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File: 200 KB, 701x1024, Curse-of-High-IQ-Cover-Advertising-701x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13877262 No.13877262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This book is causing so much butthurt lmao


>> No.13877268

IQfags are being so pushy that soon i'll personally lead a eugenics campaign capping anyone above 110
t. don't know my own iq, insecurefags

>> No.13877276
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>> No.13877282

I really look forward to the day in which society will have to come to terms with the fact that IQ is real, and it varies by race. Imagine all the "whypipo be lyk" posters learning that their 85IQ is permanent and not whitey's fault. I hope it doesn't happen gradually, but just hit them with full force. "so you be tellin me IQ is real AND genetic? damn bro..."

>> No.13877290

But middle part of this graph is utter bullshit.

>> No.13877304

Sounds like they got you seething.

>> No.13877319

Funny thing: i'm not even white. I just think these people are loud and annoying as hell. I have to live with them everyday on campus and i just wish i hadn't to. Someone just drops the blackpill on the race and IQ already and start the birth control policies...

>> No.13877326

I really look forward to the day in which society will have to come to terms with the fact that IQ is real, and varies by environmental burdens, and racialist copers will no longer be able to justify their own ignorance by pointing to that of others.

>> No.13877333

Identifying as high iq is a very low iq move

>> No.13877335

Do you post these types of things because you want to be proven wrong? I really don't understand the mindset, you know people are just going to start talking about twin studies and transracial adoption studies, so why do you do this?

>> No.13877340

Then look no further, that's already society's mainstream views and it's been shaping social policies since it was introduced. And it made absolutely no effects whatsoever, blacks are still 85 IQ, and it doesn't improve even when they get adopted into rich white families (see: Transracial minesota study), or in blind adoption studies like the ones from Sweden, were homeless Korean children still outscored Swedes on IQ while blacks maintained the low score.

>> No.13877347

it's a breadcrumb being thrown to womyn, pandering cope shit I agree

>> No.13877349

IQ are not the only thing that determines success but looks do too.
And looks also is almost the only thing that determines sexual success.
But good looking people tend to have higher iq.
Thats the blackpill.

>> No.13877379

how so?

>> No.13877405

Life really is shit isn't it.

>> No.13877411
File: 75 KB, 1052x934, photo_2019-08-24_22-01-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Data is taken from https://viewoniq.org/

>> No.13877422


No fucking way that is remotely accurate.
Most Africans are at least a standard deviation below 100.

>> No.13877426

Identifying as a tall person is a very short person move.

>> No.13877428

but that's not true so it can't be proven.

>> No.13877430

The north korea stats show how stupid IQ scoring is.

>> No.13877433

>adjusted by disease burden
Yeah im sure this is a highly predictive measure lol

>> No.13877435

north koreans are the master race

>> No.13877441

kek. imagine thinking this is real.

>> No.13877443

I guess it really was best korea all along.

>> No.13877452

Best Korea confirmed

>> No.13877471

Well, first, race itself would have to be a real scientific concept, which is not.
Race is an ideologie designed specifically to justify slavery, and was always deeply conected with religion. (hence, european joos not considered white). In more modern times, geopolitical factors played an important role too, in defining "whiteness" and race.
Even if we go to the more broad realm of "ethinicity", it is convenient to forget that the places where white people are supposedly originally from were among the least developed until industrialization.
Nevermind also that on average there is more genetic difference between 2 african individuals and 2 other from 2 different continents.
To conclude, how stupid you have to be to not see how much good nurture, good education, and richer life experiences lead to a better performance on a logic test?

>> No.13877472

the thing about the blackpill is that it takes confidence out of the equation.
they say well if youre good looking youll be confident because of positive reinforcement.
But there are no iq knuckle draggers with confidence off the charts.

>> No.13877486

what point are you trying to make

>> No.13877510

about sexual selection

>> No.13877513

>Well, first, race itself would have to be a real scientific concept, which is not.
This isn't true. We can with 99.999999% accuracy categorize a person's race based solely on their genome and we do it all the time in topological genetic analysis.
Where did this lie come from? Walk into any computational geneticists' lab and tell them they can't find someone's race based on their genome and they'll laugh in your face.

>> No.13877534

>To conclude, how stupid you have to be to not see how much good nurture, good education, and richer life experiences lead to a better performance on a logic test?
Just stupid enough to have read the literature on the subject.

