she was not nine and you were not of age. It is still asking her to assume responsibility for a decision you made when she was a kid, only it also gives you years of planning to prepare yourself for that blowback, while leaving her dangle. This inability to view it from her perspective and the obvious risks it poses to her development and future is why you should not be left near kids. Just like you don't let a blind guy drive the bus, you don't let people who are oblivious to obvious risk to children's well being take care of children.

>> No.13881043

I wanna pee

>> No.13881052


>> No.13881056

What are you talking about? Her being 9 now will be irrelevant in the future. I won’t make the situation seem non-spontaneous

>> No.13881064

>What you're doing is unhealthy, deviant, manipulative and doesn't take her feelings in to account
>Yeah but I WON'T make it look that way!

>> No.13881066

> Her being 9 now will be irrelevant in the future.
No it will not. The question "when did you two meet?" will always be answered with "when I was nine and anon was an adult" or a lie. That you do not see that coming when married couples are asked that throughout courtship and marriage and you do not see the social blowback that will cause for her and any children she may have is why you should not be left near kids.

>> No.13881069

What is manipulative or deviant about asking a 16 year old out on a date?

>> No.13881070

Planning it for seven years.

>> No.13881071

i just want to nuke everyone in this situation. just to be safe
pedos will face the cleansing fires

>> No.13881072

is this a snipit from the upcoming The Great Gatsby fan novel of the process of how Gatsby got all his money?

>> No.13881076

kek, you win the thr

>> No.13881082

>it’s not normal so it’s bad
Would it help if I told you she hardly knows who I am, and we have minimal contact? If what you’re saying is so real, then I could simply avoid her until whenever

>> No.13881090

It's a a snippet from my ode to JS Bach. My love and devotion

>> No.13881093

that makes it worse. i will assume this is a troll and wash my hands of the whole affair.

>> No.13881097

The whole world feels out of sync. As if everything is hanging by a thread. This thin glass rod ties together everything, and even the slightest vibration out of wack would send it shattering.
I used to cut through the world, try to "get to the bottom of it" slice and subdivide it like Christmas pudding until I had the one raisin that mattered.
Knowledge of the systems arrayed against you and within you is not the same as the experience of these systems directly. This sharp depature between phenomenological apperception (immediate summation of sensory of sensory inputs ) and abstract representation makes it futile to attempt to reconcile the two. We spend our whole lives thinking and worrying only for the world to remain unaffected. And then suddenly, exactly what needs to happen, or must happen, comes to pass. In those arresting moments we step out of the nihilistic shade of insignificance and into the sunbeam of purpose, of universal alignment.

Why is it that some hibernate, even through their entire lives, while others hear the siren call and enter that poisoned and wondrous twilight?

Why is it that I burn my time in effigy, welcome the deathly ooze of time of age, regret and inevitability, the darkness against the straining flame . It's better perhaps not to fight it. If fighting here means wrestling the world into conceptual submission, analyzing its systems as a general might the arrayed opposing troops. You act on what you think is there, not what is there. And what do you think is there? Any number of things, an arbitrary number of options. You could choose faith, but that is just an option among others. This is the dilemma of rationality. If you were to persist in believing that what you believe about the world is enough to go on, you must shut out all other considerations. But those considerations are part of the world too. They form the sum of potentialities of all that could be, and what is must by logical necessity stem from what could be. Stopping yourself from getting swallowed by infinity means anchoring yourself to the affairs of humanity, --we do in some sense operate as grounding for each other, as if our minds form a grid that stabilizes each other other. At least in the best of times of course.

In the end there is no end, so I can be satisfied knowing that even the wrong is necessary and I can claim full absolution.

>> No.13881098

A teenage girl isn't going to want to date her mom's adult friend she met as a 9 yr old girl years ago. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.13881102

I’m not that old

>> No.13881108

No, planning anything is manipulative and premeditation. Planning to date a nine year old when she turns sixteen is definitely deviant. It's what the words mean. The fact you're doing this to a child you barely know is not any consolation unless you keep not knowing her at all forever, rather than planning how to intervene in someone's life for seven years. If she were an adult, having a seven year plan before your first date would also be abnormal, and deceiving her about that abnormality would be manipulative and considered broadly dangerous or damaging to her. Have you thought maybe the reason you keep failing to understand my posts is because you are not very good at reading social norms for child welfare? I'm not the only anon telling you many times over why this harms your purported loved one, and you continue to ignore the harm and plan to press on in manipulating and damaging a girl you hardly know. Stop that if you have any idea what human kindness is.

