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/lit/ - Literature

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13876865 No.13876865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'm not like your average prole, I'm special, I'm aware of the world
>"Oh yeah, in what ways?"
>I'm going to get a career where I earn 6 figures, I'm super ripped from going to the gym, I'm engaged to a beautiful girl, we're gonna have 2 kids and buy a house, I like hiking and running, I read philosophy and meditate, my dream is to go travelling
Who am I talking about?

It's YOU. YOU vain motherfuckers, YOU idiots who operate on the level of a catfish, YOU morons who buy into the idiotic "Nah bro they don't want you to be a straight white male with 2.5 kids, good grades and a career where you make lots of money and have fun haha, fuck that consumerist slave shit man, now let's go watch Game of Thrones and drink a few Budd Lights, alright bro?". You read philosophy and filter out anything that doesn't encourage your blind optimism and positivity towards society, you absolute fucking cretins, you braindead cunts.

>> No.13876875

What’s wrong with watching game of thrones? It was good for the first few seasons.

Also, what is your alternative buddy?

>> No.13876898

>Who am I talking about?
>It's YOU. YOU vain motherfuckers
No way I am ever earning six figures.

>> No.13876921

What if I just want to be fit and have enough money to get a nice wife and kids? Nothing else interests me in this life

>> No.13876938

Then you are well intentioned and need not the vitriol that jealous OP is spewing

>> No.13876947

>What if I just want to be fit and have enough money to get a nice wife and kids?
You JUST did it. You skimmed the OP, filtered out the bits critical of your life and are acting like you didn't see them. HOLY FUCK.

>> No.13876963

>you absolute fucking cretins, you braindead cunts.
That's a little mean.

>> No.13876980

I don’t watch TV or movies, I don’t do drugs, I don’t go hiking, I don’t go to concerts, I don’t have social media, I don’t have relations with women, I have about 2-3 weeks worth of clothes, most of them being white t shirts and gym shorts, and I don’t watch podcasts

>> No.13876991

>It's YOU. YOU vain motherfuckers,
Oh... i was gonna guess Žižek

>> No.13876994

You're on 4chan, you fucking retard.

>> No.13877005

>and I don’t watch podcasts
Duh, you listen to them, dummy.

>> No.13877071

The books are superior, so why would you settle for the lesser version?

>> No.13877366
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>> No.13877369
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>> No.13877400

If you are gonna be a prole you might as well be an apex prole. Enjoy the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.13878195

>wahhh his opinions are so antithetical to mine it HAS to be BAIT!
>No one could ever genuinely believe this!

>> No.13878369
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I don't read philosophy...

>> No.13878373

>he reads genreshit
>he thinks his opinion is in anyway better than anybody else because of this

peak pseud

>> No.13878380

He was giving you the benefit of the doubt lil' pseudo

>> No.13878403

I'm actually none of those things. but if I manage to make six figures even over a lifetime by writing I will make you faggots eat shit everyday.

>> No.13878415

The sopranos was better than anything similar a book could offer

>> No.13878421

To explain my fellow 18+ 3 digit IQer here, you sound like a child who just read fight club. lurk moar, preferably in the real world.

>> No.13878431
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Sopranos is just a ripoff of GR

>> No.13878461

you finally read a book and it's bullshit.

>> No.13878472

I can't get into beer at all.
How do you tolerate the bitter taste without puking?

>> No.13878483

Have sex.

>> No.13878485
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What have you got against catfish you faggot? Say what you like about us but don’t fucking bring these guys into it. Cunt.

>> No.13878489

But then I'll puke on the girl.

>> No.13878490

>filter out anything that doesn't encourage your blind optimism and positivity towards society

Pretty sure 100% of /lit/ is tedpilled and waiting for the end of the word with abject glee

>> No.13878495
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>Nooo nooo you can't have a family work out and enjoy life, you have be depressed like me.

>> No.13878496

Tell be how to be edgy and cool like you, dear enlightened pseud.

>> No.13878500

Most chicks dig that

>> No.13878507

Honestly, if you've given up finding a girl and starting a family, what's there to motivate you?
The only reason guys work hard hours is to put food on the table for their kids, the only reason they work out is to attract girls.

>> No.13878513

Science and a legacy after i die and feeling good after a nice long coom

>> No.13878515

Nothing that is the point in the destruction of the family. You can keep quiet because you really don't need much.

>> No.13878516

For me the problem was it was too gassy, made me feel like my stomach would explode. But you just drink and drink and eventually you develop a taste for it.

>> No.13878520

>Honestly, if you've given up finding a girl and starting a family, what's there to motivate you?

My musical interests and songwriting. Other writing projects. Travel. Meeting interesting people.

I had a four year living together relationship, it was hellish towards the end. I don’t think I could do it again.

>> No.13878531

>Pretty sure 100% of /lit/ is tedpilled
They're not 90% of /lit/ thinks Ted is a crazy guy who lived in the woods, 9% think he's a faggot because he criticises their lifestyles and 1% are Tedpilled and on their way to following in his footsteps.

>> No.13878537

>Pretty sure 100% of /lit/ is tedpilled
dimestore Pynchon also had his brain fried by the pynch.

>> No.13878540

most chicks dig when you make them puke on your cock, not when some sperg fag with no tolerance pukes on them.

>> No.13878542

Start by not basing your every goal and decision in life around getting other people to like you more.

>> No.13878550

are you sure about that?

>> No.13878585
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Why yes, I'm going to get a career where I earn 6 figures, I'm super ripped from going to the gym, I'm engaged to a beautiful girl, we're gonna have 2 kids and buy a house, I like hiking and running, I read philosophy and meditate, my dream is to go travelling. Why did you ask?

>> No.13878591
File: 27 KB, 296x480, 9C7F69C2-9BAA-4809-B63C-241494F7A3FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work and study diligently
>get a mid-level government job and work/keep records in such a way that you're indispensable
>rent a small apartment on the outskirts of the city and furnish it with a bookshelf and desk to work at
>keep a regular athletic regime, which keeps you healthy without eating too much into your time
>drink tea and read history books in the evenings, imagining yourself as some minor Turkish lord gratifying yourself with a harem of slavic woman and the finest hashish of asia
>read and write. take evening classes at the local community college in art or languages. compose poetry. translate. paint.
>occasionally publish articles in your field of interest, being careful to stay far away from discussing matters of a religious, political, or social nature.
>every sunday smoke a little bit of hash and go for a solitary walk along the sea wall
>keep a small circle of acquaintances with similar interests to stave off loneliness
>hire a prostitute on the last friday of every month, in order to avoid sexual frustration
>have a grab-bag and cabin in the woods on hand for when SHTF
Living the dream. I had a girlfriend once and even tried doing the whole settling down thing once, you quickly feel yourself degrading physically and spiritually. Would not recommend.

>> No.13878614

pretty sure, yeah.

>> No.13878631
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It's an acquired taste anon, just like coffee. I would recommend starting with some easy to drink styles like pilsner or brown ales (any low-alcohol one will work) and then try to get into spiced belgian blonde ales (La Chouffe or Chimay Doree) which are pretty good by themselves and not bitter at all.

>> No.13878640


>> No.13878656

im not a woman