>Nevermind also that on average there is more genetic difference between 2 african individuals and 2 other from 2 different continents.
This is only true when talking about Bushmen and Pygmies. Two Bantu will absolutely be closer to each other than either is to a Mongolian.

>> No.13877535

Kek. All your points on race are retarded and have been argued to death before. As to the last point, no, it doesn't improve at all.
First, please define
>good nurture
>good education
>rich life experiences
These are all vague concepts with no relation to reality at all. For example, poor ukranians with way less opportunities than american blacks still score average at IQ tests. Secondly, no, not even with education does black IQ increases. See: transracial minesota study.

>> No.13877537
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>Race is an ideologie designed specifically to justify slavery, and was always deeply conected with religion.

>> No.13877547

>Well, first, race itself would have to be a real scientific concept, which is not.
Blacks and whites have different centers of mass. You can't call that a concept.
>Nevermind also that on average there is more genetic difference between 2 african individuals and 2 other from 2 different continents.
Yeah, and there are shit ton of shades of red and a shit ton of shades of blue; I guess the differences between red and blue are insignificant.

>> No.13877554

bullshit, good looking guys without the confidence to back it up are non entities who've removed themselves from the gene pool.
good looking women on the other hand are always a hot commodity.

>> No.13877560
File: 67 KB, 809x610, educational-achievement-by-ethnicity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are white people so stupid?

>> No.13877565

whites btfo

>> No.13877566

To follow this up, we can predict race with far more accuracy than we can height using just the genome.
Race is literally more of a biological/genetic reality than height is.

>> No.13877567

>academic success
>same as IQ
t. brainlet

>> No.13877568

Maybe in the past but now women do the approaching so its not as relevant as it used to be.
Also theyd get swipped right on tinder based on their looks alone.

>> No.13877574

When do white people ever say that Asians aren't smart? That's the stereotype for a reason.

>> No.13877578

>adjusted by disease burden

The North Korean stats have been inferred from South Korean data

I'm sure you have no idea what you're talking about

It is, I made it

>> No.13877585

Ironically, the middle part represents midwits like you.

>> No.13877587

>implying standardised tests across hundreds of thousands of students is not more reliable than some dubious iq study done in the 1950s

>> No.13877589

I still don't get. There are plenty of confident stupid people and they fuck

>> No.13877594
File: 74 KB, 1058x938, photo_2019-04-10_20-57-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13877598

There is nothing wrong with being intelligent. The problem is with IQ. Learning about IQ will not make you any more intelligent. It will either turn you complacent and you will begin to justify your opinions by saying "my IQ is 130, therefore my opinion is fact," or you will begin to have unrealistic expectations for yourself. Don't fall for the IQ meme, nobody is better off after learning about IQ.

>> No.13877606

This is also true. Do you think short guys don't lie about their height?

>> No.13877611

it seems that the concept of "average" was not included in your smart boys iq tests huh

>> No.13877619

Wow the country with no infrastructure, education, good standard of living has below average IQ, im shocked...

>> No.13877618

ah yeah, having food on your plate and not having your school bombed once a week are very subjective

>> No.13877622

just move to the middle east and you'll fit right in

>> No.13877625

It doesn't matter. They go to western countries and in 3 generations their IQ stay the same, while poor Ukranians and other slavs live in shitholes and still score decently at these tests.

>> No.13877628

Then why would they score lower regardless of economic factors in first world nations?

>> No.13877631

North Korea actually a sealed away Utopia besieged by inferior civilizations confirmed.

>> No.13877645

Jesus you're all so stupid.

>> No.13877651

The country with low IQ has no infrastructure, education, and a low standard of living*

>> No.13877653


>adjusted by disease burden

>ability to not die en masse due to poor sanitation, no medication or education is purely geographical
>nothing to do with intelligence!

You are living in a dream world. Academics are wasting their time trying to come up with ways in which the facts can be reinterpreted instead of actually providing a solution to those disparities.

The world is full of stupid niggers and you can't just call everyone racist and hope it goes away.

>> No.13877657

Yeah, and on average, there are more differences within the color red than there is between red and blue.

>> No.13877661

It has no infrastructure, education, good standard of living BECAUSE of LOW IQ, retard.