>> No.13881112

Started meditation and now have the balls to kms. Idk if telling you this is helpful anon but I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.13881118

god speed

>> No.13881120

Not telling her won’t “damage” her. You’re caught up in the present. In the future, things will be different. What if I just stopped thinking about it until that time? Then would that no longer be manipulative?

>> No.13881122

If you don't like her physically then what specifically draws her to you? Expand on the "intelligence" and other aspects. I genuinely want your insight in to your side of the story.

>> No.13881127

Does anyone have anyone here have any experience with the French Foreign Legion? I've always liked the idea of training and discipline, and marching in France, getting paid to learn French, travelling the world really appeals to me as an eighteen year old loser. I've always wanted to read Proust and Baudelaire in their original language.

>> No.13881128

let go of your ambitions and ego and pursue things which you enjoy

>> No.13881131

Real life Foerign Legion isn't the romantic life of Beau Geste. They're expendable 80 IQ criminals and thugs from east europe and east asia who kill darkies.

>> No.13881133

Any good books about politics?


>> No.13881135

dude he is a pedo, why are people trying to clarify this?

>> No.13881139

I write A grade papers but submit them all late so my grades are terrible and it does not feel good

>> No.13881145

I genuinely hope he keeps us updated with this. Think of all the wacky hijinks this idiot will get into thinking he can successfully romance their 9 yr old daughter. I imagine Humbert Humbert but dweebier and without the debonair.

>> No.13881150

Obviously if she weren’t beautiful then I wouldn’t be captivated by her. But my point is that it’s not a sensual attraction. I feel like I’m being honest with the fact that a younger girl can be beautiful, and most people just are conditioned to not think that way. But I wouldn’t say her appearance alone is what made me so enthralled. Because I’m sure I first experienced physical effects of love (light chest, good heart feeling, etc.) after I observed her charming personality. She seemed quite intelligent and aware for her age, with a good vocabulary and no indecent outbursts or strange remarks. But she is still young, and so of course she is playful and energetic, and that is lovely. And now my heart is acting up...

>> No.13881157

Draw a picture of the both of you and then upload it here so I can visualize it. Be honest with your appearance.

>> No.13881160

I use my wits and intellectualism to hide that fact that im a coward.

>> No.13881164
File: 30 KB, 540x540, ly4yhuj3rje21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My desire for change is outweighed by my fear of it. I desperately want to change and know how, though I'm holding myself back.
Despite having German roots in Midwest Burgerland, I cannot stand bratwurst.
I should really go to sleep.

>> No.13881166

I have mistreated some but not been severe enough with others. I feel upset.

>> No.13881171

>all the beautiful women are promiscuous, all the ugly ones are bitchy with bad hygiene
what is this world i was born in?

>> No.13881180
File: 20 KB, 540x274, 420276EE-6F63-46AC-A04B-E345C162D857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this faggot doesnt understand how fucking retarded and wrong his logic is dude you’re talking about imaging a marriage with a literal child you do understand how hilariously pathetic that is right?

>> No.13881184

I peed

>> No.13881190 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 73x191, 59729355-BE49-45A7-9A3A-0F815D42A05E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like this guy I met at a competition once (people say we look like twins almost), but slightly bigger. And think Jennifer Connelly

>> No.13881193

I have not, but I'll be sure to check it out. Thank very much, anon!

>> No.13881202

How was it?

>> No.13881213

I've been feeling fairly confident recently. It all changed last night, I had a fight with one of my only friends, I broke nofap and I realised my beard looks shit when I saw it in one of those reverse cameras. I'm feeling fairly empty right now, so I'm reading some light stuff to feel better

>> No.13881215

a world that you have mistaken and know nothing about

>> No.13881229

>my anecdotal evidence is better than yours

>> No.13881266

It was pretty nice

>> No.13881310

i g h y k y s
y w n k w i m t b c l y s f u

>> No.13881335
File: 146 KB, 409x409, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to create art, but I can never decide what kind (music, literature, illustrations, etc.). Even if I could decide, I feel like I actually have nothing to say.