>> No.13877674
File: 11 KB, 310x535, FT_18.01.24_blackImmigrants_education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not true by the way
Though this is more an indication that the average American is dumber than the average Nigerian

>> No.13877677

if you agree that the left and right parts of the graph is true you have to accept the middle is also true bro

>> No.13877678

nice try (((tinder shill))), in the real world if the man doesn't make the first move the game does not begin
simple as

>> No.13877682

t. ugly fucker
I get picked up by girls all the time, try leaving the basement now and again lmao

>> No.13877683

Look at the average IQ of Nigeria. Then look at the average IQ of white americans. Then look at the average IQ of black americans.

The amount of intellectual dishonesty required to think the conclusion here is 'nigerians are smarter than americans' is kind of impressive.

>> No.13877699

Immigrants aren't a representation of the average population. They have money to travel and settle and immigrate. They are "educated", which means they're probably of average to above average IQ. It's a bell curve, you're going to find smart people on every nation. The average Nigerian is still 72IQ, barely above retardation tier. And if i'm not wrong, there have been studies showing that regression to the mean occurs and 2nd and 3rd generation Nigerian immigrants return to low IQ.

>> No.13877712

lol, imagine thinking that's the case. if you have the looks you don't have to try at all, women will make sure everything is set up so you approach without fear, or they simply approach you. just try not being ugly bro

>> No.13877740
File: 212 KB, 1710x2048, nYTAFuN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13877741

Why did you say that. I'm sad now.

>> No.13877757

Go to Nigeria and check out just how smart they are lmao

>> No.13877768

nice fantasy lads
been around long enough to know however it's total horse shit.
the only exception to the rule is for the mega rich but even then my twisted life (to keep it /lit/) says otherwise
don't believe those internet hucksters fren

>> No.13877779

Theyre somewhat lying, they dont approach you really but they make it obvious they want you too if youre not a virgin. But ive been off the market awhile so who knows how it has changed

>> No.13877788

bro, i hang out with the chillest and hottest chads of my city. i know night life. i know the club life. these guys don't need to make a move. they come into a bar and girls pay drinks for them. they offer to be your "wingman" only to get a threesome. they're living life on a level that your primate brain can not even begin to comprehend

>> No.13877796

And yet most people with high IQ are still retards with libcuck ideas.

>> No.13877810

I have been. The average Nigerian is smarter than the average white american. The average white American is barely literate and has no understanding of the world around them, Nigerians are usually pretty switched on, read books, and have a dry sense of humour.

>> No.13877815

This whole thread makes me want to die.
I just feel bad about making my mom sad, but life is full of shit, too many fucking problems

>> No.13877820

the literacy rate in Nigeria is 59%. You are one of the most impressively brainwashed people ive come across in some time

>> No.13877830

Girls hit on me at work all the time. Virgins tend to think that if a girl isn't actually grabbing your dick she's not throwing herself at you, even though often she is

>> No.13877837

remember lads if you won't make the first move you won't get laid
don't fall for the i'll let the girls pick me up psy-op

>> No.13877839

damn, that must be cool. literally not a single girl has ever shown interest in me. not even kidding, i've never even locked eyes with a agirl

>> No.13877843

Dude, just go to Nigeria, and you will immediately notice how much smarter people are than in the states. They don't have that bovine look about them

>> No.13877864

>literally not a single girl has ever shown interest in me
Almost certainly not true, but you do have to make eye contact to notice these things

>> No.13877875

Where can i find these hot and fashionable dudes to hang wouth

>> No.13877880

thats why they call it the blackpill

>> No.13877910

Nope, it's true. I've had female friends and asked them if they knew any girl was into me and the answer was always no. Never had a girl flirt with me. Never had a girl positively respond to my flirts. Every girl i thought had shown a hint of interest rejected me.Girls treat me as they treat a stranger, they're never welcome to talk and mention their 'boyfriend' as soon as they can. The only females who were nice to me, apart from a few friends, were cashiers trying to get a tip or whatever.

>> No.13877943

you have to be chill, and hot, and make connections by visiting the right places, and knowing the right people.

>> No.13878013

shit son, anything else you might have left out in your copy of 'anons guide to getting picked by women'?

>> No.13878028

>never locked eyes with a girl
>I've had female friends

>> No.13878045

I obviously meant locking eyes romantically, as in, you feel someone is staring at you, and then you stare at the girl, and she blushes. And then soon after you look at her, and she looks back at you...
That has never happened. I've obviously "locked eyes" with female friends, but it was in a normal way.

>> No.13878191

you also need at least a 6.5 inch penis. anything below that and females will laugh at you

>> No.13878259

Not true at all. You just have to make an impression that she'll be missing out on something great.

>> No.13878768

>t.double digit IQ peasant