>> No.13881345

I second this

>> No.13881358

Just do it anyway. Maybe you'll find your voice as you go.

>> No.13881362

I have a completely (mostly) non-sexual fascination with the penis.

It's a really cool piece of equipment.

>> No.13881366

are you a girl?

>> No.13881370

No. Would that make it less weird?

>> No.13881373

i dont know, can you keep talking to me about it?

>> No.13881376

Consume more art, you'll have things to say eventually

>> No.13881378

I guess. What's yours like?

>> No.13881382

it's perfectly fine. what do your fingers look like?

>> No.13881383

There is no learning, no personal progress - only the world becoming more like you.

>> No.13881389

Long and thin I guess, why?

>> No.13881398

i figured we were asking things of each other? would you consider yourself: handsome, cute, sexy, cuddly?

>> No.13881404

Most people seem to think that I look pretty okay. Cuddling is certainty nice.

>> No.13881406

okay cool

>> No.13881412

so we're together now? that's pretty dope, not gonna lie

>> No.13881422

I guess. Is this what having a boyfriend feels like? It's alright I guess.

>> No.13881432

yeah, it's exactly what it's like. if you rub my nips, then that is what sex is. and we both enjoy it. although i enjoy it better

>> No.13881436

I need to stop smoking weed ASAP

Interesting point, the closest analysis I've read is "Kill All Normies" but it's far from any kind of intense academic or sociological study of daily imageboard culture (if that's even possible)


>> No.13881438

i do have to ask though, does /lit/ have it's own frequency? because i definitely hear it in my room?

>> No.13881439
File: 17 KB, 509x411, peep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gnats fly around, the rotten apple core their fixation.

college goes good, payments on the mind.

stirring restlessness deep inside, no escape.

fuck now suffer later.
fuck now suffer later.

>> No.13881464

What? We're not a radio station.

>> No.13881470

respond to me if you think i'm still cool, otherwise don't. i feel like a lot of people are all responding a lot so...things obviously need to settle down first. but i have a feeling you are white and have nice skin and hands, and i think you have nice feet for sure. is your butt have nice goosebumps on it?

for some reason you remind me of this time i went to visit my cousin in 1998
this video was like that

>What? We're not a radio station.
we are now

i think i fell in love with you.

>> No.13881474

>I plan to continue operating behind her back when she is an adult
That will still be a shitheel move in the future.

>> No.13881475

There are really some bizarre, fringe of the fringe people you find on these kinds of boards. It's both refreshing and revolting. Maybe I'm not so bad after all.

>> No.13881490

who are you addressing here?

>> No.13881516

how do i contact you?

>> No.13881534

Give me your email, I will contact you.

>> No.13881536

no that sounds sketchy, i'm better off contacting you

>> No.13881544

do you have a twitter or something?

>> No.13881610 [DELETED] 



I have nothing to give and no god to pray to and so I created you instead. why did I create you, why did I create you, why won't you leave me alone? I want a god, I want greatness, but I created you so that every time I think of greatness I think of you instead. leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone

>> No.13881622

show me

>> No.13881705

Nobody in particular or here fren. Just talking about what I've picked up after some time browsing 4chan. Simply sharing my current thoughts, per the thread prompt. Take no offense.

>> No.13881721
File: 763 KB, 761x761, 1568310036669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13881881

I think I developed IBS and it makes me fart and I feel pathetic

>> No.13881961

>I'm probably going to jump off of a fucking bridge once I've paid my parents back what I owe them
you could try to find some kind of minimal life insurance policy and then manage to have a lethal accident that is accepted in the insurance policy.

>> No.13881970

>You just have some mental problems that should be treated.
That's true.
I'm not saying you're going to rape her to abuse her, but if you're a grown man and you genuinely fall in love with an actual child, you really have issues.

>> No.13881989


>> No.13881993

high IQ post

>> No.13881997

>ts comforting to know that all the greats died without ever receiving their true deserved praise and value.
Comforting? That's motherfucking depressing as shit

>> No.13882001

I'd come have coffee and pie there

>> No.13882009
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore that album. Great taste, anon.

>> No.13882049

That's part of what makes it so interesting and worth coming back to. It's the spice. You can encounter anyone on the Internet, and imageboards draw some of them in, the really out there ones

>> No.13882055

Don't keep reading then, his life only gets more depressing with time. I'm afraid after the 9 books I've read by him I'm basically imitating his thought patterns.

>> No.13882149

If you are still here where in Spain are you? I'm south coast

>> No.13882195

Finding it hard to go on, i mean I don't want to end it, but when you've dealt with depression for most of your life you just crack sometimes. Art was my salvation it was really the only thing that revived my soul and me, making paintings that would enter the canon one day and stand alongside my heroes. But even now I can't finish my most recent painting its just sitting staring at me.

I think the hardest part about being an artist is when you're obviously not social and don't network and you create all your artwork in a void or a vacuum, it all starts feeling meaningless and worthless. And when your work looks like mine the only place you can literally show it and receive praise is some high end contemporary art gallery. which getting into without the right connections or going to the right school isn't exactly easy. I have probably 130-140 paintings stored in my house that i've done this year and last and I fantasize of my mom taking them to galleries and getting attention for them in the event that i did kill myself.

>> No.13882233

Finish the painting and start networking. Start calling places once a week, asking for space. If you really cannot find a venue (including restaurants and cafes and other places that will take ambient art for free and will let you put up a price list and details) start guerrilla art showings. Tape a painting to a busy city bus. Find railings you can legally attach shit to and plaster it. Ride a bike with canvases strapped to it and a streamer announcing gallery free art sales.

>> No.13882406
File: 216 KB, 1480x1080, Out of the Past - Jacques Tourneur (1947).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my favourite from his early period.

>> No.13882427

If they are capable of understanding each others point of view, if they can accept that they cant understand each others actions as well as before and they trust each other to make decisions for themselves without the other, yeah

>> No.13882642

>at home, bored
>oneitis suddenly calls
>haven't talked to her in a year
>asks if I want to go for a walk with her
>get ready, go to leave
>wake up

>> No.13882655

What follows is what you should now do, as suggested by your dream:
>call oneitis suddenly
>ask if she wants to go for a walk with you
take the leap of faith. If you don't shoot, you're guaranteed to miss.

>> No.13882671

she lives on the other side of the country now and I'm pretty sure has a boyfriend

>> No.13882703

boyfriend? Disregard the boyfriend.
>she lives on the other side of the country now
well now, that's a bit of a problem, I'll admit

>> No.13882829

vast improvement desu

>> No.13882842

I bet you say it because you watch porn and have the desire to get railed in the ass too. just accept that you are third gender and embrace your life purpose of gratifying real men. quitting porn won't change your nature.

>> No.13882867

Mine lives on the other side of the country too. Have a home in WA? Let's swap houses.

>> No.13883135

U spin me right round round
U spin me right round round
Ty krutish menja prjamo vokrug sebja
Ty krutish menja prjamo vokrug sebja

Ok, that was all.

>> No.13883150

Anyone good at dream interpretations? I had an interesting and very vivid dream last night and I'm not sure what it means.

(In the dream:)
>Drove up to the Bible camp I used to go to as a child, all of my same age peers were up there. I went to claim a bed but noticed someone's clothes were already laid on it. I asked around and found out they belong to the girl I'm interested in IRL. I could use that bed though because she just hung herself, I broke down crying and ran outside.
>Outside was a hill leading down from the main cabin to the lake. All of the people up there, the church youth group, had constructed a nine level terrace made out of sand leading down to the beach and mounted the ramparts. It was like Mina's Tirith from LOTR. I made my way down the terrace passing by everyone I knew. At the bottom was a woman from my church (who is a narcissist and shares much too much) standing alone yelling at everyone and denouncing the structure as idolatry. Talking about Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the multi layered statue. The whole crowd gathered around her and I had a giant protractor in my hand. She kept telling and the crowd moved onto her violently and the scene changed.
>Next, I was in an airport in Korea, trying to smuggle my child cousins out of danger by getting them Into the state of Israel (I'm not Jewish btw). We had fake passports and disguises and were waiting in line at customs. A salesman I knew recognized me and started accusing me of deception to all of the other people in line. I ignored him by reading a newspaper but was very nervous. This went on for like five minutes, he eventually got tired and left to go get security after I didn't react. We got to the customs desk and the first two children got in fine, my passport was accepted but the child I was holding was not accepted because their passport was obviously not theirs. The clerk was very stern with me and angered that I was trying to fool her so blatantly.
The dream ended and I had slept through my alarm. There's a lot of symbology in there and I don't normally dream about people I know

>> No.13883176

>those anime figurines mega-weebs collect cost hundreds of dollars each
what the fuck

>> No.13883442

The more I learn, the less I know

>> No.13883512

there are people out there who have spent thousands of dollars on funko pops

think about that

>> No.13883537


>> No.13883564

Trump is basically out of office if the Dems can convince 8 Republican senators or 6 Republican and both independent senators to vote him out. It's really that close

>> No.13883565

People on here have spent several times that amount on books they will never read.

>> No.13883568

those are even worse because they're all just slight variations of the same thing, at least the anime figurines are unique

I doubt I've even spent a thousand dollars on books

>> No.13883594

If /stack/ and /shelf/ threads are anything to go by, you aren't wrong

>> No.13883596

which will never happen, they'd only flip if there was meaningful opposition from their voters who trump is *extremely* popular among. If we look at republican senators ranked by how how dem-leading their state is we see that to get 8 flips *in the easiest way* would involve flipping states like fucking florida. Can you really see marco rubio voting to convict?

also where are you getting 8 in the first place? you need 67 (or maybe 66, idk) to convict. are you including some republican senators you think you vote to convict for sure?

>> No.13883604

Isn't it 58 or 59 d senators with the 2/3 required majority being 66?

>> No.13883609

Affiliation Members
Republican 53
Democratic 45
Independents 2[a]
Total 100

>Sorry I'm a fucking retard, not sure how I messed up this badly

>> No.13883824
File: 10 KB, 236x230, 1553468402503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ate healthy food last night
>woke up at 8.30 am
>browsed internet, drank coffee, ate healthy food
>read 60 pages of a history book
>went to gym and did cardio
>somehow it was already 5 pm
>go in to central London for my usual walk and read in the library; saw lots of officeStaceys and felt demoralised
>listened to Cumtown podcast
>walked through a park
>now drinking coffee

I looked on patreon and saw that the Cumtown people get paid $50k per month for 2 hours a week and felt so pathetic. Then I looked at other parts of patreon and saw all sorts of people being paid a few thousand per month and felt even more pathetic. I haven't even been able to start a proper 40 hour per week wagecucking career yet, at the age of 28 (I'm starting a good job soon).

It's incredible how unfulfilled I feel and how little motivation I have to do anything. I may have a Last Binge Ever just to feel alive again. I haven't had junk food for 72 hours. I saw today that McDonalds has changed its temporary burger. But my biggest problem is my inability to do anything productive under my own initiative. I have been procrastinating everything that's important (or unimportant) and non-urgent.

The history book I'm reading is non-dull but I feel like I'm wasting my time. Reading is a consumercuck activity. And I read so inefficiently. If I had sacrificed two days for nothing but reading, I'd have read more than I have in the past two weeks. But I can't sacrifice a day because then I'd feel like a loser.

And I have wagecuckery on the horizon...

>> No.13883854

>>ate healthy food last night
holy shit, is this a plot twist or what
riveting shit right here, london

>> No.13883868


You should have read Monday's post, where I bought the food.

What is worrying was that buying the healthy food for the first time in many weeks and then eating it didn't feel like an effortful decision. I still feel like a passenger in life

>> No.13883874


>> No.13883881

Londonfrog: collected posts when?

>> No.13883889

Someone from my building with a sniper rifle could change the course of the political future from their window. For reasons I shall not disclose. I wonder how closely this building is being monitored.

>> No.13883936

Imagine torturing some dumb cunt to death with a knife and saw and then becoming famous world wide.

>> No.13883937

hopefully never

>> No.13883966

Londonfrog go on cumtown

>> No.13883979


I cringe at how existentially cucked I am compared to free spirits.

>> No.13883984
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I *need* a big titty goth gf

>> No.13883993

the cumboys do nothing but sit around and play video games though. they went to fucking japan and nick just bitched endlessly about it

>> No.13884018


Doing very little is part of the existential journey. You can't be sad in a profound manner when you work 9 to 5, plus commute.

>> No.13884045

I want a girl to tie up and stab fifty tines with a knife. It would be even bwtter if she were pregnant.

>> No.13884421

Life is slipping through my fingers. I think my gf and family only humor me because they’re afraid of what I’ll do if they cut ties with me like they should. The naive optimist in me is telling me that all great men are confounded during their humble beginnings, but the realist knows that I’m full of shit and that I’m not going to amount to anything if I continue on like I have since I’ve transitioned into adulthood. Part of me wants to go back to school and put an honest effort into studying music or psychology, but another part of me wants to embrace the life of a starving artist since I’m basically already there and I’ve been told I have talent. I’m stuck on the fence and all possibilities seem fruitless and rife with disingenuous shitheads. I’m a whiny bitch.

>> No.13884550

How old are you?

>> No.13884554

25 gonna be 26 in November

>> No.13884588

I poo in the loo and pee in the sea, peeing and pooing is good for me. I fart and I shit more than a bit, there's really nothing you can do about it.

>> No.13884605

Anon, i hope you're still here. I can't say I'm particularly well connected but I have a friend that works as an art buyer, and at the very least I might be able to offer you some personal appreciation. What is the best way for me to contact you?

>> No.13884607

i want to drink wine
i dont want to drink
i want to fuck a girl
i want to be virgin til death
i hate
i dont know what i hate, i just hate
i want to be in peace, in silence, alone, this city, this people are sickening me

>> No.13884615

Today i was accepted to work for a company of freelance writers. I am excited.

>> No.13884660

Is the goat looking at me? Or does it stare at something?

>> No.13884662

good post

>> No.13884682
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>> No.13884716

The world revolves arround me relentlessly and I can barely make sense of what is happening around me. All the while I have a hard time coping with reality I have this animalistic need of composing a work of fiction that will help me understand my surroundings better. I've hit a wall in which I'm feeling more and more like I need to better grasp what is around me if I want to reflect it, and it's sickening that I've fallen into a loop out of which I can't come. It's frustrating that I used to have great ideas; like I had no creativity filters and my mind flowed like a river. Since school started I feel as though a dam has been built around that river out of the insecurity that the plausible judgement of my work by others ingrains me. How do I go back to not giving a shit about what other people will think about my ideas?
How do I regain my brain wings?

>> No.13884752

I want to buy a suit. Something a bit flamboyant but not too over the top. I used to not attach importance to clothing, but people make snap judgements. If you shamble about in a stained t-shirt and cargo pants and sandals, the immediate judgement will not be favorable. A sharply dressed elegance captivates and tantalizes the eyes. I live in a place of exuberant fashion, and while my outfits are occasionally on point, I also have a tendency to slap together whatever clothes has been washed. The finest Italian suit cannot make up for an empty head or bankrupt soul either.

>> No.13884837

Cars are almost always more beautiful than their drivers

>> No.13885023

try attending a language school there too

>> No.13885034

how old was she at the time anon?

>> No.13885059

you're idealizing a nine year old. She's going to change drastically once puberty hits too. Do you actually know her super well? She won't live up to your fantasies.

>> No.13885091


>> No.13885095

>It's not any kind of good basis, because it assumes she will grow up to be the kind of woman who is okay with men falling in love with nine year olds, who will want to ignore social cohesion enough to isolate herself by association to such a man, and that she will want to assume societal responsibility equally for decisions you made when she was nine and you were of age
Did you read his post?

>> No.13885127

what happened anon

>> No.13885137

>I’ve only been around her a few times
what made you so captivated?

>> No.13885154

have you ever been in a serious, reciprocated relationship?

>> No.13885173

I'm proud of u

>> No.13885209

good shit anon

>> No.13885218

>A teenage girl isn't going to want to date her friend's adult brother she met as a 9 yr old girl years ago. Get your head out of your ass.
still holds in your situation

>> No.13885227

please do it >>13881150

>> No.13885249

>I feel like I’m being honest with the fact that a younger girl can be beautiful, and most people just are conditioned to not think that way.
>But she is still young, and so of course she is playful and energetic, and that is lovely
You're only infatuated by her childlike traits and claim not to be a pedo?

>> No.13885254

there's beautiful women that aren't promiscuous, but you don't see them since they don't put themselves out there